Posts Tagged ‘turning’

Syria is turning into a black hole of Cold War entanglements

     The chaos on the ground is providing opportunities for the Russians and Americans to come to blows, writes Alan Philps It was only two months ago that Vladimir Putin declared victory in Syria and announced – not for the first time – that he would start withdrawing Russian forces. It was understood that Mr […]

Taoist Master Explains How Negative Chi Affects Us and Why Turning Inward is So Important Today

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times They say that energy goes where attention flows. And in today’s insane media universe, our attention is everywhere. Which means our energy is everywhere, and if it’s everywhere, it’s not where we need it most, contributing to our personal health and wellness. This is especially true in times of crisis, […]

Turning Down the Volume of the External World

February 20th, 2018 By Victoria Fann Guest writer for Wake Up World There are constant distractions in our daily lives that pull our attention here and there. Some invite us to engage, others invite us to escape, while still others invite us to react. This is the reason that throughout history many on the spiritual path […]

Turning America Into Palestine – Mike Huckabee says US should follow Israel’s lead to prevent mass shootings

  JTA – Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas and current host of a cable chat show, reacted to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida Wednesday by comparing Israeli gun safety policy to America’s. Twitter was … skeptical. “Just waking up in Israel to news of heartbreaking school shooting in FL,” Huckabee tweeted, hours after […]

Plastic pollution is devastating ocean ecosystems, turning them into “toxic repositories;” documentary spurs action

(Natural News) Sir David Attenborough, an English veteran broadcaster and naturalist who recently made a documentary on plastic and its harmful effects on the environment, said that the Earth’s oceans are slowly becoming a toxic depository due to the evil deeds of the planet’s dwellers. Describing one scene from the documentary, Attenborough […]

Creative differences: 5 art displays turning heads (PHOTOS)

Painted in 1866, the famous oil painting, which depicts a woman lying on her back showing her genitals, is an example of the eroticism found in 19th-century art. The artwork, which now resides in Paris’ Musee d’Orsay, has brought about a French court case involving Facebook and an aggrieved social media user. READ MORE: Vagina […]

Nigerian man beaten by mob for ‘turning human into a goat’

The bizarre incident allegedly took place in Rukpoku, less than 20 kilometers north of the city of Port Harcourt in southern Nigeria, according to the Daily Post. A 36-year-old man was seen being followed around by a black goat, which somehow raised suspicions among locals who accused him of Voodooism. They reportedly suspected him of using […]

The Trump administration is turning the State Department into a global weapons dealer

     In the Trump administration, an agency started to promote peace is now fomenting war. The Trump administration will soon announce its next move in the ongoing assault on diplomacy and human rights currently taking place in the United States. Through a plan dubbed “Buy American,” the administration is calling for U.S. attachés and diplomats […]

The U.S. Role in Turning Countries Into ‘Shitholes’

Donald Trump just can’t help letting the cat out of the bag. And boy does his administration have a lot of cats in bags. The line of the Republican Party right wing has been that voter suppression laws are necessary for the integrity of elections. In fact, they are crafted to prevent racial minorities from […]

Are Toxic Chemicals Turning Boys Into Girls?

Next Story This article was written for, re-posted here with permission. It was written by Valerie Burke,  a Clinical EFT practitioner and freelance health writer in Olympia, Washington, with backgrounds in both allopathic and integrative medicine and a Master’s Degree in Nursing Science.  You can learn more about her at A University of Washington […]

COMMENTARY: I Deleted My Social Media Apps Because They Were Turning Me Into An Idiot

For months I’d been avoiding engaging with anything challenging or anxiety-inducing. Worried about where I’d be living next year? Dive into Instagram. Tax bill prickling at the back of my mind? Open Facebook. That grief I thought I’d processed piercing at me again? Disappear into the realm of likes and follows and push the feelings […]

Honduras Elections: Turning the Tide of US-Backed Violence and Neoliberalism?

HONDURAS (Analysis) — As Hondurans went to the polls to elect a new government Sunday, the country was looking both forward to the future and backward to a recent and tragic past. With the contest primarily between current right-wing President Juan Orlando Hernández (running for re-election despite being forbidden by the country’s constitution) and opposition […]

Video: Is Soy Food Turning Men Into Pussies?

Video: Is Soy Food Turning Men Into Pussies? Effeminate, low testosterone girly men on the rise as soy consumption skyrockets Paul Joseph WatsonPrison November 16, 2017 Is soy food turning men into massive pussies? Is soy the silent killer of actual manhood? Is soy food lowering testosterone and male sperm count? Are we losing […]

Seeking order in the chaos: Why are non-believers turning to their Bibles?

