Posts Tagged ‘foods’

Health Ranger teaches wild foods: Yaupon Holly for "coffee" and Nopal cactus fruit for nutrition

About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from […]

School lunchbox police confiscate ‘unhealthy’ foods from kids, then send home lecturing notes to parents

     Parents in Western Australia are complaining after lunchbox police in several schools confiscated food from students and replaced it with a condescending note to parents. Parents are sounding off on social media about a “traffic light policy” implemented at many primary schools that encourages teachers to rummage through students’ food from home and determine […]

Whole Foods Represents The Failures Of ‘Conscious Capitalism’

Above Photo:  People exit a Whole Foods Market in New York. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters It’s hard to think of a better poster child for “conscious capitalism” than Whole Foods Market, the high-end grocery store that made a name for itself selling organic produce in feel-good, mood-lit stores. These days, the chain is floundering and a potential buyout […]

Cancer Dies When You Eat These Five Foods, It’s Time To Start Eating Them

Cancer is a disease that involves abnormal cell growth which spreads across the body. The proliferation of the cells may result in tumors which can be cancerous or benign. There are more than 100 types of cancer classified by the type of cells involved. Angiogenesis is a physiological process which creates blood vessels in the […]

Majority of consumers confused about "healthy" foods

(Natural News) A vast majority of American consumers remain confused when it comes to healthy food choices, data from the International Food Information Council Foundation (IFIC)’s 2017 Food and Health survey revealed. As part of the survey, the research team examined more than 1,000 American adults aged 18 to 34 years old, who completed an online poll in March. According […]

8 Foods That Reverse Hair Loss In No Time

If you notice your hair falling out in the shower, don’t panic. Most people shed about 50-100 hairs a day. This usually won’t cause noticeable hair loss, because new hair is growing in at the same time. But if you’ve started to notice thinning areas or bald spots, it’s because the cycle of growth and […]

12 Foods Fit For Humans But DEADLY For Dogs

If you’ve got a furry friend at home, you know how tempting it can be to share your favorite foods with them. It’s a real test of willpower sometimes — especially when your dog is giving you the “puppy eyes.” Who wouldn’t want to share something delicious with their best friend, right? Well, while there […]

Top 10 antioxidant-rich foods you need to add to your diet

(Natural News) Antioxidants promote a healthier body by eradicating free radicals, which can weaken the immune system and lead to a variety of diseases. An article in states that food is the primary source of essential antioxidants. Certain food groups such as berries, nuts, and leafy greens are touted for their high antioxidant content. […]

Top 6 Cancer Prevention Foods

According to the US National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Database, 43.3% of American males and 37.8% of American females will develop cancer in their lifetime. That’s a staggering number. Almost one out of two men and a little more than one out of three women. So what can you do about […]

China-owned Smithfield Foods, using U.S. Dept. of Defense grant, moves to supply pig organs for transplantation into humans

Smithfield Foods, the world’s largest pork producer, has established a separate bioscience unit to expand its role in supplying pig parts for medical uses, with the ultimate goal of selling pig organs for transplantation into humans. Routine pig-human organ transplants are years away, but recent scientific advances are breaking down barriers that […]

Help your hair by eating these 10 foods full of healthy hair growth properties

(Natural News) With too many risks involved in making the hair more beautiful, it might prove beneficial to opt for a more natural approach. This article lists down certain vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair health, and the food sources where they can be found. Protein – Protein is the hair’s main component. Eat ample […]

‘Fake Meat’ From Impossible Foods, Backed by Bill Gates and Google, is Loaded With GMOs and MSG

When it comes to innovation in Silicon Valley, nothing is sacred – including meat! That’s right, a team of chemical scientists has developed a new type of fake meat under the branding of “Impossible Foods” that, with the backing of Bill Gates, Google and many of the other usual suspects, is now being pushed as […]

12 Foods that You Should Eat Daily For Clean Arteries

These days, cardiovascular diseases become prevalent, and numerous people suffer from some kind of heart issue. Clogged arteries are one of the main factors contributing to these diseases. The role of these blood vessels is to carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body, and when healthy, they are elastic, […]

Eating clean, unprocessed foods is now a dangerous "cult," declares idiotic mainstream media (with a little help from the dirty diary industry)

(Natural News) As more people are turning their back to dairy and other processed foods, the National Osteoporosis Society, subsidized by the milk industry, has now declared clean eating to be a dangerous “cult” and “ticking time bomb” that could leave young people with weak bones. For decades, the milk industry has made us believe […]

Sweden: Haji Soccer Team Does a Ficki Ficki on Native Girls

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 21, 2016 Why are Moslem soccer teams even invited to these events? They just pray instead of playing. I’m getting fed up with people complaining about Moslems raping everybody. Don’t they know that ficki ficki is one of the pillars of Islam? Do these bigots want them to stop praying towards Mecca or […]

