Posts Tagged ‘carried’

Over 100 feared killed as blasts hit near Russian military bases in Syria’s Latakia province (VIDEO)

Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its news outlet, Amaq, that “gatherings of Alawites in Tartous and Jableh” had been targeted. The Alawites is the minority sect to which President Bashar Assad belongs. According to Ikhbariya TV, there were up to three explosions in the coastal town of Jableh near […]

Over 100 feared killed as blasts hit near Russian military bases in Syria’s Latakia province (VIDEO)

Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its news outlet, Amaq, that “gatherings of Alawites in Tartous and Jableh” had been targeted. The Alawites is the minority sect to which President Bashar Assad belongs. According to Ikhbariya TV, there were up to three explosions in the coastal town of Jableh near […]

Over 100 feared killed as blasts hit near Russian military bases in Syria’s Latakia province (VIDEO)

Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its news outlet, Amaq, that “gatherings of Alawites in Tartous and Jableh” had been targeted. The Alawites is the minority sect to which President Bashar Assad belongs. According to Ikhbariya TV, there were up to three explosions in the coastal town of Jableh near […]

Over 100 feared killed as blasts hit near Russian military bases in Syria’s Latakia province (VIDEO)

Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its news outlet, Amaq, that “gatherings of Alawites in Tartous and Jableh” had been targeted. The Alawites is the minority sect to which President Bashar Assad belongs. According to Ikhbariya TV, there were up to three explosions in the coastal town of Jableh near […]

Over 100 feared killed as blasts hit near Russian military bases in Syria’s Latakia province (VIDEO)

Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its news outlet, Amaq, that “gatherings of Alawites in Tartous and Jableh” had been targeted. The Alawites is the minority sect to which President Bashar Assad belongs. According to Ikhbariya TV, there were up to three explosions in the coastal town of Jableh near […]

World powers up for arming Libyan govt to counter ISIS

This decision is stated in an official communique of talks in Vienna, signed by all five permanent UN Security Council members (the US, Russia, France, UK and China), as well as representatives of over 15 other countries participating in the talks. It comes after Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj called for lifting arms embargo to support the […]

Iranian official says prominent Saudi jihadist ‘man in control’ in Syria

Iranian official says prominent Saudi jihadist ‘man in control’ in Syria On April 24, 2013, Saudi national Omar al-Muhaysini  was killed in Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria, alongside his fellow countryman Abdul Aziz al-Othman, aka Abu Omar al-Jazrawi, who is said to be the first Saudi national to join al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra. Muhaysini, the younger […]

NASA to invest in habitat & deep sleep chamber for Mars astronauts

NASA’s Kepler telescope finds 9 potentially habitable planets NIAC (NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts), the agency’s annual program that welcomes submissions from trailblazing researchers, has selected eight technology proposals to invest in. The projects have the “potential to transform future aerospace missions, introduce new capabilities, and significantly improve current approaches to building and operating aerospace systems,” […]

Opposition does not represent Syrian nation: Syria’s chief negotiator

Syria’s chief negotiator in peace talks says the so-called opposition group High Negotiations Committee (HNC), which suspended its participation in the negotiations, does not represent the Syrian people. “To begin with, they (the HNC) do not represent the Syrian people,” Bashar al-Ja’afari said on Wednesday, adding, “Quite on the contrary, by leaving, they may be […]

Non-Conformity and Anti-Authoritarianism Now Considered an Illness: ‘Opposition Defiant Disorder’

The Brave New World of “Mental Health Disorders”. by Carolanne Wright If Albert Einstein was a youth today, there’s a good chance he would be saddled with an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis, possibly even Opposition Defiant Disorder (ODD) as well. He ignored his teachers, failed college entrance examinations several times and was hard-pressed […]

Videos of police detaining terror suspect in Brussels raid

Armed police and troops cordoned off an area around a tram stop and three blasts were heard during the raid. According to the Schaerbeek mayor, Bernard Clerfayt, the suspect was detained in possession of a suitcase full of explosives. Source Article from

Iranian industrial group mulls establishing more desalination units in Persian Gulf

Tehran, March 5, IRNA – Iran’s infrastructure group MAPNA has started studying developing more desalination plants on the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman to produce fresh water, says the industrial group’s power plant unit manager on Qeshm Island. The fresh water produced in this way could be sold in different […]

