Archive for October, 2023

Israeli Tank Attack in Gaza Claims Three Lives as Civilians Flee

An Israeli tank targeted a civilian car in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of three people as they attempted to travel from the northern to southern parts of the region. Reports from witnesses speaking to Sputnik indicate a tragic incident in the Gaza Strip as an Israeli tank fired upon a civilian car. […]

Consortium News SUES NewsGuard, U.S. government over fact check ‘scam’

The “fake news” industry is being served by Consortium News, which is accusing its “fact check” division of engaging in government-sponsored censorship. According to Consortium News, NewsGuard, a company that claims to rate media outlets based on their level of “trustworthiness,” as well as the Biden regime, are both complicit in action “to identify, report […]

France to Embed Abortion Rights in Constitution

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) that the right to have an abortion will soon become a permanent part of the French constitution. In his post, Macron revealed his plans to submit a draft constitutional law to the Council of State within the week, ensuring that “in 2024, the […]

PHARMAGEDDON – How the COVID “Vaccine” Bioweapon Kills

Toxicologist Prof Michael Palmer MD) “And because a BIG PUSH is now on to replace all “conventional” “vaccine” “technology” with this New Genocidal Technology, the perpetrators of the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE may well soon succeed in morphing their culling action into AN EVEN GREATER DISASTER that may deserve a new name such as “PHARMAGEDDON” “Do not […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Polite Extremist

David Corn @ Mother Jones: Mike Johnson Conducted Seminars Promoting the US as a “Christian Nation.” Spencer Macnaughton @ Rolling Stone: Inside the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Anti-LGBTQ Org Where Mike Johnson Spent Almost a Decade. Jennifer Bendery @ HuffPost: Mike Johnson’s Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest. Matthew D. […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Getting Very Close

QAnon conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin declares that “we are getting very close” to seeing the arrests of “some big fish who are involved in the rape, torture, and trafficking of children.” She has literally been promising this since 2018. Former Trump administration official William Wolfe says “we need to abolish the public school system.” Milo […]

Gaza Prisoners Ask Netanyahu “Do You Want To Kill Us All?” & Amnesty Int. Proves Israel’s War Crimes

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/30/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Over 10 Million Estimated to Have Illegally Entered the US Since Biden’s Presidency

More than 10 million individuals may have illegally entered the United States since President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021, as reported by the Center Square, a conservative US-based website. Since the outset of his presidency, President Biden’s border policy has faced intense criticism, as it witnessed a sudden surge of migrants crossing the […]


This is a repost from 2018. A must read also is Fabian Socialist Influence on Council Developments in NZ – (Important info). An exposé by Dr Naomi Jacobs “I decided to write the book following my initial shock in reading the New Zealand Herald, November 3, 2012, article, ‘Kaipara rates rebellion grows,’ about the huge, extortionate […]

Texas State Rep. Matt Schaefer Says Those Seeking Office Must ‘Really Understand What the Bible Says’

Last week, the Christian nationalist organization Christians Engaged broadcast a panel from its 2022 conference featuring several elected officials discussing how their Christian faith shapes their work in office. The panel was moderated by Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer, who revealed that when he speaks to young people who are interested in politics, he advises […]

The True Story of the Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus and the Polio Vaccine

BY RHODA WILSON ON OCTOBER 24, 2023 • ( 11 COMMENTS ) In 2004, Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher authored the book ‘The Virus and The Vaccine : The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed’.  Also in 2004, Tom Curtis wrote an article using the book as a basis.  His article was […]

Who Was the Zodiac Killer & What Was the Phoenix Program in Vietnam?

