Posts Tagged ‘church’

Presbyterian Church in Ireland: ‘We will not re-write, re-edit or re-frame’ the Bible

Photo Credit: James Coleman/Unsplash (The Christian Institute) — The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has stated emphatically that it will not reinterpret the Bible’s stance on issues such as marriage, abortion, and “gender identity.” Speaking at the denomination’s General Assembly 2022, outgoing Moderator Dr. David Bruce told elders that the church must be… Source

Supreme Court Takes ‘Wrecking Ball’ To Separation Of Church And State

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Monday offered “another example” of the court’s “conservative supermajority continuing its politicized agenda,” said the head of one of the nation’s largest teachers unions as the decision overturned decades of precedent which prohibited educators from leading students in religious displays. In Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which concerned a coach who led prayers […]

Police in Sudan arrest church leaders from Bible study

JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Police in Sudan walked into a church Bible class on Tuesday (June 14) and arrested two Christian leaders for “violating public order,” their attorney said. Officers in Omdurman, across the Nile River from Khartoum, took Pastor Kabashi Idris of the African Inland Church and evangelist Yacoub Ishakh of the […]

‘Church’ of Scotland minister claims: Scripture should be read in light of modern thinking on sexuality

(The Christian Institute) — An openly homosexual Church of Scotland minister has claimed Scripture does not have the final word on sexual ethics. On BBC Radio 4’s Sunday program, Scott Rennie said that scriptural teaching against same-sex acts should be reinterpreted in light of contemporary thinking. Rennie was being challenged by fellow minister Professor…

Youth pastor killed in Islamic attack on church

Photo Credit: Morning Star News NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A youth pastor in Uganda died on May 26 from an axe blow to the head sustained during an Islamic extremist attack on a church on May 20, sources said. Emmanuel Mugabi sustained deep cuts on his leg and head and lost consciousness in the […]

Youth Pastor Killed in Muslim Extremist Attack on Church

Emmanuel Mugabi after May 20 assault in Bukomero, Uganda. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A youth pastor in Uganda died on May 26 from an axe blow to the head sustained during an Islamic extremist attack on a church on May 20, sources said. Emmanuel Mugabi sustained deep cuts on his leg […]

Church shuttered in Odisha, India after allegations of conversion by ‘allurement’

Photo Credit: (Barnabas Aid) — A church in Odisha state, eastern India, has been sealed with a ban imposed on gathering for worship. The local administration placed the restraining order on Believers Church, Geltua village in Bhadrak district on May 17. District officials said they based their decision on complaints received that tribal…

Head of Nigeria’s Methodist Church freed by kidnappers

(Barnabas Aid) — The head of the Methodist Church in Nigeria, Samuel Kanu Uche, has been released after being abducted on Sunday, May 29. He had officiated at a Sunday service and was traveling in the afternoon with his chaplain, Abidemi Jeremiah Shittu, and the bishop of Owerri, Dennis Mark, on a road in Abia State, Nigeria, […]

Evangelicals decry ‘Church’ of Scotland’s decision to allow same-sex ‘weddings’

(The Christian Institute) — Evangelicals in Scotland have severely criticized the Church of Scotland’s decision to allow same-sex “weddings” in its buildings. Dr. William Philip, minister of one of the largest churches in Scotland, accused the Kirk of kowtowing to the spirit of the age rather than upholding Christian truth. The Covenant Fellowship Scotland,…

Properties owned by Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church threatened with demolition

OMDURMAN, Sudan (Christian Solidiarity Worldwide) — A court in Sudan has approved the demolition of a 2000 square metre block of properties owned by the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC) in Omdurman, Sudan’s second city. The properties adjacent to the church comprise three homes that are rented to private tenants, three medical clinics, two…

Big brother China won’t silence the underground Church

(International Christian Concern) – As the 2022 Winter Olympics helped to demonstrate, China is notorious for its extreme censorship of online content, particularly any information that criticizes the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In fact, all content on the internet must pass through China’s Great Firewall, which filters out banned or censored material…

‘Church’ of Scotland votes to allow same-sex ‘weddings’

(The Christian Institute) — The Church of Scotland has voted to allow ministers to conduct same-sex “weddings” in its churches. The 2022 General Assembly voted to redefine marriage by 274 to 136 votes. The Recognition of Marriage Services Act (Act I 1977) will be amended to ditch the words “husband and wife,” only referring to […]

Threats in the midst of renewed church growth in Libya

Photo Credit: Documentaries Ly/Pexels (Voice of the Martyrs Canada) — Once an active centre of Christianity during the days of the early church, Libya is now known as an epicentre of persecution that’s so extreme, there are few believers today remaining in the country. According to some reports, however, the number of Christ-followers is again starting to…

Eritrean Christians mark 20 years of church closures

(Release International) — Christians in Eritrea mark 20 years of state persecution this month. The East African dictatorship shut down most of its churches in May 2002, outlawing every religion except Sunni Islam, Eritrean Orthodox, Roman Catholicism and the Lutheran Church. And today, 20 years later, the persecution continues. Release International is…

