Posts Tagged ‘director’

CDC Director: Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers To Be Sent For “Education And Counseling”

Two more pilots have spoken out publicly against airlines attempting to institute vaccine mandates in the wake of Southwest airlines cancelling hundreds of flights and then denying it has anything to do with pilots refusing to fly in protest. Speaking with Tucker Carlson Tuesday night, Joshua Yoder, commercial pilot and co-founder of US Freedom Flyers, […]

CDC Director: We ‘May Need to Update Our Definition of Fully Vaccinated’ – Jabs FOREVER

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke out on Friday to say that the United States may need to “update” its definition of what it means to be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 as more Americans become eligible to receive booster shots. “Right now, we don’t have booster eligibility for all people currently,” she said during a White […]

CDC Director: U.S. May Change Definition of “Fully Vaccinated” as Boosters Roll Out

Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Friday the U.S. “may need to update” its definition for what it means to have full vaccination against COVID. The big picture: The CDC and the FDA have officially approved boosters with every authorized vaccine in the U.S. for people who meet specific requirements. Walensky explained […]

Alec Baldwin Shot and Killed Female Cinematographer, Injured Director on Movie Set

A tragedy occurred on the set of the latest Alec Baldwin movie where the actor reportedly accidentally shot and killed a female cinematographer and injured the director due to a prop gun misfire. “Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun on a set in New Mexico on Thursday, accidentally killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and wounding director Joel […]

TV Director Slammed For Comparing Treatment of Trans People To The HOLOCAUST

Pope Francis invoked God in an effort to pressure Silicon Valley giants into censoring more content, including “hate speech” and “conspiracy theories.” Yes, really. The Pope made the remarks during a World Meeting of Popular Movements, a shadowy organization created to promote “social justice” and fight racism with the help of religious leaders. “In the […]

Funeral Director Says mRNA Injection Deaths are Falsely Called COVID Deaths, Wave of Child mRNA Shot Deaths Will be Blamed on Unvaxxed

Funeral directors are frontline workers who talk constantly to coroners, hospice and nursing home staff, and people who deal daily with death and illness. Corroborating what many doctors and scientists have said, a UK funeral director at Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services says that he and other frightened but silent funeral directors know that every […]

Former Director Of National Intelligence Issues Warning Over Biden Buying Chinese Drones For Feds

Texas Senator Ted Cruz charged Wednesday that the COVID crisis has revealed the real character of Democrats in power, calling them “jackbooted thugs” and warning that “There is no decision about your life that they will not try to control.” Cruz made the comments during an interview with Sean Hannity, in which the Senator addressed […]

UK Funeral Director Whistleblower: Pandemic Is Cover Story For Euthanasia, Mass Sterilization, And Murder By Injection

John O’Looney — the director of the Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services in the U.K. — has put his life on the line and come forward to blow the whistle on the mass murder that’s unfolding under the guise of the so-called “COVID pandemic” — starting with the deliberate plan to euthanize the elderly in […]

NIH Director Resigns After Documents Reveal He Lied About His Involvement with Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan Lab

NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins on Tuesday resigned just a few weeks after documents exposed he lied about his involvement in gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab. “It has been an incredible privilege to lead this great agency for more than a decade,” Collins said in a statement. “I love this agency and its people […]

The Walls Are Closing In on Fauci; NIH Director QUITS in Disgrace After Being Found Guilty of Lying About Wuhan

Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has become the latest Democrat to depart the sinking ship following revelations that he lied about funding of gain-of-research in Wuhan, China. “It has been an incredible privilege to lead this great agency for more than a decade,” Collins said in a statement posted on the NIH website. […]

NIH Director Collins: ‘I Have No Evidence at All to Support’ Lab Leak Theory

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” outgoing NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that he thinks a natural origin of COVID-19 is the most likely scenario, and that while he can’t rule out the possibility that it was the result of a lab leak, he has “no evidence at all to […]

CDC Director: Loss of Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers Is a ‘Challenge’

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky said COVID-19 vaccine mandates for healthcare workers will likely create staff shortages around the United States, coming as some hospital CEOs have issued warnings. “We have seen that these vaccine mandates get more people vaccinated,” Walensky said during a “Good Morning America” appearance on Monday. “It absolutely […]

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage   Images credit: Milton Keynes Family Funeral ServicesTruth Comes to Light editor’s note:Below you will find recorded conversation between Max Igan and UK funeral director, John O’Looney.  In this interview, O’Looney details his experience regarding the manipulation and […]

Obama CIA Director Says Biden Afghanistan Calamity Has “Absolutely Inspired Jihadists All Over The World”

As news emerged Sunday that the Taliban is effectively holding hostage six planes full of Americans, many pointed out that President Trump predicated that exactly this situation would unfold. CBS News reported that congressional and NGO sources, say “multiple planes that are ready to take American citizens and green card holders out of the country are being […]

Former CIA Director: “Jihadist Central” Under Taliban Rule

Afghan Christians Likely to Face Increased Persecution 09/13/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the former acting CIA Director, Michael Morell, has said that he believes the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan will have “inspired jihadists all over the world” and that the country could quickly become “jihadist central.” […]


