Posts Tagged ‘continues’

€200m more pledged to help island of La Palma as volcanic activity continues

The Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez has pledged €200 million to help the island of La Palma recover from the damage from the volcano that continues to spew lava. Sanchez was briefing journalists after visiting the affected area of the Canary Islands for the third time. The government has declared the island a disaster area. […]

Britney’s conservatorship is one example of how the legacy of eugenics in the US continues to affect the lives of disabled women

Image Credit: TMZ Britney Spears has been locked in a court battle 13 years in the making. While her father was suspended as conservator of her estate on Sep. 29, 2021, her conservatorship might not be terminated until the next hearing on Nov. 12. During this conservatorship, she was limited in her ability to make […]

Korean Peninsula’s Missile Race Continues in Earnest

On September 1, 2021, the ROK tested (incidentally, earlier than North Korea) a ballistic missile from a submarine, and on September 12, North Korea launched a new cruise missile with a range of 1500 km, which has already stirred up the region. Since South Korean missile news doesn’t usually make the front pages, everyone stigmatized […]

Spanish Island Expands As Lava From Volcano Continues To Flow Into Ocean

LOS LLANOS DE ARIDANE, Canary Islands (AP) — The surface of Spain’s La Palma island is continuing to expand as lava from a volcano flows into the Atlantic Ocean and hardens when it comes into contact with the water, European Union scientists said Thursday. Copernicus, the European Union’s Earth observation program, said Thursday that its […]

Palestine tourism revenue continues to fall 

Palestine’s tourism revenue has continued to fall due to the coronavirus pandemic, officials have confirmed. There was an estimated loss of $1.5 billion last year, they added on World Tourism Day. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities the impact of the pandemic on the tourism […]

Humanitarian Crisis Ravages Yemen: Yet Biden Administration Continues To Service Saudi War Machine

President Joe Biden began his presidency with a promise to confront Saudi Arabia and treat the murderous regime as a “pariah.” In particular, he pledged to end “all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.” Yet nearly eight months later little has changed. The president undercut his initial […]

Seoul Continues to be Hysterical while Tokyo Digs a Fukushima Water Tunnel

On August 25, 2021, South Korea expressed “strong regret” that Japan was unilaterally implementing its plan to release radioactive water from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant “without any prior consultations or seeking consent from the South Korean government”.  Oh, my gosh – Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc. (TEPCO) has unveiled a preliminary construction plan of […]

Tunisia travel ban continues despite gov’t repeal, says official

Tunisian parliamentarian Mabrouk Korchid said yesterday that the government’s ban on travel was “still in effect,” despite a recent presidential announcement lifting the measure. “A friend of mine was travelling yesterday but he was suspended for not possessing a written decision about his travel purpose,” Korchid said on Facebook. “The ban is still in effect […]

Australia Continues Plunge Into Authoritarianism And Military Brinkmanship

Australia has joined the US and UK in an “enhanced trilateral security partnership” called AUKUS with the unspoken-yet-obvious goal of coordinating escalations against China. Antiwar reports: President Biden and the leaders of Australia and the UK announced a new military agreement on Wednesday aimed at countering China. The pact, known as AUKUS, will focus on the sharing of sensitive […]

Australia Continues Its plunge Into Authoritarianism And Military Brinkmanship, by Caitlin Johnstone

STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC Australian native Caitlin Johnstone knows where her country is going. From Johnstone at Australia has joined the US and UK in an “enhanced trilateral security partnership” called AUKUS with the unspoken-yet-obvious goal of coordinating escalations against China. Antiwar reports: President Biden and the leaders of Australia and the UK announced a new military […]

Australia Continues Its Plunge Into Authoritarianism And Military Brinkmanship

Australia has joined the US and UK in an “enhanced trilateral security partnership” called AUKUS with the unspoken-yet-obvious goal of coordinating escalations against China. Antiwar reports: President Biden and the leaders of Australia and the UK announced a new military agreement on Wednesday aimed at countering China. The pact, known as AUKUS, will focus on […]

As war keeps poisoning humanity, organizing continues to be the antidote

[embedded content] Last weekend, U.S. corporate media continued a 20-year repetition compulsion to evade the central role of the U.S. in causing vast carnage and misery due to the so-called War on Terror. But millions of Americans fervently oppose the military-industrial complex and its extremely immoral nonstop warfare. CodePink and Massachusetts Peace Action hosted a […]

Persecution Continues to Sweep Across India’s Uttar Pradesh State

Christians Unable to Worship Without Threat of Attack by Radical Hindu Nationalists  09/10/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has continued to document a concerning surge in Christian persecution in India’s Uttar Pradesh state. In just the past 10 days, ICC has documented at least 10 separate incidents of persecution. The spike in anti-Christian violence has many local Christians concerned for their basic safety in Uttar Pradesh.   […]

ACH (1600) Michael Walsh – The Tyranny Continues On All Levels Worldwide

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1600) Michael Walsh – The Tyranny Continues On All Levels Worldwide Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on September 10 2021, Andy is joined by Michael Walsh for a show entitled, “The Tyranny Continues On All […]

CDC Quietly Changes Definition Of ‘Vaccine’ As COVID-19 Continues To Infect Vaccinated People

As Joe Biden gears up to announce his new “strategy” to combat the COVID-19 Delta variant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly changed the definition of “vaccine.” This comes as vaccinated people continue to get infected with coronavirus, and as vaccine effectiveness is reportedly “waning.” The CDC recently changed the definition of “vaccine” […]

