Posts Tagged ‘justice’

Justice Sotomayor Spreads Delusional Misinformation During SCOTUS Hearing On Covid Vax Mandate

Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday spread delusional misinformation during oral arguments on the Biden regime’s “vaccine” mandate, claiming 100,000 children are currently hospitalized with covid (real number 3,342), Omicron is “as deadly” as Delta and covid deaths have never been higher. This is just absolutely astonishing. “100,000 children in serious condition,” per Sotomayor. […]

Oral Arguments Postponed As Justice Sotomayor Gets Gavel Stuck Up Her Nose Again

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Oral arguments in SCOTUS’s hearing over OSHA’s vaccine mandates had to be postponed a third time this morning as Justice Sonia Sotomayor got her gavel stuck up her nose again.  “Dang it, Sonia!” shouted Kavanaugh as he looked over and saw her frantically trying to get the wooden mallet unstuck. “How many times do […]

Carbon Justice and Global Survival

by Thomas Klikauer & Meg Young Unlike rather known concept of “climate” justice, the idea of “carbon” justice is so advanced that it does not even have a Wikipedia entry, yet. One of the countries that might serve as a near perfect example for carbon justice is Australia. With its massive coal export, Australia is one of, […]

Social Justice in words, Brazen Casteism And Slavery in Practice , in Tamil Nadu

A screengrab from the video showing a dozen men lowering the dead body of N. Kuppan. Courtesy: India today, August 22, 2019. There are still  cases “ where the dalits  could not even carry the dead bodies across certain lands belonging to the people of the so-called higher castes,” lamented Justice R Mahadevan of the […]

Climate justice through divestment

n recent years, a growing movement to achieve climate justice has connected the root cause of climate change not just with greenhouse gases but also with a more entrenched, insidious foe: capitalism. The United States supports a system that allows a few corporations and people to earn money off climate degradation, mainly through the extraction […]

Morocco Justice and Development Party sends message of support to Ennahda

The Moroccan Justice and Development Party yesterday sent a message of support to Tunisia’s Ennahda following the arrest of the movement’s deputy head, Noureddine Bhiri, describing his arrest as a “dangerous development in the political crisis in Tunisia”. Secretary-General of Justice and Development, Abdelilah Benkirane, sent the message of solidarity to Ennahda movement leader, Rachid […]

Rand Paul Vows To Bring Fauci To Justice If GOP Wins Back Senate In Midterms

A CNN correspondent noted how Joe Biden appeared “confused” throughout an entire interview as he repeatedly mistook COVID home tests for anti-viral pills. The comment was made in reference to Biden’s 20 minute interview with ABC’s David Muir, during which the president attempted to defend his response to the pandemic and complaints that people in […]

Raisi: Trump must face justice for Martyr Soleimani

3 Jan 2022 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen Net Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says Trump and his co-conspirators must face justice for his crime of assassinating Martyrs Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandes Raisi, speaking at a mass congregation on the anniversary of Soleimani’s martyrdom Iran has vowed revenge against former US President Donald Trump […]

Parents of Girl Shot Dead in Dressing Room by Los Angeles Police Call for Justice

LOS ANGELES—The parents of a girl killed in a clothing store dressing room by a Los Angeles police officer’s stray bullet last week called for justice on Tuesday, the day after police released a video showing the chaotic moments leading to the fatal shooting. The 14-year-old girl, Valentina Orellana-Peralta, was inadvertently shot dead in a […]

JPMorgan’s Crime Wave Continues, Calling into Question the Justice Department’s Lax Settlement with the Bank Last Year

JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States. It also has the scandalous distinction of having admitted to five criminal felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice since 2014 and a breathtaking series of additional charges from other regulators. (See its Rap Sheet here.) On Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission fined […]

Four Alberta doctors sue AHS over Vaccine mandate | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Posted On: December 10, 2021 WETASKIWIN:  The Justice Centre filed a Statement of Claim and Injunction Application at the Wetaskawin Court of Queen’s Bench on December 8, 2021, on behalf of four Alberta physicians. The doctors are facing termination, restrictions, and disciplinary action for standing against Alberta Health Service’s (“AHS”) Vaccine Mandate, which has been amended and extended twice already. […]

Resolution 194 and the Palestinian call for justice — thoughts for Florida’s Jewish communities

I wrote the piece below in response to — and offering a different perspective from — opinion pieces that have appeared in South Florida’s Jewish newspaper. I am always anxious to engage with Florida’s Jewish communities about these issues and how we can most meaningfully participate in seeking and pursuing justice. The Jewish press has not published […]

Stoicism in This Day and Age: The Philosophy of Courage, Virtue, Morals, Wisdom, and Justice

Being brave. Finding the right balance. These are core Stoic virtues, but in their seriousness, they pale in comparison to what the Stoics worshipped most highly: Doing the right thing. There is no Stoic virtue more important than justice, because it influences all the others. Marcus Aurelius himself said that justice is “the source of […]

Protesters Demand Justice For Survivors Amid Maxwell Trial

 ‘Media Bears A Responsibility.’ Dozens Of Protesters Gathered Outside The Thurgood Marshall Courthouse In New York City, Where Ghislaine Maxwell Is On Trial For Her Role In Jeffrey Epstein’s Decades-Long Sex Trafficking Operation Involving Numerous Elite Figures. Dan Cohen Reports From The Demonstration. New York – On December 4, protesters and survivors of sex […]

