Posts Tagged ‘break’

WATCH: French police break up ‘unauthorized’ carnival in Marseille after thousands of revelers defy Covid-19 restrictions

A street festival in Marseille that attracted crowds of merrymakers ended with tear gas and fines after local authorities declared the event unlawful and dispatched police to clear out the area. A huge crowd of people, most of them young and without masks, paraded through the southern port city as they played music and danced. […]

Miami imposes coronavirus curfew amid spring break chaos

Officials have imposed an emergency curfew for Miami Beach on Sunday, after hard-partying spring break crowds gathered by the thousands without masks or social distancing on Saturday night. The 8pm-6am curfew was taking effect Saturday night in South Beach, one of the nation’s top party spots. Footage showed partygoers crowding streets, with police firing pellets […]

Massive Protests Break out in the UK , Tens of Thousands take it to the Streets

    Normally, the authorities should tell the people things like: “well there’s a very very dangerous virus out there and if you go out without a magic cloth on your a$$, I mean mouth, and not take our injections non-stop, then you’re gonna die, but if you do wanna get out there in the […]

Staying at Home Gets on Your Nerves? Follow Your Heart to Break Free

March 19th, 2021 By Estee Horn Guest Writer for Wake Up World “Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is.” – Thomas Szasz Are you fed up with being at home? It’s almost a year we’re spending too much of our time at our houses. Even if we’re […]

Bennett’s Choice: Will he ever be able to break away from Netanyahu?

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Myanmar police break up protests again after bloodiest day since coup

Police in Myanmar broke up demonstrations in several places with tear gas and gunfire on Thursday as protesters took to the streets again undeterred by the rising death toll in a crackdown on opponents of last month’s military coup.The incidents followed the bloodiest day since the military overthrew the elected government of Aung San Suu […]

Miami Beach Preps For Spring Break COVID Crackdown

In yet another great example of government efficiency, Miami Beach is prepping for a Spring Break Covid crackdown. Don’t check your calendar. Yes, it’s 2021.  It’s ironic, since last year – you know, before we even had vaccines and understood fully just how deadly (or not deadly) Covid was – Miami Beach was the go-to place to […]

New Zealand PM urges public to ‘call out’ family & friends who break Covid-19 rules, who let down ‘team of five million’

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged obedient members of the public to call out violators of coronavirus rules, as it emerged people have been concealing Covid-19 contacts. Speaking on Monday about recent Covid-19 cases that are linked to breaches of anti-coronavirus restrictions, Ardern aimed mighty jabs at rule breakers. Even with the full […]

Police break up over 100 parties, give 2,500 fines on 1st night of Purim curfew

Police on Thursday night dispersed over 100 Purim parties and events around the country that saw dozens or hundreds of people congregate against health regulations and in violation of a nationwide curfew. Holiday celebrations were broken up in Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Rehovot, among other locations, officials said. Dozens of people were […]

Protests break out in Spain over arrest of anti-monarchy rapper

Police in Spain say 14 people were arrested in violent street protests in several cities following the arrest of Spanish rap artist Pablo Hasél, who had barricaded himself at a university with dozens of supporters to avoid prison and defend his fight for free speech. Emergency services said Wednesday that 33 people were treated for […]

Dutch court REINSTATES coronavirus curfew in break-neck reversal of earlier order to end ‘illegitimate’ policy

A Dutch appeals court has revived the country’s Covid-19 curfew just moments before it came into effect, overturning a ruling handed down hours earlier ordering the government to lift the “illegitimate” measure immediately. A three-judge appellate panel granted an emergency injunction following a request from the Dutch government on Tuesday, agreeing to vacate the earlier […]

Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremburg Code

Do Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremburg Code? Humans Are Free » / HAF Mandatory masks continue to be the standard operating procedure for many counties, regions, districts, states and nations worldwide, as the COVID cult agenda progresses. In many places, while COVID vaccines are not yet mandatory, authorities are […]

Why 2021 is humanity’s make-or-break moment on climate breakdown

Last year will be remembered for many things, and let’s be honest: most of them will be bad. But amidst the hardship and suffering, there is a positive story to be told. 2020 was perhaps the first time in living memory when governments around the world took radical action to put the interests of public […]

Russia ‘ready’ for a break in relations with the EU, says Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov suggested his country must “prepare for war” if it wants peaceful relations with the European Union as the 27-nation bloc considers economic sanctions. Lavrov said the EU was Russia’s largest trading and investment partner, but that his country needed to be prepared in case “sanctions are imposed in some areas […]

Politico suggests three solutions to Biden to break nuclear stalemate with Iran

TEHRAN – In an op-ed published on February 5, the Politico magazine proposes three solutions to new U.S. President Joe Biden to break the deadlock to restore the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. The article is written by founder and CEO of the Bourse and Bazaar Foundation Esfandyar Batmanghelidj and policy fellow at the European […]

