Posts Tagged ‘obesity’

Conflict of interest: Coca-Cola funded more than 40 studies on childhood obesity – and they all failed to disclose the firm’s financial influence

(Natural News) Childhood obesity is a complex epidemic, with lots of factors playing a role in the problem at the general and individual levels. Nevertheless, many weight problems can be boiled down to two driving forces: inactivity and poor eating choices. When fingers started pointing to soft drinks maker Coca-Cola for playing […]

Black pepper could help fight obesity: Research shows it lowers body fat and blood sugar

(Natural News) A new study revealed that black pepper could help fight against obesity by reducing body fat and blood sugar levels. The study was carried out by a team of researchers from Sri Venkateswara University in India. For the study, the research team experimented on obese rats who were administered with a high-fat diet […]

Chemicals in food promote obesity, disrupt hormones

(Natural News) As obesity numbers continue to break records in the U.S. and many places throughout the world, health-conscious individuals are increasingly looking to their diet to try to maintain a healthy weight. Most of these people look out for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats – and rightfully so, as regular consumption […]

Food preserving chemicals linked to hormone disruption and obesity, according to new study

(Natural News) Most people are aware that the chemicals found in food preservatives are rather unhealthy. Even those who continue to eat such foods generally realize on some level that they are not doing their bodies any favors. However, a new study shows that such chemicals are not just toxic; they could also be the […]

How the Obesity Epidemic Got Started, and How We Can End It

December 13th, 2017 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World The documentary “Fed Up,” narrated by Katie Couric, investigated the misinformation touted by the processed food industry, and how these fallacies have created (and continue to drive) the global obesity epidemic. This includes the lies you’ve been told about calories and diet versus exercise, […]

Study shows obesity epidemic in U.S. worsening as now more than HALF of all American kids will develop the condition

(Natural News) Despite a renaissance in organic foods and more information available than ever before about how to eat clean and avoid toxic, prepackaged, GMO-laden menus, America’s insatiable appetite for unhealthy fare grows — along with our waistlines. According to the most recent figures, more than half of all children in the country — 57 […]

Time-restricted eating may yield moderate weight loss in obesity

     Eating only during an 8-hour window for 3 months resulted in a 2.6% weight loss in adults with obesity; however, no effects were found for metabolic disease risk, according to findings from a pilot study presented here. “Time-restricted feeding is really about confining the period in which you eat into some type of window,” […]

Sit, relax, chew: Eating too fast increases your risk of obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol more than five-fold

(Natural News) It looks like the weight loss tip to eat slowly has its merits. According to a recent study, eating too fast increases the “risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.” Research findings indicate that individuals who eat fast might end up eating more because their bodies don’t have the time to realize that […]

Start fighting obesity tomorrow with this simple, easy step: Drink only water with your meals

(Natural News) Losing weight can be an arduous process, yet there’s one simple habit that can make it easier. Instead of accompanying your meals with shakes and juices, opt for plain water. This is what helped over 1,200 elementary and middle school students in New York City shed some unwanted pounds over the course of […]

Obesity-induced diabetes in the U.K. behind more than 160 amputations per WEEK; most die within 5 years

(Natural News) The obesity-related diabetes disaster continues unabated in the United Kingdom, triggering a rash of amputations that may be causing premature death in 80 percent of patients. As reported by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, the obesity epidemic is feeding into a record-high 160 amputations per week, according to the most recent health figures, which […]

Childhood obesity skyrocketing across America, and Big Pharma can’t wait for future wave of patients needing drugs for everything

(Natural News) Parents lead their children by example, and today’s youth are suffering in a big way because of their poor role models. America has an obesity epidemic, with more than a third of adults now falling into this category. Therefore, it’s hardly surprising that childhood obesity is also skyrocketing given the bad example many […]

Ginseng extracts found to prevent obesity

(Natural News) Obesity is one of the biggest public health issues the world is facing today, and it’s a contributing factor to many deadly illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Ginseng has been the subject of an increasing number of studies in recent years as a potential treatment for this challenging and complex problem. […]

New Study Reveals American Obesity Rates by Race

A new study has revealed that although 70 percent of Americans are officially classed as “obese or overweight,” Americans Indians are fattest of all, followed by blacks, Latinos, whites and Asians —and that black and Latino females are by far the fattest of their racial groups. According to the newly-released 14th annual State of Obesity: Better […]

Food preservatives and chemical additives found to promote obesity… is this why America is so overweight?

