Posts Tagged ‘origins’

The Great Silence of the Universe: Unusual Theories on Human Origins

Starting from the great enigmas of humankind, a series of questions have begun to emerge about the real truth behind human origins. Two of these are as follows: Has an advanced civilization dared to colonize the Universe, and are humans the result of such an action? Are humans under observation by “others” to see how […]

The Ancient Origins of New Year’s Celebrations

On January 1st of every year, many countries around the world celebrate the beginning of a new year. But there is nothing new about New Year’s. In fact, festivals and celebrations marking the beginning of a new calendar year have been around for millennia. While some festivities were simply a chance to drink and be merry, many […]

Antarah ibn Shaddad and the Origins of Chivalry in Pre-Islamic Arabia

When you think of concepts like honor, courtly love, and noblesse oblige, you likely conjure up images of European knights in steel-plate armor, mounted on giant destriers. European dress, European arms, and European mounts. These knights (in their real and fictional forms) may be dueling for a lady’s honor, saving a damsel in distress from […]

Sumo Wrestling: From Ritual Origins to Honorable Sport

It is hard to think of Japan without sumo wrestling. This unique and very old sport has been one of the indivisible aspects of Japanese identity for over 1,500 years or more! Granted, sumo wrestling is a little strange and exotic: big, chunky, heavy men wearing “diapers” and grappling one another in a struggle that […]

Aramaic has Greek origins

Aramaic has Greek origins Among them are words which Aramaic borrowed from other languages, e.g., maskīn (“poor”) which comes from the Akkadian, zawdj (“pair”) which is of ancient Greek origin. Aramaic Influence on Spoken Arabic Dialects. Aramaic influence on the different Arabic dialects persisted in Syria, Ereẓ Israel, and in Iraq even after the Arab […]

ACH (1666) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of 1666 And The Sabbatean Origins Of The New World Order

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1666) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of 1666 And The Sabbatean Origins Of The New World Order Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on December 13 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond […]

The Origins of the New World Order

Secret societies, the unseen hands that steer national and international affairs from the shadows, go back to the dawn of Western civilisation. The individual most famously linked to these occult forces is Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), a Jesuit trained philosopher and lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in southern Germany. On 1 […]

Slavs and Vikings: Medieval Russia and the Origins of the Kievan Rus

This video covers the history of Russia, starting with the ancient origins of the Slavs, formation of the early Eastern Slavic states, how the Varyag (Varangians) Vikings led by Rurik took over these states and started to expand towards Byzantium and the Khazars. [embedded content] Share now! Source

Sacred Sites & Pagan Places: Origins and How to Find Ley Lines Near You

Sacred Sites & Pagan Places: Origins and How to Find Ley Lines Near You Ley lines are defined as being straight tracks or lines across the earth made by man. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. This definition makes sense but doesn’t provide the whole picture […]

Fact or Fiction? The Obscure Origins of the Greek Alexander Romance

The Greek Alexander Romance , often referred to as a ‘pseudo-Callisthenes’ production, is in one form or another one of the most influential and widely read books of all time; it has birthed a whole literary genre on Alexander the Great and his campaigns across the Persian Empire. But where and when did it first […]

How Did it All Begin? The Rich Origins of the English Language

Language is a universal tool for every person in this world. It is the connecting link between nations, ethnicities, and people sharing a common background. The world of language is colorful and diverse and provides a glimpse into the very origins of humanity and civilizations. But languages from across the globe are all unique and […]

Origins of Covid VAX by Dr. John

Origins of Covid VAX by Dr. John A quick note about who I am I am an independent Bio Medical Scientist with 30 years of in-depth research into the human condition.  Full disclosure: I hold a Doctorate, but not in the medical or science fields; I do not have a degree in the medical field […]

Hotly Debated Origins of Pre-Inca Civilization of Tiwanaku Revealed by Genetic Study

Tiwanaku – one of the largest Pre-Columbian settlements and archaeological sites, located in western Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca, has hotly debated origins. Even its name, or what would have been known to the inhabitants, is lost as there was no written language. Historians roughly agree that the civilization emerged somewhere around the 6 th century […]

Mysterious Origins of the Etruscans: DNA Study Solves the Riddle

A new study published in the journal Science Advances offers evidence to support the theory of local origins of the Etruscans, an advanced Iron Age peoples in central Italy. For the study, scientists from the Max Planck Institute, Tubingen University and the University of Florence subjected the remains of 82 humans living in central and […]

Human Origins – The Narratives of Our Creation Conference 2021

The 4th  Ancient Origins Conference  is happening! Join us on the weekend of  November 20-21, 2021  for Human Origins – The Narratives of Our Creation. A team of leading authors, experts, and researchers will lead you on a journey around the world to investigate  the creation beliefs of ancient cultures  – and address  the controversies  surrounding […]

