Posts Tagged ‘signs’

Eight Warning Signs You Might Be Sharing Office Space With Terrorists

It’s all too common in corporate America: you’re hanging out by the water cooler and you suddenly think to yourself, “Hey, wait a minute — is that guy over there with the AK-47 part of a violent insurgent group internationally recognized as terrorists? I think he just might be!” Yep — accidentally sharing office space […]

Diverse Birmingham Set to Remove “Problematic” Street Signs and Statues

New footage of the moments before she was shot dead by a police officer during a knife attack shows Ma’Khia Bryant yelling, “I’m going to stab the f**k out of you bitch!” – yet again vindicating the officer’s response. Leftists have continually lied about the incident in Columbus, Ohio, at first claiming Bryant was unarmed […]

Arizona Governor Signs Election Reform Bill Updating Eligibility to Remain on Early Voting List

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law a bill that updates eligibility requirements to remain on the state’s early voting list in an effort to protect the integrity of elections. The law, Senate Bill 1485, seeks to keep only active voters on the “Active Early Voting List,” who wish to vote by mail in elections. Voters who do […]

Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Legislation Banning the Use of Vaccine Passports in Florida

Per the bill, it is the “intent of the Legislature to minimize the negative effects of an extended emergency, such as a pandemic or another public health emergency.” It limits local emergency orders to seven days, allowing them to be extended once a week for 42 days. However, the governor can override the local emergency […]

11 Major Warning Signs From the Universe

April 30th, 2021 By Mateo Sol Guest writer for Wake Up World Is the Universe guiding us? The first perspective is that we are completely alone in this world, in a dog-eat-dog society, where everything ultimately falls onto our shoulders to bear. Like Atlas in mythology, we believe that we must carry the weight of the world without […]

Psychic Addiction: Warning Signs You Could Be Addicted Plus Tips to Break Your Habit

April 27th 2021 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World Many people, particularly those who count themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious’, enjoy getting readings from psychics, mediums, tarot readers, astrologers and other psychic readers. There’s nothing wrong with that – I’m an astrologer myself, and I hope my clients find my services […]

Montana Gov. Signs Bill Prohibiting Gov’t from ‘Burdening’ Citizens’ Religious Liberty

(Christian Headlines) — Saying he wants to protect the “right to freely exercise their religion,” Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill into law Thursday that prohibits the government from “burdening” an individual’s religious liberty and gives citizens the right to sue if they believe their rights have been infringed. The new law, known as […]


“Fools, as it has long been said, are indeed separated, soon or eventually, from their money. So, alas, are those who, responding to a general mood of optimism, are captured by a sense of their own financial acumen. Thus it has been for centuries; thus in the long future it will also be.” ― John Kenneth Galbraith, A […]

‘We may find signs of life on other planets in next 5 to 10 years’ thanks to powerful new telescope, claims researcher

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the successor to Hubble, could detect signs of life on other planets within the next five to 10 years, according to Caprice Phillips, a PhD student at the Ohio State University. Due to launch in October 2021 after years of delays, the new cutting-edge telescope could allow humanity to […]

15 Signs You May Be In An Abusive Relationship | Apply this chart to the government; they are doing all 15 = We are being abused governments world wide

Dylan Eleven | This chart was made for relationships to help people see when they are being abused. When you are in a relationship with someone you love and you think they love you too it is hard to see sometimes if you are being abused by your partner. When we have a friend […]

Brandeis president signs renewal after dispute with university board

Brandeis President Ron Liebowitz has signed a 5-year contract extension weeks after accusing the university’s board of trying to force him out of the post by offering him a short-term pact. In March, the board of trustees had offered Liebowitz a one-year renewal that he argued would make it impossible to follow through on commitments […]

Is The Apocalypse Nigh? 11 Signs The End Is Coming Soon

It’s been a tough year. But hang in there, fellow Christians, for the end is near. Jesus might be coming soon. We’ve been reading the signs, studying the book of Revelation, and listening to our favorite Calvary Chapel pastors on the radio. Here are fifteen signs the apocalypse might be happening soon: 1. A TikTok […]

Iowa Governor Signs Bill Into Law Letting Residents Buy, Carry Guns Without Permits

Individuals will still have to follow federal law and go through an instant background check to buy from licensed sellers each time they purchase a gun. People who fail to commit to the new law will be charged with a Class D felony, which is punishable by up to five years in prison. It will […]

Georgia Hangs Up ‘Welcome To Beijing’ Signs To Trick Liberal Companies Into Staying

Georgia Hangs Up ‘Welcome To Beijing’ Signs To Trick Liberal Companies Into Staying ATLANTA, GA—Georgia has hung up signs at all entrances to the state reading “Welcome to Beijing,” cleverly disguising the state as the capital of Communist China. The ploy was designed to trick liberal companies threatening to boycott into staying and doing business […]

