Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

How Christmas Carols Have Survived the Centuries

Singing and Christmas seem to go naturally together, like plum pudding and custard. Even those who would not normally attend a choir concert or church service throughout the year might happily participate in a civic Carols by Candlelight or a Midnight Mass. In these settings, the carols come thick and fast, and everyone joins in, […]

Bill Gates Cancels His Christmas Holiday Plans Over Omicron

Bill Gates has apparently cancelled his Christmas holiday plans over Omicron, despite a plethora of data indicating the new variant is significantly milder than previous strains of COVID-19. The Microsoft founder made the announcement via Twitter earlier today. “Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part […]

COVID: Better to cancel Christmas events than grieve later, warns WHO chief amid Omicron spread

The head of the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Monday recommended people cancel holiday gatherings as Omicron continues to spread. Speaking at a news conference in Geneva, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “an event cancelled is better than a life cancelled.” “All of us are sick of this pandemic. All of us want to […]

10 Low-Cost Christmas Gifts To Help You Deal With Inflation This Year

Brought to you by: Let’s face it—between supply chain shortages and record inflation, it’s tough to find good Christmas gifts right now. If you’re struggling to make ends meet this Christmas, here are 10 excellent gift ideas for victims of runaway government spending like you!  1) A nice shiny orange: Who doesn’t love a nice shiny […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Culturally Appropriating Christmas

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Queen Elizabeth II to skip Christmas trip amid omicron surge

Queen Elizabeth II has decided not to spend Christmas at the royal Sandringham estate in eastern England amid concerns about the fast-spreading omicron variant. The palace said Monday that the 95-year-old queen will spend the holidays at Windsor Castle, west of London, where she has stayed for most of the pandemic. Other members of the […]

Queen Elizabeth Cancels Christmas At Sandringham: Reports

Queen Elizabeth is canceling Christmas at her Sandringham Estate as coronavirus cases rise around the world and the U.K. recorded over 90,000 daily cases as of Monday morning. Instead, the sovereign will spend Christmas at Windsor Castle. Rebecca English, a royal editor at the Daily Mail, reported Monday on Twitter that “Her Majesty has decided […]

Fox News Claims Setting a Christmas Tree on Fire Is an Attack on Hanukah

Fox News had their Christmas Tree go up in flames due to an arsonist, and because they are paid kosher shills, these Fox hosts claimed that it was an attack on the jewish festival of lights. Link Oh yeah, jews love their Christmas trees! Share now! Source

Video: Fauci Says Don’t Have Family Over At Christmas Unless They Are Vaxxed

COVID cases in South Africa, the epicenter of the Omicron outbreak, have continued to fall rapidly, despite other governments pressing the panic button over the new variant. Having already imposed ‘Plan B’ restrictions, the UK government and others on the continent are considering even more draconian measures to stop a “tsunami” of Omicron cases. However, […]

Ghislaine Maxwell Vows To ‘Name Names’ This Christmas in Elite Pedophile Ring Trial

Ghislaine Maxwell has vowed to name and shame the VIP elites who raped children in order to try and secure a lesser sentence in her elite pedophile ring trial. Due to the Manhattan court’s planned Christmas break that begins on Thursday, Jury deliberations are expected to be reached by Wednesday in order to resolve the […]

A Christmas Confession – I’m Taking an Eco-Holiday From It All (and So Are My Kids)

Confession time: this year, I don’t want to buy my kids anything for Christmas. Big one, right? Okay, let me soften that just a bit. I have bought a few modest, useful things. But that’s it!  No new games, no new toys, no new clothes (other than socks)… nothing. They already have too much. We have too […]

Watch: Fauci Says Don’t Have Family Over At Christmas Unless They Are Vaxxed

Anthony Fauci did his best to play the grinch who stole Christmas once again Sunday by declaring that Americans should refrain from attending any gatherings where they don’t know everyone’s vaccination status. Presumably Fauci means that if someone in the family isn’t vaccinated then don’t let them in to the gathering, for if you merely […]

How to deal with the elephant in the room with family over Christmas

20 dec, 2021, A few tips [written as opinion – a mindful hint not literal advice]. If the elephant that has been ignored for so long bursts into the dining room this Christmas and starts trumpeting opinions, perceptions and biases about covid, before engaging, remember that people who are traumatised often cover it up with […]

How A Litigious Jewish Attorney Tried To Steal Christmas From School Kids In Carmel, California

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) It certainly hasn’t escaped the attention of Jews that “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” represents Jews who begrudge Christians for celebrating their holiday in their own Christian nations — just like an irate Jewish attorney recently did in Carmel, California: For some time, Shel Lyons has scrutinized her children’s public elementary school […]

Mexican Man Beaten to Death in Chicago While Putting Up Christmas Lights

A man who moved from Mexico to Chicago to give his family a better life was beaten to death outside his South Side home Saturday while putting up Christmas lights, according to reports. Area One detectives say that Jose Tellez was attacked and beaten by two men around 6:30 p.m. in the 3500 block of […]

Jill Biden Visits Children Injured in Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre; Promotes Coronavirus Vaccines

First lady Jill Biden visited children severely wounded from the Christmas parade massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Wednesday, also using the occasion to remind parents to vaccinate their children for coronavirus. The first lady visited two children who were severely injured during the attack at Children’s Wisconsin hospital, but her public remarks focused only on […]

