Posts Tagged ‘global’

Hold the Line: Palestinian unions urge global solidarity against Israel’s genocide, apartheid and exploitation of workers

Hold the Line: Palestinian unions urge global solidarity against Israel's genocide, apartheid and exploitation of workers BNC Statement Trade union solidarity Sanctions and governments May 1, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

“Over 98%” of world’s central banks are preparing to unleash the global cashless society

(NaturalNews) There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.In a new report,… Source

Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group World reserve status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The dollar’s petro-status also makes it essential for […]

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability. Source

Dramatic declines in global fertility

Mar 20 2024 Dramatic declines in global fertility rates set to transform global population patterns by 2100, new GBD Capstone study suggests. Explore the data — The Lancet (@TheLancet) March 20, 2024 Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Free Book Download Share this with friends and family, and anyone that is […]

‘Should be a global wake-up call’: Coral reefs suffer fourth mass bleaching event

The world’s coral reefs are undergoing a severe crisis, marked by the fourth global bleaching event on record—the second such event within the last decade. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), extensive coral bleaching has been documented globally from February 2023 to April 2024. This […]

Global uprising: Protests erupt worldwide against economic support for Gaza conflict

Image Credit: Ayaka McGill/AP Pro-Palestine activists from around the world executed a day of direct action protests on Monday, aiming to “block the arteries of capitalism and jam the wheels of production” in response to what they describe as Israel’s ongoing genocidal assault on Palestinians in Gaza. The protesters, coordinated by the group A15Action, assert […]

Without Defining ‘Pandemic’ WHO Wants Sweeping Global Power Over Pandemic Policy

The World Health Organization (WHO) expects countries to sign new agreements that would give them sweeping authority to set global pandemic policy. But they have not profided a clear consensus on what distinguishes pandemics from epidemics or endemic diseases. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can […]

Interview 1875 – James Corbett Breaks The Spell of the Global Conspiracy

They built up America to be their world police, and Americans we right along, but now that they have their control, having used us to destroy Germany, Japan, Libya, Iraq, as well as other told and untold nations/peoples, they immediately started to the process of dismantling the weapon America had become. Why is it again […]

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL My first article on the coming backlash – admittedly wildly optimistic – went to print April 24, 2020. After 6 weeks of lockdown, I confidently predicted a political revolt, a movement against masks, a population-wide revulsion against the elites, a demand to reject “social distancing” and streaming-only life, plus widespread disgust at […]

Navy Reveals Major Shipbuilding Delays As Global War Risk Elevated 

The US Navy released a rare assessment of its “shipbuilding challenges,” indicating that the first Columbia-class submarine, classified as the future cornerstone of America’s strategic deterrence, is facing delays, as are other next-generation vessels.  “The purpose of the review is to provide an assessment of national and local causes of shipbuilding challenges, as well as […]

Indicators of the BDS movement’s global impact: Q4 2023 & Q1 2024

Indicators of the BDS movement’s global impact: Q4 2023 & Q1 2024 BNC Statement Since the beginning of Israel’s genocidal war on 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip, the impact of the BDS movement has grown substantially and has begun to influence some states. Economic Boycott Cultural Boycott Academic Boycott Military […]

Bill Gates Study ‘Predicts’ Sudden and Irreversible Global Population Collapse

A major new study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that the global population is set to collapse due to “reduced fertility rates” in Western countries. The study, published in the medical journal The Lancet, found that 155 of 204 countries are set to experience population collapse by the year 2050 as fertility rates […]

Global Population Set To Fall For First Time In 700 Years

Global Population Set To Fall For First Time In 700 Years Authored by Steve Watson via, A major study published in scientific journal The Lancet has found that the global population will start to fall within decades due to vastly reduced fertility rates and may never recover. The study, funded by the Bill & Melinda […]

Global cancer phenomenon: It’s not just America… the UK, Japan, South Africa and Australia are among dozens of countries suffering mystery spikes of all different kinds of tumors in young people

While cancer deaths in the US have actually fallen cases of some continue to rise Between 1990 and 2019, cases of cancer in young people rose by 79 percent READ MORE: What’s causing colon cancer epidemic in young people? By ALEXA LARDIERI U.S. DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 10:45 EDT, 15 March 2024 | UPDATED: 12:49 EDT, 15 March 2024 Doctors across […]

Press Release: BDS movement launches #BoycottIntel global campaign

Press Release: BDS movement launches #BoycottIntel global campaign BNC Statement Apartheid Chips -#BoycottIntel! No tech for apartheid, no tech for genocide! Economic Boycott March 19, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

Global Watchdog Warns Gaza Is Facing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger

A UN monitor group has warned that “famine is imminent” in northern Gaza, where an estimated 70% of the population face “catastrophic hunger“. Around 300,000 people remain trapped in the area, after months of Israeli bombardment […] The post Global Watchdog Warns Gaza Is Facing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Anti-Semitism As The Harbinger Of Global Chaos

Authored by Stephen Soukup via American Greatness, On the off chance you hadn’t noticed, the world appears to be at an especially precarious moment presently. Obviously, war continues to rage in Ukraine and Gaza, with no end in sight to either conflict. Great Britain and Japan are currently in recession. Canada’s economy is an absolute disaster, with almost no hope […]

How NATO powers are using the U.K.’s World War I model to lure Russia into the next big global war

READ HERE:   Source

Hedge Fund Icon: “We’re Just Two Years Away From A US Debt Sustainability Crisis, Sparking A Major Global Market Event”

By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management “The last time the debt as a share of GDP was this large was in 1945-1946, at the end of World War II,” wrote Daniel Wilson and Brigid Meisenbacherat from the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. I was grinding through […]

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