Flood From Glacier Break In India’s North Leaves 9 Dead, 140 Missing

RISHIKESH, India (AP) — Indian authorities launched a search operation Sunday after part of a Himalayan glacier broke, sending a massive flood of water and debris slamming into two dams and damaging a number of homes. At least nine people were killed and 140 were missing. The flood was caused when a portion of Nanda […]

IDF: Palestinian tries to break into settlement home, attacks man; is shot dead

A Palestinian man was shot and killed after entering into a West Bank settlement outpost early Friday morning and attempting to infiltrate a home, the IDF said, calling the infiltrator a terrorist. According to the army, the man, who was unarmed, tried to enter the house of a worker in the Sadeh Ephraim farm in […]

French Police Break Up Huge Warehouse Orgy Because It Violated Covid Restrictions

Police raided a huge orgy that was taking place inside a remote warehouse near Paris on Friday because it was in breach of the covid curfew. While orgies between consenting adults are legal in France, dozens of fines were issued for this one bcause it violated Covid restrictions…(they could do with some guidance from the BBC […]

Fresh clashes between Indian farmers and police break out at protest site near New Delhi

Indian farmers and authorities clashed at a protest site near New Delhi on Friday, with one police officer and a demonstrator injured after tear gas was thrown and stones were pelted at the Singhu border. The violence occurred after Delhi Traffic Police closed the Singhu border, as well as other crossing points, where farmers have […]

Video: COVID Police Enter Home to Break Up Baby Shower Party

Police in the UK enforcing coronavirus lockdown restrictions are threatening people with £200 fines if they engage in snowball fights or sledging. Yes, really. Snow fell in many parts of the country over the weekend, providing a welcome distraction to the fact that the country has been under some form of lockdown for the best […]

Study: Short Break From Cosmetics Causes “Significant Drop of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals”

A study led by researchers at UC Berkeley and Clinica de Salud del Valle Salinas has demonstrated how taking even a short break from various cosmetics, shampoos, and other personal care products can lead to a substantial drop in the levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals present within the body. The results from the study were published in the […]

Indonesia’s baby sea turtles make a break for freedom

Dozens of palm-sized baby turtles flipped and flopped on a beach as they made their way towards the crashing waves of the Indian Ocean, under the watchful gaze of conservationists at a national park in Indonesia. Small enough to fit into the palm of a hand, some ended up on their backs, wriggling their tiny […]

Netanyahu says he wants to break Joint List’s monopoly on Arab Israeli vote

Following a number of high-profile visits to Arab Israeli towns last week and reports that his Likud party is planning to campaign heavily for Arab votes in the coming election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that he hopes Arab Israelis will cast a ballot for him. “Just as I broke the Palestinian veto on […]

Britain Completes Formal Economic Break With European Union

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s long and sometimes acrimonious divorce from the European Union ended Thursday with an economic split that leaves the EU smaller and the U.K. freer but more isolated in a turbulent world. Britain left the European bloc’s vast single market for people, goods and services at 11 p.m. London time, midnight in […]

‘Viruses do not take a break during holidays,’ Japan’s PM says, amid third wave of Covid infections

Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called on citizens to spend the holiday season “quietly,” as the country started banning non-resident foreign nationals from entering amid record-high new coronavirus cases. As Japan faces its third wave of coronavirus infections, Suga urged the public to continue exercising precautions. “Viruses do not take a break during the year-end […]

Food Lines Grow Miles Long as Politicians Break Rules to Dine at Fancy Restaurants, Take Vacations

By Matt Agorist When the politicians on taxpayer funded salaries sit around and discuss which businesses to keep open and which businesses to shut down, they never consider limiting their salaries or cutting their funding. They simply force people out of business and offer nothing in return. In states that do offer some relief to […]

Six Israeli Border Police Wounded When Riots Break Out During Arrest Raid Near Ramallah

Israeli Border Police officers stand by a main road, in downtown Jerusalem, Sept. 25, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun. – Six Israeli Border Police officers were wounded on Monday morning when riots broke out during an arrest raid in the Palestinian city of Kalandia, according to Israeli media reports. Some of the locals […]

Riots Break Out in France as Millions Riot over ‘Ban on Filming Police Brutality’ Law

Home » Europe, Protests » Riots Break Out in France as Millions Riot over ‘Ban on Filming Police Brutality’ Law     Violent clashes and arson have erupted in Paris amid mass protests against police brutality and a draft law that would ban filming officers “in certain circumstances,” after a video emerged of cops beating […]

Video: COVID Cops Try To Break Into Gym As Owner Continues To Use It During Lockdown

A UK travel agency has announced it will be boycotting Australian airline Qantas over its ‘no vaccine, no flight’ policy, saying travelers should have freedom of choice. Last week, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce announced the airline would implement a policy barring anyone who has not had the COVID-19 vaccine from using their service. “We are […]

Coronavirus: Thanksgiving could be make-or-break in US virus response

In Pennsylvania, if you’re having friends over to socialise, you’re supposed to wear a mask — and so are your friends. That’s the rule, but Barb Chestnut has no intention of following it. “No one is going to tell me what I can or not do in my own home,” said Chestnut, 60, of Shippensburg. […]

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