Posts Tagged ‘finally’

THOUSANDS of New Zealand Citizens FINALLY Rise Up Against ‘New World Order’ Vax Mandates

Thousands of New Zealanders have risen up against ‘New World Order’ vaccine mandates, as residents finally begin holding their authoritarian government to account. On Tuesday, entrances to the parliament building were closed off by police as protestors marched through Wellington and stood outside parliament. Peaceful demonstrators held signs including ‘Freedom’ and ‘Kiwis are not lab […]

Decapitated Statues of Greek Deities Finally Reunited with Their Heads

Excavations at western Anatolia’s ancient Greek city of Aizanoi (also spelt Aezani) continue to unearth stunning artifacts and architectural wonders. The latest in the series of fascinating finds comes in the form of two exceptionally beautiful 5000-year-old Greek statue heads, whose bodies had been found earlier in a different area. Aizanoi was continuously settled from […]

Greek-Australians Rejoice as Country Finally Lifts Travel Ban

Greek-Australians can now travel back to their homeland. Credit: Greek Reporter Greek-Australians can finally travel back to their homeland for the first time in almost 600 days as the Australian government on Monday lifted the ban on overseas travel imposed to limit the spread of Covid-19. After more than 18 months, Australia is reconnecting with […]

Orange County Finally Does the Right Thing for Veterans Cemetery

Commentary The conversation among Orange County residents about where to place a cemetery for veterans has been a political football for nearly a decade. Utilizing the former El Toro Marine Base has been recommended for most of that time. But the logic of placing it there is based more on sentimentalism than fiscal reality. The […]

Divided Nation Finally Unites Over Shared Hatred For Houston Astros

HOUSTON—In a country torn apart by conflicts over race, religion, and politics, the Houston Astros provided much-needed relief by unifying people everywhere in their hatred of the Houston Astros. By advancing to the World Series, the Astros reminded America that they were a bunch of cheaters that for some reason had not been driven out […]

Russian and Chinese Patience with the United States Finally Shows Signs of Running Out

One of the things one finds constantly amazing is the ability of western politicians, or political figures, to describe the world in a way that is unrecognisable to the averagely informed citizen. A classic illustration of this point was recently evident in an interview given by NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg to the London Financial Times (China […]

Finally: San Francisco To Require Proof Of Vaccination To Poop On The Sidewalk

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—People just pooping willy-nilly on the sidewalk in San Francisco has been a long-time problem, and City Hall is finally taking action. Now they will require proof of vaccination before people can use the sidewalk as a restroom. “We can’t believe the brazenness of some people,” said Mayor London Breed, “being out and […]

Postal Banking Is Finally A Reality In (Some Of) The United States

Above Photo: Getty Images A Pilot Postal Banking Program Has Been Implemented In A Number Of U.S. Cities. Next, Let’s Rapidly Expand It—And Take It Nationwide. The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed that, while we’re all interconnected — through the air we breathe, our public health systems, the economy — the government is largely absent in American life, leaving us to […]

In U.S. Foreign Policy, Realists Are Finally on the Rise

During the autumn of 2020, the United States lost one of its most brilliant, incisive, yet unheralded thinkers in Sherle R. Schwenninger. One of Schwenninger’s many gifts was his ability to anticipate far in advance trends that would shape U.S. foreign policy and the global political economy. He was also one of the first thinkers […]

Metroid Dread Review: In An Age Of Female Heroes, It’s Great To Finally Play A Game With A Strong Male Protagonist

Metroid Dread Review: In An Age Of Female Heroes, It’s Great To Finally Play A Game With A Strong Male Protagonist Too many games are getting woke these days. We always have to play as a female hero or else some 2SLBGTQIAA++ blah blah blah pansy. Whether it’s Horizon Zero Dawn or Tomb Raider, leftists are always shoving […]

Finally Senators Bring Up Data About Covid Vaxx! They’re Up Against a Cabal The Biden Represents.

Comment: Sadly all these traitors opposing this legislation virtue signal and mean nothing they say. They are undermining people who want to work and business people who need to travel. Anyone who opposes our Constitutional Freedoms is a paid off Prostitute of the Crime Syndicate largely run by the Rothschild’s in America who are a […]

Gig Workers Around The World Are Finally Organizing

‘We’re All Fighting The Giant.’ Faced With Fragility And Uncertainty, Gig Workers Are Connecting Across Borders To Challenge Platforms’ Power And Policies. This past July, Singh was on a midnight run, biking a chocolate mousse cake 7 kilometers across Mumbai, when he was rammed by a drunk driver on a scooter from behind. He got […]

Election Wakeup Call: Germany Offers To “Finally Cut The Crap”

One of the truisms of modern life is that some aspects of the past are beyond nostalgia. Keynesian economics have gone forever, so has the Soviet Union, even if people still hanker for certain things it provided. So when a major country starts getting nostalgic for things which it should have binned long ago, the […]

Restoration Work Finally Set to Begin on Notre Dame Cathedral

The great Catholic cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, literally, “Our Lady of Paris” is a historically celebrated 12th-century monument, which was already in urgent need of expensive repairs in the 21st century. Things came to a head in 2019, when a fire broke out in the attic beneath the cathedral’s roof, causing extensive damage to […]

The U.S. Military, Post-Afghanistan – Can We Finally Give Peace A Chance?