Boeing cleared for Iran talks after $27 billion Airbus haul

Boeing Co. is finally open for business in Iran. The U.S. government cleared the manufacturer to begin talking with approved Iranian carriers about their fleet needs, a first step toward entering the country’s resurgent aircraft market, Boeing said Friday. The planemaker will still need a separate license to complete any commercial jetliner sales. Europe’s Airbus Group […]

SCIENCE SHOCK: Electromagnetic fields from mobile phones accelerate mercury release from dental fillings

(NaturalNews) A fascinating scientific study has found that using mobile phones can accelerate the release of toxic mercury from dental fillings. This is especially noteworthy given that many people hold their mobile phones right next to their jaws when talking on them. The study is one of millions linked on, which hosts […]

Libyan rival factions form UN-backed unity government

     Libya’s rival factions have announced the formation of a unity government as part of an UN-brokered peace deal aimed at stemming the ongoing chaos in the North African country. The make-up of the new Libyan government was announced by the unity presidential council on Tuesday. The Tunis-based presidential council said in a statement that […]

Now Available – “You Are The Awakening” By Zen Gardner

Home > Now Available – “You Are The Awakening” By Zen Gardner Waking Times Kicking Off 2016 with a Bang – An Amazing Year of Awakening! You Are The Awakening is 467 pages of inspiration and empowerment now available on Spread it far […]

Holy god! This Irish Catholic sex-ed video will turn you celibate

For example, it wasn’t until the Family Planning Act of 1979 that contraception became legal on the Emerald Isle. Even then, they had to be prescribed by a doctor, who ensured it was for “bona fide” family planning or medical purposes and not just a quick romp. Exemplifying how the church’s influence kept Ireland behind the […]

Holy god! This Irish Catholic sex-ed video will turn you celibate

For example, it wasn’t until the Family Planning Act of 1979 that contraception became legal on the Emerald Isle. Even then, they had to be prescribed by a doctor, who ensured it was for “bona fide” family planning or medical purposes and not just a quick romp. Exemplifying how the church’s influence kept Ireland behind the […]

Holy god! This Irish Catholic sex-ed video will turn you celibate

For example, it wasn’t until the Family Planning Act of 1979 that contraception became legal on the Emerald Isle. Even then, they had to be prescribed by a doctor, who ensured it was for “bona fide” family planning or medical purposes and not just a quick romp. Exemplifying how the church’s influence kept Ireland behind the […]

Meteor fireball blazes through the Labrador sky

     It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a meteor! Maybe. Social media was abuzz Thursday as many Newfoundland and Labrador residents reported seeing what seems to be a meteor. While the possible meteor was spotted in several areas of the province, Jamie Hickey of Muskrat Falls managed to record some video, which was uploaded […]

VIDEO emerges purporting to show deadly US airstrike against Iraqi forces

READ MORE: 20+ Iraqi soldiers killed, 30 injured after US airstrike – Iraqi MP cited by Sputnik The unconfirmed footage was obtained from a local source in Iraq by RT’s Ruptly video agency. A high-ranking Iraqi MP told Sputnik news agency earlier that over 20 Iraqi soldiers had been killed and 30 injured in an […]

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ ranked one of biggest ‘Pinocchios’ of 2015

From : Campaign trail whoppers dominate The Washington Post’s annual list of the biggest political “Pinocchios” of 2015, published Monday. But among a collection of dubious statements that earned four “Pinocchios” from Republican poll leader Donald Trump and other candidates is the phrase that launched countless protests and calls for police […]

Keeping our brains young: Does exercise help?

     Physical fitness may be critical for maintaining a relatively youthful and nimble brain as we age, according to a new study of brain activation patterns in older people. For most of us, our bodies begin to lose flexibility and efficiency as we enter our 40s. Running and other movements slow down and become more […]

“Gene Drive” Mosquitoes

“Gene Drive” Mosquitoes November 26th, 2015 Via: Guardian: Hundreds of genetically modified mosquitoes that are incapable of spreading the malaria parasite to humans have been created in a laboratory as part of a radical approach to combating the disease. The move marks a major […]

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‘Al Qaida-linked group’ carried out latest terror western China attacks

  Editor’s Note: The Turkistan Islamic Party fighters have long established links to Al Qaida, and have already been deployed in ops throughout Central Asia and the Middle East. They are by all accounts, one tentacle in the Al Qaida international mercenary force used by western intelligence agencies including the CIA, MI6 and Mossad, in order […]

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