Posts Tagged ‘important’

Bill Gates Says Since We’re Told to Wear Clothes, It’s Not An “Ultra-Important Freedom Thing” That We’re Told to Cover Faces

It’s starting to become “indecent” to be seen in public “bareface.” This is all part of the secular sharia society that has been rolled out by the technocratic world controllers. Do you want a vision of the jew world order? It’s a mask strapped to a face… forever. “Given that we tell people to wear […]

What Are Whole Foods, and Why Are They Important for Health?

October 6th, 2020 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World If you think eating healthy is boring and bland, you’ve not learned the incredible, palate-pleasing wonders of a whole-foods diet. But what are whole foods? Pure and unprocessed, whole foods include luscious fruits, nutritious and vibrantly-hued vegetables, hearty and wholesome legumes, snackable seeds, […]

U.S. Ambassador to Poland Says LGBT ‘Human Rights’ More Important Than Rights of Christians

    The U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, has been rebuked for meddling in Poland’s internal political affairs after she was a signatory of an open letter published by the U.S. Embassy in support of subversive LGBT activists in Poland: In an interview for news portal Wirtualna Polska, US ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher […]

The history of Sukkot, once the most important Jewish holiday of all

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

U.S. Ambassador To Poland Claims LGBT ‘Human Rights’ More Important Than Rights Of Christians

posted on October 1, 2020 The U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, has been rebuked for meddling in Poland’s internal political affairs after she was a signatory of an open letter published by the U.S. Embassy in support of subversive LGBT activists in Poland: In an interview for news portal Wirtualna Polska, US ambassador to […]

Ilhan Omar says it’s important to understand how people experience antisemitism

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

A Spiritual Perspective On Smoking Cannabis: An Important Viewpoint To Consider

The Facts: Some fascinating research has been conducted over the past several years that make the discussion of life after death quite interesting. Reflect On: Ancient wisdom and teachings have been ‘proven’ right with regards to quantum physics, neuroscience and health in many different ways. Would the same apply to life after death? Can we […]

Trump: Getting Things Done More Important than Being ‘Presidential’

President Donald Trump defended his abrasive style of leadership at an ABC News town hall on Tuesday, arguing that it is more important to get things done. “I’m fighting a lot of forces,” Trump said. Sometimes you don’t have time to be totally, as you would say, ‘presidential.’ You have to get things done.” The […]

Contrary to independent studies, DoC claims that 1080 does not kill or harm fish … important safety info if you fish for food

Posted by Kathy White at Facebook “The Department of Conservation has been giving Pirongia landowners a flier that says “1080 does not kill or harm fish.” This is completely misleading and dangerous for those who eat fish, eels, shellfish and koura. See for yourself what scientists have said in an independent summary of research into […]

Important info on the looming mandatory covid-1984 vax (Spiro Skouras)

[embedded content] Spiro Skouras 115K subscribers Unfortunately COVID-1984 continues to escalate. We were initially told that we would need to have a temporary two week lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ Six months later, we are still in lockdown and now mandatory vaccination policies are being rolled out in addition to severe penalties for violating mandates […]

Important info on the looming mandatory covid-1984 vax (Spiro Skouras)

[embedded content] Spiro Skouras 115K subscribers Unfortunately COVID-1984 continues to escalate. We were initially told that we would need to have a temporary two week lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ Six months later, we are still in lockdown and now mandatory vaccination policies are being rolled out in addition to severe penalties for violating mandates […]

Important info on the looming mandatory covid-1984 vax (Spiro Skouras)

[embedded content] Spiro Skouras 115K subscribers Unfortunately COVID-1984 continues to escalate. We were initially told that we would need to have a temporary two week lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ Six months later, we are still in lockdown and now mandatory vaccination policies are being rolled out in addition to severe penalties for violating mandates […]

Violent Crime Now Almost as Important to American Voters as Coronavirus

As riots and unrest continue to dominate the headlines, a new poll has found that almost as many American voters now view violent crime as an important election issue compared to coronavirus, something that is likely to help President Trump. While cities like Portland have seen riots on a nightly basis for a virtually unbroken […]

Top 10 Important Events of Ancient Greece

Mycenaean period (1600–1100 BC)

Top 10 Important Events of Ancient Greece Last updated: November 20, 2019 by Saugat Adhikari Events in ancient Greece have played a significant role in laying the groundwork for classical and modern Greece. The Archaic period in Greece saw many different political and geographical developments. The greatest war of all time, the Trojan War, is […]

Why Having Medical Insurance Is Important To Everyone Who Loves You

May 29, 2018 By Amanda Warren People have many differing opinions about medical insurance.  I adopted my father’s right after I graduated from college. He told me it was crucial that I at least have some kind of catastrophic health insurance policy AT ALL TIMES in case something unexpected happened.  He […]

