Archive for the ‘Climate Change’ Category

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

This is not just another flawed scientific study. This is part of a sinister agenda. We can’t just pick around its edges . We have to confront the lies at the very root. . . . Source

Trump’s return threatens climate progress, study reveals

A recent Carbon Brief analysis has sent shockwaves through the environmental community, revealing that Donald Trump’s re-election could significantly exacerbate global warming. According to the study, a second Trump term might result in an additional 4 billion tons of CO2 emissions by 2030, equating to the combined annual emissions of the European Union and Japan. […]

Air Quality Crisis: Climate change and policy failures endanger millions

This resource is part of a broader initiative to educate Americans about the multifaceted risks posed by climate change, from poor air quality to wildfires, flooding, and extreme heat. Source

Dane Wigington Interview – Geoengineering, Nanotech & Bio-Carrier Platforms For Pathogen Dispersion

Joining me once again today is Dane Wigington, here to discuss the alarming intersection between the very obvious reality of geoengineering, in all its many forms, and nanotechnology, in particular smart dust. Dane outlines how weather events are being manufactured utilizing this technology and are being used to justify climate action but also as a […]

Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’

President Biden on Wednesday called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “crazy SOB” and bashed former President Trump for his reaction to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Biden was talking about climate change at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Calif., when he referred to Putin as an acronym for “son of a bitch.” “This… […]

Chicago sues Big Oil for climate deception and damages

Chicago is targeting industry giants such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, Phillips 66, and the American Petroleum Institute for their alleged long-term misinformation campaign. Source

Crossing the threshold: The world’s first 12-Month period above 1.5°C

“Rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are the only way to stop global temperatures increasing.” Source

Challenging delays: Youth plaintiffs stand firm against DOJ in pioneering climate lawsuit

In the face of legal delays and challenges, a group of determined young plaintiffs stands firm against the Department of Justice, fighting for their future and the planet in the groundbreaking climate lawsuit, Juliana v. United States. Source

Unmasking the carbon charade: The truth behind fossil fuel giants’ green pledges

This analysis brings to light the stark contrast between the industry’s public commitments and their actual plans, raising serious questions about the integrity of these pledges. Source

Chicago Wants to Ban Natural Gas to Fight Climate Change

The Chicago City Council is mulling an ordinance that would ban the use of natural gas in most new buildings in a bid to “fight climate change.” The proposal, dubbed the Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance (CABO), would set an emission standard effectively prohibiting natural gas via an unreachable standard. This would make the Windy […]

After Ending Gas imports from Russia, Biden Halts Gas Exports to Europe because of Climate Change

US President Joe Biden has directed a temporary halt on liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from new American projects, asserting concerns over their potential impact on climate change. This decision, while aiming to address environmental considerations, comes amid a Europe grappling with an ongoing energy crisis. Biden’s pause on LNG exports is intended to allow […]

Scientists Warn that Ancient Arctic Zombie Apocalypse is Approaching

Scientists have issued warnings about the potential threat of ancient “zombie viruses” emerging from the Arctic permafrost due to climate change, posing the risk of a new pandemic. Known as Methuselah microbes, these dormant diseases are found in the permafrost across Canada, Siberia, and Alaska, covering a significant portion of the northern hemisphere. Climate change […]

WEF Wants Coffee Banned because its Warming the Globe with Tonnes of CO2

The World Economic Forum has declared war on coffee drinkers, declaring that they are causing “global boiling” and must be stopped at all costs. According to World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Hubert Keller, “The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink […]

Marine animals are feeling the heat from ocean warming

We should take heed. Source

GOP candidates point to China when asked about threat of climate change

GOP presidential candidates former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed to emissions from China and promised to eliminate the Biden administration’s environmental policies when asked about the threat of climate change at an Iowa debate Wednesday. Moderator Jake Tapper noted that 2023 was the warmest year ever recorded and that… […]

2023: A year of unprecedented heat, Copernicus Climate Change Service reports

C3S revealed startling global temperature highs, marking a concerning milestone in the ongoing narrative of climate change. Source

“Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ (you might uncover a lot of lies)

Check out our sister site for other news Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 30, 2023, #438 From Geoengineering Watch “Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ and Turns People Into ‘Conspiracy Theorists’”, according to a new report published by Journal Nature. The climate science community is sounding the alarm about the grave dangers […]

Ted Nugent slams ‘bulls**t’ climate change as scam

Musician Ted Nugent slammed climate change as a scam and made false claims that global warming is “bulls—t” in a recent episode of his podcast Spirit Campfire. “You have to have sh—for brains to believe this global warming bullsh—t,” Nugent said. “If you believe it, you have sh—for brains. While you were sleeping, someone opened… […]

If Earth Stopped Using Oil 6 Billion Would Die

All over the United Kingdom and in some parts of Europe, orange vest-wearing climate fanatics are blocking traffic to raise awareness about their fears about oil and natural gas use, which at least one of their members says “is genocide.” It turns out that, were oil and gas to go away, upwards of six billion […]

2023’s record-breaking climate fury: Scientist reveals how global warming is supercharging storms, heatwaves, and wildfires

Unraveling the ties between global warming and catastrophic weather patterns. Source

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