Posts Tagged ‘with’

Cops charged with murder of California man

One California cop has been charged with murder and another with manslaughter for the July 5 beating that resulted in the death of a mentally ill homeless man. Kelly Thomas was assaulted by police officers for nearly 10 minutes earlier this summer after Fullerton, CA police officers approached him about a rash of automobile break-ins […]

Iran ‘in talks’ with Russia over new nuclear sites

RIA Novosti Sept 22, 2011 Iran is in talks with Russia to build new nuclear facilities, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday. “We are in talks with Russia on construction of new nuclear power stations,” Ahmadinejad told the Russia Today TV channel. Iran may accept an offer from any other country willing to cooperate, he […]

Deadly Inoculations with Dr. Andrew Wakefield

  TheAlexJonesChannel Thursday, September 22, 2011 Alex welcomes Dr. Andrew Wakefield in studio to discuss the massive health risks associated with dangerous inoculations. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell […]

How America planned for an attack on BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons

  David Gerrie Daily Mail September 22, 2011 Details of an amazing American military plan for an attack to wipe out a major part of the British Army  are today revealed for the first time. In 1930, a mere nine years before the outbreak of World War Two, America drew up proposals specifically aimed at […]

American Century Officially Ends with Zionist Knife in Back

Zionist Support Costs U.S.A. place at Head of 21st Century Global Table   by Johnny Punish   At the United Nations today, a last-ditch American effort to head off a Palestinian bid for membership in the United Nations faltered. President Obama tried to qualify his own call, just a year ago, for a Palestinian state. And President […]

Keiser Report – Interview with Bill Still of “The Money Masters”

  RT September 20, 2011 This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Babyface Bernanke, Eurotarp and ‘rogue traders.’ In the second half of the show Max talks to Bill Still, director of The Money Masters The Secret of Oz, about Fort Knox, state banks and monetary reform. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post […]

Sydney man stabs and kills intruder armed with stun gun

A WOULD-be home burglar armed with a stun gun has been killed by the homeowner after he attempted to rob a house in Sydney’s south west yesterday afternoon. The 30-year-old robber was stabbed to death by the homeowner after he threatened him with a stun gun in Yagoona, in Sydney’s south-west,  at 3.15pm yesterday. Police […]

The Dangers of Gardasil with Dr. Russell Blaylock

  Infowars Nightly News September 20, 2011 Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, lecturer, and editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report. He talks about the dangers of Gardasil and the upcoming flu vaccination season and the threat it poses to unsuspecting Americans who are inundated with flu vaccination propaganda on a […]

Big Sis Tags Coffee Cups With Big Brother Eye

Homeland Security recruits jittery coffee drinkers to spot terrorists as part of See Something, Say Something campaign Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, September 20, 2011 Homeland Security’s See Something, Say Something snitch campaign is now so pervasive that Big Sis has extended the message to coffee cups, recruiting jittery coffee drinkers to spot terrorists […]

Why Obama is running into trouble with the Jewish lobby

  Russell CornwellThe Independent September 19, 2011 In normal times, US Jews, however pro-Democrat, are not single-issue voters; usually the issue of how the man in the Oval Office is dealing with Israel has not been a big factor. For an anxious Israel, however, these are not normal times. The attack on its embassy in […]

Rising GOP star Haley has own history with HPV vaccine fallout

  Shawna ShepherdCNN September 19, 2011 As the debate over Texas Gov. Rick Perry mandating the HPV vaccine continues between Republican presidential candidates, a woman whose endorsement is coveted by all them, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, has her own complicated history on the issue. In 2007, shortly before Perry issued an executive order requiring […]

PM persists with migration changes

<!– The Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, may have scuttled the Federal Government’s Malaysia solution, but the Prime Minister is vowing to go ahead with sweeping amendments to the Migration Act tomorrow, even though she knows they’ll be voted down. Julia Gillard says it’s important for all Coalition MPs to have their vote officially on the […]

EU Bonds Rollover Debt with a Chinese Bailout

“It is an open secret that numerous European banks would not survive having to revalue sovereign debt held on the banking book at market levels.”Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackerman   by Sartre Batr   The financial press is inundated with the most ominous reports of an EU meltdown. The downturn in economic activity and little […]

Woman, 90, charged with drink driving

A 90-year-old woman from the NSW south coast has been charged with high-range drink driving. The elderly woman was stopped by police conducting roadside breath-testing along the Princes Highway at Bateman’s Bay at 10.15pm last night. She returned a positive reading of 0.230 and was arrested at the scene. The woman has been charged with […]

Women threatened with stun gun

Updated: 18:26, Saturday September 17, 2011 Two women have been threatened with a stun gun at a bus stop in Sydney’s inner-west following a spate of similar incidents over the past week. Two women, aged 32 and 28, were waiting for a bus on Pyrmont Bridge Road in Camperdown when a white car with four […]

