Posts Tagged ‘south’

N. Korea Threatens Unprecedented Response To South-U.S. Military Drills

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea threatened Friday to take “unprecedently” strong action against its rivals, soon after South Korea announced a series of planned military drills with the United States to hone their joint response to the North’s increasing nuclear threats. North Korea has halted weapons testing activities since its short-range missile firing […]

Amazon Bans the Truth of The USA’s Terrorist War Crimes Against the South

Amazon has a wide selection of books. I have a very extensive library of which quite a few came from Amazon. But over the years I have watched as one by one they banned books which were just too damn truthful. One they just banned is this one, still available elsewhere. It is a hard […]

Dendias concludes tour of South and Central America with Jamaica visit

Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias concluded his tour of South and Central America with a visit to Jamaica, the first-ever visit of a Greek foreign affairs minister to the Caribbean country. In a meeting with his Jamaican counterpart, Kamina J. Smith, Dendias discussed “promoting Greece-Jamaica cooperation in investments, renewable energy sources, culture, tourism, and… […]

Iran held by South Africa at 2023 FIH Indoor Hockey World Cup

TEHRAN – Iran’s men’s team were held to a 4-4 draw against South Africa at the FIH Indoor Hockey World Cup South Africa 2023 on Wednesday. Yaghoub Bahrami scored two goals and Reza Norouzzadeh and Amirmehdi Mirzakhani scored a goal each for the Iranian team. Team Melli, who claimed bronze in 2018, will play Czech […]

Irish Liberators In South American Independence Wars

For much of its history Ireland was just one of a legion of realms conquered by the British Empire in a morally reprehensible quest of world domination. The road to independence was long and arduous, and was particularly challenging during the 19th century when the British Crown was at the apex of its power. As […]

On the matter of North Korean spies in South Korea

The conservatives’ offensive against the opposition is partly carried out under the slogans of searching for pro-Pyongyang NGOs and North Korean spies, and in this regard here’s a digest of the most famous espionage scandals of recent years. An underground activist network or another crackdown on unions? Recall, back on August 6, 2021, four activists […]

Calls To Suspend Covid Jabs In South Africa Over Safety Concerns, Hits Mainstream News

More and more medical experts, scientists, and right group advocates in Africa are now demanding that the government should stop its COVID-19 vaccination campaign due to its devastating side effects among patients. Vaccines against COVID-19 were first introduced in South Africa in February 2021. Its goal was to vaccinate 67% of the population, or 40 […]

South Korea Unveils Plan to Normalize Relations With North Korea Amid Tensions

South Korea on Friday unveiled a plan for reunification with North Korea, which includes efforts to provide North Korea with humanitarian aid, in a bid to revive stalled denuclearization talks amid flaring tensions between the two rivals. The South Korean Ministry of Unification presented a report to President Yoon Suk-yeol on its plans and prospects […]

South Dakote Governor’s Grocery Tax Cut Push Meets With Resistance From Fellow Republicans

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s push for the passage of a bill to do away with a state tax on groceries has met with opposition and non-commital from fellow Republicans amid speculation that she may be contemplating a run for the White House. Noem, a fiscally and socially conservative Republican, cruised easily to victory and […]

Orania, the Afrikaner-Only Enclave in South Africa, Finds Support from an Unlikely Source: Moroccan Football Fans

While at first, I thought that the football fans were insinuating that Orania was an extension of European colonialism, they actually were implying that Orania is suffering under foreign occupation via the viciously anti-White and communist ANC government. Source

Global South: Gold-backed currencies to replace the US dollar

The adoption of commodity-backed currencies by the Global South could upend the US dollar’s dominance and level the playing field in international trade. January 19 2023 By Pepe Escobar Let’s start with three interconnected multipolar-driven facts. First: One of the key take aways from the World Economic Forum annual shindig in Davos, Switzerland is when Saudi […]

Gerrie Coetzee, Champion Boxer Who Defied South Africa’s Apartheid Laws, Dead At 67

The WBA heavyweight champion won popularity with late South African leader Nelson Mandela and both Black and white fans. Source

Covert Chinese police stations in South Korea?

