Posts Tagged ‘funds’

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros Offended America October 23, 2017 Robert Muellers complex financial entanglements include investments linked to George Soros and Russia. During Muellers tenure at the FBI, high profile cases of financial wrongdoing within hedge funds that he invested in were ignored by federal law enforcement. […]

Texas Government to Withhold Relief Funds from Harvey Victims if They Don’t Support Israel

Have we stepped off into the Twilight Zone or what? This is nuts. Unbelievable. Israel so obviously controls our federal and state governments. Source Article from

You Won’t Believe Why They Could Withhold Relief Funds from Harvey Victims

You Won’t Believe Why They Could Withhold Relief Funds from Harvey Victims   div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements Filed under: Nazi Israel, Zionist Lobby, US Foreign Policy, Netanyahu, Zionist entity, Wars for Israel, US Congress, USA | Source Article from

Russia: We Have Evidence UK, USA Funds and Arms ISIS

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov has accused Britain and the USA of funding and arming ISIS.  According to Syromolotov, London and Washington keep sending weapons, ammunition, and military equipment to terrorist groups in the Middle East. reports:  Daesh (banned in numerous countries, including Russia) and other terrorist groups appear to continue receiving funding, […]

Government vs. NFL: Organization May Be Forced to Return Paid Patriotism Funds Again

By Aaron Kesel Amid the kneeling protest during the national anthem, the NFL may be forced to return taxpayers’ funds. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) on Tuesday called for an end to all federal government support of the NFL. “I believe we ought to terminate all federal government support of the NFL,” Brooks told Breitbart News. “That would […]

Bernie Sanders Bombshell: ‘Saudi Arabia Funds ISIS’

According to Bernie Sanders, Saudi Arabia “funds ISIS” and is definitely “not an ally of the United States.”  In an interview published Friday, Sanders issued a scathing attack against the Saudi regime, which has recently come under fire for cracking down on domestic repression. “I consider [Saudi Arabia] to be an undemocratic country that has […]

FEC: Hillary Clinton Funnelled $1M Of Campaign Funds To Antifa

Hillary Clinton funnelled $1 million dollars from her campaign fund and gave it to ‘resistance’ groups such as Antifa, according to FEC documents.  Hillary’s Super-PAC, Onward Together, gave $800,000 to domestic-terrorist groups in order to disrupt and undermine the government. reports: Amid doubts that Hillary’s PAC was doing anything at all with the donations that […]

EU funds firm supplying Israel with banned cluster weapons

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 10 August 2017 A boy disabled by a cluster bomb pictured in August 2007 outside his house in Rashidiya Palestinian refugee camp, near Tyre. A year earlier Israel fired more than a million cluster munitions in Lebanon. Guillermo Valle Sipa Press The European Union is giving millions of dollars of “research” funding […]

Restricting DOD Funds For Trans-Gender Medical Treatment Hurts National Security: Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi has slammed the Republicans over their effort to “rip away” health care for transgender service members. The “disgusting” attempt to restrict Department of Defense funds from being used to provide gender transition treatments is “unprecedented, unacceptable and undermines our national security,” the house minority leader said in a statement Thursday. The Daily Caller […]

Queen To Receive £6m Pay Rise From Public Funds

The British monarch is to receive a financial boost from the taxpayer. The Queen will get an increase of 8 percent in income from public funds, after the Crown Estate’s profits rose by £24m. The increase in funding will take place as extensive repairs costing £369m are being carried out at Buckingham Palace. The BBC reports: […]

HUGS Raises Funds For Standing Rock #NODAPL

content description Source Article from

US Signs $12 Billion Arms Deal With Qatar Days After Saying It Funds Terrorism

Defense Secretary James Mattis and his Qatari counterpart, Defense Minister Khalid al-Attiyah have signed a $12 billion arms deal today in Washington, a move made particularly high-profile because of the ongoing blockade imposed on Qatar by its Gulf Arab neighbors.  The agreement is for the purchase of a number of F-15 […]

Boko Haram Excuse Collapses as UN Funds Nigerian “Refugees” Returning Home

June 11, 2017 0 Source Article from

UK Government Report Concludes Saudi Government Funds ISIS

A UK government report has concluded that the Saudi government funds and supplies ISIS with weapons which are used against the West.  According to an investigation into the funding of jihadi groups in Britain, the Home Office has been forced to admit that the Saudi regime’s ties to ISIS are “too sensitive” for the public to see. reports: The […]

Norwegian Billionaire Funds World’s Largest Yacht to Clean Up Ocean Plastic

Wealth is an interesting thing. Some people hold onto every penny for their entire lives just for the sake of it.  It becomes a burden when they pass away, their family agonizing over its dispersal more than their death. There are people who never stack up cash because they spend every penny they have, leaving […]

Norwegian Billionaire Funds World’s Largest Yacht To Clean Up Ocean Plastic

Wealth is an interesting thing. Some people hold onto every penny for their entire lives just for the sake of it. It becomes a burden when they pass away, their family agonizing over its dispersal more than their death. There are people who never stack up cash because they spend every penny they have, leaving […]