Saudi signs MoU to combat domestic violence

Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) and the Mawaddah Charitable Association yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding to increase coordination in protecting human rights and increase awareness to reduce domestic violence. The move comes as the kingdom’s commitment to human rights came under serious question following threats issued at UN investigator Agnès Callamard by one […]

Hungary’s deputy PM signs funding agreement to support Jewish community

Hungary’s Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén signed an agreement with the Hungarian Jewish Prayer Association (Zsima) on Friday that would provide the organization with 51 million forints (€140,000) each year up until 2025. The funding will be used to support rabbis and cantors from the wider community and in particular the liberal and modernist Neolog […]

Third wave shows signs of slowing, hospitals still at max

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh (C), speaks during the launch of the national vaccination campaign at the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, with the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Thor Winsland, the European Union representative to Palestine Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorf, the Minister of Health Mai Al-Kaila, and a number of consuls […]

Nine Signs That Prove the Elite Are Planning a Major Middle East War

The Biden administration and globalist elites are setting the stage for a massive holy war in the Middle East at some point next year. Most Americans aren’t aware of the obvious warning signs that World War 3 is being planned under their very own noses. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to […]

Biden Signs Executive Order to Make Transgender Surgeries Free For Active Military And Veterans

“Taxpayers will now foot the bill for gender reassignment surgery for active military personnel and veterans, with some treatments costing upward of $200,000 under an executive order signed by President Biden,” the Washington Examiner reports. From the The Washington Examiner: Tucked inside Biden’s Jan. 25 transgender order, “Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in […]

Teenage activists post signs to warn of toxic air in London neighborhoods

Image Credit: Martin Godwin/The Guardian A group of teenagers, living in some of London’s most polluted communities, are posting road signs highlighting the disproportionate impact air pollution has on people of color. The campaign, organized by Choked Up, a group made up of self-described “Black & brown teens,” has posted signs throughout the city which […]

Here Are The 7 Telltale Signs Your Newborn Baby Is A Racist

Brought to you by: Have you or a loved one had a baby recently? We hate to say this, but you may have just brought a white supremacist into the world.  Don’t worry though– we’re here to help! It’s important to always look for clues of racist tendencies in your newborn so you can nip that in the […]

Do You Know the 14 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency?

March 10th, 2021 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Vitamin D regulates the expression of hundreds of genes and is integral to biological functions that affect every bodily system. As you’ll see in this short video, vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency can trigger several generalized symptoms that you may have associated with other […]

Rapture 2021: 7 Super-Signs and Passover

My love calls to me: Arise, my darling.Come away, my beautiful one.For now the winter is past;the rain has ended and gone away.The blossoms appear in the countryside.The time of singing has come,and the turtledove’s cooing is heard in our land.The fig tree ripens its figs;the blossoming vines give off their fragrance.Arise, my darling.Come away, […]

More signs Adern Government eroding NZ nuclear Free Legacy

BEN VIDGEN THE DYSLEXIC DETECTIVE  Just asked why Hercules flew from Sydney flew over Masterton and Carterton and then flew back to Australia after landing today (foreign military personnel have an exemption from quarantine). Three reasons spring to mind; One: its related to Helicopters also spotted over Whanganui today making eradicate low altitude flight paths […]

Toronto police target protesters holding signs, megaphones at anti-lockdown rally. Rebel News Dave Menzies

Source: Rebel News ►​ David Menzies tries to find an answer for why police in Ottawa allowed a protest against Ontario’s lockdown to happen without incident, while the Toronto police continue to make arrests and issue charges to demonstrators. FULL REPORT from David Menzies: Source

Signs Of Secession

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Signs Of Secession February 25 2021 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! The Tyranny Of Kamala Harris Here Secession Is The Only Way Here Biden’s Mass Immigration Scheme Here Texas On Secession Road Here Regime Change 2021 Here How Secession Works Here +BN Classics On Brighteon! My Cancel Culture Hit List […]

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Bill to Ban ‘Infanticide’ – Democrats Outraged

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed a pro-life bill on Wednesday to protect newborn babies who survive abortions from being killed. Noem’s signatures represents a devastating blow to Democrats who have enthusiastically supported ‘infanticide‘ in the past. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Noem’s approval of the […]

Israel signs agreement to equip German military with Trophy APS

The Defense Ministry and the German Federal Ministry of Defense signed a government-to-government agreement to supply Rafael’s Trophy active protection system to the German military. The system will be used for the German fleet of Leopard 2 tanks, the Defense Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday. It added that the program was led by […]

Saudi’s SAMI signs defense venture deal with U.S. Lockheed Martin

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Joe Biden Signs Order Revamping Welfare-Dependent Immigration

President Joe Biden signed an executive order that seeks to revamp welfare-dependent legal immigration to the United States by eliminating certain regulations and demanding a review of current enforcement practices. On Tuesday, Biden signed an order that revokes a crackdown on welfare-dependent legal immigration that sought to protect American taxpayers from being forced to foot […]

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