Archive for November, 2017

Is Washington the Most Corrupt Government in History?

by Paul Craig Roberts “Think about this. The bin Laden story, including 9/11, is fake from start to finish…. Where is there any evidence that the United States is a functioning democracy?” — Paul Craig Roberts November 29, 2017.  Robert Mueller, a former director of the FBI who is working as a special prosecutor “investigating” […]

Donald Trump Triples The Number Of Bombs Dropped In Afghanistan

Source: REAL PROGRESSIVE FRONT VIA THE TRUTHSEEKER “LET’S  GET  OUT  OF  AFGHANISTAN!” Trump entered the White House saying “We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan,” and “Let’s get out!” questioning why the US was still fighting in Afghanistan. Now he’s ramping up America’s longest war. The US army has unleashed […]

Israel could rely on ISIS to contain Iranian expansion

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Former Israeli Minister Ya’alon brags about killing the most Palestinians

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HUGE COVER-UP: Sugar Industry Shut Down Research Over Cancer Link

In a study published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Biology, scientists from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) claim the industry manipulated science, influenced regulations and even shut down its own research when it indicated a link between sugar and heart disease almost 50 years ago. “The Sugar Association proved to itself that calories […]

Judge To Review Clinton 1987 Murder Of 2 Arkansas Boys

A federal judge is to review an unsolved 1987 murder case of 2 young boys from Arkansas who were believed to have been killed by Clinton operatives. A mother’s 30-year missions to uncover the truth about what happened to her son’s in 1987 has led a federal judge to order an urgent review of […]

We Have Tripled The Number Of Store Closings From Last Year, And 20 Major Retailers Have Closed At Least 50 Stores In 2017

Did you know that the number of retail store closings in 2017 has already tripled the number from all of 2016? Last year, a total of 2,056 store locations were closed down, but this year more than 6,700 stores have been shut down so far. That absolutely shatters the all-time record for store closings […]

Activists Arrested In Atlanta For Feeding Homeless Without A Permit Before Thanksgiving

By Aaron Kesel The Sunday before Thanksgiving Atlanta police handed out tickets to activists feeding the homeless in a clear display of disregard for its hungry citizens simply because activists didn’t have a food distribution permit. Atlanta, which is in Fulton County, has long had a policy requiring organizers of such efforts to […]

Paradigm Shift: State Courts Rule Police Raids Over Cannabis Were Illegal and Uncalled For

By Rachel Blevins Courts in both Florida and Michigan have admitted that the dangerous early-morning raids conducted by SWAT teams searching for cannabis were completely unwarranted, and the overeager actions of the officers involved made their searches illegal. In one case in Florida, Collier County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived at the home of Juan […]

Privacy Alert: HP Quietly Installs System-Slowing Spyware On Its PCs Without Consent

November 29, 2017 By Mac Slavo On the heels of Lenovo’s massive $3.5 million fine for pre-installing adware on laptops without users’ consent, Hewlett-Packard is jumping in with both feet when it comes to installing spyware on its PCs without the consumer’s permission. The software, which was first identified on November 15 of this year, is called […]

Despite Western-Funded NGO’s Boycott, Vanessa Beeley Exposes White Helmets At Swiss Press Club

By Brandon Turbeville Despite the best efforts of State Department/Soros-funded Reporters Without Borders, the Swiss Press Club refused to cave to RWB’s grandstanding, threats, and bullying and the event surrounding the truth about the White Helmets continued as scheduled. Rather than attend the event to ask questions and present its side of the […]

US Government Caught Operating Floating Black Site Prisons, Torturing People in International Waters

By Matt Agorist The war on drugs has produced the vilest police state one can imagine. From secret black site prisons—operating in Chicago—with no due process, to midnight raids in which babies faces are blown off by police grenades, attempting to stop Americans from self-medicating has proven to be a disastrous failure. Now, however, […]

BRICS Planning Its Own Gold Trading System

As the US and its E.U. partners continue to levy punitive sanctions on Russia, the BRICS are responding with new financial initiatives to help their members break-out of the US and European financial trading monopoly. Currently, both China and Russia are surging ahead as the world’s top Central Bank buyers of gold, further consolidating their […]


TIMELINE OF SOLOMON’S FIRST TEMPLE – BUT DID THE TEMPLE EXIST & DID SOLOMON EXIST? Click for Source Article on Freemason Confusion The Ain Dara temple in a village close to Aleppo, Syria, is an Iron Age Syro-Hittite temple, some say dated to 900 BCE, noted for its similarities to biblical Solomon’s First Temple 1300 […]

Sadiq Khan Bringing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets to London to ‘Reflect the Incredible Diversity of the City’

Sadiq Khan Bringing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets to London to ‘Reflect the Incredible Diversity of the City’ Breitbart November 30, 2017 Londons left-liberal mayor is issuing detailed guidance to developers calling for gender neutral toilets to reflect the incredible diversity of the capital. Labour politician Sadiq Khan declared he had vowed to be a mayor for […]

Watching The Hawks – National Securitys #MeToo & Deadly Verdict

Watching The Hawks – National Securitys #MeToo & Deadly Verdict Watching The The #MeToo allegations of sexual harassment spread to the national security world. A shocking moment at The Hague as a convicted general from Bosnia publicly commits suicide in the courtroom. Publisher Robin Philpot delves into NATOs goals and motivations in causing chaos […]

Going Underground – UK Loses Its Seat at the ICJ w/ Tony Blair’s former Attorney General

Going Underground – UK Loses Its Seat at the ICJ w/ Tony Blair’s former Attorney General Going Underground with Afshin We speak to Tony Blair’s former Attorney General Lord Morris about why Britain has lost its seat on the International Court of Justice. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on […]

Watching The Hawks – A Rural Threat?!?

Watching The Hawks – A Rural Threat?!? Watching The Americas media elite has found its new boogeyman the vast swath of the country that doesnt live on a coast! LIKE Watching the Hawks @ WATCHING THE HAWKS ON INSTAGRAM @ Tyrel Ventura @ Tabetha Wallace @ Sean Stone @ […]

Trump: Investigate Scarborough Over Death of Intern

Trump: Investigate Scarborough Over Death of Intern President sheds light on unusual circumstances of intern’s death Kit DanielsPrison Nov. 29, 2017 In response to the Matt Lauer revelations, President Trump said MSNBC host Joe Scarborough should also be investigated for an unsolved mystery, likely referring to the death of intern Lori Klausutis in 2001. […]

The Intercept’s Partisan Attack On WikiLeaks

Opinion — The Intercept emerged during the Obama era to provide a service to whistleblowers. Journalist Glenn Greenwald, for example, helped form the Intercept in the aftermath of the corporate media backlash to Edward Snowden’s leaks about the massive surveillance machine possessed by the National Security Agency (NSA). The Intercept prided itself as a trustworthy […]

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