Posts Tagged ‘clash’

Islamic State Clash With Philippine Army, Take Control Of Marawi

The Islamic State are fighting to take control of its first city in the Philippines. The city of Marawi in southern Philippines is in chaos. Heavily-armed militants linked to ISIS have raised their black flag over the city center. Residents have been told to stay indoors as security forces engage in street battles with Islamic […]

Molotov cocktails & tear gas: Protesters & police clash in Athens before austerity vote

People took to the streets of Greece’s capital for the second consecutive day to protest new pension and tax-break cuts, which are expected to be voted on at around midnight Thursday. WATCH MORE: Protesters clash with police at anti-austerity protest in Greece The protest was staged by the country’s major trade unions. An estimated 10,000 to […]

Colombia & Panama clash over drug trafficking and war on drugs

nsnbc : Panama’s President Juan Carlos Varela claimed Colombia’s peace process was causing an increase in drug-related violence in his country. The remark caused indignation […]

Palestinians declare ‘Day of Rage’ in solidarity with hunger striking prisoners, and clash with soldiers and settlers

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Tens of Palestinians injured as clashes erupt on ‘Day of Rage’ across occupied West Bank [photos] BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) 28 Apr — Ongoing clashes have erupted across the occupied West Bank on Friday, with several Palestinians injured, on what Palestinians are calling the Day of Rage — initially […]

Anti-austerity protesters clash with police, block roads, start fires in Rio (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

Thousands of Brazilians joined numerous protests held across the country. One of the largest demonstrations was staged in front Rio de Janeiro’s state assembly. It ended up in clashes between the protesters and police that tried to disperse the crowd, AP reports. Protesters erected barricades across the roads and are burning office furniture and tyres. Some rally […]

Ex-Defense Minister Says IS ‘Apologized’ to Israel for November Clash

Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]

"Night of the Barricades": Protesters clash with riot police at post-vote demonstration in central Paris

     French riot police have deployed tear gas on protesters who gathered at the Place de la Bastille in central Paris after preliminary results of the first round of the presidential election were announced. Protests in Paris in the aftermath of the vote have turned violent with smoke grenades, flares and glass bottles thrown at […]

Pentagon And Aid Workers Clash Over Planned Assault In Yemen

Above Photo: Flickr/ gregwest98 Pentagon officials have been making clear for weeks that they are eager to directly join Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and have excitedly laid out plans for deeper involvement in the conflict to the rest of the administration, centering on joining the invasion of Hodeidah, a Red Sea port which is where […]

Iran DM: S-300 defense shield deployed

“The S-300 system has been delivered and a part of it was deployed,” Rapporteur of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Seyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini quoted General Dehqan as saying in his Tuesday meeting with the Commission members in Tehran. Naqavi Hosseini also said that General Dehqan had underlined continued projects to […]

Lightning bolt kills horse in Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina

     A truck and horse trailer were struck by lightning on Turkey Pen Road Tuesday afternoon, killing one of eight horses. Chief Rick Livingston of Mills River Fire and Rescue said a pickup truck and trailer, with eight horses tied to the trailer, were parked at the parking lot at the Turkey Pen trailhead in […]

North Korea fires 3 ballistic missiles – S. Korea military

The three missiles were launched from the North’s east coast into the sea at between 5:45am and 6:20am local time. The missiles, presumed to be Scud-types, have enough range to reach all of South Korea, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, adding that South Korea’s military is keeping a close eye on the developments. […]

Fagnonymous Fails Again: Nothing Happened on the “Day of Rage”

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 17, 2016 Anonymous: It’s an organization with a purpose. I just realized I never wrote anything about the planned “Day of Rage” which was supposed to have happened on Friday. I didn’t write anything because nothing actually happened, but the fact that nothing happened is a story in itself. There were […]

Fash the Nation Week 47

The Right Stuff July 9, 2016 TRS Radio (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Join me, co-host Marcus Halberstram, and very special guest, Trent Holmgren for the latest edition of the program that changed your weekend forever, Fash the Nation. 0:00 Intro 2:00 Dallas 1:00:00 The Europa Report (Written by Autolycus/Produced by Trent Holmgren) 1:10:00 The Red-Pilling of Trent […]

Iran will seriously pursue Chabahar development, Rouhani tells Modi

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran will “seriously” pursue the implementation of a joint project with India on the development of Iran’s southeastern port of Chabahar. The Iranian president made the remark during a Wednesday telephone conversation with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “Iran’s Chabahar port, which connects different regional countries, including India, Afghanistan and [those in] […]

US lawmakers urge Obama to act on abuse of Palestinian children

Nora Barrows-Friedman Rights and Accountability 21 June 2016 As US President Barack Obama prepares to offer a record-breaking multi-billion-dollar military aid package to Israel, 20 Democratic members of Congress say that he must send a “clear signal” to Palestinian children that their lives are valued. In a letter initiated by Minnesota congresswoman Betty […]

HPV Vaccine To Be Trialled On Babies

Pharmaceutical giant Merck has announced plans to trial a new HPV vaccine on babies.  The controversial trial aims to look at the effects of the HPV vaccine in infants, with the possibility of rolling out a mandatory HPV vaccine program in the future. reports: The Gardasil / HPV vaccine has caused pain and agony on […]

German plans to lead NATO buildup ‘big mistake’ on anniversary of 1941 Nazi invasion – ex-Сhancellor

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has called for a drastic change in European policy towards Russia. Instead of seeking for a major role in NATO’s buildup against Russia in Eastern Europe and in the Baltics, Berlin should do its utmost to improve relations with Moscow. It was therefore a “serious mistake” that Germany assumed leadership […]

How much can Tata Motors benefit from its venture in Iran?

