Posts Tagged ‘biden’

Biden vs. Trump: A rematch fraught with voter apathy and partisan divides

As Biden and Trump clinch their party nominations for a historic rematch, voter enthusiasm hits a new low, reflecting a divided nation’s quest for alternatives. Source

There’s only 2 Joe Biden’s…..

Altogether now! There’s only 2 Joe Biden’s, 2 Joe Biden’s, 2 Joe Bidennn’s, 2 Joe Biden’s, 2 Joe Biden’s, 2 Joe Bidennnn’s….. Ad Infinitum……..   Ok folks, I’m not making any conclusions here, I’m simply reporting. I report, you decide. Anyone else think Joe Biden looks a little….”different”….than he used to? Of course we all […]

Trump vs. Biden Rematch Virtually Assured After Former President Becomes Presumptive GOP Nominee

To no one’s surprise, former President Donald Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee after making a clean sweet of three more Republican presidential primaries – Georgia, Mississippi and Washington. While it’s not technically a done deal just yet – between the three states there are 142 delegates, of which Trump needed 137 to secure a […]

Hannibal Run: Biden Admin Warns Florida May Get Swamped By “Mass Migration” Wave From Haiti

If only someone had given the Clintons a few more billion to vaporize as they “fixed” Haiti using a criminal combo of toxic  construction, failed investments and the promotion of deadend macroeconomic policies before its president was assassinated in broad daylight, and before the whole island turned into a anarchic, warlord ridden, Mad Max wasteland of cannibals, maybe […]

Biden Priorities: Sends $300M in Weapons for Ukraine While Pentagon Itself Has No Replacements and Is $10B Overdrawn

Biden Priorities: Sends $300M in Weapons for Ukraine While Pentagon Itself Has No Replacements and Is $10B Overdrawn Source

Biden marks start of Ramadan by recognizing ‘moment of immense pain’ for Muslims

President Biden marked the start of Ramadan on Sunday with a statement recognizing the “moment of immense pain” for many Muslim Americans and pledging to lead international efforts to deliver humanitarian aid into Gaza. “Tonight—as the new crescent moon marks the beginning of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan—Jill and I extend our best wishes… […]

Biden repeats promise to Black Americans: ‘I have your back’

President Biden in a Saturday interview doubled down on his commitment to stand by Black Americans and pointed to his record of support for Black-owned small businesses and to strong job creation numbers. “You promised Black America that … you’d have our back. Do you feel you have our backs?” MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart asked Biden… […]

David Sacks: “Biden’s Big Backfire” Is Ukraine, Warns Of “Woke War III”

Venture capitalist David Sacks, who also hosts the All-In Podcast, sat down with Saagar Enjeti, a political commentator and podcaster from Breaking Points, to explore President Biden’s failures in Ukraine and Gaza.  Sacks has been a vocal critic of Western propaganda on Ukraine, advocating for a more nuanced understanding of the conflict and opposing NATO expansion to prevent further […]

Cotton hits Biden for ‘trying to gloss over all of his failures’ at State of the Union

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) took a swing at President Biden for “trying to gloss over all of his failures” in his State of the Union address in an interview that aired Sunday. “Joe Biden is trying to gloss over all of his failures… making American families spend more on everything from food, to gas, to… […]

Biden, Trump platforms both clash with Catholic Church. So who will Catholic Latinos turn to?

The Trump and Biden campaigns have a delicate task ahead in courting socially conservative Latino Catholics, a group that’s ideologically opposed to core tenets of either presidential pitch. Both platforms are rooted in stances that directly violate Catholic teachings. Former President Trump’s rhetoric on immigrants and plans to curb the influx of migrants at the… […]

Trump escalates anti-migrant rhetoric ahead of Biden match-up

Former President Trump is turning to familiar terrain as he gears up for the general election campaign against President Biden, escalating his attacks on migrants coming into the country and warning of calamitous consequences at the border if Biden is reelected. Trump has for years used incendiary rhetoric about immigrants to fire up his base,… […]

Trump Campaign Makes Fun of Biden’s Tumbles In New Video Called ‘Not A Young Guy’

Last Updated on March 10, 2024 President Donald J. Trump’s campaign has released a new ad called “Not A Young Guy,” which is based on a Joe Biden quote about himself. Democrat Joe Biden is known for unintentional slapstick incidents on the world stage, having fallen in public on multiple occasions. President Trump is leading […]

Maryland governor: Black support ‘will consolidate’ around Biden

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) predicted that Black voters will consolidate their support around President Biden in his likely rematch against former President Trump because he has always supported them. Moore, a member of the Biden-Harris 2024 National Advisory Board, joined MSNBC’s Al Sharpton from Atlanta, Ga., where Biden held a campaign event where he… […]

Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Illegally Diverting Border-Wall Funds

Authored by Caden Pearsen via The Epoch Times, A federal judge on Friday blocked the Biden administration from unlawfully redirecting taxpayer funds away from the construction of a wall along the southern border. Southern District of Texas District Court Judge Drew B. Tipton granted a preliminary injunction after Texas and Missouri sued to stop the […]

Biden administration’s unprecedented arms sales to Israel raise ethical questions