(Natural News) While canned goods and chips may not be healthiest foods in the world, new research has revealed that they’re even worse than originally thought. The preservatives and chemical additives that help these foods maintain their freshness may actually disrupt metabolism and lead to obesity. That’s what investigators from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los […]

American Obesity by Race: American Indians 70%, Blacks 48%, Latinos 42%, Whites, 36%, Asians 12%

September 03, 2017 0 Source Article from

Dulled sense of taste found to promote obesity; exposure to fragrance in laundry products dulls ALL senses

(Natural News) Your sweet tooth may actually be indicative of dulled taste according to researchers from Cornell who found that those with a diminished ability to taste choose sweeter, and more likely higher-calorie, food. This, they warn, could lead to the downward spiral of obesity and associated conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses. […]

FDA admits five patients now KILLED by anti-obesity surgical balloon surgery

(Natural News) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that at least five patients have died soon after being fitted with anti-obesity gastric balloons. “All five reports indicate that patient deaths occurred within a month or less of balloon placement. In three reports, death occurred as soon as one to three days after balloon placement. At […]

15 Alkaline Foods That Prevent Obesity, Cancer, and Heart Disease

Alkaline foods help in balancing the pH levels in our body thereby reducing chances of chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis and severe heart conditions.  They protect the healthy cells in our body and balance the essential mineral levels. Consuming too much acidic or processed food can create an imbalance in the pH levels leading to […]

Global obesity now affecting 2 BILLION people as processed junk food causes global epidemic

(Natural News) There is an alarming rate of people – both children and adults – who are succumbing to health problems caused by obesity, according to a new study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. Shockingly, more than two billion people around the world are afflicted with diseases […]

New research shows that prebiotics can combat the epidemic of childhood obesity

(Natural News) According to a radical new study, the solution to childhood obesity could lie in a prebiotic supplement. Specifically, a prebiotic supplement added to water that greatly improves gut bacteria profile. “Powdered fiber, mixed in a water bottle, taken once a day is all we asked the children to change, and we got, what […]

Bernie Sanders takes to Twitter advocating for GMO labeling while urging Congress to represent the PEOPLE, not just wealthy corporations

(NaturalNews) For all the ways he’s dead wrong about healthcare, education, and the replacing of our constitutional republic with democratic socialism, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders admittedly has two things going for him: his consistent rejection of globalist trade scams like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and his vehement support for states’ rights when […]

How acetaminophen may play a role in the autism epidemic

     In 2005, I was told to consider “out-of-home placement” for my son David. He was four years old and had been diagnosed with “worst-case-scenario for autism” by specialists. He was violent, self-injurious and had a tendency to wander. The recommendation for out-of-home placement inspired me to schedule a Pharmacology Clinic where a team of […]

Regulating toxic chemicals: Is this new reform a toxic waste?

     There should’ve been an overhaul in how we regulate toxic chemicals years ago. Like when the 2010 President’s Cancer Panel report concluded that babies are now born “pre-polluted.” Or when it came to light that a common flame retardant used in household items actually causes cancer. Finally, our infamously ineffective Congress has passed a […]

J.K. Rowling’s Most Empowering Speech: Why Failure Is Good

Failure gets such a bad rap in our society. We see thousands of best-selling books about how to succeed in life, but none about how to fail. Now you’re probably thinking, “Why on earth would I ever want to fail, or even worse, learn how to fail?” The truth is, failure is an essential part of […]

Common acne drug causes severe birth defects and miscarriages when used by pregnant women… so why is it still legal?

(NaturalNews) Zika might be dominating the headlines as the media and scientists publicize a possible link to birth defects, but a common acne drug can also cause severe birth defects and miscarriages, and many women are ignoring the warnings. The problem is so dramatic that countries like Canada have launched official programs to […]

Chernobyl wildlife, three decades on

     It was 30 years ago that a meltdown at the V. I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station in the former Soviet Union released radioactive contaminants into the surroundings in northern Ukraine. Airborne contamination from what is now generally termed the Chernobyl disaster spread well beyond the immediate environs of the power plant, and a roughly […]

Bizarre Video Of Astronaut’s Final Recording In Space Before She Died

This bizarre tape recording features a Soviet astronaut’s eerie last moments in space – which is still unexplained to this day.  In the early 1960’s Russia sent the first woman into space – in a mission that went horribly wrong when she tried to reenter Earth’s atmosphere. To this day nobody has been able to explain the […]

After virologist warned about man-made plague strains being covertly developed and distributed, she was framed and harassed

(NaturalNews) A research biochemist and molecular biologist who has long believed that the vaccine movement is dangerous, has become the target of government harassment and intimidation, having even been jailed at one point, all because she refused to destroy documents in an attempt to hide incriminating evidence against the industry. In 2011, while […]

Heartbreaking testimony reveals the lives ruined by sociopathic cancer fraud doctor Farid Fata

(NaturalNews) Former oncologist and hematologist Dr. Farid Fata was one of Michigan’s most respected physicians. His private cancer clinic was once connected to Detroit’s Crittenton Hospital Cancer Center, positioning him in an ideal place to receive the hospital’s cancer patient referrals. But Fata took advantage of the arrangement and ended up violating the […]

Want to stay healthy into your 70s? Yoga can help you stay mobile and flexible

(NaturalNews) Yoga is much more than just the latest health trend and was actually developed between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago, according to Yoga Basics. There are several reasons for its long history and increasing popularity – which range from its ability to encourage a better night’s sleep to tackling anxiety. Yoga can […]

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