Archive for August, 2021

Research Resources You Should Know About – #SolutionsWatch

HomeRemedySupply says: INTELLIGENCE TEST In my perspective, the 15 minute video “Solving the Mystery of WTC 7” is somewhat of an Intelligence Test.The video holds indisputable “QUESTIONS” to the official narrative. This fact can’t be denied. If a normie dismisses those questions, then they FLUNK the Intelligence Test. Without deeply researching questionable narratives emanating from […]

The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 30, 2021): Covid Fugitives; UK/USA Flooded With Afghan Migrants; Anti-White Programs in US Law Schools


Trump ‘Kraken’ lawyer Sidney Powell lands in Washington

“Our lovely Realtor initially told us there is a law firm that’s really interested in your building and wants to pay cash and wants to close in two weeks. … A day or two later, they said, ‘Oh, by the way, it’s Sidney Powell,’” Boyles said. Embattled pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell acquired this former antique […]

ACH (1592) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Deliberate Destruction Of America And The World – Section 12 – The Glorious Outcome (The Concluding Section Of Our Series)

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1592) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Deliberate Destruction Of America And The World – Section 12 – The Glorious Outcome (The Concluding Section Of Our Series) Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on August 31 2021, […]

Why The Ugly Truth and it’s editor is the best. The “end” of the Afgan war as a tool to put pressure on Biden

I miss The Ugly truth website hope it comes back soon. When the Afgan pull out mess happened I reached out to the TUT ed. From TUT editor :There is no way that this latest debacle taking place simultaneously with Bennett meeting with Biden was mere coincidence. Brilliant observation from TUT ed and then this […]

BL – Proof That the Protocols Are Authentic, Part 1

EURO FOLK RADIO BL – Proof That the Protocols Are Authentic, Part 1 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

RH – 2,000 Years of White Christians Murdered by Jews

EURO FOLK RADIO RH – 2,000 Years of White Christians Murdered by Jews Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Interview with Barbara Nowak about her upcoming book about how the Jews enslave the Polish people for 1,000 years. Share this: Source

Soviets began developing mRNA sequencing almost four decades ago, says Soviet defector

TAMBOV, RUSSIA – 2021/07/06: A nurse of the polyclinic No. 2 preparing the vaccine and a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin seen in the background. Employees of the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services were vaccinated with the Russian Gam-COVID-Vak coronavirus vaccine. In many regions of Russia mandatory vaccination against coronavirus […]

Photo Gallery: Hurricane Ida blasts Gulf Coast

Photo Gallery On Aug. 29, Hurricane Ida made landfall along the Gulf Coast, coming ashore in Louisiana as a Category 4 storm. Ida made landfall exactly 16 years to the day that Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana and Mississippi, leaving more than 1,800 people dead; it did not hit as hard as Katrina but its impact […]

Holocaust Survivors Send Letter To Top U.K. Health Agency Demanding An End To Deadly COVID ‘Vaccine Holocaust’

The Daily Expose is reporting that survivors of The Holocaust™ and their descendants have delivered a letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the UK’s Medical & Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) demanding a halt to the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out following the FDA’s decision to grant full approval to new batches of Pfizer COVID-19 […]

Dr. Michael Palmer/Catherine Austin Fitts Interview – Understanding Medical & Economic COVID Motives

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is Dr. Michael Palmer and Cathrine Austin Fitts, here to discuss COVID-19 and how to understand the various motives surrounding it through a combined lens of science, medicine and economics.  ( Click HERE For Super U […]

Ukrainian police arrests 51 in Odessa anti-gay pride parade protests

    Some 51 members of the Ukrainian far-right group Tradition and Order have been arrested in the city of Odessa after clashes with police officers at the ‘Equality March’, an annual celebration in support of the LGBT community. The same group attacked the march last year, when members of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi group fired […]

US Food Supply Chain Beginning to Collapse as Prices Soar, Shelves Run Bare

    Numerous U.S.-based food distributors are “reporting difficulties in fulfilling orders as a lack of workers weighs on the supply chain,” new reports reveal. Distribution giant Sysco, one of North America’s largest wholesale food distributors, is now having to turn away customers in some areas where demand exceeds capacity, resulting in empty shelves and […]

Chaotic Scenes in Athens as Greeks Protest Tyranny

    On Sunday, protesters in Athens clashed with police against mandatory vaccination measures that go into effect on Sept. 1. Police estimate about 8,000 people attended the rally in Syntagma Square, the central square of Athens, chanting anti-vaxx slogans and demanding government officials reverse mandatory vaccinations for all health workers that begins Wednesday. At […]

Scientists are growing Delta Covid variant in a lab to purposely infect humans

    Scientists are currently growing the Delta Covid variant in laboratories with the aim of intentionally infecting volunteers. British researchers are developing the samples to use in challenge trials — which see participants paid up to £4,500 for taking part. Two trials by Imperial College London and the University of Oxford started in London […]

Last U.S. Planes Leave Kabul, Ending 20-Year War In Afghanistan

The United States has withdrawn the last of its military out of Kabul, officially ending a 20-year war in Afghanistan that has become known for its massive failures and lies that cost trillions of dollars and the lives of Americans and Afghans alike. The last C-17 plane departed from Afghanistan at 3:29 p.m. EDT Monday (11:59 p.m. Kabul time), […]

Japan suspends Moderna Covid vaccine after another million doses found contaminated, bringing total to 2.6 million

Home » Asia, Health » Japan suspends Moderna Covid vaccine after another million doses found contaminated, bringing total to 2.6 million     Japanese officials have suspended the use of millions of doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine after foreign substances were found in a number of batches and two people died after receiving jabs […]

U.S. Prepares To End Airlift Operation As Afghanistan War Enters Final Hours

WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan entered its final hours Monday with the last Americans seeking to be evacuated and the U.S. military preparing to end its airlift and depart the Taliban-controlled capital. “Obviously we are reaching the end of our prescribed mission,” Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff told […]

European Union Recommends Restricting U.S. Tourists As Coronavirus Cases Rise

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union recommended Monday that its 27 nations reinstate restrictions on tourists from the U.S. because of rising coronavirus infections there. The decision by the European Council to remove the U.S. from a safe list of countries for nonessential travel reverses advice that it gave in June, when the bloc recommended […]

Fulani Herdsmen Kill 36 Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria 

The Rev. Jacob Kwashi at funeral for 17 Christians killed in Zangon Kataf County, Nigeria. (Morning Star News screenshot) JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen killed 36 Christians in multiple attacks in Kaduna state, Nigeria this month with impunity, while a church leader complained that authorities arrested only Christians for defending themselves. The attacks […]

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