Posts Tagged ‘chaos’

France: Chaos Over Police Violence And Macron’s Security Bill

Above photo: Police charge at the Place de la Bastille in Paris. November 28, 2020. Twitter / @ybouziar. The organizers of the protests warn that the security bill is an attack on the most fundamental freedoms. France has protested against the bill on security promoted by the government of Emmanuel Macron into the night on […]

Ilhan Omar: Biden Won Because the Republican Party ‘Allowed for Chaos to Reign for Four Years’

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that Joe Biden won the 2020 election because the Republican Party “allowed for chaos to reign for four years” of President Donald Trump’s administration. Omar said, “When you think about our party, Speaker Pelosi always says we are a big tent, and that means that […]

6 ways to stay focused on movement-building amid the post-election chaos

Almost as clear as the deep divisions within the United States is the exhaustion we feel about the current political process unfolding during a growing wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The surprises and swings of this post-election period must be met with a careful, nuanced look at the realities we are facing — so we […]

The Chaos IS The Plan

Congratulations, America! The media that declares the winners of your (s)elections have reported that the voting machines that decide the winner of your (s)elections have (s)elected Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to become the 46th President of the good ol’ US of A in January! And in a longstanding tradition befitting the nation that stands as […]

sElection Chaos, Agent Jolie, Canadian Wolves – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: the selection chaos proceeds as planned; Hollywood stooges fawn over MI6; and the Canadian military admits to the most bizarre psyops campaign you’ve ever heard of. CLICK […]

sElection Chaos Proceeds as Planned

[embedded content] corbettreport 517K subscribers Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Story #1: Biden’s Plan to Assert Control Trump Campaign to ‘Immediately’ Request Recount In Wisconsin, Citing ‘Irregularities’ […]

Watch: Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos as Workers Block Windows, Bar Observers

Absentee ballot counting in Detroit descended into chaos on Wednesday when hundreds of unofficial Republican observers concerned about fraud converged on the counting location. The city of Detroit is using the TCF Center — formerly Cobo Hall — to count all of the absentee ballots in the city. Republicans and Trump supporters grew alarmed as […]

The World now sees that there’s No Exceptionalism or Grandeur in American Democracy but only Chaos & Injustice

    Even if Trump loses, the truth is that to many Americans Trumpism isn’t a pathology but a new normal which is a product of a massive social divide caused by dissatisfaction with the political system and life in general. The world watches with bated breath as the US Presidential election sits at a […]

Amazon Bans Book Exposing US COVID-19 Chaos

Take Action: The banned book’s table of contents and list of authors, along with four chapters, is available at Readers are urged to break the ban on “Capitalism on a Ventilator” by sharing the link and your short reviews widely on social media. Maintain pressure against Amazon banning books with a left perspective by tweeting the Washington Post […]

Planned Chaos Video 4 – No Ordinary Election

Planned Chaos Video 4 – No Ordinary Election Prepare For Change / Derek Knauss This is the last of four videos created by the Prepare For Change Media Team in order to provide alternative information to the public. This past year has offered a great opportunity for most of humanity to consider their world and […]

Los Angeles & DC Businesses Brace for Election Day Chaos, Board Up Windows

Businesses throughout major cities in America, particularly in California and Washington D.C., are bracing for what is expected to be a chaotic Election Day full of protests. Bill Melugin, a journalist for Fox 11 Los Angeles, shared photos to Twitter on Thursday that showed concerned business owners boarding up their windows to avoid damage from […]

Planned Chaos Video 3 – Racial Divide = Civil War I

Planned Chaos Video 3 – Racial Divide = Civil War Prepare For Change / Derek Knauss This is the third of four videos created by the Prepare For Change Media Team in order to provide alternative information to the public. This past year has offered a great opportunity for most of humanity to consider their […]

Planned Chaos Video 2 – CV19: Plan, Scam & Resulting Order

Planned Chaos Video 2 – CV19: Plan, Scam & Resulting Order Prepare For Change / Derek Knauss This is the second of four videos created by the Prepare For Change Media Team in order to provide alternative information to the public. This past year has offered a great opportunity for most of humanity to consider […]

Planned Chaos Video 1 – Media: Tell A Vision & Predictive Programming

Prepare For Change .net This is the first of four videos created by the Prepare For Change Media Team in order to provide alternative information to the public.  This past year has offered a great opportunity for most of humanity to consider their world and what might be important to them.  Perhaps you or someone […]

Planned Chaos Part 9 of 9 | Darkness Drives The Madness

Prepare For Change .net Planned Chaos Part 9 – Darkness Drives the Madness October 23, 2020 by Derek Knauss Darkness Drives the Madness The information provided in this article is highly detailed, likely confusing, and certainly controversial.  This should not be surprising since the Truth and our origins have always been kept from humanity.  Take a step […]