The Struggle for Influence in Southeast Asia Continues

In early August, the mutual maneuvering of the world’s leading powers in the Southeast Asian sub-region continues. Their main participants are the United States and China, who are increasingly drawn into a struggle for the minds and hearts of people living in Southeast Asia. For the dominant influence on individual countries and the regional Association […]

Israel Nears War With Gaza As Ceasefire Continues To Breakdown

The Israeli regime of Prime Minister Naftali Bennet continues to prevent aid money from reaching the besieged Gaza Strip, leaving the people unable to recover from the destruction caused earlier this year. With Gaza having fired the first rocket since May at Israel, it seems that another escalation is just a matter of time. Israel […]

UK Labour Party pro-Israel purge continues: celebrated film maker Ken Loach latest member to be expelled

Among today’s myriad stranger-than-fiction political dramas, none hold a candle to the UK Labour Party in terms of sheer bizarre spectacle. A brief history: When in 2015, Jeremy Corbyn, a Member of Parliament with a half-century track record of progressive activism, threw in his hat for Party leadership, it was widely seen as a joke. […]

The Internal Crisis Continues to Tear Lebanon Apart

One year ago, a huge explosion occurred in the port of Beirut, killing 217 people. On the anniversary of the tragedy, thousands of Lebanese took to the streets to commemorate the victims and express their discontent about what is happening. The Lebanese people demand that those responsible for the tragedy be punished. As noted by […]

Mainstream media ignores how Israel continues sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal

Once again, the danger of conflict between Israel and Iran is rising. Once again, the mainstream U.S. media is either ignoring or distorting the news. A drone attacked an Israeli-linked oil tanker in the Arabian Sea last week, and after a few days the U.S., Britain and Israel all accused Iran. The Washington Post report […]

A 20 Year Old Man Has Died From COVID-19 as Sydney Outbreak Continues to Grow

A man in his 20s with COVID-19 has died at home as New South Wales (NSW) reports 233 new locally acquired cases, with the state Premier Gladys Berejiklian warning that the situation will get worse. The unvaccinated southwestern Sydney man is the second person under 30 to die of the virus in Australia, after a […]

The War on Free Speech Continues

By Philip Giraldi The Biden Administration’s effort to withdraw nearly all US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq before the end of the year is commendable and it is hoped that a departure from Syria will follow soon thereafter, but one must nevertheless be concerned that the overseas moves are being made to concentrate government resources […]

Texas Upstream Oil and Gas Sector Continues to Add Jobs

The Texas upstream oil and gas sector continues to add jobs, new data from the Texas Workforce commission shows. In June, upstream oil and natural gas employment expanded by 3,100 jobs, the fifth best single-month performance in over five years. Since the low point in employment in September 2020, months with job gains in the […]

Philadelphia Hits 300 Killings This Year, As Its Record Pace Continues

(Philadelphia Inquirer) — Late Thursday night, someone opened fire on a North Philadelphia street and shot three people. One died: the city’s 300th homicide victim of 2021. Police did not identify the man who died, and released few details about the crime, which they said happened on the 1800 block of West Susquehanna Avenue around […]

Trump Attends UFC Event, Continues Campaign Relationship With Dana White

Former President Donald Trump was met with a mixture of boos and chants of “U-S-A” as he entered the arena to attend an Ultimate Fighting Championship fight between mixed martial artists Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier on Saturday night. As can be heard in various videos posted on social media, the crowd in attendance at […]

Pentagon announces Nuclear WW3 as it continues to Bully and Antagonize Russia in the Black Sea

    The US says there is an ‘increased potential’ for nuclear conflict with the country’s main enemies because they are stockpiling nuclear weapons. Russia and China have been modernizing and expanding their respective arsenals over the last decade, according to a recently disclosed 2020 report from the Pentagon on nuclear operations. And North Korea […]

KILL BILL Continues to Push Vaccines; Only a Foolish Mainstream Media Believer Would Think He’s a “Humanitarian”; Kill Bill is Actually a Ruthless ZIONIST Criminal Representing His Satanic Cabal! 07/08/21• BIG PHARMA › NEWS People injured by COVID vaccines are asking for help on GoFundMe as the U.S. government shields vaccine makers from liability.By Megan Redshaw71 Link copied The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It’s free. […]

Afghanistan: Taliban captures territory as NATO withdrawal continues

The Taliban has captured more territory in Afghanistan in recent days from fleeing Afghan forces, as NATO troops continue to pull out of the country. Officials said on Sunday that several hundred Afghan security forces fled across the northern border into Tajikistan as Taliban fighters continued to gain momentum, capturing several districts. Since mid-April, when […]

US ‘Airstrike Diplomacy’ Continues in Syria-Iraq

On June 27, 2021 the US carried out additional strikes against targets along the Syrian-Iraqi border. The attacks were condemned by both the Syrian and Iraqi governments and represent not only a dangerous escalation by American military aggression in the region, but the continuation of US aggression in the Middle East spanning two decades regardless […]

Australian Housing Market Continues Upward Surge but Is Showing Signs of Slowing

Property researcher CoreLogic has found Australia’s residential home market has grown at the highest annual rate in 17 years, leaving dwelling values 13.5 percent higher than the end of the previous financial year. “This is the highest annual rate of growth seen across the Australian residential property market since April 2004, when the early 2000’s […]

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