Posts Tagged ‘message’

Message To Doctors By Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons Shows Desperation to Silence Them

The Facts: In March, Harvard epidemiologist and vaccine expert Dr. Martin Kulldorff was subjected to censorship by Twitter for sharing his opinion that not everybody needed to take the COVID vaccine. Reflect On: Why are so many opinions, evidence and research receiving no mainstream media attention at all? Why are some of them ridiculed and […]

‘Hello! This is Israeli intelligence’: The text message igniting fears of a crackdown when Gaza war ends

A text message from a local number flashed up on Omar’s* phone claiming to be Israeli intelligence informing him he would soon be arrested. The young Palestinian had been asked to volunteer as a medic at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa compound as larger than normal crowds of worshippers were expected during the holy month of Ramadan. But […]

Christ the Redeemer statue lights up with a message: ‘Vaccine Saves’

Brazil’s world-famous Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro has been lit up to project a message of vaccine evangelism, encouraging individuals from miles around to drop to their knees and worship another, more controversial savior. The statue, which depicts Jesus Christ, arms outstretched, on the hillside of Rio, was emblazoned with the slogans “vaccine saves” and “united for […]

A message to everyone in the “truth movement” who thought Trump was an “Illuminati pawn”

I can’t tell you how many people in the so call “truth movement” said things like Trump was a traitor. That he was under the control of his son in law Jared Kushner. Look Trump is a business man he makes contact with other wealthy business people in order to do what he needs to […]

The Age of Fear: A Graduation Message for Terrifying Times, by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead

STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC Some good advice, and not just for graduates, from John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead at “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists […]

Rihanna posts solidarity message for both sides of Israel-Gaza conflict

Grammy-winning pop star Rihanna called for an end to the Israel-Gaza violence, saying her “heart is breaking” in a rare show of solidarity for both the Israeli and Palestinian sides by a mainstream US celebrity. “Innocent Israeli and Palestinian children are hiding in bomb shelters…There needs to be some kind of resolve! We are sadly […]

Miracle find or hoax? Scientists investigating whether message in bottle was thrown from Titanic hours before it sank

A message in a bottle, purportedly written hours before the fateful Titanic sank on its maiden voyage, is being investigated by scientists to know if it’s a hoax or an artifact of the historic tragedy. A letter dated 13 April, 1912, bearing the name of 12-year-old French schoolgirl Mathilde Lefebvre was found washed up in […]

What has really been happening in India? A first-hand message

A first-hand message from India: the truth about genocide and starvation Sources supplied at the end of the article… From Genocide. Starvation. Corruption. This is the truth about what’s really going on in India under the guise of the COVID19 virus and the alleged pandemic. These are not my words. These are the words […]

71-Year-Old Pastor Arrested for Causing ‘Alarm and Distress’ for ‘Homophobic’ Message on Marriage

[embedded content] (Christian Concern) — John Sherwood, a UK pastor, was arrested in North West London this past Friday, April 23, and detained overnight – all for speaking about what the Bible says about marriage. John, in his early 70s, is minister of a north London church, and was preaching with a colleague in the […]

Israel’s ‘war month’ sends a message to Hezbollah

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Rivlin to Macron: After Sarah Halimi, send message against antisemitism

President Reuven Rivlin sent a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron Wednesday regarding the French court’s decision on Sarah Halimi’s killer’s liability for her death.“I heard with sorrow of the decision of the French Supreme Court to confirm the decision of the lower courts that the accused in the antisemitic, brutal and terrible murder of […]

 Can a Formula 1 Star Send a Message to the Saudi Government? 

Written by Danaka Katovich and Ariel Gold For human rights advocates who also enjoy the sport of car racing, a great opportunity awaits us. Lewis Hamilton, the only Black driver in the history of Formula 1 racing, has been bravely and consistently supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. In the wake of the protests against […]

Iranian media: ‘Missile to Dimona is message to Israel: the sensitive areas are not immune’

Browse > Home / News / Iranian media: ‘Missile to Dimona is message to Israel: the sensitive areas are not immune’ April 22, 2021 by Baruch Yedid – TPS Read on for article Iranian and Arab media and commentators claimed on Thursday following the surface-to-air missile that was fired from Syria to Israel’s southern Negev […]

Queen Elizabeth Marks 95th Birthday With Thank You Message For Prince Philip Tributes

Queen Elizabeth II marked her 95th birthday on Wednesday with a message of thanks for people around the world who sent condolences following the death of her husband, Prince Philip. In a statement shared on Instagram, the British monarch said she “very much” appreciated the “many messages of good wishes” on her birthday. “While as […]

Hand-Spun, Hand-Woven Cloth Has A Wider Message—The Increasing Relevance of Khadi

In most parts of world spinning and weaving of cloth has become entirely mechanized. There are a few examples here and there of weaving being done on handlooms ( handloom cloth) for particular types of cloth but spinning and related work like ginning has been almost entirely mechanized. However in India during the freedom movement […]