Posted by admin | Aug 25, 2021 |  Andy Heasman – Funeral Director speaks out against the Vaccine, the death spike is like nothing he has seen the past few months and people are dying younger and younger. _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Museum Of Genocide Director Admits No ‘Forensic Evidence’ To Support Claim That 1.5 Million Jews Killed At Auschwitz

Buried in a tedious article quibbling about the number of Jews who died at the Jasenovac camp in Croatia during WWII — published in the Jerusalem Post — Dejan Ristic, the acting director of the Museum of Genocide in Belgrade, Serbia, makes a rather remarkable and unqualified admission about the lack of evidence at Auschwitz: […]

What Science? CDC Director Refuses to Admit That Only WOMEN Can Get Pregnant

“The CDC is now taking important steps in improving vaccine protection for pregnant people who are at a higher risk of severe illness from Covid-19,” so the story goes. Yes, the CDC fervently recommends “people” who are “thinking about becoming pregnant” get vaccinated! — even though 17,000 people have already died by Covid jab, including […]

Persepolis sporting director Peyrovani extends contract

TEHRAN – Persepolis sporting director Afshin Peyrovani has penned a two-year extension with the team. He is a familiar face for Persepolis’ fans since he has played in the team for 11 years from 1993 to 2004. He also coached Persepolis for a while after the departure of Afshin Ghotbi in November 2008. Peyrovani has […]

NIH Director Says Parents Should Wear Masks Inside Their Own Homes

The editor-in-chief of Germany’s top newspaper Bild has apologized for the news outlet’s fear-driven coverage of COVID, specifically to children who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.” In a speech delivered to camera, Julian Reichelt said sorry for Bild’s coverage which was “like poison” and “made you feel like you were […]

Biden’s Pick for Bureau of Land Management Director Designed Ad Saying a Baby is an “Environmental Hazard”

Tracy Stone-Manning is an extremist who believes babies are ruining the environment (so it sure would be good to get rid of them), and she will likely be the new BLM director. link Share now! Source

Israel’s Director of Public Health Stuns TV Viewers with Statement that 50 Percent of New COVID Cases Are Among Fully Vaccinated

As of its most recent July 27 update on COVID vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States carries this statement: “Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant.” Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, Director of Public Health Services in Israel That statement stands […]

CDC Director: ‘We’re Looking Into’ Federal Vaccine Mandate

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stated that the administration is “looking into” a federal coronavirus vaccine mandate. Host Bret Baier asked, [relevant remarks begin around 9:10] “Are you for mandating a vaccine on a federal level?” Walensky responded, “That’s something that I think the administration […]

Director Of Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony Fired For Holocaust Joke

TOKYO (AP) — The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee fired the director of the opening ceremony on Thursday because of a Holocaust joke he made during a comedy show in 1998. Organizing committee president Seiko Hashimoto said a day ahead of the opening ceremony that director Kentaro Kobayashi has been dismissed. He was accused of using […]

Director of National Intelligence Can’t Explain 143 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

An Office of the Director of National Intelligence report released Friday said there were at least 143 unidentified aerial phenomena between 2004 and 2021 that are “unexplained.” The report said there were 144 reports of UAP between that time frame that were largely witnessed firsthand by military aviators and collected from systems considered reliable. Of […]

The Deep State and Destroying Whistleblowers…..CIA DIRECTOR JOHN BRENNAN IS A COMMUNIST.

[embedded content] Comment: As Congressman Schumer told President Trump: “If you cross the Intelligence Community they have six ways [the CIA, NSA] from Sunday to get you.” CIA Director Brennan is a member of Communist Party! JOHN BRENNAN: How did a card-carrying communist get to be Director of the C.I.A.? As Rowan Scarbourough underscored in a Washington […]

NIH Director: Lab Theory Didn’t Get Attention It Maybe Should Have, But It Was on Mind of Me and Fauci

On Thursday’s broadcast of “PBS NewsHour,” NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that the lab leak theory on the origin of COVID-19 “didn’t get nearly as much attention perhaps as it should have. I will tell you, it was always on my mind. I know it was on Tony Fauci’s mind.” Collins said, “I think […]

Homeland Security Walks Back Director’s Claim US Taking ‘Close Look’ at Vaccine Passports

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Friday walked back comments made by the agency’s chief, who suggested earlier in the day that the federal government was “taking a very close look” at the idea of requiring vaccine passports to enter or leave the United States. “Looking ahead to summer, Europe and other countries are going […]

9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group

[embedded content] Arch Deep State fixer and cover-upper, Philip Zelikow, former Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission will be chairing the COVID Commission Planning Group, according to the University of Virginia, whose Miller Center for Public Affairs will serve as the group’s base to “Help America and the world learn from this pandemic and safeguard […]

ICCIMA director expounds upon economic issues next government to tackle

ICCIMA director expounds upon economic issues next government to tackle – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN- In a recent article, Ali Chagharvand, the planning director of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA), expounded upon the economic condition that Iran’s next government will face. What comes as follows is a summary of his comments. The new […]

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