Posts Tagged ‘indigenous’

Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day By Supporting Indigenous Resistance

Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day By Supporting Indigenous Resistance Above photo: Jenna Pope. This weekend, celebration of Indigenous People’s Day will replace the federal holiday, Columbus Day, in at least eight states and over 130 cities in 34 states. Along with the toppling of Columbus statues and the removal of a racial slur as a name […]

‘We Have To Be Ever More Vigilant’ About The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples

Above photo: Protesting against pipelines in Canada. The standard in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is Free, Informed and Prior Consent. Creative Commons. Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples took 25 years of diplomacy until 144 nations agreed to sign it on September 13, 2007. Nations around the world are […]

New Fossil Fuel Projects Meet Indigenous Resistance

By Randall Hyman, Truthout. September 19, 2020 Above photo: Navajo Tribal Council Member Daniel Tso and Mario Atencio of Diné CARE study a map of oil leases in the Nation’s Eastern Agency. The Bureau of Land Management’s new guidelines will allow up to 3,000 more frack wells in the Greater Chaco region. Randall Hyman. New Mexico – […]

Brazil: ‘Free Land Camp’ Demand Indigenous Land Demarcation

Daily movement news and resources. Popular Resistance provides a daily stream of resistance news from across the United States and around the world. We also organize campaigns and participate in coalitions on a broad range of issues. We do not use advertising or underwriting to support our work. Instead, we rely on you. Please […]

The Indigenous Community that Rebelled Against Narcos, Thieves, and Politicians … and Won

CHERAN, MEXICO (Report) — On the road leading into this hardscrabble town in Mexico’s southwest corner, there stands a checkpoint staffed by heavily-armed guards, clad ominously in balaclavas, or ski masks. This scene is not particularly unusual for this violence-plagued country, but Cheran is no ordinary place: seven years ago this month, the mostly […]

This Indigenous Man Accidentally Meets Outsider, Which Ends His 10 Year Long Fight For Survival

World is full of “Un-Contacted” People The world is full of various people. People belonging to different ethnicities, different culture, different caste, etc. In this modern era, everyone is connected through one social medium or the other. But there are people who still don’t fall into this bracket of connected and contacted people. There is a […]

Israel Destroys the Homes and History of Palestine’s Indigenous Bedouin

BIR-AS-SABA’, NAQAB (Analysis) — The Naqab region is assumed to be an integral part of the apartheid state of Israel. However, like all other parts of historic Palestine, it was taken by force and occupied since 1948, when the Zionist state was established. For the last seven decades its indigenous people, the Palestinian Bedouin who […]

Indigenous Woman Occupying WA State Capitol Lawn Arrested

Indigenous Woman Occupying WA State Capitol Lawn Arrested Above Photo: From In the pre-dawn hours of the fourth day of an indigenous-led occupation of the State Capitol grounds in Olympia, WA, one Native American woman was taken out of a “tarpee” (a contemporary teepee) and arrested by state patrol troopers, while 3 other occupants were […]

Indigenous Women Activists Occupy Washington State Capitol

Indigenous Women Activists Occupy Washington State Capitol Above Photo: Climate activists also disrupted the opening session of the legislature [Austin Smith/Courtesy of 350 Seattle] Seven indigenous women and several earth defenders have occupied the Washington State Capitol to address climate change and native treaty rights as the state legislature opens for session. The native women, who come […]

Indigenous Women Occupy Washington State Capitol Lawn

Indigenous Women Occupy Washington State Capitol Lawn Above Photo:The indigenous group and their supporters are calling for the state to respect native treaty rights [Austin Smith/Courtesy of 350 Seattle] Sitting in a tarpee erected outside the Capitol Building in the US state of Washington, seven Indigenous women and their supporters have vowed to stay put. They will […]

Duke University Gets Corporate Mining Gift To Help Exploit Indigenous People Of Peru

Duke University Gets Corporate Mining Gift To Help Exploit Indigenous People Of Peru Above Photo: From A healthcare worker collects a small blood sample from a Peruvian toddler as part of a large-scale assessment of human health around a (historically) protected area (but now) slated for gold mining and oil and gas drilling. 3 […]

Canada: Indigenous People Are Not Your Incompetent Children

Canada: Indigenous People Are Not Your Incompetent Children Above photo: Artwork by Rolande Souliere. When my sister and I were in high school, we thought it was funny to tell our non-Native boyfriends ridiculous things about the rez and see what they believed. We lived on the Six Nations reserve about 25 kilometres southwest of […]

Why Back Pain Doesn’t Exist Within Some Indigenous Cultures

Next Story Many people, especially in the Western world, suffer from pack pain, and very few treatments or medicines seem able to put this ailment to rest. Most seem designed to temporarily treat the pain rather than address the cause. I have found, however, that a regular routine of stretching works wonders to combat this […]

Canada Engaged in Widespread Surveillance of Its Indigenous Communities

Researchers and journalists have begun to reveal the extent to which Indigenous activists and organisations in Canada are subject to surveillance by police, military, national security intelligence agencies and other government bodies. While security agencies have long looked beyond ‘traditional’ national security threats and set their sights on activists – even in the absence of […]

Indigenous Elder Shares Powerful Words of Wisdom For All Governments & Corporations of the World

Next Story “We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source […]