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Leftist Child

Brought to you by: First off, congratulations on raising a child already versed in progressive ideals! Your Christmas holiday is sure to be filled with joy, laughter, fear of using incorrect pronouns, and vegan egg nog. If you’re having trouble finding that perfect Christmas present for your liberal child due to their inconsistent morality, hypocritical […]

Whilst you were distracted by a Christmas Party the UK Gov. released a report confirming the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in England since August

By The Exposé on December 11, 2021 Serious questions need to be answered as to why Boris Johnson’s Government have decided to restrict the freedoms of the unvaccinated population through the introduction of Vaccine Passports, when the latest official data shows that the vaccinated population have accounted for 3 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, 3 […]

The Babylon Bee Presents: COVID Christmas Carols

Brought to you by: This season, it’s important to focus on the true meaning of Christmas: compliance.  Christmas caroling, once a holiday tradition of family and friends spreading joy and cheer to neighbors and communities, is now illegal, and rightfully so. We are—and will forever be—in the midst of a dangerous pandemic, and nothing spreads […]

Company Makes Enough ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Christmas Wrapping Paper to ‘Cover Six NFL Football Fields’

Merchandising company has announced that it has made 260,000 square feet of “Let’s Go, Brandon” Christmas wrapping paper for the holiday season, enough paper to cover six NFL football fields, they say. The conservative-minded company says that the wrapping paper has been a run-away hit for them this year and noted that they have […]

Johnson under fire for leaked photo of Christmas quiz during COVID

Boris Johnson is under fire in the United Kingdom for allegedly breaking his own COVID-19 rules during last year’s holiday season. The UK prime minister was shown hosting a Christmas quiz alongside two colleagues in a photo published by the Sunday Mirror. The photo was allegedly taken when London was under COVID-19 restrictions last December […]

Arsonist Accused of Torching Fox News’ Christmas Tree Released Under Lenient Bail Reforms

The homeless man who allegedly set the Fox News Christmas tree alight was freed after his arraignment Wednesday because of lenient new bail reforms introduced under outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D). The speedy return to the streets came just weeks after Craig Tamanaha, 49, allegedly flashed outside Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial court. The […]

Fauci Says Americans Should Ask Christmas Guests To Show Proof Of Vaccination

The Presidents Chief Medical Advisor, Dr Anthony Fauci is now telling Americans that they should ask, and maybe even require, holiday guests to prove they are vaccinated “People should, if they invite people over their home, essentially ask, and maybe require that people show evidence that they are vaccinated,” Fauci said during a live interview […]

Hot Mic Catches Politicians Joking About Having Christmas Party While Cancelling Christmas for Everyone Else

If there is one theme that underlies the entire covid debacle, since the beginning, that theme has been hypocrisy. “Rules for thee, not for me” has been the unwritten motto of politicians across the planet as they attend and indulge in activities from which the commoner is banned [i.e. tyranny]. The Free Thought Project has […]

Tis The Season: Christmas Carolers Delight Locals By Going Door To Door Singing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

Tis The Season: Christmas Carolers Delight Locals By Going Door To Door Singing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ MEMPHIS, TN—How touching! According to sources, a local group of Christmas carolers is spreading holiday cheer throughout the area by going door to door singing “Let’s Go Brandon!” to friends and neighbors.  “It’s been a rough year for many […]

ACH (1660) Frosty Wooldridge – Frosty’s Christmas Gift

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1660) Frosty Wooldridge – Frosty’s Christmas Gift Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on December 3 2021, Andy is joined by Frosty Wooldridge, for a show entitled, “Frosty’s Christmas Gift.” We discussed: the importance of reaching […]

Waukesha Christmas Massacre vs. Kenosha BLM Riots: A Tale of Two Propaganda Campaigns

Predictably, the corporate media’s narrative surrounding the recent racially-motivated Waukesha, WI Christmas parade slaughter by a career criminal gangsta rapper diverges wildly from the coverage it gave to the Kenosha, WI riot shootings. [embedded content] Last week, we debunked the corporate media’s brutal smear campaign of a (now-exonerated) teenager as a “white supremacist” vigilante who […]

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Conservative Child

Brought to you by: With Christmas just around the corner, you’re probably looking for unique gifts that tell your children how much joy they bring to your life as well as the importance of limited government.  Worry not, shopper! We at The Babylon Bee had our top researchers working tirelessly to bring you this list of perfect gift […]

EU draft pulled after Vatican complains Christmas ‘canceled’

The European Commission on Tuesday retracted internal communication guidelines that had proposed substituting the “Christmas period” with “holiday period” after an outcry by conservatives and the Vatican, which termed the document an attempt to “cancel” Europe’s Christian roots. The European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, said the draft document had been intended to highlight European […]

Fashion Notes: It’s Jill Biden’s Christmas, But Where Have All the Aesthetic Critics Gone?

For four years, an annual chorus of unfounded criticism and aesthetic analysis beat like a drum over former First Lady Melania Trump’s Christmas decorations at the White House. Now, it’s First Lady Jill Biden’s turn but where have all the critics gone? Don’t worry, I’m still here and I should start by reminding loyal Fashion […]

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