Deaf church planting begins in Angola and South Africa

Photo Credit: Door International/Facebook Angola/South Africa (Mission Network News) — Deaf communities in Angola and South Africa will soon have a chance to know Jesus. “There are some strong Deaf leaders and Deaf believers” in South Africa, DOOR International’s Rob Myers says. “Now that they have some Scripture published, that Scripture is a…

Christians accuse policeman in India of destroying church building

Remains of church building burned down in Kistaram village, Chhattisgarh state, India. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – After months of appeals to officials in central India, Christians are still awaiting action against a police officer alleged to have burned down a church building and threatened them with false charges if they…

Muslim villagers destroy church building, pastor’s house

Malakachomo Revival Church of God in eastern Uganda was destroyed on May 6, 2022. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI (Morning Star News) – Muslims furious that an Islamic leader and his wife put their faith in Christ destroyed a pastor’s house and church building in eastern Uganda on May 6, sources said. After Sheikh Musyoya Anasi and […]

China introduces new laws governing church finances

Photo Credit: Ferdinand Feng/Pixabay (Barnabas Aid) — China has announced that new regulations will come into force on June 1 governing the management of religious organizations’ finances. The new Measures for the Financial Management of Venues for Religious Activities were jointly drawn up by the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) and the…

Taiwan Asks U.S. Reps to Help Secure Its Citizens After Chinese Nationalist Church Shooting

The government of Taiwan on Monday extended condolences to the families of Dr. John Cheng, who was killed in Sunday’s attack on a Taiwanese church in California by a Chinese nationalist gunman, and the five others wounded in the shooting. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen asked her government’s representatives in the United States to “help ensure […]

Dr. John Cheng Hailed as Hero for Charging Gunman in Taiwanese Church

Dr. John Cheng, a 52-year-old sports medicine specialist, is being hailed as a hero for charging the gunman who targeted the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, Orange County, California, on Sunday, saving lives at the cost of his own.

Chinese-Born Man Arrested For Mass Shooting at Taiwanese Church Was ‘Motivated By Hatred Against Taiwan’

“A Chinese-born gunman motivated by hatred against Taiwan chained shut the doors of a California church and hid firebombs before opening fire on a gathering of mainly of elderly Taiwanese parishioners, killing a man who tackled him to save possibly dozens of lives, authorities said Monday,” the AP reports.

Chinese Immigrant Suspect in Anti-Taiwanese Hate Crime Shooting at Church

The man suspected of killing one congregant and wounding four others in a shooting Sunday at the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Orange County, California, was a naturalized Chinese immigrant who allegedly acted out of hatred for Taiwan, officials said.

Multiple People Shot at Church in Gun-Controlled California

Multiple people were shot at a church in Laguna Woods, California, on Sunday around 2 p.m.

Two Christians Killed in Church Burning in Uganda

Bishop Amon Sadiiki was attacked after leaving Mbale, Uganda on May 5, 2022. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Two Christians died when Muslim extremists on Thursday (May 5) set fire to a church building in southern Uganda, sources said. Most of the Christians holding an all-night prayer vigil had left when the […]

The Truth Behind the Macabre Discovery of “Viking Skin” on Church Doors

For centuries, it has been believed that the large piece of skin nailed to the door of St Botolph’s church in Hadstock near Cambridge in England was human skin that belonged to a Viking Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Dugin’s Zionism-Bolshevism: ‘Our God is Russia, our Church is the Party’

Russian political scientist, traditionalist, and one of the most popular ideologists of the creation of a Eurasian empire that would be against the ‘North Atlantic interests’ Aleksander Dugin, Place: Russia, Model Release: No or not aplicable, Credit line: MVphotos, Russian Look By August 11, 2017 Translated from Polish In Zbigniew Brzeziński’s […] book The […]

Radical Group in Indonesia Obstructs Church from Gathering

Hardliner Group Unfurled Banner to Intimidate the Church  03/30/2022 Indonesia (International Christian Concern) – A radical group in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia refused to allow the HKBP Church (Huria Kristen Batak Protestant) Betania Rancaekek to worship at its shophouse March 23.  In a video that has gone viral on… Source

Televangelists receive millions in PPP loans, Catholic Church got $1.4 billion

Organized religion is perhaps the largest obstacle to spiritual growth which exist. Organized religion is used to herd the sheep through the slaughterhouse door for the evil ass holes who would be ruler of this rock. The Catholic Church was formed as a slave religion for conquered peoples of the Roman Empire. It told them […]


Jesus saves John Hagee moaned as he humped the church secretary-I like sex with you more than my wife he told her as my wife is so sedentary- You make me want to use my holy pole in ways which leave me in a lurch-But God will forgive me and so will the congregation of […]

9 Most Important Things To Look For When Shopping For A New Church

We get it. Sometimes church can be offputting, especially when people ask you to do things or suggest you should stop sinning. What a bunch of jerks! When the time comes for you to separate from your brethren over a petty dispute we recommend keeping your eye open for these nine important things when shopping […]

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