Handover ceremony at Camp Anthonic, from US Army to Afghan Special Forces, Helmand province, Afghanistan, May 2, 2021. Yoda, the Jedi Master in the Star Wars films, once pointed out that the future is all too difficult to see and it’s hard to deny his insight. Yet I’d argue that, when it comes to the U.S. military […]

The True Origins of Arthur’s Stone in Herefordshire Finally Revealed

After years of speculation, archaeologists from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff have found evidence that reveals the truth about  the origin of Arthur’s Stone , a double-chambered rock tomb found on Dorstone Hill in the English county of Herefordshire. Rather than being an isolated monument, it seems that Arthur’s Stone was once part of […]

DHS Terror Threat Alert Finally Reveals The COVID/January 6th/Foreign Policy Crossover, As Predicted

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/14/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Republicans And Democrats Finally Brought Together By Chance To Spend Your Money

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The unfamiliar sights of smiles, cheering and back slaps erupted across Congress today, as politicians of every stripe laid down their animosity to join together in the one thing they can all still agree on: spending gobs and gobs of other people’s money. “Come here, you big loon!” yelled an elated Elizabeth Warren as […]

Students Across America Excited To Finally Return To In-Person Indoctrination

Brought to you by: With the fall semester beginning in just a few days, college students across the country are looking forward to ditching the Zoom call classes to be brainwashed in person instead. “It’s been a tough year,” said incoming second-year student Timmy Soyberg. “Indoctrination over online classes just isn’t the same as being indoctrinated […]

Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston Finally Charged re Concealing Pedo Crimes

Time to go…Brian. It’s been a long time coming. Boy didn’t I cop some shit (especially from my ‘Christian’ friends) for suggesting Hillsong church was part of a pedo network. The police would certainly not have been able to charge Houston with concealing child sex crimes if Bob Cotton OAM had not changed the law. […]

Senators Finally Introduce ‘Infrastructure’ Bill After Unauthorized Leak to Breitbart News

Senate Republicans and Democrats unveiled their 2,702-page bipartisan “infrastructure” bill Sunday night after Breitbart News exclusively obtained the legislation. Breitbart News exclusively obtained the mammoth $1.2 billion infrastructure bill, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. After Breitbart News obtained the legislation, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) released the text […]

Trump Finally Confirms: “I Am Running for President”

Donald J. Trump has confirmed plans to run for president in 2024, according to insiders who attended a private dinner with him recently. Trump has detailed plans of his 2024 bid to at least three dining buddies, a former senior official at the Republican National Committee told Rolling Stone. “I have three friends who’ve had dinner with […]

Video: White House Finally Admits Cubans Rising Up Against ‘Failed Communism’

After attempts by the Biden administration and the establishment media to downplay the anti-communist uprising in Cuba as anything but that, Senator Marco Rubio made an impassioned speech demanding that the government “call it for what it is.” “We should be clear in our language,” Rubio said during a speech on the Senate floor, adding “We […]

Media is FINALLY covering immense crimes against indigenous peoples in Canada that were known about DECADES ago. So why now?

July4, 2021, -by Eva K Bartlett The reprehensible issue of what many deem “mass murder” of indigenous children in Canada’s Catholic school system has been in global headlines in recent weeks. But this should have been in the headlines decades ago. The nearly 1,000 bodies of indigenous children in mass graves were recently found by ground-penetrating radar, […]

After 300 Million Injections (and as Demand Wanes), the FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure

by Brian Shilhavy After injecting Americans with over 300 million doses of one of the mRNA COVID-19 bioweapon shots since December 13, 2020, the FDA has finally agreed to force Moderna and Pfizer to put warning labels on their shots over a “likely association” between the injections and heart problems, which they claim is “rare.” […]

After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure

Original image Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsAfter injecting Americans with over 300 million doses of one of the mRNA COVID-19 bioweapon shots since December 13, 2020, the FDA has finally agreed to force Moderna and Pfizer to put warning labels on their shots over a “likely association” between the injections and heart problems, which […]

US Senate Finally Admits That Neuroweapons Exist

by Janet Phelan In a reversal of the established commentary that those claiming victimization by electronic weaponry are crazy and delusional, the US Senate has passed a Bill authorizing payment to CIA and State Department officials who have been attacked by this weaponry. Recent news reports have detailed these attacks on US diplomats in Cuba […]

Democrats are Finally Ready to Take on Issue of Workers’ Rights

On April 20, 2021, South Korea completed the ratification process for three key International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions. ILO Director-General Guy Ryder welcomed the ratification as an important step forward in the development of the nation’s labor relations. However, one needs to understand that the path towards the approval of documents on protection of workers’ rights […]

MSM/ABC Putting Out the Truth? FINALLY!

» New Eight Week Series with Ken Dost 2021Yesterday at 2:11 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » Urban Farming Backyard Potato BinsYesterday at 2:09 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » 5G, Covid Vaccines, Chips..Yesterday at 2:06 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » Spring Wildcrafting Bitters and Infused OilYesterday at 2:04 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » Armed School Employee Prevents Man From Allegedly Kidnapping […]

Fauci Finally Admits COVID-19 May Have Come From Wuhan Lab

by Tyler Durden Earlier this month, just hours after Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) dragged Anthony Fauci over pandemic misinformation – and the fact that Fauci’s NIH funded risky collaborations at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – the nation’s top virologist (and highest-paid government employee) furiously back-pedalled over the origins of the pandemic in what we can only assume was […]

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