Posts Tagged ‘Turkey’

Rare cloud formation in Turkey has people talking

Rare cloud formation in Turkey has people talking Date: January 21, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Wyatt | NwoReport A bizarre cloud formation staggered residents in the Turkish city of Bursa on Thursday after the circular UFO-like cloud covered the sky in the early morning hours. The surreal sight has gone viral on social media […]

Has Turkey Become One Of NATO’s Biggest Challenges?

At a time in which a multi-polar order is rising, Turkey has emerged, not only as a regional Middle-East power, but also a strategic issue to the Washington-led NATO agenda for world domination. Ankara continues to delay the introduction of Sweden and Finland into the NATO alliance, also refusing to go along with the alliance’s […]

Turkey and Syria Meeting in Moscow May Result in Peace Plan

JANUARY 12, 2023 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° Steven Sahiounie Tomorrow, the Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Syria will meet in Moscow.  This is the highest level meeting between the two countries who have been on opposite sides of the US-NATO war on Syria for regime change since 2011. The outcome of that meeting, and the expected follow-up meeting […]

Menendez vows to block plan to sell fighter jets to Turkey reports Politico

The senator blasted Turkey’s human rights record in a statement. The chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is vowing to continue blocking the transfer of warplanes to Turkey unless Ankara improves its human rights record and ceases threatening U.S. regional allies reports Politico earlier this morning. The Biden administration is considering a $20 billion… […]

Biden administration to ask congress to approve F-16 sale to Turkey

The Biden administration is preparing to seek congressional approval for a $20 billion sale of new F-16 jet fighters to Turkey along with a separate sale of next-generation F-35 warplanes to Greece, in what would be among the largest foreign weapons sales in recent years, according to U.S. officials, GCT reports citing The Wall Street Journal. Congress’s… […]

Is Syria Headed Towards Normalizing Ties With Turkey And What Will This Mean?

As Syria’s economic crisis continues to deepen, the nation’s leadership in Damascus is attempting to re-bridge ties with neighboring countries. Last week, the first high-level meeting between Turkish and Syrian representatives occurred, causing speculation about the possible requirements of each side for rapprochement and how quickly this could be followed through on. Last Thursday, under […]

2023 presidential election: Turkey’s fate in the hands of its citizens

Turkey, by virtue of its objective geographical position, occupies an important position in the Middle East, has a key influence on regional developments, remains relevant on NATO’s southern flank and controls strategic communications at the junction of three continents (Asia, Europe and Africa). Consequently, many processes in the international system depend on Turkey’s political choices […]

Turkey’s energy strategy as a means of boosting security and shifting the balance of power

In today’s world, the security of a country consists of various components, where energy plays a crucial role. The effectiveness of a country’s energy security is determined by its resource capabilities, its scientific and technological base, its geographic location and its access to strategic communications. Turkey does not possess all of these components in equal […]

Turkey looks to strengthen tourism ties with Iran

TEHRAN – Turkey is willing to forge a closer partnership with Iran in the tourism sector, the Turkish consul general in Tabriz has said. Source

Thrace: Pro-Turkey and Erdoğan graffiti in the village of Savra

Residents of the village of Savra in Western Thrace were confronted with the provocative actions of unknown people, who on Epiphany, wrote pro-Turkey slogans around the church and in other places. As can be seen in the photos published by Evros News, the people had written with red spray paint the words “Erdoğan” and “Tourkai”… […]

Mitsotakis’ message from Gavdos to Turkey – His visit in photos

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a double message on Epiphany Day from the island of Gavdos in a highly symbolic visit. On this visit, Mitsotakis became the first prime minister to visit the island after Kostas Simitis went to the island in 1996. In fact, the current prime minister is only the second in… […]

Dangerous Erdogan drags Turkey towards war with Greece for political survival

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is steering his country into a dangerous war path with Greece in a bid to win re-election in the lead up to the June 2023 elections which has seen him crackdown on political rivals like the popular Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul. Recent months have seen unprecedented  rhetoric from Turkey… […]

Erdogan reviving Ataturk-era Turkey, waging wars and claiming hegemony

January 2, 2023 Source: Politico By Al Mayadeen English  The AKP barely passes 30% of popular support as Erdogan still amps up preparations to enter Syria and dissolve Kurdish militias, which Turkey views as tied to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) guerrillas. The Turkish presidential election is set to take place on June 23 and is […]

Syrian Media: Turkey Agrees to Fully Withdraw Troops from Syria

January 1, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Turkey has agreed to a complete pull-out of its troops from Syria after a recent meeting between defense ministers of Russia, Turkey and Syria in Moscow, according to a report published in Syrian media. The Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper said in a Friday report that Russia had brokered the meeting […]

Dendias’ message to Turkey: Threats do not intimidate us

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias sent a clear message to Turkey that “threats do not intimidate us” and that “to the threat of war we oppose the documented citation of our arguments, which are based on the International Law and the International Law of the Sea” in an interview with Parapolitika. He also underlined that… […]

Will Turkey go to war with Greece?

