Posts Tagged ‘legalizing’

Bill Gates Pumps Millions Into Legalizing Pedophilia: ‘Kids Are Sexual Beings’


Jewish ‘Researchers’ Hope To Cure ‘Antisemitism’ By Legalizing Party Drug MDMA ‘Ecstasy’

(Forward) Since Jews have long insisted that all forms of “antisemitism” are completely “irrational” — and have pushed to have it declared an officially recognized “mental disorder” — it should come as no surprise that they are now working feverishly to find a drug that can cure “gentiles” of this pernicious “disease” — and some […]

Costa Rica Moves Closer to Legalizing Weed

Costa Rica just took its biggest step yet toward legalizing weed. President Rodrigo Chaves signed a proposed law this week that could legalize recreational marijuana in the Central American nation. The legalization bill was sent on Wednesday to the country’s legislative assembly where lawmakers will analyze it, along with results of similar laws in other […]

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Legalizing Human Composting in California

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Legalizing Human Composting in CaliforniaDate: September 22, 2022Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: Cristina LailaMeanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill this week legalizing human composting.Starting in 2027, human composting will be available as a new burial method in California.The bill was introduced by […]

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Legalizing Human Composting in California

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Legalizing Human Composting in CaliforniaDate: September 22, 2022Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: Cristina LailaMeanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill this week legalizing human composting.Starting in 2027, human composting will be available as a new burial method in California.The bill was introduced by […]

Why are the US and Europe Legalizing Marijuana?

Recently, there have been increasing reports in the American and Western media about the legalization of marijuana in various countries. Although using marijuana is illegal in many countries, in the US the process has been very active in recent years, giving a major boost to an entire industry. The process of drug legalization in violation […]

Legalizing the trip: One ‘shroom advocate’s playbook

Here’s something about Washington, D.C., that even a lot of people who live here don’t know: Psychedelic mushrooms are basically legal. Back in 2020, voters approved a ballot initiative that made growing, purchasing, and distributing mushrooms the lowest law enforcement priority for D.C. police. In Washington, you can have mushrooms delivered to your door in […]

New South Wales joins ‘killing states’ of Australia in legalizing assisted suicide

Photo Credit: (The Christian Institute) — A bill to legalize assisted suicide has been passed by the Australian State of New South Wales (NSW). Under the “Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill,” adult NSW residents deemed to have less than six months to live, or twelve months for neurodegenerative conditions, will be able to get medical […]

EU Parliament sues European Commission over not Sanctioning Poland Enough for not Legalizing Gay Marriage and Adoptions

    The European Parliament has sued the executive branch of the EU government, the European Commission, on Friday, for its failure to use the sanctions mechanism against rule-breaking member states like Poland. The mechanism in question was introduced in late 2020 and allows the EU to withhold funding of member states that Brussels sees […]

Argentina’s Senate Approves Bill Legalizing Abortion

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentina’s Senate passed a law legalizing abortion early Wednesday after a marathon 12-hour session, a victory for the women’s movement that has been fighting for the right for decades. The vote means that abortion will be legalized in Pope Francis’ homeland up to the 14th week of pregnancy, and also will […]

Legalizing Tyranny

The students I teach in prison who have the longest sentences are, almost without exception, the ones who demanded a jury trial. If everyone charged with a crime had a jury trial, the court system would implode. Prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges use those who insist on a jury trial—often people who did not commit […]

Massachusetts considers legalizing assisted death, so the same doctors who now kill you accidentally can start killing you on purpose

(Natural News) Should a doctor be allowed to give an adult who is terminally ill and has fewer than six months to live a medication that will allow them to die peacefully in their sleep if they request it? After opposing assisted death officially since 1996, the Massachusetts Medical Society has now […]

Police Chief Who Once Said Legalizing Pot is Like Legalizing Murder Launching Weed Related Company

Eight months before recreational marijuana is set to be legalized in Canada, two former high-ranking police officers have launched a new company that connects patients with medical pot.  Former OPP commissioner, MP and federal Conservative cabinet minister Julian Fantino and former RCMP deputy commissioner Raf Souccar officially launched their new business on Tuesday. They welcomed  media to their […]

Canada’s New Prime Minister Issues Challenge To US – “We’re Ending Wars and Legalizing Pot”

If the phone conversation with President Obama is any indication of Justin Trudeau’s commitment, Canada will be giving its southern neighbor lessons in peace and freedom. Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister-elect, told Obama on Tuesday that he will withdraw their fighter jets from Iraq and Syria. Both of these campaigns represent U.S. military aggression based on […]

Legalizing cannabis would dramatically improve public health while depriving criminal gangs of a major revenue source, says U.K. political leader

(Natural News) Former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg thinks that cannabis should be legalized across the United Kingdom. He contends that legalization will bring in $1 billion in annual tax revenue while depriving criminal gangs of a major revenue source. He also believes a standard, regulated product would prevent purchases of high THC skunk strains […]

After Legalizing Weed, Unemployment in Colorado Lower Than Rest of Country

(ANTIMEDIA) Colorado —Three years after legalizing cannabis, Colorado has the lowest unemployment rate in the country. “While the national unemployment rate dropped to 4.3 percent in May, the lowest since 2001, Colorado’s jobless rate is the nation’s lowest at 2.3 percent,” CNBC reported Monday. According to Governor John Hickenlooper, multiple factors have contributed to Colorado’s […]

After Legalizing Cannabis, Unemployment In Colorado Lower Than Rest of Country

By Carey Wedler Three years after legalizing cannabis, Colorado has the lowest unemployment rate in the country. “While the national unemployment rate dropped to 4.3 percent in May, the lowest since 2001, Colorado’s jobless rate is the nation’s lowest at 2.3 percent,” CNBC reported Monday. According to Governor John Hickenlooper, multiple factors have […]

Pablo Escobar’s Son: Legalizing Drugs Would Kill Violent Drug Cartels

WASHINGTON, DC — Pablo Escobar’s son recently grabbed headlines when he revealed that his father worked with the CIA to distribute cocaine. Juan Sebastián Marroquín’s revelation worked to clear up how his father, Escobar, always seemed to mysteriously be protected with advanced warnings and superior firepower. Now he’s back […]

How to Heal Your 7 Chakras and Increase Personal Development

The seven Chakras of the body are energy hubs and they hold great influence over you and your personality.  They are what receive, internalize and diffuse the life energy that flows through us, and each one needs to be balanced; not under-active or over-active. by expandedconsciousness Activating or obstructing our Chakras happens both consciously and […]

UN can’t confirm Amnesty’s ‘remote investigation’ of Russia’s strikes in Syria

The human rights watchdog’s latest report exposing “Russia’s shameful failure to acknowledge civilian killings” is focused on six attacks in Homs, Idlib and Aleppo provinces, which the NGO pinned on “suspected Russian airstrikes.” Amnesty researched the attacks “remotely”, going as far as to accuse Russia of war crimes by causing “massive destruction” of residential areas through […]

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