Assange Ruling a Dangerous Precedent for Journalists and British Justice

On Friday, the English High Court paved the way for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States and tried over the publication of hundreds of thousands of documents, some of which contained evidence of US and British war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The decision reversed a ruling in January by a lower […]

‘Breaking the News’ Exclusive Excerpt—Alex Marlow: ‘Justice for Jussie’: a Media Chronicle of a Hate Crime Hoax

Now that Justice for Juicy has finally been served, I want to share this particularly delightful excerpt of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, my New York Times’ bestselling book that is the perfect Christmas gift for everyone on your list, especially the libs. In this passage from the […]

Justice denied in The Hague

For those who contemplate ideas vague and theoretical in nature, ‘The Hague’ and ‘Den Haag’ readily conjure up notions about justice and the rule of law. Indeed, Vrede en Recht (Peace and Justice) are emblazoned on the Dutch capital’s municipal coat of arms. Sadly, yesterday morning here in The Hague, Ismail Ziada was left stone-faced […]

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines” through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years. We […]

WATCH: ‘We Want to Change Laws’: National Basketball Social Justice Coalition Promises an ‘Evolution’ in Advocacy

The National Basketball Association (NBA) flexed its social justice muscles this week when the National Basketball Social Justice Coalition released a new video advertising the various causes that the organization will push. We here. We are players, coaches, team governors, and executives working to advance social justice policy reform. — National Basketball Social Justice Coalition […]

Biden’s anti-Trump approach to racial justice flashpoints

Ahead of the Rittenhouse verdict, the president was in touch with Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers to discuss safety measures in Kenosha. He called law enforcement groups in recent months to gauge their frustrations, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversations. And last week — as the Rittenhouse jury deliberated — he signed […]

Media’s Anti-‘Woke’ Mania Moves Social Justice To The Fringe

“Woke” is the label the aggrieved conservative suburbanite puts on the indignity of having to call their Starbucks barista “they” and finding Ibram X. Kendi on their child’s school reading list. But as the Democrats prepare for the midterm election cycle, anti-wokeness has become a key theme about the party’s future. Woke activists have been […]

NIH Director Calls For COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice”

The Spectator has published an article citing official data from Public Health England, which states that for the over 30’s, “the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.” Well, this is awkward. The article, written by Lionel Shriver, is titled ‘The absurd theatre of vaccine passports’. It […]

School to Racially Sort Students for Social Justice Discussions

A middle school in New York City plans to racially separate students for discussions on social justice topics and identity issues next week, the New York Post reported Thursday. The Lower Manhattan Community School will hold the discussions November 23 and 24 to fulfill its mission to “undo the legacy of racism and oppression in […]

The Moroccan Justice and Development Party refuses to hold partial elections

The Moroccan Justice and Development Party (PJD) announced, in a surprising move, its refusal to respond to the call for complementary elections, following the decision by the Minister of Interior setting a date for organising complementary and partial municipal elections with the aim of filling “vacant” seats in some municipalities. The PJD said that “the […]

Department of Justice, Education Bureaucracy Have ‘Declared War on Parents’ as Whistleblower Reveals Use of Counterterrorism Tools

A whistleblower Tuesday revealed to the House Judiciary Committee that the FBI deployed “counterterrorism tools” to target concerned parents participating in local school board meetings. “These new whistleblower documents provided to the House Judiciary Committee prove that the FBI was, in fact, using counterterrorism tools to investigate concerned parents who have attended school board meetings,” […]

The Criminal ‘Justice’ System Protects Kyle Rittenhouse

On August 25, 2021, Kyle Rittenhouse drove across state lines with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and killed two people. He then, carrying the murder weapon, walked past a police line as witnesses screamed that he was getting away, got back in his car, and drove home. All in a day’s work for the young Rittenhouse, […]

Justice Department Indicts Steve Bannon for Contempt of Congress

President Joe Biden’s Justice Department indicted Steve Bannon on Friday, former President Donald Trump’s one-time White House senior counselor and a former chairman of Breitbart News. The Justice Department indicted Bannon on two counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to appear after the select committee to investigate the January 6 riots issued a subpoena […]

Indigenous Leaders Call for Landback Reforms and Climate Justice in “Required Reading”

As the world watches what transpires at COP26, the United Nations climate summit taking place this week in Glasgow, the U.N. has blasted governments and businesses for utterly failing to meet their climate obligations. There’s a sense that time is running out and radical change is the only hope–including a sweeping transformation of industrial agricultural practices to more sustainable and regenerative ones. At […]

Justice for Jim Rogers

Editor’s Note: The following statement was released by the Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee on November 10, 2021. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. Statement by the Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Pittsburgh native, Jim […]

The threat is imminent but make no mistake – the voice of justice is loud

I work for one of the leading Palestinian human rights organizations, Al-Haq, which was recently declared a “terrorist organization” by the Israeli regime along with five prominent civil society organizations in Palestine. Friends and acquaintances keep asking me how it feels to be a member of a “terrorist organization”. I always respond by saying: it […]

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