Posts Tagged ‘rules’

SP – Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Part 1

Beginning of a 4-part series on Alinsky’s subversive tactics. The post SP – Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Part 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

UPS Has New Ghost Gun Shipping Rules That Could Disrupt the Industry

Corporate shipping giant UPS has stopped delivering for some American retailers that sell parts for unserialized firearms known as “ghost guns” after pressure from Democrats and the rollout of new federal rules aimed at cracking down on the weapons. A letter from UPS to a Florida business called Ghost Firearms, which sells components to build […]

Northern Ireland court rules Christian education ‘breaches human rights’

Photo Credit: Taylor Wilcox /Unsplash (The Christian Institute) — A judge has ruled that exclusively Christian RE lessons in Northern Irish primary schools are unlawful. Currently, provisions in the Education and Libraries (NI) Order 1986 mean that RE lessons and daily collective worship (CW) such as assemblies must focus on Christianity. But a legal… Source

France Rules Against Burkini Swimwear For Religious Reasons

France’s top administrative court ruled this week against allowing body-covering “burkini” swimwear in public pools for religious reasons, arguing that it violates the principle of government neutrality toward religion. While worn by only a small number of people in France, the head-to-ankle burkini draws intense political debate in the country. Advertisement Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin […]

Supreme Court Rules Thousands of Immigrants Can Be Detained Indefinitely

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that immigrants detained in the United States are not entitled to a bond hearing, a decision that means that the thousands of people with open immigration cases who are currently in federal holding facilities can continue to be detained indefinitely.

California Court Rules Bees Are ‘Fish’ Protected by Endangered Species Act

A three-judge California state appellate court ruled on Tuesday that bees are in fact “fish” protected under the state’s Endangered Species Act.

HR 419 to Stop US Funding of WHO Gains 24 Sponsors in 9 Days, as Bill Gates-Run WHO Considers Rules Infringing US Sovereignty

Above image: Bill Gates with World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab A bill to stop US funding of the World Health Organization, which is presently considering changes proposed by the Biden administration which would cede US sovereignty on health policy, has gained 24 co-sponsors in nine days. One of the many controversial changes proposed by […]

Over a Million Italians Fined For Breaking Vaccine Mandate Rules

1.2 million Italians are set to receive a fine as Italy continues its policy of mandating coronavirus vaccinations over the age of 50. 

Judge Rules Parents Have ‘Fundamental Right’ to Drug Kids With Puberty Blockers And Cross-Sex Hormones

Trump-appointed US District Judge Liles Burke on Friday blocked part of Alabama’s anti-transgender mania law by insisting that parents have a “fundamental right” to drug their children with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which he called “medications” that are “well-established, evidence-based treatments for gender dysphoria in minors.”

Ahmadreza Djalali: Iran rules out prisoner swap with Sweden before academic’s execution

The Swedish-Iranian researcher will be executed and will not be exchanged, the Iranian judiciary said.

EU could start enforcing Digital Markets Act rules on Apple, Google, Meta in Spring 2023

You may have heard so far that the European Union has been preparing to have a say in how big tech companies like Apple, Google, and Meta operate. We are talking about a legislation dubbed the DMA (Digital Markets Act) which the European Commission has been rigorously preparing for a while. Now, The Verge reports […]

Tribunal rules UK school ‘indirectly’ discriminated against pastor over tweet opposing pride events

Photo Credit: Christian Concern/YouTube CAMBRIDGE — An employment tribunal in the U.K. has ruled that a primary school “indirectly” discriminated against a pastor who served as a caretaker at the institution when leaders sent a written warning following complaints over his personal tweet opining that homosexual pride events should not be attended by Christians…

Court Rules FBI Led ‘False Flag’ in Whitmer Kidnapping Plot – Case Dismissed

A court has ruled that the FBI led a “false flag” operation in a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and has acquitted the Conservative defendants who were falsely accused of committing the crime. “Obviously we’re disappointed in the outcome,” United States Attorney for the Western District of Michigan Andrew Birge said following the […]

Dubai Ruler Abused Wife to ‘Exorbitant Degree’, Rules UK Court

(AFP) — The ruler of Dubai abused his ex-wife on an extraordinary scale, a UK judge ruled on Thursday, ending a lengthy legal battle between the couple over their two children. Source

ABC Journalist FURIOUS After Biden Rules Out World War III: “We WANT War Mr President”

An ABC News reporter was left visibly enraged after President Joe Biden ruled out World War 3 during a NATO press briefing on Thursday. “Sir, you’ve made it very clear in this conflict that you […] Source

Fauci Out Threatening Further COVID Rules Without Answering for 40% Jump in All Deaths After Vaccine Rollout

Senator Rand Paul to Get Vote on Firing Fauci Above image: Pro soccer player Adama Traore goes down clutching chest in unprecedented spate of heart attacks, strokes and deaths among young pro athletes. Opinion-Editorial Showing his face in public like an audacious party guest who had just disappeared leaving a puddle of his own vomit, […]

The façade of the ‘international rules-based order’ has been exposed!

