Posts Tagged ‘Hollywood’

Child Lovers Dominate Political Arena & Entertainment (Hollywood); Murdering Children For Entertainment.

PART 4 of 10 – CHILDLOVERS EVERYWHERE ( PART 5 of 10 – CHILDREN, ART & PIZZA ( Comment: Disney was a member of the Secret Societies as are all our upper level politicians and A list actors who are ALL GAY and Politicians are pretty much all compromised with videos of them with minors. […]

As Gas Prices Spike 40 Percent Under Biden, These Hollywood Celebrities Are Pushing Him to Shut Down More Pipelines

Left-wing Hollywood stars including Mark Ruffalo, Jane Fonda, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ed Helms, Danny Glover, and Rosanna Arquette are putting pressure on President Joe Biden to shut down the Enbridge Line 3 oil sands pipeline — as well as all “fossil fuel infrastructure expansion” — claiming it represents an “attack” on the climate and indigenous rights. Their […]

Kirstie Alley: Hollywood Is a Vipers Nest of Elite Pedophiles

Actress Kirstie Alley has warned that Hollywood is a vipers nest of elite pedophiles abusing children and grooming audiences into normalizing their sick practises. “Was watching TV …we’ve gone too far in my opinion. I feel sorry for our children. Their exposure to everything perverse on every kind of screen is mind boggling. And even […]

Sean Stone – Hollywood Forcing Vaccines?

» UFO whistleblower speaks out on resignationYesterday at 10:29 am by PurpleSkyz » Sean Stone – Hollywood Forcing Vaccines?Yesterday at 10:24 am by PurpleSkyz » UFO NEWS ~ Red UFO appears in London UK plus MOREYesterday at 10:22 am by PurpleSkyz » Heat Waves and HAARPYesterday at 9:46 am by PurpleSkyz » The Top Ten Pending EruptionsYesterday at 9:31 am by PurpleSkyz » FULL (OF IT) […]

Putin: Biden’s ‘Killer’ Comment is ‘Hollywood Macho Behavior’

12/06/2021 By Staff- Agencies In his first interview to a US corporate outlet since 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin brushed off his US counterpart Joe Biden’s “killer” label and called it posturing by a career establishment politician. Speaking with NBC News’ Keir Simmons in Moscow, ahead of the June 16 summit with Biden, Putin called […]

Gary Sinise, Mark Wahlberg Among Hollywood Stars Honoring the Fallen on Memorial Day

A handful of prominent Hollywood stars took the time this Memorial Day weekend to pay non-partisan tribute to America’s fallen heroes. They include Gary Sinise, Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon, Glenn Close, Andy Garcia, Joe Mantegna, Octavia Spencer, and Rob Lowe. In the case of Matthew McConaughey, who is reportedly exploring a possible run for governor of […]

The Martinez Perspective (May 24, 2021): BLM UK Activist Shot, Black Power Agendas & Jew Hollywood


Celebrity Interior Designer Urges Hollywood to ‘Educate Yourselves’ Before Posting About Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Ryan Saghian. Photo: YouTube screenshot. An Iranian Jewish interior designer who boasts a celebrity clientele called on social media users, and especially those in Hollywood, to do their research surrounding the ongoing violence between Israel and the Palestinians before posting messages online. “I urge my fellow colleagues, friends, clients and Hollywood celebrities to avoid posting […]

NBC cancels 2022 Golden Globes as Hollywood continues to self-destruct

Piling onto pressure from Amazon, Netflix and social justice activists, the network NBC said it won’t televise next year’s Golden Globe Awards, citing the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s (HFPA) slow pace of promised reforms. “We continue to believe that the HFPA is committed to meaningful reform,” NBC said in a statement on Monday. “However, change […]

How NXIVM’s Keith Raniere Ran Hollywood Pedophile Ring (And Got Away With It)

Keith Kaniere, the founder of the Hollywood child sex cult NXIVM, was allowed to lure young girls into his elite cult for decades, according to an explosive new book. Last year, Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison, after a trial exposed how the organization groomed underage victims into becoming sex slaves for their […]

9 of Hollywood’s Biggest Acts of Hypocrisy: China, #MeToo, Guns, Climate Change, and More