The Phoenix Program was the CIA’s Mass Torture/Murder Program: Valentine wrote a book about the CIA & The Phoenix Program. Author of three books on CIA operations, Valentine’s research into CIA activities began when CIA Director William Colby gave him free access to interview CIA officials who had been involved in various aspects of […]

David Hogg Now Blames “White Woman In Suburbs” For Gun Violence

Renegade Editor’s Note: Hogg, of course, does not mention who is actually committing the gun violence, but instead Source

Zelensky ‘feels betrayed’ by West

The Ukrainian president said that the conflict has “become like a show” to the Western public. Source

Brownstone Institute at Year Three 

Brownstone Institute’s third annual conference and gala is upon us. It’s a good time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we are going.  Before we begin, this much is obvious: lots of very powerful people want this institution to stop publishing, stop researching, stop supporting displaced intellectuals, and to let go of the […]

Professor Lockdown Denies Ever Calling for Lockdown

In one of the more bizarre moments at the Covid Inquiry so far, Professor Neil Ferguson, the architect of Britain’s lockdown, today denied ever calling for the first national stay-at-home order – in the latest instance of lockdown backpedalling. The Mail  has more. Professor Neil Ferguson’s terrifying March 2020 models warned that 500,000 Brits would die unless tougher […]

Men Are Taking Over Women’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

By Andrea Widburg I’ve been saying for a long time that the transgender takeover of women’s sports is going Source

Nitwityahoo, A Non Semitic Not Descended From Biblical Hebrews red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel, Calls To “Smite Amalek” Which Translated From Zionist Speak Means Murder All Who Are Not Jew Cult Members

Netanyahu declaring invasion: "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible" 1 Samuel 15:3 "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) […]

Oct 30 – Masonic Bankers Fund Both Sides of Islam-Zionist Conflict

200 held as Jewish group shuts NYC’s Grand Central calling for Gaza ceasefire Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Zionist group, protests Israeli strikes on Hamas with banners and slogans saying ‘not in our name,’ and ‘Palestinians should be free’ – There is no such thing as grass roots any more. It’s all astro turf. […]

Benjamin Netanyahu Issues Rare Apology After Statement Attracts Swift Criticism

“Things I said following the news conference should not have been said and I apologize for that,” the Israeli prime minister said. Source

The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON OCTOBER 25, 2023 • ( 28 COMMENTS ) Biomedical Scientist, Simon Lee argues, that there are those who understand that “the globalist establishment is rotten to the core,” they have gone down the rabbit holes and completed the deep dives on everything from the Titanic to the Moon landings, but “if you try to tell them that viruses […]

Young ‘Scholar’ Upset About Negative Reaction He Received After Punching White Strangers

“All you see is the bad part about it,” said the young scholar. He obviously thought other people Source

Alerting Ourselves To Death

I was driving home from a cello lesson when I thought to myself, It is very hazy outside today. I didn’t think much more of it until about an hour later when my phone notified me of an air quality alert for my county. The air had elevated particulate matter levels that fall within the […]

EI livestream: Stopping Israel’s Gaza ground war

Join us this afternoon for our first livestream since Israel announced its “expanded ground operation” in Gaza on Friday. Timezones: 6 pm Palestine time / 4 pm GMT / 4 pm UK / 5pm CET / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET / 9 am PT UK VIEWERS, PLEASE NOTE: Due to the clock […]

Israel Expands Ground Assault Into Gaza As Fears Rise Over Airstrikes Near Crowded Hospitals

All 10 hospitals operating in northern Gaza have received evacuation orders, the U.N.’s office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said. Source

A $1 billion hole in books of woke Wellington Council

Check out our Local Govt Watch pages at the main menu. Wellington already features there, Horowhenua is well worth a thorough read. I was able to watch that Council more closely for 3 years. A micro view at what is happening NZ wide, world wide even. Councils are the trojan horse for Agenda 21 now […]

FIFA Bans Former President Of Spain’s Soccer Federation Over Player Kiss, Misconduct

Luis Rubiales has been banned from soccer for three years over misconduct at the Women’s World Cup final where he forcibly kissed a player on the lips. Source

Black Hockey Player Kills White Player by Slashing His Neck with a Skate

Adam Johnson was a 29 year old hockey player who was just playing the sport he loves when Source

Will You Be Convicted of Spreading Misinformation?

When I was a kid, I came across some evangelical material with a tag line that has stuck with me ever since. “If being a Christian became a crime in your country, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Over the years, as my church attendance waxed and waned, the phrase kept coming back […]

…But How Do I Make Money? – Questions For Corbett

“. . . but how do I make money from this information, James?” is a question I receive from time to time. Or, more charitably, “Given the conspiracy reality, how do I invest for my retirement?” That’s a better question, but still, it depends on what we mean by investment, and what it is we’re […]

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