In relations between South Korea and China, something is emerging that can significantly worsen relations between Seoul and Beijing. We are talking about information disseminated by pro-American NGOs that China allegedly not only interferes in the internal affairs of neighboring countries, but also keeps “secret police stations” there. These police stations, if these bombshell statements […]

China Suspends Visas For South Koreans In Retaliation Over COVID Testing Rules

Japan’s Kyodo News service said the ban would also affect Japanese travelers. Source

South Korea and its cyber front

Generally, when it comes to cybercrime, the author writes about North Korean hackers, but an overview of what the issue of hackers in the ROK in general looks like is also noteworthy. First, some general statistics on hacker attacks in the ROK.  Back in 2021, following the attempted hacking of the Korea Atomic Energy Research […]

South Korea Fires Warning Shots After North Korean Drones Cross Border

Several North Korean drones crossed the inter-Korean border and were detected in the South’s territory on Monday morning, South Korea’s Defense Ministry said. Source

Q&A with North South University students

December 20, 2022 I was recently contacted by my friend Cynthia McKinney who told me that my article about what a Russian defeat would mean for the West was used as part of the course she teaches at North South University of Dhaka in Bangladesh.  I have to admit that I was very touched by the idea that students in faraway […]

North Korea is once again the enemy in the eyes of South Korea

In the 2022 White Paper on Defense, in accordance with the policy of the current administration, the political regime and the army of North Korea are designated as hostile to South Korea. This was reported on December 6, 2022 by South Korean media familiar with the draft document, which will be officially released in January […]

South Korea and Saudi Arabia open up a new level of economic partnership

South Korea and Saudi Arabia have had diplomatic relations for more than 60 years, but since 2015, when Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman became actively involved in state affairs, relations between the two countries have received a new impetus for cooperation, expanding from the traditional sectors of oil trading and construction to developing alternative energy […]

Itaewon tragedy: South Korean authorities take action

Our previous article covering the tragedy at Itaewon was about how the causes of the tragedy were being determined. Now we will talk about how the government has tackled the consequences of the fatal crowd collapse and what measures will be taken to ensure that such a tragedy does not happen again. In the days […]

South Korea Toughens Stance on Truckers Strike Amid Supply Disruptions

South Korea’s government on Thursday issued a second back-to-work order to thousands of striking truckers, toughening its stance after the ongoing truckers’ strike disrupted the country’s supply chains. President Yoon Suk-yeol approved issuing the order on truckers in the petrochemical and steel industries, just a week after a similar order was issued for truckers in […]

Why the Global South Is Raising the Russian Flag

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The Global South births a new game-changing payment system

November 30, 2022 by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the US Dollar. The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is speeding up its design of a common payment system, […]

Here we go again with another Covid variant: The South African Variant

READ HERE:   Source

Australian State Of New South Wales Scraps 33,000 Covid Fines

The state of New South Wales has scrapped 33,000 fines that had been issued for breaking Covid-19 measures. The move came on Tuesday after the Supreme Court of Australia’s most populous state ruled that three fines […] The post Australian State Of New South Wales Scraps 33,000 Covid Fines appeared first on News Punch. Source

VOCI – Israelites in South Africa, Part 1

ISRAELITES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA ISRAELITES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA The post VOCI – Israelites in South Africa, Part 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

South African Woman Talks About How Her Fiancé Was Murdered and Nothing Is Done to Stop the Violence

A Black attack on a White couple in South Africa does not even garner any local news stories. It’s always swept entirely under the bloody rug. Source

Kamala Harris To Visit Front-line Philippine Island In South China Sea Feud

Vice President Kamala Harris is visiting the Philippines to underscore America’s commitment to defend its treaty ally. Source

South Korea strengthens its economic presence in Africa

As the struggle for multipolarity and resources in Europe and Asia continues, another field of strategic confrontation between world powers is gradually taking shape. The fragmented African continent, with sensitive hotbeds of simmering and re-emerging conflicts, but rich in natural resources, is increasingly attracting investors from all over the world. Leading Asian economies have been […]

Are North and South Korea rushing blindly towards the danger line?

The events we all can see unfolding on the Korean peninsula at the moment are a good example of the “security dilemma,” in which a country upgrades its military potential to protect itself from its neighbor, but that neighbor sees its actions as an act of aggression and upgrades its own military, thus triggering an […]

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