When they’re not making movies, TV shows, or albums, left-wing Hollywood elites can be found lecturing average Americans on how to live their lives. Gun control is imperative, lockdowns are necessary, and burning fossil fuels is wrong. Except when they do it, of course. Hollywood hypocrisy comes in many flavors, and the varieties keep growing […]

True Beautiful People Are Not Hollywood Celebrities (They Are Owned Cuz of Their Narcissistic Desire For Money & Fame); The Beautiful People Are Everyday People Who Do Beautiful, Loving Acts Like This Girl

Haley Bridges says she and her friends teamed up to help their fellow colleague and friend Hokule’a Taniguchi. Hokule’a Taniguchi and Haley Bridges are all smiles next to the car Bridges gifted Taniguchi after winning it at a Chick-fil-A company party.Haley BridgesFeb. 6, 2021, 7:47 AM PST / Source: TODAYBy Ronnie Koenig Many people form close friendships with their […]

Deep State Pedophiles Exposed: Child Trafficking ,Hollywood Pedophiles, Major Companies, Politicians, Vatican, Deep State Demons

Deep State Pedophiles Exposed: Child Trafficking ,Hollywood Pedophiles, Major Companies, Politicians, Vatican, Deep State Demons / Medeea Greere Deep State Pedophiles have been in the underground news more now than ever, with researchers and truth seekers looking for answers. Child trafficking is deeply-embedded within Hollywood, CIA, politicians and famous people. Perhaps you’ve heard of […]

Hollywood Celebrities Pile Praise On Joe Biden Over His Address To The Nation

Hollywood celebrities have been heaping praise on President Joe Biden after he delivered his first prime-time presidential address to the nation on Thursday night. Biden’s address came fifty days into his presidency and after many people started to question if he was trying to avoid the press……why would he want to do that? You can unsubscribe […]

The ‘Cuomosexual’ Hollywood Elites Who Were ‘In Love’ With Accused Sexual Harasser Andrew Cuomo

Their love for New York’s governor was so strong that a new sexual orientation had to be invented — “Cuomosexual.” Now as Andrew Cuomo fights for his political life amid nursing home and sexual harassment scandals, Hollywood’s burning desire for the Democratic politician has grown cold and desolate. Celebrities including Chelsea Handler, Ellen DeGeneres, and Cher […]

Hollywood Lawyer Claims Greta Thunberg is Writing Letters to Ted Kaczynski

After a dreadful ‘woke’ television comedy show in the UK with terrible ratings which repeated the same two insipid jokes over and over again got axed, leftists claimed it was an example of “cancel culture.” Twitter was in meltdown after it was revealed that the BBC wouldn’t be commissioning a new series of The Mash […]

ONLY PSYCHOPATHS Make it to the Top of the United States Gov’t & Hollywood and They Don’t Represent YOU!

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders[edit] Main article: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-I and DSM-II[edit] In American psychiatry, prior to the publication of the DSM-I, paraphilias were classified as cases of “psychopathic personality with pathologic sexuality”. The DSM-I (1952) included sexual deviation as a personality disorder of sociopathic subtype. The only diagnostic guidance was that sexual deviation […]

Satanism is Not Even Being Reported on in the U.S. Media But It is Being Promoted by Hollywood and Bill Hates (Gates) Humanity

Some of the victims of mass hysteria over satanic ritual abuse are still serving sentences.By Aja Romano@ajaromano  Oct 30, 2016, 10:30am EDT Share this story A Satanist “expert” explains what a pentacle looks like in the 1995 video The Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults. The latter half of 2016 has witnessed an interesting convergence of several elements […]

Jane Fonda at Golden Globes: Hollywood ‘Afraid’ to Confront Its Own Diversity Problems

Actress and left-wing activist Jane Fonda pushed for more diversity in the entertainment industry during the Golden Globes on Sunday. Despite a brief shout-out to Stacey Abrams’ documentary about voter suppression, the Hollywood star steered mostly clear of politics. Watch below:  .@Janefonda – Recipient of this year’s Cecil B. deMille Award. #GoldenGlobes #GoldenGlobes2021. She encourages #Hollywood […]

