Posts Tagged ‘investigating’

FBI Investigating Millions Of “Mishandled” Dollars Funneled From Australian Govt To Clinton Foundation

FBI Investigating Millions Of “Mishandled” Dollars Funneled From Australian Govt To Clinton Foundation January 19th, 2018 Via: ZeroHedge: The FBI has asked retired Australian policeman-turned investigative journalist, Michael Smith, to provide information he has gathered detailing multiple allegations of the Clinton Foundation receiving tens […]

Mueller investigating Ivanka Trump for saying hello to Russians in elevator lobby

     Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Ivanka Trump over a brief elevator encounter with the two Russians at the center of a controversial 2016 meeting at Trump Tower that she did not attend. The Los Angeles Times broke the news this morning, with a report that Ivanka exchanged pleasantries with the Russian duo. Investigators […]

Investigating Jill Stein for Russian Collusion Decried as ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Absurd’

In what critics called a “dangerous precedent” and identified as an obvious move to deflect the still serious concerns about allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, multiple news outlets reported late Monday that the Senate Intelligence Committee is now investigating the campaign of Green Party candidate Jill Stein. […]

Baltimore Police Vet About to Break Blue Wall of Silence Shot Dead: Dept. Refuses FBI Help in Investigating

Update: Baltimore’s Police Commissioner has officially requested the FBI to take over the investigation of the death of 18-year veteran Sean Suiter. Suiter was killed two weeks ago one day before he was scheduled to testify in front of a federal grand jury investigating racketeering charges against eight Baltimore police officers. Suiter was not a target of […]

FBI Director: We’re Investigating Antifa-Linked Individuals for Terrorism

FBI Director Christopher Wray, responding to questions from Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) at a House Homeland Security hearing on global terrorism threats on Thursday, told the committee that the FBI is investigating Antifa-linked individuals for criminal activity. Perry pointed out that Antifa factored in “inciting riots” across the country, probably referring to their violent actions […]

LAPD Investigating 28 Hollywood/Media Sex-Crime Claims

The LAPD says it has 28 open sex-crime investigations linked to Hollywood and the media, and that it expects more will come. As well as the investigations it currently has open, the force has also passed on 37 cases to other jurisdictions where it believes the crimes may have occurred. ‘We anticipate the LAPD and […]


Father Tikhon Shevkunov, the Orthodox bishop heading an investigatory panel, is among members of the church who claim the final Russian emperor was murdered in a Jewish ritual. Tsar Nicholas was shot with his wife and five children by Communist Bolsheviks in 1918 after Vladimir Lenin came to power, and rumours about the circumstances surrounding […]

Investigating YouTube – Reflecting Back and Looking Forward

Over the past few weeks, there has been an abundance of media coverage on the subject matter and some monumental changes made toward tackling the problem we began covering some months ago. In this video, we touch on the news coverage, recent channel shutdowns, a few subjects we hadn’t mentioned previously, and look ahead toward […]

LAPD confirms they are investigating Hollywood pedophile ring after Corey Feldman files formal report

LAPD confirms they are investigating Hollywood pedophile ring after Corey Feldman files formal report Daily Mail November 8, 2017 The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating a rumored Hollywood pedophile ring after Corey Feldman filed a formal police report identifying the men he claims sexually abused him as a child. ‘Corey Feldman filed a report […]

CrossTalking – Investigating Mueller? (Extended version)

CrossTalking – Investigating Mueller? (Extended version) By We have grown accustomed to the strange twists and turns of the so-called scandal known as Russiagate. As well as the intensely partisan nature of investigations and media coverage. We also know this is all about the very existence of the Trump presidency. But who will investigate […]

Navy investigating 2 SEALs in connection with strangulation of Army Green Beret death

     The Navy is investigating two unnamed members of the elite SEAL Team 6 in the death of an Army Green Beret who was found strangled to death in Mali last June, according to a report published Sunday. Staff Sgt. Logan J. Melgar, 34, was found dead June 4 in embassy housing he shared with […]

WSJ Reporter Investigating Hillary’s Ties To Russia Found Dead

A Wall Street Journal writer who was investigating Hillary Clinton’s ties to Russia was found dead in his apartment under suspicious circumstances. Joseph Rago, a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial writer for the WSJ, was found dead in his New York City apartment last July. According to a NYPD spokeswoman, the cause of death is as yet […]

Taser International Exposed Investigating Its Own Non-lethal Weapons Deaths

September 5, 2017 By Joe Wright The proliferation of non-lethal weapons is predicated largely upon the advertising of weapons makers like Taser International (now Axon) that have repeatedly asserted their products are obviously much less dangerous than traditional weapons. However, the science behind the use of these weapons has been in conflict, […]

Lawyer Investigating Sandy Hook Shooting Found Dead

A lawyer who was investigating the Sandy Hook shooting was found dead in his overturned car. Police ruled Gugsa Abraham (Abe) Dabela’s death as a suicide despite a gunshot wound to the back of his head and “footprints” on his back. His car was discovered on an isolated country road close to his home in […]