The media has recently been more frequently reporting on the deteriorating situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the heightened warlike accusations made by Turkish and Greek officials. Moreover, the disputes between these states over the situation in the Aegean Sea are aggravated by outright incitement to conflict by several states in the region. First of […]

Reconciliation: Turkey Has Not Made Any Serious Offer to Syria

DECEMBER 23, 2022 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360°  Erman Çete While Damascus is open to negotiations with Ankara, it is wary of being used as a Turkish pre-election political ploy. On 15 December, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that his government planned to schedule a tripartite mechanism with Russia to work toward Syrian-Turkish rapprochement. Initially, he suggested the establishment […]

NATO: Turkey still refuses to lift veto on Sweden’s membership application

Block comes after Swedish court refused to extradite a journalist wanted by Turkey Source

Perfumers in Turkey Replicate a 3,200-Year-Old Mesopotamian Perfume

A group of perfumers have come together to recreate an ancient Mesopotamian perfume formula. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Turkey accuses Greek aircraft of attempting to “block” NATO mission

Turkey said on Saturday that its warplanes gave a “necessary response” to an attempt by Greek aircraft to “block” a Turkish-NATO mission in the Aegean, reported Xinhua. “Combat and support aircraft of our Air Force and the AWACS aircraft commissioned by NATO performed the NEXUS ACE training mission in the international airspace over the Aegean… […]

Androulakis: Turkey must be sanctioned and embargoes from weapon purchases

PASOK-Movement for Change leader Nikos Androulakis said on Wednesday, when addressing the European parliament plenary, that the imposition of an arms embargo on Turkey is an immediate necessity. The party leader underlined that “Turkey is once again bombing the Kurds in northern Syria who, with their own struggle, intercepted the Islamic state” and that “we… […]

Why are Syrian Refugees Leaving Turkey?

12/13/2022 Syria (International Christian Concern) – Over half a million refugees have left Turkey, and there are mixed thoughts on the mass exodus. Turkey is making claims that the reason for this is because they have established “safe zones” in northern Syria and refugees are voluntarily returning, while other reports are claiming many cases of… […]

IRNA: Didn’t Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan hold military exercises against Armenia’s territorial integrity?

Iran’s IRNA news agency has run an article, entitled “Answers to the questions of President Elham Aliyev,” in which it gave comprehensive answers to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s questions about Azerbaijan’s relations with neighbouring countries, particularly Armenia and Iran. The article reads as follows: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has recently raised some questions about the […]

Sylvain Charlebois: Let’s Talk Turkey About Avian Flu

Commentary Avian flu certainly deserves more media attention. The avian flu currently impacting our poultry sector has become a real problem. Unlike previous strains, the current bird flu has spread across Canada, raising fears that it could become endemic in wild birds, no less. A nightmare. According to the latest news, more than 60 farms […]

Greece denounces Turkey-Libya deal at UN

Greece denounces Turkey-Libya deal at UNGreece has submitted a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres outlining the background of the illegal Turkish-Libyan memorandum. The Permanent Representative of Greece to the UN, Maria Theofili, underlined in the letter that “Greece maintains all its rights under international law and calls on Libya and Turkey to respect the… […]

Turkey: ‘Concrete steps’ still needed for Finland and Sweden NATO membership

Ankara has insisted that the Nordic nations do more to crack down on support for groups it considers terrorist organisations. Source

Turkey’s Erdogan Threatens Ground Invasion Of Syria After Unclaimed Attack In Istanbul

After firing a series of strikes against Kurdish armed groups in both Syria and Iraq, Turkish President, Recep Tayip Erdogan, has threatened a ground invasion into north-eastern Syria. The strikes have been painted as a response to a terrorist attack in central Istanbul, but what else factors into this decision? On Sunday, the Turkish military […]

At least three killed in suspected Kurdish strikes at Turkey-Syria border

Turkish authorities say the rockets hit a school and two buildings in the town of Karkamis. Source

Protesters in Germany and Cyprus condemn Turkey’s airstrikes

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Hamburg and Limassol calling for an immediate halt to Turkish airstrikes in northern Syria and Iraq. Source

Turkey detains Syrian suspect in deadly Istanbul bombing

Turkish police have released a video of the arrest of a woman they claim has confessed to Sunday’s deadly bomb attack in Istanbul. They identified the woman as Ahlam Albashir, a Syrian national. Source

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