Golden Globes: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler Lash Hollywood Foreign Press Assn. for Lack of Diversity

Comedians Tina Fey and Amy Poehler kicked off the 78th Golden Globes on an awkward note by mocking the organization behind the annual awards show while also criticizing its lack of diversity. “Even with stupid things, inclusivity is important,” Tina Fey said at the top of the NBC’s broadcast on Sunday. Watch below:  Hosts Amy […]

Only Psychopaths Rise to the Top in Hollywood (Mel Gibson Explains How HW Really IS!)

by Admin · February 27, 2021 Source

Breakout ‘Borat’ star Maria Bakalova conquers Hollywood

AP — So what did YOU do at 5 a.m. after staying up all night for your prom? Maria Bakalova became a movie star. The 24-year-old actress has been telling the story of how she had a few free hours after partying all night (she’d just gotten her diploma) and before shooting a movie in […]

Tom Cotton Calls on U.S. Government to Ban Chinese Investment in Hollywood Film and TV Studios

In the most aggressive Congressional proposal yet to combat Hollywood’s growing subservience to China, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) is calling for the federal government to ban Chinese investment in the U.S. entertainment industry and require studios to dissolve their Chinese joint ventures. The unprecedented proposal would enable American studios to produce content free from Chinese […]

Jason Biggs jokes: I’ll be unemployed if Hollywood realizes I’m not a Jew

Jason Biggs’ extensive filmography has a common thread: he often gets cast as a Jew. He famously played Jim Levenstein, the awkward Jewish teenager-turned-adult, in the “American Pie” franchise, then played Larry Bloom in “Orange Is the New Black,” the Netflix show. He’s had other Jewish roles along the way. There’s one problem: He isn’t […]

Everybody In Hollywood is Owned by the [Satanic] Cabal-Worship Them & You Will PAY

Thursday, February 11, 2021 by: Ethan HuffTags: canceled, celebrities, Celebrity, Censorship, Crybullies, culture wars, Gad Saad, hollywood, hypocrisy, left cult, Psychology Today, Seth Rogen, Twisted, virtue signalBypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL4,900VIEWS (Natural News) Celebrity “comedian” and actor Seth Rogen has retaliated against Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist and professor in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University (Montreal) Gad Saad for writing a piece about Hollywood hypocrisy that was published in, […]

Is Hollywood Finally Breaking Free Of Toxic Gender Stereotypes?

Above image: “Nonconforming” by Mr. Fish. On this week’s “Scheer Intelligence,” the director explores how films like “Palmer” are redefining how global audiences understand gender constructs in previously unthinkable ways. “Palmer,” a new film starring Justin Timberlake and directed by filmmaker and actor Fisher Stevens, challenges harmful ideas about masculinity and serves as an example of […]

Hollywood Celebrities, Including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Demand Biden Shut Down Dakota Access Pipeline

Following Joe Biden’s executive decision to kill the Keystone XL Pipeline, Hollywood celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio, Jane Fonda, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, and Cher are now pressuring the president to shut down another energy project — the Dakota Access Pipeline. Former president Donald Trump championed both projects as job creators and important components to achieving […]

‘West Side Story’ Actress Rita Moreno: Hollywood Racism ‘Still the Same Damn Problem’ as When I Started

Actress Rita Moreno says that racism in Hollywood — particularly against the Latino community — is “still the same damn problem” it was when she was starting out seven decades ago. “I’m pained to say it’s still the same problem, the same damn problem,” the 89-year-old actress, known for her Oscar-winning role in 1961’s West Side […]

Hollywood paedophiles exposed

Hollywood paedophiles exposed. Tap News / Tapestry We need to wake more people up. The media corporations are all implicated in human trafficking of kids. We live in a child abuse system, affecting banking, politics, entertainment. Girls raped and tortured by Ghislaine Maxwell’s network, who refer to them as trash. Bill Gates a contributing member. […]

Hollywood FX Can’t Save Bankrupt USA Inc.

Hollywood FX Can’t Save Bankrupt USA Inc. Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis / Benjamin Fulford It’s over folks, the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished. Actual on the ground reporters with White House Press passes, confirm that nobody is in the White House. The corrupt members of […]

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