Video: Pocatello Police Investigating Video of Man Filming FBI Building After Arrest

Pages: 1 2 3 Source Article from

Passaic County Sheriff’s Office Investigating Illegal Vehicle Search

Pages: 1 2 3 Source Article from

Bartow PD Investigating After Video Of Cops & K9 Attacking Man Sparks Outrage

The Bartow Police Department is investigating allegations of excessive force after a video posted on social media sparked outrage from some community members. The 51-second video shows Marquis Wright, 21, on the ground while three officers and a K-9 try to apprehend him Monday morning. The 51-second video shows […]

Report: Mueller is Investigating Trump for Obstruction of Justice

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show According to a new report on developments in the investigation being conducted by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, the top attorney is setting up interviews with intelligence officials as part of his probe into Russian interference in our last election. Mueller is also investigating […]

Audio: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief For Investigating DNC Crimes

Former DNC chairman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with dire “consequences” for investigating potential crimes committed by DNC staffers.  According to the Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak, Wasserman demanded that police release equipment that she says belonged to her, which police were using to build a criminal case against a […]

International Commission Investigating Border Patrol Killing Of Mexican Migrant

A woman holds a candle covered by a picture of late Mexican Anastasio Hernandez during a protest at the San Ysidro border crossing in Tijuana, Mexico, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo) SAN DIEGO – In the first case of its kind, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has given the United States three months to […]

Special Counsel Investigating Trump Campaign Has Deep Ties To The Deep State

Above Photo: Jake Waage; Edited: LW / TO PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Paul Jay. On Wednesday afternoon, Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller to be a special counsel to investigate the Russia affair, those, not his words, those are mine, to look into the whole issue of alleged […]

UK researchers investigating potential of cannabidiol to shrink brain tumors

     In a world first, scientists at Nottingham University, UK, are investigating whether cannabidiol – a non-psychoactive chemical in marijuana – could be used to shrink brain tumors, prompted by a growing number of parents administering it to their children for the purpose. The team is led by Professor Richard Grundy of Nottingham University’s children’s […]

FBI agent went to Syria, married ISIL militant instead of investigating him

nsnbc : The female FBI agent Daniela Greene, who was assigned to investigate ISIL militant Denis Cuspert in Syria, apparently fell in love instead and […]

Undercover Nazi Richard Spencer Banned From the UK

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 15, 2016 He’s a good boy, definitely didn’t do nothing. Oh, Britain, looks like it’ll take a few more Brexits to uncuck you after all. Radix Journal: Earlier this month, I received an official notice, packaged in an intriguing manilla envelope labeled “On Her Britannic Majesty’s Service.” The words reminded me of […]

Burning Truth: Oil Train Fire Could Not Be Put Out

Print Friendly  Above: An aerial view of an oil train derailment in Mosier in the Columbia River Gorge, June 3, 2016 (KOIN) Note: Oil trains are being used throughout the country, often going through the downtown areas of many cities and towns. Populated areas are often nearby tracks where oil trains roll by. The recent fire […]

Extrajudicial killings "in the name of peace"

     Thousands of extra-judiciary drone killings, all personally approved by Peace Nobel Laureate, Obama, and all with casualties and so-called ‘collateral damage’, costs the affected, mostly poor communities, tens of thousands of lives and destroyed properties and public infrastructure valued at millions of dollars; an assurance to keep them poor and submissive. Do not such […]

San Francisco Protesters Against Police Brutality End Hunger Strike

Print Friendly Above Photo: …After 17 Days But City Hall did not meet their demands. Five San Franciscans protesting police brutality and institutional racism against the city’s Black and Brown youths ended their hunger strike after 17 days, despite City Hall rejecting their key demand to fire Police Chief Greg Suhr. “As the health of […]

San Francisco Protesters Against Police Brutality End Hunger Strike

Print Friendly Above Photo: …After 17 Days But City Hall did not meet their demands. Five San Franciscans protesting police brutality and institutional racism against the city’s Black and Brown youths ended their hunger strike after 17 days, despite City Hall rejecting their key demand to fire Police Chief Greg Suhr. “As the health of […]

San Francisco Protesters Against Police Brutality End Hunger Strike

Print Friendly Above Photo: …After 17 Days But City Hall did not meet their demands. Five San Franciscans protesting police brutality and institutional racism against the city’s Black and Brown youths ended their hunger strike after 17 days, despite City Hall rejecting their key demand to fire Police Chief Greg Suhr. “As the health of […]

San Francisco Protesters Against Police Brutality End Hunger Strike

Print Friendly Above Photo: …After 17 Days But City Hall did not meet their demands. Five San Franciscans protesting police brutality and institutional racism against the city’s Black and Brown youths ended their hunger strike after 17 days, despite City Hall rejecting their key demand to fire Police Chief Greg Suhr. “As the health of […]

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