Don’t let the globalists start a race war! Health Ranger video reveals the REAL enemy that threatens us all, regardless of our skin color

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. […]

THAAD rage: Koreans egg PM for defending US antimissile deployment (VIDEO)

Seoul announced on Wednesday that it had chosen Seongju, a farming area in southeastern North Gyeongsang Province, to host the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), an anti-missile system that the US is to provide. The decision came as a surprise for local residents and sparked angry protests. Protesters pelted the senior government official with […]

Kikeservatives Claim Russian Anti-Terror Law Targets Christians

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 12, 2016 Kikeservatives throughout the tubes are claiming that Vladimir Putin has targeted Christians with a new anti-terrorism law that restricts evangelism. In actual fact, this law is designed to restrict Islam, which is actively attempting to spread itself throughout Russia. Russia is a homogeneous Christian society, where there is no […]

TIME magazine stupidly blames anti-vaccine immigration detention center workers for measles outbreak, ignoring infected migrants spreading disease

(NaturalNews) TIME magazine, along with several other mainstream media sources, is blaming a recent measles outbreak in Arizona on unvaccinated workers at an immigration detention center located near Phoenix, but is the story accurate? The mainstream press version of the story claims that what’s being called “the largest measles outbreak in the U.S.,” […]

Why NRA Ignores Philando Castile’s 2nd Amendment Rights

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Attorney Tom Kelly, representing St Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez in connection with the shooting death of Philando Castile, told the press that “race did not play a part in the use of deadly force at all.” Kelly said his client […]

Refugees infected with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis resettled in Wisconsin

(NaturalNews) It’s hypocritical when the administration and vaccine authoritarians from the same party insist that everything walking upright in the United States be injected with scores of vaccines – only to allow unvaccinated people with dangerous transmittable diseases into the country willy-nilly. And yet that is precisely what the Obama administration is currently […]

Ayatollah Khamenei says Iran won’t coordinate with US on Syria

“We don’t want such coordination as their [the US’] main objective is to stop Iran’s presence in the region,” Khamenei said, according to the transcript of his speech published on his website Sunday. U.S. main objective of welcoming talks & coordination with Iran in regional issues & Syria is to end Iran’s presence in region. […]

‘I hope that peace will be here’: 10yo girl reports from West Bank to highlight her people’s plight

Janna Jihad, as she is known, is something of a veteran. She began her reporting career at the age of seven. “There were not enough journalists covering things that happened, like when my friend was killed and when lots of people were injured. Others were arrested and things like that, and it was not reported […]

Jeremy Irons Has An Important Message About Corporate Greed You Need To Hear

Jeremy Irons just won me over. Firstly he looks a lot like Alan Watts , but the main reason is because he seems to get that the whole world is brainwashed and isn’t afraid to voice his opinions. He raises two very valid points in this short interview, one of them is the question of […]

Mosque in Perth, Australia firebombed, sprayed with anti-Islam graffiti as hundreds pray inside

The hate crime took place on Tuesday night at around 8 pm local time. Hundreds of worshippers were inside for their daily evening prayer when they heard a loud bang, according to the West Australian. They rushed outside and saw a burning Toyota Prado and three people running down an alleyway next to the college. […]

Conventional corn and soybean farmer says consumers have right to know if food contains cancer-causing GMOs

(NaturalNews) Sometimes it takes an average person with direct experience of a situation to put things in perspective in such a way that anyone can understand – without a lot of industry jargon or double-talk – by simply speaking the truth in plain, commonsense terms. Such is the case with Iowa farmer George […]

Actor Jesse Williams Delivers A Timely & Powerful Acceptance Speech At The BET Awards

34 year old Jesse Williams is best known for his work as Dr. Jackson Avery on the hit television show Grey’s Anatomy, but beyond the screen, Jesse is widely respected as a global activist and the youngest member on the board of directors at The Advancement Project, a civil rights think tank and advocacy group. His work in […]

Nutrient rich tomatoes display remarkable cancer-fighting abilities, studies show

(NaturalNews) It is no longer a secret that a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many diseases related to the aging process and our fast-paced modern lifestyle. Fresh produce is a crucial source of essential minerals, vitamins, fiber and a variety of bioactive molecules, or antioxidants, which protect […]

Lucid Dreaming as a Gateway to Spiritual Awakening

24th June 2016 By Frank M. Wanderer, Ph.D. Guest writer for Wake Up World Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad. You are awake, you […]

Days of Rage Protest at the RNC: FBI & Police Go Big Brother

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Various law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) have begun knocking on the doors of local activists in order to gage the momentum of protests and demonstrations planned for the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland, Ohio. The […]

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