Posts Tagged ‘priorities’

Major health bills fail to make cut amid competing priorities

Major bipartisan health bills, including changes to the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) industry and hospital payment reforms, were excluded from the $1.2 trillion government funding bill after members failed to come to a last-minute agreement.  Lawmakers and aides said they were close to a bipartisan, bicameral agreement, but there were ultimately too many people involved… […]

Biden Priorities: Sends $300M in Weapons for Ukraine While Pentagon Itself Has No Replacements and Is $10B Overdrawn

Biden Priorities: Sends $300M in Weapons for Ukraine While Pentagon Itself Has No Replacements and Is $10B Overdrawn Source

Johnson defends IRS cuts in exchange for Israel aid as taking ‘care of our priorities’

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Sunday defended including cuts to the IRS in exchange for aid to Israel, arguing the House is attempting to “take care of our priorities.” Pressed on “Fox News Sunday” over if the proposed cuts to IRS funding will add billions to the country’s deficit, Johnson responded, “But only in Washington,… […]

House braces for fight over Ukraine aid amid other funding priorities

The battle over funding for Ukraine is set to heat up in the House, as the chamber races to approve funding bills. The money wasn’t included in a short-term government funding bill that averted a shutdown over the weekend, and some House Republicans are already warning about the looming fight. “There are a lot of us that care… […]

Omnibus shows Congress’s Priorities: Authoritarianism and War

Those hoping for a Christmastime government shutdown were once again disappointed when Congress passed a 4,000-page, $1.7 trillion omnibus appropriations bill that few, if any, Representatives and Senators read before voting on. The Republican leadership celebrated this bloated monstrosity because it spends $858 billion on warfare while “only” spending $772.5 billion on welfare. Source

Bill Gates will join Fauci this week to dictate U.S. government health ‘priorities for the future’

Bill Gates will join Fauci this week to dictate U.S. government health ‘priorities for the future’ Gates Inc has assumed complete regulatory capture over American “public health” institutions. Jordan SchachtelDec 6 Bill Gates is taking a short break from his efforts to depopulate the planet to join the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Thursday as […]

Priorities: U.S. Navy to Wargame Impact of ‘Climate Change’ on Future Conflicts

An open-source wargame to gauge “how climate change could affect a future conflict” has been scheduled for the U.S. Navy in a continuation of President Joe Biden’s executive order on sustainability.

Radical Democrat Priorities in Biden’s First 100 Days: Packing Courts, Amnesty, Reparations, Federalizing Elections, DC Statehood, Banning Electoral College

The Democrats have proposed, within President Joe Biden’s first 100 days, radical initiatives contrary to Biden’s “back to normalcy” campaign sold to the American people. Accordingly, the Democrats have introduced the following radical initiatives: Packing the courts, amnesty, reparations, federalized elections, D.C. statehood, and banning the Electoral College. These radical ideas and proposals run counter to what Biden said during […]

Deliberately misplaced priorities

January 8, 2021 by Michael Kuttner Read on for article What never ceases to amaze is the amount of times the international community can shut its eyes and close its ears to never ending confidence tricks. Michael Kuttner If one thing has been learned over the centuries by tyrannical regimes it is that there will […]

Civil rights groups lay out priorities for Biden’s Justice Department

Civil rights leaders said the wide-ranging discussion was set for an hour but lasted about an hour and 45 minutes, with topics including the racial wealth gap, the diversity of Biden’s Cabinet and sub-Cabinet appointments, avoiding double standards with Black appointees, restoring the Justice Department and other agencies, police and criminal justice reform, voting rights, […]

Essential Concerns and Priorities of Social Movements

There are  many kinds of social movements and it is understandable that social movements are often preoccupied with their immediate demands which are likely to be of a very specific nature. At the same time  there are some very basic concerns and priorities which should be common to more or less all social movements on […]

SF Treasurer Announces Priorities Of Public Banking Task Force

SF Treasurer Announces Priorities Of Public Banking Task Force Above Photo: burhan rehman/ flickr Note: Public banking is making progress in cities throughout the country. The San Francisco Examiner reported on the task force created to study public banking in San Francisco and also reported that cities in the East Bay are pursuing a public bank: […]

Going Underground – BUT FIRST: What are the UK Finance Minister’s Priorities?

Going Underground – BUT FIRST: What are the UK Finance Minister’s Priorities? Going Underground with Afshin Afshin Rattansi looks at the government that has borrowed more than any British government in history. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View the original video for Going Underground – BUT […]

Iranian President’s priorities at 72nd UNGA

IRNA – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani left Tehran on Sunday to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York with some priorities in foreign relation issues on his agenda, including global terrorism, massacre of Muslims in Myanmar,and the lack of US commitment to the historic nuclear deal. The UNGA is held each year to […]

Iran Foreign Ministry outlines priorities for new term

Tasnim– A push for closer ties with neighbors, stronger contribution to regional peace and stability, and the fight against terrorism are high on the list of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s priorities in President Hassan Rouhani’s second term, a spokesperson said. Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said the […]

Sen. Sanders Has His Health Priorities Backwards

Above photo: From We thought that Senator Sanders was on track to introduce and advocate for a national improved Medicare for All bill, but Tuesday he stated publicly  at a Planned Parenthood rally that his priorities are to first defeat the Republican health plan, then to improve the Affordable Care Act with a public option or allowing […]

S Korean Activists Discuss Left Priorities In The Moon Jae-in Era, Part 3

1. What is Moon Jae-in and his party’s position on former President Park Geun-hye’s labor market reform initiative? The first 100 days after the new government’s inauguration are an important moment to steer it in the right direction. During this period, we will press the new government to eradicate the negative labor policies of the past […]

Presidential candidate calls agriculture, housing his top priorities

IRNA – Ebrahim Raeisi, the presidential candidate believes that economic recession has registered new records but he will use agriculture and housing sectors as driving forces to advance economy. Raeisi made the remarks during the third group debate of presidential candidates, aired on the state television Friday evening with economic issues in the spotlight. He […]

Watching The Hawks – Libraries: Reading Our Priorities

Watching The Hawks – Libraries: Reading Our Priorities Watching The Tabetha Wallace shows us the true societal costs and impacts of closing libraries and just where our priorities lie in defunding them. LIKE Watching the Hawks @ WATCHING THE HAWKS ON INSTAGRAM @ Tyrel Ventura @ Tabetha Wallace @ Sean […]

Pence cuts short Asia trip to deal with domestic priorities

     U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has cut short the final leg of his Asia trip to race back to Washington, where the Trump administration faces a critical week on tax reform and a funding plan to keep the government running, an aide said on Sunday. Pence, who has been traveling in Asia to reassure […]

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