Posts Tagged ‘immigration’

Menendez: With Senate, House Control Dems Will Finally Pass Bipartisan Immigration Reform

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Live” that President Joe Biden’s major immigration reform will finally pass because Democrats control the House, Senate, and move forward votes. Menendez said, “We have a president in President Biden who has leaned into this. The legislation that I introduced today and Congresswoman Linda Sanchez has introduced […]

Biden’s Mass Immigration Scheme

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Biden’s Mass Immigration Scheme February 10 2021 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! Texas On Secession Road Here Secession Is The Only Way Here Regime Change 2021 Here How Secession Works Here ADL’s Depraved Books For Children Here +BN Classics On Brighteon! Obama’s Free Pass To Illegals Here Obama Scam On […]

Inger Støjberg: Denmark’s ex-immigration minister quits party ahead of impeachment trial

Denmark’s former immigration minister has resigned from the liberal Venstre party ahead of an impeachment trial. Inger Støjberg is accused of unlawfully ordering the separation of asylum-seeking couples arriving from Syria. After a lengthy dispute with the left-wing party’s leadership, Støjberg told the newspaper Skive Folkeblad that she will be stepping away from the party, […]

Joe Biden Signs Order Revamping Welfare-Dependent Immigration

President Joe Biden signed an executive order that seeks to revamp welfare-dependent legal immigration to the United States by eliminating certain regulations and demanding a review of current enforcement practices. On Tuesday, Biden signed an order that revokes a crackdown on welfare-dependent legal immigration that sought to protect American taxpayers from being forced to foot […]

Chamber of Commerce to Work with Joe Biden on Expanding Legal Immigration as 18M Americans Jobless

Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue says the business group “will work cooperatively” with President-Elect Joe Biden to expand legal immigration levels to the United States in order to fill American jobs with foreign workers as 18 million Americans remain jobless. At an annual event this week, Donohue outlined the group’s plans to work hand-in-hand […]

Report: Joe Biden Advisers Plot Immigration Agenda with House Democrats

President-elect Joe Biden’s advisers are reportedly meeting with House Democrats to discuss a swift immigration agenda for the incoming administration, which is almost certain to include some form of amnesty for illegal aliens living in the United States. 

LBJ Lying at the Signing of the 1965 Immigration Act

LBJ, who let Israel get away with attacking the USS Liberty and had many Americans needlessly die in Vietnam, tried to get people to think changing America’s immigration policies would not change demogaphics. WorldTruth link

COVID takes a toll: Immigration to Israel drops 40 percent in 2020

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Jews & Immigration: The Connections


Joe Biden and Mexico’s president vow to cooperate on immigration

The two leaders in a phone call “discussed working together on a new approach to regional migration that offers alternatives to undertaking the dangerous journey to the United States,” a summary of the call provided by Mr Biden’s team said. The two leaders said they shared a desire to address the reasons for migration in […]

Jewish senator: Trump’s immigration policy re-created ‘paper wall’

Sen. Ron Wyden, a son of Jewish parents who escaped Nazi Germany for the United States, compared President Donald Trump’s immigration policy to that of the restrictive U.S. policy in the 1930s. During that era, many Jewish immigrants trying to flee Germany were blocked from coming to America. “The president has rebuilt the infamous paper […]

Billionaire Koch Urges GOP, Democrats to Pass Amnesty, Increase Immigration

Billionaire GOP mega-donor Charles Koch is urging elected Republicans and Democrats to pass amnesty for illegal aliens and increase legal immigration levels, even as 24.5 million Americans remain jobless or underemployed. Koch, in an op-ed with Brian Hooks of Stand Together, writes that Republicans and Democrats should “come together” to give amnesty to the roughly […]

Israeli Immigration Minister Urges Gov’t To Avoid Past Mistakes With Ethiopian Jewry

The Media Line — At the Knesset’s Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee meeting on December 7, Immigration and Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata urged the committee to not repeat the same mistakes that the Israeli government made in the past with regard to Ethiopian Israelis. “To my sorrow, the State of Israel has not learned […]

Six Republicans to Explore ‘Immigration Reform’ with Amnesty Advocates

Six Senate and House Republicans are expected this week to engage with elected Democrats and amnesty advocates, from corporate donors to the open borders lobby, on “building bipartisanship on immigration reform.” On Thursday, Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Susan Collins (R-ME), and John Cornyn (R-TX) and Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Will Hurd (R-TX) […]

UCLA Law ‘Professor’ Demands More Latino Immigration To ‘Racist’ U.S. As Reparation For Past ‘Racism’

Laura Gomez, a Mex-American affirmative action ‘professor of law’ at UCLA, is jumping on the bandwagon with Jews and Blacks by demanding ‘reparations’ from White people for past acts of “racism” against Latinos: A book titled, Inventing Latinos: A New Story of American Racism, written by University of California Los Angeles School of Law professor, […]

Analysis: Mass Immigration Drastically Alters Electorates in Swing States

The foreign-born voting population has skyrocketed in critical swing states across the United States over the last 20 years, particularly in Georgia and North Carolina, new analysis finds. Analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler finds that the nation’s importation of at least 14 million immigrants since the year 2000 […]

Exclusive: Reformers Issue Pro-U.S. Worker Immigration Blueprint for Trump, Congress to Adopt