Israel Responds to Palestinian Statehood With Threats

The Jewish terrorist state of Israel is making threats in its effort to stop the Palestinian people from having their own homeland in a Palestinian state. Next This is the real death star. Friday, September 23rd, the Palestinians are going to file their application for statehood with the United Nations Security Council. The United States, […]

Perry’s Star Begins To Fade With Voters

  Ron Paul still most competitive in new polls Steve Watson Sept 15, 2011 Rick Perry’s status as front runner in the race for the GOP nomination is beginning to falter it seems, if the latest national poll released by Rasmussen is anything to go by. Just two weeks ago, Perry held a three […]

HSU to sever ties with ALP

MARK COLVIN: The controversy-dogged Health Services Union is to sever its formal connection to the Labor Party. The HSU is disaffiliating from the New South Wales, Victorian and ACT branches of the ALP. There are accusations against the former union head – now Labor MP – Craig Thomson and the union’s national president Michael Williamson, […]

Gardasil HPV vaccines found contaminated with recombinant DNA that persists in human blood

Mike AdamsNatural News Sept 16, 2011 In seeking answers to why adolescent girls are suffering devastating health damage after being injected with HPV vaccines, SANE Vax, Inc decided to have vials of Gardasil tested in a laboratory. There, they found over a dozen Gardasil vaccine vials to becontaminated with rDNA of the Human Papillomavirus(HPV). The […]

‘Bernie Madoff of campaign finance’ charged with stealing from Democrats

  Guy AdamsThe Independent September 15, 2011 She is being described as “the Bernie Madoff of campaign finance”. No one yet knows how long her apparent scam had been running, or how much money may be missing. But some alleged victims say they have been “nearly wiped out”. Kinde Durkee, a political consultant who organised […]

‘Shy’ children at risk of being diagnosed with mental disorder

Martin BeckfordLondon Telegraph Sept 15, 2011 Children who are merely shy or sad are at risk of being diagnosed with mental disorders and given powerful drugs, experts warn. Psychologists say that new guidelines being developed in America will lead more young people seeing their common problems regarded as illnesses that must be treated, rather than […]

CIA investigating legality of its connections with NYPD

  AM NY September 14, 2011 The CIA has launched an internal probe into whether its ties with the NYPD have amounted to illegal “domestic spying” in Muslims communities that violated civil liberties. A Muslim civil liberties organization last month called for the investigation after a report that the agency was helping cops target mosques […]

Top US Officials Deliberately Infected Prisoners and Patients with Syphilis

  Donald G. McNeil JrNew York Times September 14, 2011 The highest medical and legal officials of the American government and experts at Harvard and other top medical schools approved venereal disease experiments on people in the 1940s, which led to the deliberate infection of Guatemalan prisoners and mental patients with syphilis to test penicillin, […]

Speaker loses patience with question time tactics

<!– The Speaker of the House of Representatives Harry Jenkins says he’ll take a much tougher approach to the question time tactics of both the Government and Opposition, after another spiteful session in Parliament. He says he’s been trying for four years to impose new rules on questions and answers, and has constantly criticised some […]

9/11 Interview with IRAN (The Islamic Republic News Agency)

  by Jim Fetzer   Among the most interesting of my 9/11 interview requests were three for written replies to their questions, one of which came from the UK, one from a Romanian journalist (based in the US), and one from Iran. The last of these is no doubt the most important, where it has […]

Connecting Disabled Veterans with Golf Enriches Lives at Iowa Event

WASHINGTON – Nearly 240 Veterans with injuries and other disabilities will be in Iowa to participate in the National Veterans TEE (Training, Exposure, and Experience) Tournament Sept. 12-15. “Golf is not an easy game, especially for disabled Veterans who must concentrate on more than just their swing,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki.  […]

Thieves rob Merrylands McDonald’s armed with a gun

Police search the McDonalds Restaurant on Woodville Road, Merrylands for evidence, including a backpack that was located nearby. Picture: Bill Hearne Source: The Daily Telegraph Police establish a crime scene at McDonalds Restaurant on Woodville Road, Merrylands after an armed robbery. Picture: Bill Hearne Source: The Daily Telegraph Prev  of 2 Next POLICE are hunting two […]

Ex-husband charged with mum’s murder

Sally Brooks pictured with one of her daughters. A South Australian man has been charged with murdering mother-of-three Sally Brooks who died 10 days after being bashed in her home in Melbourne’s east. Ms Brooks’ former husband, Robert Meade, appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court this afternoon on a murder charge after being arrested in […]

Egypt’s Military Promises to Shoot Demonstrators With Live Ammo

  Kurt Nimmo September 12, 2011 In May, Obama bellied up to the podium and promised to support democracy in supposedly nascent revolutions in the Middle East and said Egypt and Tunisia would be lured into the fold with billions of dollars in “financial incentives.” “We’ve borne witness to the beginning of a new […]

Special Report: End of The World Scenarios with Dr. Brooks Agnew September 10, 2011 The establishment keeps pushing the idea that you don’t need to be involved in political action because the world’s going to end. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later […]

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