Archive for March, 2021

Libya: 230 migrants rescued off Tripoli coast

The Libyan authorities announced on Tuesday that 230 migrants heading for Europe had been rescued in two operations off the Tripoli coastline. According to the Libyan Navy, the migrants were in rubber dinghies and had issued distress signals before being rescued. Up to 77% of migrants face abuse, exploitation and trafficking – Refugee crisis, Libya […]

Yemen: UN observers withdraw money-laundering allegations

Independent UN sanctions observers have withdrawn their allegations that the Yemeni government is guilty of money laundering and corruption, which had “adversely affected access to adequate food supplies” in a country on the brink of famine, Reuters has reported. In their annual report to the UN Security Council in January, the experts accused the Central […]

Rights group slams official Lebanese response to Tripoli protests

Human Rights Watch criticised the Lebanese authorities on Tuesday for their response to protesters in the northern city of Tripoli at the end of January. “Lebanese military intelligence agents forcibly disappeared and allegedly tortured detainees who were participating in protests against the Covid-19 lockdown and deteriorating economic conditions in Tripoli,” said the rights watchdog. “These […]

Turkey insists that Libya has not asked to cancel military cooperation 

An advisor to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan advisor has denied media reports which claim that the head of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Menfi, has asked Ankara to cancel the 2018 military cooperation agreement between Turkey and the previous Government of National Accord in Tripoli. Yasin Aktay accused French media of fabricating the story. […]

Meet the Democrat aiming to be Israel’s biggest champion in Congress

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Passover: Baby dolls hung near Sweden synagogue with antisemitic message

Strange baby dolls made to look covered in blood were found strung up near a synagogue in Norrköping, Sweden, on the first night of the Passover holiday. The incident appears to be antisemitic in nature, with a message accompanying the dolls being classified by the police as “a hate crime, one that intends to spread […]

Washington confirms support for Morocco-Polisario talks

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has emphasised US support for political negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front over the disputed Western Sahara. Blinken’s statement was issued on Monday evening following an online meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The US official urged Guterres to expedite the appointment of a new special envoy for the […]

Medical Racism: The New Apartheid

Medical Racism The New Apartheid documentary from March 2021. Looking into the medical tyranny involved in the black population from the past to the present day covid abomination. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

20 World Leaders Sign ‘Treaty’: COVID Biggest Threat To World Since Nazi Germany In The 1940s

More than 20 world leaders — along with global organizations — published a commentary on Tuesday calling for a worldwide treaty to prepare for future pandemics taking into account lessons learned from COVID-19: Stating that COVID is the biggest threat to global stability since the 1940s, they compared the current climate to that of the […]

The Palestine Book Awards and resisting the falsification of history

The gap between the Arab people and their governments has never been greater and deeper than what we are currently experiencing regarding Palestine. At a time when some governments have rushed to declare their normalisation of relations with the racist colonial state of Israel, the Palestinian resistance is becoming entrenched, and popular anti-normalisation campaigns are […]

On This Day: Alhambra Decree begins tragic expulsion of Spanish Jewry

March 31, 1492 marked a tragic day for Spanish Jewry, when the infamous Alhambra Decree declared the expulsion of all Jews from Spain. While explorer Christopher Columbus set out to “sail the ocean blue,” the Jews of Spain were packing their things and fleeing for their lives. “The counsel and advice of prelates, great noblemen […]

PLO says no to elections without Jerusalem

An Executive Member of the Central Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation called on Tuesday for the international community to bear the consequences of Israel’s possible refusal to allow Palestinians in Jerusalem to participate in the upcoming elections. Ahmed Majdalani said that it is impossible to hold elections without Jerusalemites’ involvement. 1967 Occupation, Naksa – […]

Saudi Arabia seeks to overcome differences with other states

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman called Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday to wish him a speedy recovery from Covid-19 and discuss mutual relations, the Saudi Press Agency has reported. Khan tested positive for the virus on 20 March and has been in self-isolation at home ever since. According to the Pakistani […]

Majd Barbar released after 20 years in jail, re-arrested by Israel

Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday stormed the home of freed Palestinian prisoner Majd Barbar in the Silwan district of the occupied West Bank and rearrested him one day after his release from jail, the Palestinian Information Centre reported. Several residents of Silwan were transferred to a local hospital for medical assistance following the raid, as […]

Blame the dictatorship in Egypt for the Suez Canal fiasco

Impunity rules the day when those assigned with responsibilities are allowed to abandon them without consequences. This happens frequently in dictatorships, where economic opportunities favour those within the inner circles; bribery and corruption are prevalent, and widespread injustices are commonplace. The rule of law is compromised as those charged to protect become part and parcel […]

Sisi warns of regional instability over Renaissance Dam crisis

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has warned that it will not allow any other country to undermine its water supply and if it does, there will be severe regional consequences. “I’m not threatening anyone here, our dialogue is always reasonable and rational,” Al-Sisi said on Tuesday at a press conference in Ismailia to mark the […]

Egypt, Jordan, Iraq ministers agree to cooperate in combatting terrorism 

The foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq have agreed to enhance joint efforts to combat terrorism, pursue a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and coordinate political positions to solve regional crises, including the Palestinian issue. This came during a tripartite preparatory meeting held in Baghdad for the 4th summit of the three countries’ […]

200,000 animals likely to die in Suez Canal bottleneck

Around 200,000 animals are likely to die after being stuck in the Suez Canal bottleneck without enough food or water to last them the rest of the journey. Gabrile Paun, EU director for the NGO Animals International, has said that the worst maritime animal welfare tragedy in history could be unavoidable. One week ago the […]

Syrian man murders teen employee for showing up late to work

A Syrian store owner in the northern governorate of Aleppo has killed his 15-year-old employee for showing up late to work, the Syrian ministry of interior revealed. The Syrian ministry said in a statement on its official Facebook page, that the boy had been transferred to the local hospital’s intensive care unit with intracranial hemorrhage […]

Iran defends 25-year cooperation agreement with China 

An Iranian government spokesman defended on Tuesday the signing of a 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China, saying the agreement is not directed against any third country. The Iranian government spokesman, Ali Rabiei, said the agreement facilitates the path to fully revive the 2015 nuclear agreement, noting that his country will not allow US […]

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