Reformers have issued a blueprint that reshapes the United States’ existing national immigration system to put the interests of America’s working and middle class first. The blueprint, released to Breitbart News by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), focuses on efforts to reduce foreign competition in the labor market against American workers. “It has […]

Resistance To Immigration Is A ‘Primal’ Reaction Says Pope Francis

Pope Francis has once again called for a more welcoming attitude toward migrants, insisting that everyone has the right to “dream of a better future.” He has also, again, decried the resurgence of populism and nationalism on the world stage and called for greater multilateralism. Breitbart reports: “Certain populist political regimes, as well as certain […]

Ten people are arrested after hundreds of anti-immigration protesters clashed with police in Dover

Ten people have been arrested during clashes between anti-immigration protesters and police in Dover on Saturday after a record 409 desperate asylum seekers crossed the Channel in one day this week. Hundreds of campaigners were confronted by groups of pro-migrant protesters in a counter-demonstration following the arrival of 5,600 refugees in small boats this year. The […]

Muslim Immigration ‘Destabilizing’ Denmark, Ex-Official Warns

    Denmark’s former immigration minister has warned non-Western, Islamic migrants are ‘destabilizing’ the country via crime, cultural transformation, welfare abuse, and myriad other issues. Inger Støjberg, who was known for a taking relatively hardline approach while serving as Minister for Immigration, Integration, and Housing from 2015 to 2019, asserted that many migrants from outside […]

Muslim Immigration ‘Destabilizing’ Denmark, Ex-Official Warns

    Denmark’s former immigration minister has warned non-Western, Islamic migrants are ‘destabilizing’ the country via crime, cultural transformation, welfare abuse, and myriad other issues. Inger Støjberg, who was known for a taking relatively hardline approach while serving as Minister for Immigration, Integration, and Housing from 2015 to 2019, asserted that many migrants from outside […]

Muslim Immigration ‘Destabilizing’ Denmark, Ex-Official Warns

    Denmark’s former immigration minister has warned non-Western, Islamic migrants are ‘destabilizing’ the country via crime, cultural transformation, welfare abuse, and myriad other issues. Inger Støjberg, who was known for a taking relatively hardline approach while serving as Minister for Immigration, Integration, and Housing from 2015 to 2019, asserted that many migrants from outside […]

Muslim Immigration ‘Destabilizing’ Denmark, Ex-Official Warns

    Denmark’s former immigration minister has warned non-Western, Islamic migrants are ‘destabilizing’ the country via crime, cultural transformation, welfare abuse, and myriad other issues. Inger Støjberg, who was known for a taking relatively hardline approach while serving as Minister for Immigration, Integration, and Housing from 2015 to 2019, asserted that many migrants from outside […]

New FOIA Docs Expose Conditions In Private Immigration Prison

Above photo: This aerial view shows the Immigration Centers of America facility Farmville on Aug. 12, 2020 in Farmville, Va. Steve Helber | AP. So Bad That Even ICE Was Shocked. Documents obtained through Freedom of Information requests show a consistent pattern of abuse at the privately-run ICE facility in Farmville, where detainees suffered abuse, neglect, […]

Deaths In Immigration Detention Are At A Record High

ICE Can Prevent the Next One. Two men died in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody on August 5. One of the men died in a hospital after being diagnosed with COVID-19, while the other died in his cell of a massive intercranial hemorrhage. These tragedies increased the total deaths in ICE custody this […]

The Big Picture – Lets Start the Conversation About Suicide & The Great Immigration Debate

The Big Picture – Lets Start the Conversation About Suicide & The Great Immigration Debate By The Big We need to talk about suicide! Holland discusses suicide prevention, and how to help someone who might be at risk with John Huber, a Clinical Forensic Psychologist and Nancy Colier, Psychotherapist and author. Then the Great […]

Poll: Most Europeans Believe Immigration & Terrorism Pose Greatest Threat

A new poll shows that an alarming number of Continental Europeans and Britons worry most about the threat of immigration and terrorism above all other security threats to their respective countries. While countries in Eastern Europe such as Lithuania and Poland worried most about Russian power and influence, the general consensus in Western Europe was […]

Amber Rudd quits as Home Secretary as immigration crisis grows

Amber Rudd quits as Home Secretary as immigration crisis grows Live updates from the UK government and resignation of our Home Secretary. Amber Rudd quits as Home Secretary as immigration crisis grows “It is bitter sweet. Rudd had to go to go because of her performance and because of her denials of the targets. […]

Danish Immigration Minister: ‘Some Refugees Cheat, Lie and Abuse’

William, Defend Europa, 28 April 2018 Danish Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg has provoked outrage amongst the liberal journalist class by appearing to commit the revolutionary crime of telling the truth about “refugees”. In a column for Danish newspaper BT, Støjberg explained that her ministry was regularly receiving information suggesting that refugees are abusing the benefits system and cheating in academic tests, […]

Cheat, lie and abuse – Danish immigration minister hits out at migrants

Minister Inger Stojberg of the ruling center-right Venstre party, cited a Facebook group that provides answers to Danish language and culture tests, which all migrants have to take in the Nordic country. “A significant group” of refugees who have come to Denmark “cheats, lies and abuses our trust,” she wrote in an editorial in BT, […]

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