Funds to restore Iranian heritage sites abroad

Financial Tribune – A budget of 90 billion rials ($2.4 million) has been earmarked in the current fiscal year (started March 21) for the restoration of historical sites abroad with ties to Iran, such as Armenia and Tanzania, announced a top official at Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. “A fund for [restoration of […]

Firm Thinks Solar Will Attract More Investment Funds Than Coal, Gas and Nuclear Combined in 2017

Firm Thinks Solar Will Attract More Investment Funds Than Coal, Gas and Nuclear Combined in 2017 May 16th, 2017 Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in New Zealand. — Via: PV Magazine: A new report by analyst firm Frost & Sullivan projects that in […]

UN Using Ethereum Blockchain and Iris Scanning Technologies to Distribute Funds to Refugees

UN Using Ethereum Blockchain and Iris Scanning Technologies to Distribute Funds to Refugees May 1st, 2017 Via: CoinDesk: Starting today, the United Nations (UN) will begin distributing funds to thousands of people in Jordan as part of a trial using the ethereum blockchain. For […]

Nursing Home Owner Pleads Guilty To Spending Medicaid Funds On Strippers, Casinos, Pet Care

Johnnie Mac Sells, 52, the owner of a suburban St. Louis nursing home where 60 residents had to be rescued after food ran out and trash piled up, has pleaded guilty to federal charges for stealing $667,000 from Medicaid and spending it on strippers, gambling and other things. Sells pleaded guilty Wednesday to […]

Nursing Home Owner Pleads Guilty To Spending Medicaid Funds On Strippers, Casinos, Pet Care

Johnnie Mac Sells, 52, the owner of a suburban St. Louis nursing home where 60 residents had to be rescued after food ran out and trash piled up, has pleaded guilty to federal charges for stealing $667,000 from Medicaid and spending it on strippers, gambling and other things. Sells pleaded guilty Wednesday to […]

Nursing Home Owner Pleads Guilty To Spending Medicaid Funds On Strippers, Casinos, Pet Care

Johnnie Mac Sells, 52, the owner of a suburban St. Louis nursing home where 60 residents had to be rescued after food ran out and trash piled up, has pleaded guilty to federal charges for stealing $667,000 from Medicaid and spending it on strippers, gambling and other things. Sells pleaded guilty Wednesday to […]

Nursing Home Owner Pleads Guilty To Spending Medicaid Funds On Strippers, Casinos, Pet Care

Johnnie Mac Sells, 52, the owner of a suburban St. Louis nursing home where 60 residents had to be rescued after food ran out and trash piled up, has pleaded guilty to federal charges for stealing $667,000 from Medicaid and spending it on strippers, gambling and other things. Sells pleaded guilty Wednesday to […]

Nursing Home Owner Pleads Guilty To Spending Medicaid Funds On Strippers, Casinos, Pet Care

Johnnie Mac Sells, 52, the owner of a suburban St. Louis nursing home where 60 residents had to be rescued after food ran out and trash piled up, has pleaded guilty to federal charges for stealing $667,000 from Medicaid and spending it on strippers, gambling and other things. Sells pleaded guilty Wednesday to […]

A Brief History of the "War on Cops": The False Allegation That Enables Police Violence

Police loom in the background as activists from BYP 100 and the #LetUsBreathe collective form a blockade line at Chicago’s Homan Square facility, a site of documented torture of civilians by the police, on July 20, 2016. (Photo: Sarah-Ji) As part of a global action proclaiming “Freedom Now,” Black Lives Matter groups […]

Venezuela Backs Worker Takeover of Kimberley Clark as Citibank Moves to Close BCV Account

Luucas Koerner (VA) : Venezuela’s Labor Ministry approved Monday a workers’ request to occupy a plant owned by the US consumer products giant Kimberly-Clark after the latter closed its doors in the South American country. Labor Minister Oswaldo Vera signs a workers’ petition to reopen the factory under worker control. (@Carluisv-@rogertradicion) The order came directly […]

‘Has AIPAC got you on the take?’ Web video series calls out college officials for complicity, racism against divestment

This is GREAT! Keep the videos rolling! Cudos to ALL involved!!! Source Article from

25 Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

by Kristan T. Harris of American Intelligence Report 25 Rules of Disinformation – Possible rules of Operation Mockingbird 1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you […]

Iran exports $ 15mn saffron in 1 month

Deputy Head of Iran’s Union of Sellers and Exporters of Saffron Gholamreza Miri said “a total of 10.344 tons of saffron was exported in the timespan of March 20 to April 19 indicating a 10-percent growth as compared with the same period a year earlier.” “The amount of exported saffron in the time period amounted […]

Scott Roberts: Out-Jewing the Jew?

Do you really think we will be able to sneak up on the jews and wrestle power from them that way? Do you really think a savior is going to come and do it for us? Scott doesn’t. Source Article from

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