Planned Chaos Part 8 of 9 | The Spiritual Connection Of Q

Prepare For Change .net Planned Chaos Part 8 – The Spiritual Connection of Q October 22, 2020 by Derek Knauss Intro: Now that we’ve presented alternative information to consider regarding what’s at stake in our times (financial, fires, pandemic, riots, etc.), we’re compelled to examine a global phenomenon that has taken the awakened population by storm by […]

Planned Chaos Part 7 of 9 | Financial War: Power, Corruption

Prepare For Change .net Planned Chaos Part 7 – Financial War: Power, Corruption October 21, 2020 by Derek Knauss Thus far in our Planned Chaos series, we’ve revealed the means or events that have been put in motion to justify the ends, that being control by the rulers over the slaves. In this episode, we’ll explore what […]

Planned Chaos Part 6 of 9 | Arson and Eco Terrorism

Prepare For Change .net Planned Chaos Part 6 – Arson & Eco Terrorism October 20, 2020 by Derek Knauss It is mind-boggling arson would be at the root of many of the fires recently ignited in the western United States, but fires are absolutely being weaponized. As we undertook to create this series, the fires hadn’t started […]

Planned Chaos Part 5 of 9 | Swamp Draining Is Real And Global

Prepare For Change .net Planned Chaos Part 5 – Swamp Draining is Real and Global October 19, 2020 by Derek Knauss There are those who don’t see a swift swamp draining going on. This is understandable if you’re not someone who’s paying attention to all the signs. When you understand how deep and wide the swamp is, and […]

Total chaos and anarchy returns to Portland, all statues are being Torn down

    US President Donald Trump mocked authorities and rioters in Portland calling them “fools” while sharing footage of the so-called “Day of Rage” in which alleged indigenous activists tore down statues of former presidents. The US president’s bombastic multi-tweet broadside began early Monday morning, after a night of violence once again reduced central Portland […]

WHO Flip Flops Yet Again on Lockdowns Because of Institutional Chaos and Division In a stunning rebuke of the “science” and the “doctors” and leftist politicians and career bureaucrats in the US and across much of The West, The Epoch Times’ Evan Pentchoukov reports that The World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19 has urged world leaders to stop using lockdowns as the primary control method against the spread of […]

Is my sukkah an outdoor space? Rule brings fresh chaos to Haredi COVID crisis

The Health Ministry on Thursday issued a complex set of regulations relating to the spread of the coronavirus during the Sukkot holiday, which begins on Friday evening, including allowing some crowding in the huts traditionally erected during the festival. One rule, reportedly worked out between United Torah Judaism MK Ya’akov Asher and the ministry, designates […]

Wednesday Night Live! Chaos Surges in Louisville As MSM Celebrates Fauci

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“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election

A group of Democratic Party insiders and former Obama and Clinton era officials as well as a cadre of “Never Trump” neoconservative Republicans have spent the past few months conducting simulations and “war games” regarding different 2020 election “doomsday” scenarios.  Per several media reports on the group, called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), they justify […]

The Pre-Planned Chaos of the 2020 Election with Charlie Robinson

Originally Broadcast on November 17 2020 on – In this episode, Whitney is joined by investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore to discuss the Covid-19 vaccine candidate of Pfizer, which is expected to be approved at the end of the month, and the considerable involvement of intelligence agencies and intelligence fronts in Covid-19 response and vaccination […]

The Anarchy: A Whirlwind of Chaos and Warfare in Medieval England

Anarchy. The word itself is enough to paint a stark picture of lawlessness and disorder, a picture of a world in which no rules exist – for anyone. Such a world is bound to collapse under its own weight, like a building without supports, it caves in on itself. But what happens when anarchy actually […]

Rotting Food, Dead Animals And Chaos At Postal Facilities

Above photo: Employees at California postal facilities provide a glimpse of the chaos amid both the pandemic and widespread cuts imposed by the USPS. Eduardo Contreras / San Diego Union- Tribune. NOTE: Tuesday, August 25 is a national day of action to save the US Postal Service. Find an action near you or plan one at […]

Cannes: Dozens injured in chaos after false reports of shooting incident

Dozens of people were injured after false rumours of a shooting caused widespread panic in Cannes. At least 43 people sustained minor injuries in the incident, some of whom were treated at Cannes’ central hospital. Videos posted to social media showed panicked people running through the city, as well as police officers on patrol. “There […]


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Deputy FM: US arms ban extension on Iran to kill JCPOA, stir new chaos in region

Man speaks at podium

FNA – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohsen Baharvand said the United States is attempting to destroy Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and cause turmoil in the region, adding that this irrational conduct will end in failure of nations in the region and beyond. Bahravand referred to the recent efforts by the US to extend […]

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