The last few weeks have been an intensive crash course for Palestine activists in how the U.S. empire advances its narrative. The double standards displayed with regards to the Ukraine crisis versus Palestine have been a topic of hot debate; steps that were deemed impossible to implement against Israel have been enacted with lightning speed […]

Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order

By Iain Davis In this article, we will explore the true nature of the international rules-based order (IRBO) and examine the forces that shape it. We will consider if the narratives we are commonly fed stack up. It is widely accepted that the IRBO is undergoing disruptive change. That transformation is often reported as an […]

Federal Judge Rules Virginia High School’s Admissions Changes Are Discriminatory, ‘Infected with Talk of Racial Balancing’

A federal judge Friday ruled that admissions changes at the nation’s top public high school, which were put in place to pursue “equity,” are discriminatory against Asian Americans. “The undisputed evidence demonstrates precisely how the Board’s actions caused, and will continue to cause, a substantial racial impact,” U.S. District Court Judge Claude Hilton wrote in […]

9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules against telecom industry in California net neutrality case

Image Credit: Townhall The 9th Circuit of Appeals upheld a court’s decision to enforce the strongest net neutrality legislation in the nation. California net neutrality law SB 822 “bars telecom companies from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization, abusing their gatekeeper power in interconnection, or engaging in ‘zero ratings.’” The court ruled against the telecom industry […]

Secret govt unit used ‘unethical’ fear tactics to push Covid rules compliance – media

The UK government’s behavioral insights team will reportedly be investigated over claims of using ‘fear, shame and scapegoating’ to influence public A parliamentary committee is reportedly set to investigate “scare ads” created by the UK government’s shadowy ‘behavioural insights’ team to “nudge” the public into obeying Covid-19 restrictions. The move comes amid concerns about the “grossly unethical” use of the unit […]

SCOTUS Rules Healthcare Workers Are The Only People Who Can’t Make Decisions About Their Own Health

U.S.—In a landmark ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has determined that Biden’s vaccine mandate for private businesses is unconstitutional. However, in a split decision, they also determined that healthcare workers are the only ones who should not be allowed to make decisions about their own health. “Healthcare workers have no idea what they’re talking about […]

Prince Andrew to face civil sex case after US judge rules trial can go ahead

Longtime Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre’s sexual abuse lawsuit against him can move forward, as a New York judge rejected the royal’s efforts to dismiss her civil claim on Wednesday. Giuffre, who has alleged that the late financier Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell sexually abused her, said they forced her into sex with the Duke […]

Italy: new COVID rules threaten to isolate the country’s islanders

Unvaccinated residents on Italy’s islands risk being cast into exile by new COVID-19 rules, requiring passengers to provide a vaccination certificate to board a ferry to the mainland. Italy targeted the unvaccinated with a host of new restrictions Monday, with proof of vaccination or recovery from a recent infection required to enter public transport, coffee […]

Judge Rules Thousands Of Disputed DAPL Documents Are Public Records

Above Photo: Hundreds Of Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Clashed With Law Enforcement In Morton County In October 2016. Mike McCleary, Bismarck Tribune. North Dakota – A state judge has ruled that thousands of documents related to security during the construction in North Dakota of the heavily protested Dakota Access Pipeline are public and subject to […]

Judge rules Navy SEALs can refuse vaccine: ‘No COVID-19 exception to the First Amendment’

Judge rules Navy SEALs can refuse vaccine: ‘No COVID-19 exception to the First Amendment’ Date: January 5, 2022Author: Nwo Report ‘There is no military exclusion from our Constitution.’ Source:FORT WORTH, Texas (LifeSiteNews) — A U.S. District Judge has granted members of the Navy SEALs a preliminary injunction on the Navy’s mandate to obtain the experimental COVID-19 vaccine.“The Navy service members, in this […]

France claims Iran’s space rocket launch violates UN rules

France has condemned Iran’s space rocket launch, describing it as “regrettable” amid Iran’s ongoing nuclear talks with world powers, news agencies reported. The satellite launch was in breach of United Nations Security Council resolutions, the French Foreign Ministry claimed. “These activities are all the more regrettable as they come at a time when we are […]

Live Q&A: ‘Gang Rules’ Suggest Chaos In CCP’s Leadership; Paranoia Grows Ahead of Olympics

Xi Jinping is putting new emphasis on “internal party regulations” to help maintain the power of the Chinese regime, and this new emphasis is being taken as a sign that the communist party may not be as stable as it appears on the surface. For context, this came after the 16th plenary session of the […]

Pentagon Issues New Rules to Punish Troops For ‘Liking’ ‘Extremist’ Content, Exercising Their First Amendment Rights

By Chris Menahan The Pentagon, working together with the Anti-Defamation League, issued new rules on Monday to further suppress the First Amendment rights of American service members. Whereas no one was punished for drone-striking a bunch of innocent children and killing an entire family in Afghanistan back in August, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is threatening […]

Germany’s ‘Ethics’ Council Rules on Mandatory Vaccination

Germany’s ‘Ethics’ Council Rules on Mandatory Vaccination The Liberty Beacon / TLB Staff ER Editor: Readers may also be interested in this Deutsche Welle (MSM alert) piece, titled COVID: German Ethics Council approves mandatory vaccines. Of note: What is the German Ethics Council? The Ethics Council comprises 26 experts from various fields. That includes Protestant […]

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