Posts Tagged ‘toxic’

UN head says Gazans ‘caged in a toxic slum from birth to death’ as human rights council votes to investigate Israel

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley criticized the council after the meeting, defending Israel for engaging in “legitimate defense of its own border against terrorist attacks.” “It is another shameful day for human rights,” Haley said. Clearly Ms. Haley has been thoroughly stripped of her identity as a woman of color and former member […]

Did you know you breathe in highly toxic jet engine air every time you travel?

(Natural News) During flights, every breath you take inside an airliner’s passenger cabin fills your lungs with air taken directly from the plane’s jet engines. An article in Green Med Info stated that this exposes you to tricresyl phosphates (TCPs) and other deadly chemicals used to ensure the smooth operation of the […]

490,000 Pounds of Toxic Pesticides Sprayed on National Wildlife Refuges

America’s national wildlife refuges are being doused with hundreds of thousands of pounds of dangerous agricultural pesticides every year, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Center for Biological Diversity. The Center for Biological Diversity report, No Refuge, reveals that an estimated 490,000 pounds of pesticides were dumped on commodity crops like corn, soybeans and […]

Weedkiller Products More Toxic Than Their Active Ingredient, Tests Show

US government researchers have uncovered evidence that some popular weedkilling products, like Monsanto’s widely-used Roundup, are potentially more toxic to human cells than their active ingredient is by itself. These “formulated” weedkillers are commonly used in agriculture, leaving residues in food and water, as well as public spaces such as golf courses, parks and children’s […]

A List of Toxic Teabags Containing Illegal Amounts Of Toxic Pesticides You Maybe Want To Avoid

Next Story There’s nothing better than a nice steaming hot cup of tea, am I right? I don’t know about you, but I love tea, and drink it pretty much whenever I can and almost always in the evening. Tea can offer so many different health benefits that give you antioxidants and nutrients, can boost […]

Japan’s TEPCO Plans to Dump 777,000 Tons of Fukushima ‘Toxic Waste Water’ into Pacific Ocean

This is the big elephant in the room. When will environmentalists and green journalists take a break from climate change and start addressing clear and present threats like nuclear waste? Newsweek Toxic waste produced by one of the world’s worst nuclear disasters will be dumped into the sea, according to the head of the Japanese […]

81% of Dollar Tree Products Tested Positive For Toxic Chemicals Linked To Cancer, Learning Disabilities, and Serious Illnesses

The lure of a good deal is hard to pass up, after all, we all work hard to earn our income. It is for this reason that discount stores and dollar retailers are so popular in the United States, allowing us to purchase all of our favorite items at rock bottom prices. Dollar retailers carry […]

An outbreak of toxic caterpillars that can cause asthma attacks, vomiting and skin rashes has descended on London, officials have warned

An outbreak of toxic caterpillars that can cause asthma attacks, vomiting and skin rashes has descended on London, officials have warned. Oak processionary moths (OPM), which are in their larval stage, have been spotted across the south-east of England and in the capital. Hairs on the caterpillars can cause fevers […]

It’s "open season" on vaccinating pregnant women with toxic, harmful substances confirmed present in many vaccines

(Natural News) Everybody knows that when you’re pregnant you don’t drink coffee, smoke cigarettes or take pain medications, right? And no matter how tempting that glass of wine might look, as a conscientious mom-to-be you wouldn’t think of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. For a mother, the responsibilities of parenting start from the second she […]

Why Farmed Salmon Is One Of The Most Toxic Things You Can Put In Your Body

Next Story Fish has long been touted as a super food from doctors, nutritionists and specialists from around the world. Many people choose not to eat meat or other animal products, but show pride in their presumed health conscious decision to consume fish. But, as with almost everything else that is promoted heavily in the […]

‘Exploding’ ants discovered: Kamikaze insects kill predators with toxic… well, selves

The ‘colobopsis explodens’ was discovered by a team of international researchers who identified 15 separate species of exploding ants in the tropical rainforest. Details of the study have been published in Zookeys. The team noticed that this species was “particularly prone to self-sacrifice when threatened by enemy arthropods, as well as intruding researchers.” While the […]

Russian officials and policymakers respond to expulsion of diplomats and toxic diplomacy

nsnbc : Russian officials and policymakers responded to the coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats from the United States as well as 14 from the […]

Volcano spews toxic gas cloud, scores hospitalized & forced to flee

Residents suffered shortness of breath and vomiting following the predominantly gas-based eruption at Mount Ijen in Eastern Java, Indonesia at approximately 7:15pm local time on Wednesday. Mount Ijen is a popular tourist destination, but local workers often mine there for sulfur at night. A post shared by Dicky Setyo Gunawan (@dickysetyo15) on Mar 21, 2018 […]

New flu forecasting system being rolled out; will aggressively push toxic vaccines with "science" propaganda

(Natural News) Researchers from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City have come up with a new tracking system that they claim will be able to predict the geographic spread of seasonal influenza before it starts to run its course. Published in the journal PNAS, a paper […]

Researcher Discovers a New Non-toxic Approach to Cancer Management

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Dr. Dominic D’Agostino did not set out to find a treatment for cancer. Yet, during his research into the treatment of seizures, he found a possible non-toxic alternative approach to cancer management. D’Agostino discovered that eliminating carbohydrates from the diet could starve cancer cells. An Unexpected Discovery Dr. […]

15 Toxic Things Poisoning Your Children That Are Hiding In Almost Every Home

Next Story We live in a consumeristic culture that encourages us to buy numerous products we don’t need, many of which are filled with dangerous chemicals. We are constantly exposed to toxins because they’re hidden in our food, body products, “medicine,” household items, and even the air we breathe. Many of these products have misleading […]

Toxic masculinity: A valid concept?