     Even in the middle of the atheism boom, Richard Dawkins described himself as a “secular Christian“. To the author of The God Delusion this meant an appreciation of “aesthetic elements” such as church bells. Christopher Hitchens felt the same. At the end of one interview with the firebrand antitheist the interviewer invited him to […]

Israel is on the verge of turning Turkey into an enemy

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Sick Teen Trapped In Harvey Was “Turning Blue,” Then Siri Saves Her Life

On August 27, 14-year-old Tyler Frank woke up to find water from Hurricane Harvey had filled her home. Her mother and three brothers — ages 8, 16, and 18 — soon found the water nearly rising overhead. The family scrambled to the roof where they were stranded — outside, exposed to the rain — for […]

How They Do It– US Muslims want to increase mosque security, are turning to Jews for help

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Charlottesville – Turning a blind eye to extreme Right or Left anti-Semitism

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North Koreans Are Turning On Kim Jong Un, Embracing Christianity

The North Korean government officially recognizes Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un as a god, but a defector claims the people of North Korea are rejecting that idea in droves. Instead, many are becoming Christians, even though doing so could get them executed. It is easy to forget that behind Kim Jon Un’s insolence and the […]

The Political Roots of Russophobia. Turning Vladimir Putin into a Bogeyman

Radical Leadership: Turning the Tables on Soft Slavery

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff WriterWaking Times “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will police the police themselves?” ~Juvenal What do we do when power corrupts, as it tends to? What do we do in the face of tyrannical governments, uncontrollably oppressive dictatorships, and police or judicial corruption and overreach? What do we do with the […]

Dogs are Turning Blue In India – But You’ll Never Guess This Is The Reason Why

Handfuls of blue dogs are turning heads on the streets of Mumbai, local animal protection officers report. Their change in appearance has been linked to the pollution of a local river where the animals swim and look for food. Industrial waste is being pumped into the Kasadi River in Navi Mumbai, next to the Maharashtra […]

Turning Western Civilization into Babylon, Transgenders in the Military and Jeremiah 51:30-32

Christopher Jon Bjerknes The pro-Russian bolshevist and subversive Chuck Hagel worked with bolshevik Red Russian Dmitry Medvedev to undermine America’s nuclear weapons capabilities in a program called “Global Zero”. When the libertarians and White Nationalist media supported Hagel’s nomination under Obama for Secretary of Defense, I warned that he was a puppet of the Red […]

Ex-Obama Assistant Accuses Trump of Turning Boy Scouts Event Into “Nazi Youth Rally”

Ex-Obama Assistant Accuses Trump of Turning Boy Scouts Event Into “Nazi Youth Rally” Trump Derangement Syndrome claims another victim Paul Joseph WatsonPrison July 25, 2017 A former top Obama advisor has accused President Donald Trump of turning a Boy Scouts event into a “Nazi Youth rally”. Jon Wolfsthal, who brags that he is “blocked […]

Parents are turning children into human "computers" trained to spit out facts rather than actually understanding anything

(Natural News) Today’s parents, guardians, and teachers often have conflicting views on how to raise happy and successful children. More often than not, they are torn between being either being too strict or too lenient in allowing children their independence. However, two prominent professors pointed out that today’s children are being reared in a manner similar […]

Qatar May Be Turning Its Back on the US Dollar — and We All Know What That Means

Amid Qatar-Saudi Rift, Qatar May be Turning Its Back on the US Dollar

Late last week, Saudi Arabia and other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) that are involved in attempting to isolate Qatar sent the tiny Gulf nation a list of 13 demands. They are insisting that Qatar meet these demands within ten days or face unspecified further action. The list of demands includes Qatar shutting down Al-Jazeera and its […]

Scientists at Stanford Are Turning Tesla’s Global Wireless Power Grid Into Reality

June 23, 2017 By Josie Wales Scientists at Stanford University have figured out how to wirelessly transmit electricity between moving objects, overcoming previous limitations and possibly bringing Nikola Tesla’s vision of a global wireless power grid closer to reality. Using technology originally developed in 2007 at MIT to wirelessly transmit electricity between […]

Turning The Moral Injury Of War Into Moral Outrage For Change

Note: These are comments given at the United National AntiWar Coalition conference in Richmond, VA on June 16, 2017. We live in an era of never ending war with terrible impacts not only on the world but on the United States. Over the past sixteen years, the United States has spent $5 trillion on the […]

Study: Chemical Exposure Turning Boys Into Girls

A recent study has confirmed that boys are gradually turning into girls due to chemical exposure from substances in the environment, food supply, and household products.  While male births have been in steady decline for decades, new evidence suggests that genital damage from chemical exposure can be become hereditable. reports: Endocrine Disruptors Sabotage the Male […]

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