Israel PM speech shows important to keep Iran deal constraints: UK

Reuters – A speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he unveiled what he said was evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program underlines the importance of keeping the 2015 Iran nuclear deal’s constraints on Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, Britain said on Tuesday. “The Iran nuclear deal is not based on trust about […]

"Propaganda seems to be more important than the reality of what is really going on" Roger Waters speaks out against White Helmets

     The Syrian Civil Defense, more commonly known as the White Helmets, has emerged as one of the most effective propaganda tools for Islamist militants in Syria, with the group staging numerous provocations to draw in foreign military intervention to aid the militants in their quest to establish Shariah law in the Arab state. English […]

What Is One of the World’s Most Important Universities Teaching Its Students About Hezbollah?

Located in Montreal and founded in 1821, McGill University has 300 academic programs for higher education and more than 40,000 students. It defines itself as being “among the world’s greatest universities”. Finally, the curators of a research project at the university entitled “Women and War in Lebanon” invited a specialist from al-Akhbar to deliver a […]

Before You Make an Important Decision, Science Says It May be Best to Sleep On It

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times When it is difficult to make an important decision, especially about something that may impact your life, you may want to sleep on it. It’s logical to assume that it is easier for a rested brain to evaluate choices and make a decision. But come to find out, […]

The most important part of Putin’s March 1st speech

by Miles for the Saker Blog March 10, 2018 If you look at western press and punditry as of late in regards to Russia or Putin (which, for some reason is basically the same in western MSM’s perceptions) or, more specifically, in regards to Putin’s address to Federal Assembly of Russia, you would inevitably get the […]

New Study Reveals Why It’s So Important To Hug & Hold Your Babies

Next Story In the same way that you can harm the development of your child’s brain by spanking, you can do the same by not giving them enough love and affection, suggests new study. Physical affection during a baby’s development period is even more important than we may have thought. To some this may sound […]

4 important trips for future of nuclear deal, region

IRNA – The three issues of the nuclear deal, the Iranian missiles, and Iran’s role in the region are among the most important challenges of the EU, the US, and their key allies, i.e. the Saudis and the Zionist regime. While the European policy is to keep the nuclear deal and to limit Iran’s leverage […]

Why The Search For Sasquatch Is So Important

Next Story Bigfoot is a household name and is even known by different names (Sasquatch, the Yeti, and the Skunk Ape, for example), but he or she is just a myth, according to almost anyone you ask. Even most UFO, alien, and paranormal researchers can’t seem to find the time or patience to properly cover […]

A Spiritual Perspective On Smoking Marijuana That’s Important For The World To Consider

Next Story I was having a conversation yesterday about something that has always been a reflection point for me. Since I was a kid, I was never drawn to substances, even alcohol. I always felt great, high even, when just being. As I got older and I finally tried cannabis for the first time, and […]

A virus-like protein is important for cognition and memory

     The protein, called Arc, has properties similar to those that viruses use for infecting host cells, and originated from a chance evolutionary event that occurred hundreds of millions of years ago. The prospect that virus-like proteins could be the basis for a novel form of cell-to-cell communication in the brain could change our understanding […]

The Most Important Decision You Need to Make in Order to Create Change

January 24th, 2018 By Stacy Vajta Guest writer for Wake Up World Do you want to know the most important decision you can make that will allow you to make a personal change, manifest something new, and truly move forward in your own spiritual evolution? Willingness. Being willing to change is way more complex than most of us think it is. And […]

Gold Market Consolidates Near Important Levels as Government Shuts Down

By Stefan Gleason The gold market has been mired in a four-and-a-half year basing pattern. The rally that began late last year has taken prices up toward a major resistance zone. It’s make or break time! Also on the cusp of a potentially big move is the bond market. Bonds haven’t been making […]

Redacted Tonight – Most Important VIP interviews of 2017

Redacted Tonight – Most Important VIP interviews of 2017 Redacted Tonight These were our most important interviews and news of the past year. Free Tickets to our tapings (Thursday nights in Washington, DC) Find Us On These Awesome New Decentralized Social Media Platforms MEDIA REVOLT – MINDS – Or Find Us On […]

An Important Message This New Year

Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire This year began with a moment on brevity. As I opened my inbox to check my emails on New Year’s morning, I was shocked to find a message from Robert Parry, founder and editor of Consortium News, informing us that he had sustained a stroke and was hospitalized on Christmas […]

The Most Important Voice for Truth: Yours

Over the past few weeks here at Mondoweiss we’ve been throwing lots of numbers, names and faces at you. A challenge to raise $100,000…the remaining dollars to get there (currently about $12,000)…the hundreds of articles and photos we’ve published…it might all have blurred together for you. So let’s make it simple: the only name and […]

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