Reports suggest that Tata Motors is in talks with a local manufacturer – Iran Khodro Company, to set up a joint venture for assembling its petrol cars in Iran. Under the agreement, kit-versions of the cars will be imported and assembled at Iran Khodro’s manufacturing facility after adding local content such as tires and batteries. […]

Thousands Sign Petition To Revise Eurovision Song Contest Result

ABBA An online petition demanding a revision of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest result has gathered over 300,000 signatures. A number of people do not agree with the new way the votes were counted. Jury voting interfered with popular opinion giving victory to the Ukrainian entry “1944.” Russia came third with “You Are the Only […]

Putin And Trump Make Out In The Baltics

A mural of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin has appeared along the side walks of Lithuania’s capital depicting the two men lip-locked in a friendly embrace. The mural, painted next to a barbecue restaurant in Vilnius, suggests that future relations between Russia and the U.S. would be cosy if Trump was […]

Scuffles, extra police deployed in Berlin as thousands rally for & against Merkel’s policy (VIDEO)

Far-right groups have gathered in the center of Berlin near the governmental buildings to protest against Merkel’s so-called “open door” policies toward migrants and refugees. The rally, held under the slogan “Merkel Must Go,” gathered around 1,000 people by Saturday afternoon, TASS reported, citing police. “I am here for my family, for my culture, our […]

Bank Of N. Dakota Soars Despite Oil Bust: A Blueprint For California?

Print Friendly Above Photo: Matthew Brown/AP Despite North Dakota’s collapsing oil market, its state-owned bank continues to report record profits. This article looks at what California, with fifty times North Dakota’s population, could do following that state’s lead. In November 2014, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Bank of North Dakota (BND), the nation’s only state-owned depository […]

Free will illusory, brain tricks us into thinking choices are conscious – Yale study

Adam Bear and Paul Bloom wanted to check the theory that our brain only creates the impression of making a choice after the choice has been made subconsciously. In their study, they asked their testees to repeatedly choose in their head which of the five white circles they were presented with would light up red. The […]

Friends – the natural painkiller: Study finds wide social circle better than morphine

The study entitled ‘Pain tolerance predicts human social network size’ tested whether people with big groups of friends had a higher level of endorphins – chemicals produced by the body. Endorphins are linked to feelings of pleasure, reduce physical discomfort and are, in effect, the body’s natural painkillers. They can be even stronger than morphine, […]

‘Journalism in coma, Erdogan controls everything’: Gulenist freedoms advocate on Ankara’s policies

READ MORE: ‘All critical news media under pressure in Turkey’: Pro-Kurdish politician on blockade of Sputnik Turkish authorities have recently taken a number of steps aimed at suppressing freedom of the press, from taking over Turkey’s biggest newspaper, Zaman, to banning Russia’s Sputnik news agency. Erdogan’s war on media: Sputnik Turkey chief banned from entering […]

Introducing Millennial Woes

Millennial Woes is a Scottish, Anglo-Scots by choice, diarist and commentator. I won’t call him a blogger because that is such a hateful, ugly modern word I would never use to describe anyone. But he audio posts in the spoken word as many of us post in type. endzog is a political propaganda site, castigated by the Jewish Chronicle, […]

Massive mystery explosion obliterates apartment block in Paris

     A violent explosion has rocked the centre of Paris, destroying part of a building and sending smoke rising over the French capital. Officials said at least five people were injured in the blast, which blew out windows in an 100m radius and sent debris raining into surrounding streets. Residents living nearby in the 6th […]

UK To Deploy More Troops To Iraq

The UK is to deploy more troops to Iraq to help train Iraqi forces as they prepare for a new offensive against ISIS. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said on Saturday that Britain would send 30 extra troops to provide training in logistics and bridge-building as well as specialist medical staff. That would take the total […]

Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercise in the region, 20 states invited

The Saudi state agency made the announcement on Sunday, adding that participating troops will begin arriving in “the next few hours.” The oil-rich nation described the exercises as “the largest and most important” military drills in the region’s history. The so-called “Northern Thunder” exercise will take place in the north of the country and will […]

Allentown Begins To Pay On A Long List Of Police Abuses

Video of the incident was captured by security cameras. Geist alleged in her 2012 lawsuit that Ammary violated Wilson’s civil rights by using more force than necessary under the circumstances. She also claimed the city was liable for his actions because it failed to properly train him as a school resource officer or in the […]

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