Message From The Amazon Union Defeat In Alabama Is Clear

Above photo: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images. Keep Organizing. The union’s loss in Bessemer shows the urgent need for both labor law reform and organizing at a mass scale. On April 9, the National Labor Relations Board announced the results of a mail ballot certification election that concluded on March 29 for workers at the Amazon fulfillment center […]

President Rivlin broadcasts Israel’s 73rd birthday message to the diaspora

Browse > Home / News / President Rivlin broadcasts Israel’s 73rd birthday message to the diaspora April 15, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article President Reuven Rivlin sends Independence Day greetings to Israeli citizens and to Jewish communities around the world. [embedded content]Credits: video – Omer Meron, sound – Ben Peretz (GPO) Like […]

8-Year-Old Boy Finds Message in a Bottle From 25 Years Ago and Tracks Down Its Sender

A handwritten message in a bottle, tossed to sea by a 14-year-old Quebec girl, took a quarter century to travel nearly 60 miles to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. There, it was found by an 8-year-old boy who was delighted by the earnest message. He wrote back. Eight-year-old Nyima Mitchell found the glass bottle under […]

Pope’s Easter message: Buy vaccines, not guns – watch

Pope Francis urged countries in his Easter message on Sunday to quicken distribution of COVID vaccines, particularly to the world’s poor, and called armed conflict and military spending during a pandemic “scandalous”. Maha Albadrawi reports. At slimmed-down celebrations in Vatican City on Sunday, the pope said armed conflict and military spending during a pandemic is […]

Wake Up World | A message to those who still believe the covid lie | To those who get all their information from the main stream propaganda media

Wake Up World Prepare For Change / Guest Author To whom it may concern, We have to be blind or brainwashed not to see the massive tons of evidence around the world now from thousands of highly qualified doctors, scientists, nurses, microbiologists, etc. who are clearly trying to tell us we are not being given […]

Pope calls for end to war, violence, and ‘race for new weaponry’ in Easter message

Pope Francis condemned the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, calling for an end to the “clash of arms” in his Easter message. In the address, Francis said it was scandalous that “armed conflicts have not ended and military arsenals are being strengthened.” There are still too many wars and too much violence in the […]

Pope, in Easter message, slams weapons spending in time of pandemic

Pope Francis urged countries in his Easter message on Sunday to quicken distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly to the world’s poor, and called armed conflict and military spending during a pandemic “scandalous.” Coronavirus has meant this has been the second year in a row that Easter papal services have been attended by small gatherings at […]

Pope Francis Again Snubs Uighurs in Easter Message

ROME — Pope Francis proclaimed his yearly Easter blessing Sunday where the plight of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang China was conspicuously missing. In his solemn Urbi et Orbi blessing, the pontiff offers a virtual tour of problem areas around the globe to point out conflicts and injustices but as he has done on past occasions, […]

Insha – Malayalam movie with an inspiring message

Dr Siju Vijayan is passionate about his new film, Insha, which is a story that is true to this world that we live in. This is the reason why Insha is a trailblazer because stories about disabled people are not often told and are not often told with this much authenticity. Dr. Vijayan’s impetus of […]

Passover: Baby dolls hung near Sweden synagogue with antisemitic message

Strange baby dolls made to look covered in blood were found strung up near a synagogue in Norrköping, Sweden, on the first night of the Passover holiday. The incident appears to be antisemitic in nature, with a message accompanying the dolls being classified by the police as “a hate crime, one that intends to spread […]

A Pesach message from Dr Geoff Lee

Browse > Home / News / A Pesach message from Dr Geoff Lee March 30, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article Dr Geoff Lee is the NSW Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education and Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans. Dr Geoff Lee He writes: “I extend my best wishes to all […]

Pope sends Julian Assange personal message to his jail cell, partner says

Pope Francis has conveyed a personal message to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who remains incarcerated in a British maximum security prison battling possible extradition to the US, the publisher’s partner has said. The “kind, personal message” from the head of the Catholic Church was delivered to Assange’s cell by a prison priest, Stella Moris told […]

Essential Message of Mahatma Gandhi Has More Significance in An Increasingly Troubled World

Nearly 73 years after he left us, victim of an assassin’s bullets, many people grappling with the  most serious problems and issues in our troubled world are increasingly realizing the great value of several essential messages Mahatma  Gandhi left behind after a very eventful and even more thoughtful life. One of these relates to understanding […]

A Pesach message from Alex Hawke

Browse > Home / News / A Pesach message from Alex Hawke March 26, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article Alex Hawke is the Australian Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs. Alex Hawke I send my warmest greetings to all Australians celebrating Passover. Challenges like those we have faced this past […]

A Pesach message from Scott Morrison..and a video with Josh Frydenberg

Browse > Home / News / A Pesach message from Scott Morrison..and a video with Josh Frydenberg March 26, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article Passover is an old story –– a timeless story –– that has inspired generations of Jewish people around the world. Scott Morrison Last year, Seder tables across the […]

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