The Biden administration’s approval of over 100 arms transactions to Israel amidst the intensifying conflict in Gaza has sparked a significant ethical and legal controversy. These deals, characterized by an array of military hardware including “precision-guided munitions, small diameter bombs, and bunker busters,” have bypassed traditional congressional oversight due to their individual values falling beneath […]

Biden directs US military to establish temporary pier for aid to Gaza

 March 8, 2024 Source: Agencie US President Joe Biden coughs as he delivers the State of the Union address in the House Chamber of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, on March 7, 2024. (AFP) By Al Mayadeen English During his State of the Union address, the US President calls on “Israel” not to turn humanitarian […]

Gold Star Dad Arrested After Heckling Biden Over Son’s Death In Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

President Biden was momentarily distracted from delivery of his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, as the father of a Marine killed during the mishandled withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan yelled from the gallery at the top of his lungs, imploring the audience to remember the bloody bombing that took his son’s […]

Biden Campaign Chair Says “No Surprise” The President Is Losing Key Voters

The Biden campaign has admitted to a “shift” among the electorate which has made it no “surprise” that the president is losing key voters to former President Donald Trump, based on a recent New York Times/Siena poll. The poll, conducted Feb. 25 – Feb. 28, found that just one out of four registered voters believes […]

Victor Davis Hanson: One Angry Biden Lie After Another

Victor Davis Hanson’s calm and reasoned response with Tucker Carlson to President Biden’s SOTU address is worth every second: Victor Davis Hanson discusses with Tucker Carlson, Joe Biden’s SOTU address.Never has he seen a more angry speech to our country.Credit: these two awesome Americans. @TuckerCarlson @VDHanson — Big Fish (@BigFish3000) March 8, 2024 But […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 154: Biden’s maritime aid corridor to Gaza slammed as ‘unrealistic’

Casualties: 30,878+ killed* and at least 72,402 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 424+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 587 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.* Key Developments: Israeli bombardments kill at least […]

Biden administration confirms facilitating SECRET MIGRANT FLIGHTS that allowed over 320,000 illegals to enter the U.S. through airports

Biden administration confirms facilitating SECRET MIGRANT FLIGHTS that allowed over 320,000 illegals to enter the U.S. through airports The administration of President Joe Biden has acknowledged that it has facilitated secret flights that allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants to enter the United States after being turned away at the southern border, raising concerns about national […]

Biden wants to redirect U.S. Army funding to UKRAINE

Biden wants to redirect U.S. Army funding to UKRAINE Welfare queen Volodymyr Zelensky wants even more money from the United States, and President Biden plans to give it to him by siphoning cash from the U.S. Army. The latest reports suggest that Biden is strongly considering tapping the U.S. Army budget to refill the coffers […]

Biden Mulls Tapping US Army’s Own Funds In Scramble To Arm Ukraine

The Biden White House is so desperate to provide further immediate funding to Ukraine, with the House still firmly blocking the sought after $60+ billion, that it is considering a move to try and tap $200 million from US Army funding. While $200 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the total Ukraine aid […]

Watch: President Biden Delivers The “Darkest, Most Un-American Speech Given By A President”

Having successfully raged, ranted, lied, and yelled through the State of The Union, President Biden can go back to his crypt now. Whatever ‘they’ gave Biden, every American man, woman, and the other should be allowed to take it – though it seems the cocktail brings out ‘dark Brandon’? Tl;dw: Biden’s Speech tonight … Fund […]

CNN Credits Trump, Admits Biden “Made The Problem Worse” At The Border

Authored by Steve Watson via, In a rare collectors moment, CNN took time Tuesday to give Donald Trump credit regarding illegal immigration, admitting that the US does “have a problem,” at the border and that Biden has “made the problem worse.” While the comments came from Republican strategist Brad Todd, it’s the kind of admission […]

“You’re Fired!” – Donald Trump Issues Prebuttal to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

“What’s happened now is a horror show,” declared former President Trump Wednesday before Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, slated for 9 p.m. Eastern. The former president took the opportunity to record a prebuttal to Biden’s speech. The following is a verbatim statement from Trump: Joe Biden is on the run from his record […]

Biden Considers Tapping Into US Army’s Budget To Aid Ukraine

US president Joe Biden is reportedly looking for alternative ways to fund Ukraine as his foreign aid bill remains stalled in Congress. According to a report this week by Bloomberg, the US government is considering tapping into the US Army budget to provide Ukraine with the military aid it keeps demanding. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Biden’s State of the Union report card: Here’s where Biden stands on last year’s promises

President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last year included a slew of promises and hints about what the president wanted to accomplish in the year ahead. So how did Biden live up to these promises? POLITICO dug through last year’s speech and assessed his progress on some of the major issues just before […]

Elon Musk joins Trump in secret meeting to discuss defeating Biden

Billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk met with Donald Trump in secret recently at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate to discuss how to oust Joe Biden from the White House this November. Even though the X owner says he will not donate a penny to either political candidate – Musk likes to keep his […]

Jim Biden confirms to Congress that his nephew Hunter met with “spy chief of China” Patrick Ho in 2017

Jim Biden confirms to Congress that his nephew Hunter met with “spy chief of China” Patrick Ho in 2017 Political consultant and first brother James “Jim” Biden has officially confirmed that his nephew Hunter Biden met with Patrick Ho, who the presidential son dubbed the “spy chief of China,” in 2017. He confirmed the September […]

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