New Light On The Ancient Origins Of Poetry And Song

A Cambridge researcher has rewritten the history of the origins of song. A singular text has revealed modern poetry began hundreds of years earlier than was previously believed. A 2nd to 3rd century poem has come under the spotlight. A Cambridge academic had discovered that the set lines were widely reproduced in the eastern Roman […]

Jute Cemetery Find Yields Evidence of 5th Century English Origins

Archaeologists in England are calling their discovery “one of the most important” for decades. The ancient cemetery didn’t only date back to the Neolithic period, but it held the bodies of 40 men, women and children from two periods of English history, including the bodies of the first English speaking people in Britain. English origins […]

Voices of the Dead: The Strange Origins of Eye Idols

Urfa man, known formally as the Balikligöl statue, is the oldest human-size statue of a man discovered in the world to date. He is currently housed in Şanliurfa’s Archeology Museum, Southeast Turkey. Urfa man was discovered in the Old Town section of Şanliurfa, but in antiquity belongs to the same thought world of Göbekli Tepe, […]

US intelligence agencies ‘divided’ on origins of COVID-19 pandemic

US intelligence agencies said they were “divided” on how the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 first emerged, according to an unclassified report summary released on Friday. The agencies were instructed by US President Joe Biden to report on the possible origins of the virus but could not come to a conclusion. They agreed that the virus […]

WHO at Odds With China Over Virus Origins Research

The World Health Organization (WHO) said it hoped that China’s research into the origins of COVID-19 remained “scientific, transparent, urgent and inclusive” on Wednesday. Speaking from Geneva, top WHO official Maria Van Kerkhove said the organization had “heard from Chinese colleagues that studies are underway.” “We would have to ask them specifically what those studies […]

Basque Origins – DNA, Language, and History

From the Spanish and French valleys of the Western Pyrenees to the Atlantic coast of the Bay of Biscay, the historically isolated Basque people have lived for millennia. In this diverse and fertile region, the Basque have retained their unique non-Indo-European language and dialects, Euskara, as well as their own cultural and regional identities. As […]

The Mystical Origins of the Pillow

For much of human history, pillows had much grander role than just cradling our sleeping heads “We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” – William Shakespeare, “The Tempest” A good night’s sleep is imperative to both our mental and physical well-being, and allows for […]

The True Origins of Arthur’s Stone in Herefordshire Finally Revealed

After years of speculation, archaeologists from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff have found evidence that reveals the truth about  the origin of Arthur’s Stone , a double-chambered rock tomb found on Dorstone Hill in the English county of Herefordshire. Rather than being an isolated monument, it seems that Arthur’s Stone was once part of […]

Exclusive: New York Times quashed COVID origins inquiry

The Times, according to two well-placed sources, refused to investigate the biggest story of our time. August 2, 2021 The Wuhan Institute of Virology (Getty) Written by: Dominic Green Atop editor at the New York Times instructed Times staffers not to investigate the origins of COVID-19, two Times employees confirmed today. ‘In early 2020,’ a veteran Times employee tells me, ‘I suggested to a […]

The Elusive Origins Of The Danuna Of The Sea People

Scholars tend to lean more on archaeology and ancient Egyptian inscriptions to seek the identities of the elusive Sea Peoples. This is not a simple endeavor, but in summary the  Sea Peoples  were an enigmatic confederacy of seafaring raiders from the central and eastern Mediterranean who sailed east and invaded Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, Cyprus, and […]

Study of Ushabti Copper Origins Enlightens Egypt’s Dark Age

While many archaeologists focus on the symbolic meaning of recovered temple treasures and grave goods, others concentrate on their origin stories. In this case a team of scientists have used high technology to peer into the microscopic fabric of four tomb figurines called ushabtis , and the results have revealed volumes about ancient trade routes through […]

The Terrible Origins of July 4th

The British crown and the colonists were both determined to seize lands from native peoples and to continue enslavement.” “White settlers were in a constant state of fear of slave revolts.” “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known […]

Black Death Origins Linked To 5,000-year-old Latvian Man

The remains of an ancient hunter-gatherer unearthed long ago at the Rinnukalns archaeological site in Latvia, has tested positive for Yersina pestis, which is better known as the bacteria behind the Black Death plague of the Middle Ages in Europe. The individual, referred to as RV 2039, was dated to 5,000 years ago. This is […]

Black Death Origins Linked To 5,000-year-old Latvian Man

The remains of an ancient hunter-gatherer unearthed long ago at the Rinnukalns archaeological site in Latvia, has tested positive for Yersina pestis, which is better known as the bacteria behind the Black Death plague of the Middle Ages in Europe. The individual, referred to as RV 2039, was dated to 5,000 years ago. This is […]

Origins of the Death-Bell

By T. Sharper KnowlsonFrom The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs [1910] Once called the passing-bell, or the soul-bell, the death-bell is still a modern fact in some parts of the country, being rung, according, to rules, on the death of a parishioner; there are knells for men, for women, and for children. Of course, […]

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