On the dangers of pathologizing manhood      The two fundamental objectives in the evolutionary game of life are to first survive (natural selection) and then to mate (sexual selection). For sexually reproducing species including humans, evolution has endowed males and females with universal mating preferences that map onto sex-specific recurring challenges faced by each sex […]

Tepco’s ‘Ice Wall’ Fails to Freeze Fukushima’s Toxic Water Buildup

Mmm hmm. This was treated like comedy gold on Cryptogon when it was announced. And now, not only has it not worked, but the problem is worse. Via: Reuters: A costly “ice wall” is failing to keep groundwater from seeping into the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, data from operator Tokyo Electric […]

Claim: Israel Caught Illegally Spraying Toxic Herbicides On Palestinian Farms, Destroying Their Food

Israel is being accused of illegally spraying toxic herbicides on Palestinian farmlands along the border between the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, causing significant damage to Palestine’s agricultural crops. Nearly 2 million Palestinians live on the Gaza Strip, which has been officially occupied by Israel since 2007. While Israel claimed that […]

Toxic pollutants in Michigan driving people out of their homes

(Natural News) Hundreds of long-time Michigan residents have been forced to abandon their residences, businesses, and schools due to the prevalence of pernicious air pollution in those areas, reported The Detroit News. Forced to stay in hotels and other temporary residences until the state and federal authorities finish cleaning up the source of […]

The healing art of massage can be compromised by toxic chemicals in personal care products

(Natural News) The healing effects of a massage could be compromised by the chemicals in the massage oils used, according to a report published on the website Massage is considered as a great natural cure. It is an effective treatment for pain management as well as an effective, non-drug option for people […]

Toxic Water Seeps From Norwegian Mining Site in Brazil’s Amazon

SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – After almost a week of denials by both Hydro Alunorte and Para state officials, experts from Brazil’s Health Ministry confirmed that basins carrying residue deposits from a Norwegian mining operation overflowed last weekend, dumping toxic waste into waterways and soil around the metropolitan area of Para’s capital, Belem, located […]

Potentially toxic chemicals were found in e-cigarette vaper

A new warning about vaping published in Environmental Health Perspectives says there may be toxic levels of metals, including lead, that could be leaking from the heating coils of e-cigarettes. Researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health found metal traces in the aerosols inhaled by users, known as vapers. The team tested […]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg clearly showing toxic effects of "chemo brain" … unable to think clearly, takes LONG pauses during conversations

(Natural News) No decent human being should get their kicks from taking pot shots at someone who has had to battle cancer, especially when the person in question is 84 years old. Nonetheless, when that person is an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and is clearly exhibiting […]

Many Fabric Softeners Are Loaded With Toxic Ingredients Linked To Developmental Disorders – These Ones Aren’t

By Alanna Ketler Fabric softeners are one of the most unnecessary dangerous chemicals that you may be using in your home, and it’s important that you stop right away. There are much better, safer, all natural alternatives that will keep you, your family, and the environment safe. The natural alternatives can also prolong the life of your […]

Natural, homemade alternatives to toxic dryer sheets

(Natural News) Did you know that something as ordinary as a dryer sheet can contain toxic chemicals? The dryer sheets that you regularly include in your laundry can have negative side effects. Dryer sheets are full of toxic chemicals, and here are some of the dangers associated with them: Carcinogenic chemicals — […]

Plastic pollution is devastating ocean ecosystems, turning them into “toxic repositories;” documentary spurs action

(Natural News) Sir David Attenborough, an English veteran broadcaster and naturalist who recently made a documentary on plastic and its harmful effects on the environment, said that the Earth’s oceans are slowly becoming a toxic depository due to the evil deeds of the planet’s dwellers. Describing one scene from the documentary, Attenborough […]

Fabric Softeners Are Loaded With Toxic Ingredients Linked To Developmental Disorders -These Ones Aren’t

Next Story Fabric softeners are one of the most unnecessary dangerous chemicals that you may be using in your home, and it’s important that you stop right away. There are much better, safer, all natural alternatives that will keep you, your family, and the environment safe. The natural alternatives can also prolong the life of […]

Clean and Green – Keep a Hygienic House with These Natural, Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

January 30th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Commercial cleaning products are made from toxic chemicals that are known to cause headaches and respiratory difficulties, organ damage and even cancer. Thankfully, you can clean your home effectively and safely using these powerful all-natural ingredients. A clean, decluttered home provides a much-needed sanctuary […]

Toxic water from old Boral mine entering Sydney’s drinking catchment

Toxic water from old Boral mine entering Sydney’s drinking catchment, research warns By Greg Miskelly Posted 21 Aug 2017, 6:13am Photo: The team found pollution has increased since the mine ceased production in 2013. (ABC News: Greg Miskelly) Map: Berrima 2577 Millions of litres of highly toxic water is escaping from a derelict coal mine […]

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