Chronicled tour of Mexico’s first female indigenous presidential candidate

     Something subtle happens when the spokeswoman of the Indigenous Council of Government travels through the Zapatista communes or caracoles in the state of Chiapas. Since the beginning of her tour on October 14, we were able to witness, for the first time in 23 years, Zapatista militants and sympathizers greeting a civilian with welcoming […]

Indigenous Tribe Prepared to Fight to Defend Amazon From Brazilian Mining

By Derrick Broze An endangered indigenous community has reiterated their willingness to die while defending the Brazilian Amazon rainforest against mining operations.  Several new reports indicate that the Waiãpi tribe of the Brazilian Amazon remains committed to opposing future mining projects on or around their land. The Waiãpi’s reserve is in the rainforest near […]

Indigenous-Led Protest Shuts Down Banks In Seattle

Above Photo: Four people are locked to two tripods blocking business at the 5th and Olive Bank of America. SB Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. At 11 o’clock this morning, four people chained themselves to a […]

Uprooting Colonialism: The Limitations Of Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Above Photo: 1992, March in Ohlone lands Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us breakthrough. Declarations, Disconnect, & Decolonial Recuperation As momentum has accelerated for occupying forces to issue declarations of “Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD),” we can’t help but […]

A US Charity Is Helping Big Business Take Indigenous Peoples’ Water In Mexico

Above Photo: An empty water jug in Puebla. Photo: Tamara Pearson. Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us breakthrough. US religious charity Living Water claims it is trying to help the poor, but in reality it is only increasing […]

U.S. Based Charity Is Robbing Mexico’s Indigenous Communities of Water

October 4, 2017 By Derrick Broze A religious charity based in the United States claims to be helping the poor, but in reality, Living Water is contributing to a shrinking water supply for Mexico’s indigenous communities. A report from Open Democracy details a disturbing system of corporate and state privilege and theft […]

In Neoliberal Putsh, Brazil Auctions Off Indigenous Lands, Public Utilities To Foreign Interests

Indigenous and environmental activists scuffled with security guards after attempting to enter and interrupt an auction organized by the unelected President of Brazil, Michel Temer, last Thursday. Activists were particularly incensed that the auction was set to sell ancestral indigenous lands in the state of Minas Gerais to mining interests, as well as open up […]

US City Replaces Columbus Day With Indigenous Holiday

Above Photo: Members and supporters of the Mexica Movement march across the overpass of Hollywood Freeway as they protest against Columbus Day in downtown Los Angeles, California, Oct. 11, 2015. | Photo: Reuters The small Ohioan city of Oberlin has decided to no longer celebrate Columbus Day, replacing it instead with Indigenous Peoples Day, out of […]

A Major Win for Indigenous Rights in Brazil

Vic Bishop, Staff WriterWaking Times In a world of never-ending bad news for nature and Mother Earth, some good news has at last come to the Indigenous people of Brazil who recently won two separate court rulings validating their rights to land. At issue was the attempt to block the titling of lands long-held […]

Guatemala’s Indigenous Campesinos Occupy Capitol Ove Land Conflicts

Above Photo: A woman sits with her child next the barrier separating the protesters in their encampment from the Presidential Palace. All photos by Jeff Abbott. On August 8, one hundred Q’eqchi Maya families from the Department of Alta Verapaz arrived to the historic center of Guatemala City, the nation’s capital, to establish a permanent presence […]

Tacoma Residents And Indigenous Communities Unite To Oppose LNG Plant

Above Photo: Activists marching down the streets of Tacoma, Washington on August 8. (WNV / RedLine Tacoma Community Forum) Around 250 people, mostly women, carried banners and sang with drummers while marching through the streets of Tacoma, Washington, on Tuesday. Led by Cheryl Angel, an indigenous activist present at Standing Rock last year, the demonstrators headed […]

Indigenous Tribes In Brazil To Map Deforestation On Google Earth

A new service by Google Earth and Google Maps, reveals the levels of land clearance in the planet’s largest rainforest responsible for producing 20 percent of the world’s oxygen. The U.S.-based transnational unvelied the project “I am Amazon” in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo. It aims to combat the growing deforestation and to preserve the […]

Indigenous European Spirituality Encoded in the Folk Tradition

Update on progress for Pro-European Pro-West history-culture magazine, Europa Sun, hoping to launch in August! — Volkish Folklorist (@CarolynEmerick) June 24, 2017 Over several years of studying indigenous European belief (paganism, mythology), and then studying the folk tradition (folklore, folk customs, holiday traditions, witch trial records), I began to realize that the idea […]

Colombian Gov’t Sells Out Indigenous Peoples’ Drinking Water To Western Mining Interests

Wayuu indigenous woman Rosalba Castro, 20, draws water from a community well in Manaure, Colombia, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. (AP/Fernando Vergara) COLOMBIA— On Colombia’s arid Guajira Peninsula  – a region famed for inspiring the magic realism of Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García-Márquez – a quiet effort to eradicate the Wayuú people, Colombia’s largest indigenous group, […]

Ranchers Mutilate Indigenous People Demanding Land Back

Above photo: This cellphone photo shows the ranchers on their way to attack the Gamela. A police car accompanies them. © CIMI Brazil – Thirteen Brazilian Indians have been hospitalized after a brutally violent attack by men armed with machetes in the Amazon. One man appears to have had his arms severed in disturbing photos released to Survival International. The attack […]

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