Posts Tagged ‘norway’

Iran rebukes Canada for seizing Iranian assets

Tehran, June 11, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari on Saturday rebuked Canadian government for seizing Iranian assets saying it runs counter to Canadian statement to normalize bilateral relations. He said that based on the reports available, the Canadian Ontario Supreme Court issued a political ruling to confirm a verdict for confiscation of […]

Yakama Nation: No Fossil Fuels Through Gorge

Print Friendly Above Photo: From Twitter/ lisabKoin Yakama Nation tribal leaders hold press conference Link To Video Here MOSIER, Ore. (AP) — Leaders of several Northwest tribes are gathering at the site of last week’s fiery train derailment to highlight the risks of moving volatile crude oil along the Columbia River. Yakama Nation leader 0 […]

‘Screw for Denmark’ Leads To Baby Boom

A successful sex campaign to create more babies is expected to result in a baby boom this summer for Denmark. The ‘Do it for mom’ campaign is set to bear fruit nine months after it first started. The Local reports: According to a report in Politiken, the summer of 2016 will bring around 1,200 more […]

Scientists Growing Human Organs in Pigs: “We Think There Is Very Low Potential for a Human Brain to Grow”

Scientists Growing Human Organs in Pigs: “We Think There Is Very Low Potential for a Human Brain to Grow” June 6th, 2016 Via: BBC: The main concern is that the human cells might migrate to the developing pig’s brain and make it, in some […]

$2,500 to one and all: Swiss vote on landmark monthly ‘basic income’ law

While the British referendum on staying in the EU continues to dominate the headlines, Switzerland’s vote on Sunday in potentially even more significant. Easy money: Swiss city to pay residents a free wage It concerns the so-called Universal Basic Income (UBI), which is guaranteed payment of 2,500 Swiss francs ($2,500 or €2,250) per month that […]

11th Intl. Energy Conf. kicks off in Tehran

The 11th International Energy conference (IEC), organized by Iranian National Energy Committee, the member of World Energy Council (WEC), is currently underway at Niroo Research Institute (NRI) in Tehran and will run until May 31, 2016. Held under the main theme of “Energy Dynamics in the Changing World”, the IEC includes various items including paper presentations, […]

Croatian president arrives in Tehran

Tehran, May 17, IRNA – Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi arrived in Tehran on Tuesday for a three-day visit on the invitation of her Iranian counterpart President Hassan Rouhani. Upon arrival in Imam Khomeini International Airport, she was welcomed by the Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh. Official welcoming ceremony by Rouhani for […]

Leaked Documents: Saudi Arabia And Israel Forming Joint Military?

Documents leaked in 2014 from a senior military official linked to the left-wing “Meretz” party, appear to show an aligned military cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea. What could this mean for the future? From the This agreement is concluded to Saudi Arabia and Israel management on Bab el-Mandeb Strait, […]

Dr. David Duke Once More in News, Exposes Lies About Himself and The Anti-White Racists Who Rule Media and Politics!

Dr. David Duke Once More in News, Exposes Lies About Himself and The Anti-White Racists Who Rule Media and Politics! Today Dr. Duke responded to the Washington Post and other news outlets rehashing slanderous statements made by Bill Clinton against him without acknowledging the slander. In 1992 Clinton criticized a black rapper who called […]

The depression cure: Counteracting the health impact of a civilized lifestyle

     Depression is a global epidemic. It is the main driver behind suicide, which now claims more than a million lives per year worldwide. One in four Americans will suffer from clinical depression within their lifetimes, and the rate is increasing with every generation. It robs people of sleep, energy, focus, memory, sex drive and […]

Tennis Star Maria Sharapova Admits Failing Drugs Test

Tennis star Maria Sharapova announced at a press conference on Monday that she failed a drugs test at the Australian Open. The BBC reports: The Russian, 28, tested positive for meldonium, a substance she has been taking since 2006 for health issues. Sharapova, a five-time Grand Slam champion, is provisionally suspended from 12 March pending […]

DNA hunters has opened Viking grave in Normandie

From: Norwegian researchers have finally got to open the tomb of the Viking leader Rollos descendants. They will find out whether Rollo was the same Rollo as Rollo from Mre. In that case the British royal family originaed from Norway. A Norwegian-led delegation was in Normandy on Monday and […]

Saudi court sentences man to 10 years & 2,000 lashes for atheist tweets

The Saudi religious police, which is also responsible for monitoring social networks, found more than 600 “atheist” tweets on the page of an unnamed user, AP reports. The user was said to deny the existence of God, ridicule verses from the Koran, and accused all prophets of lying and fueling hostilities through their teachings, according […]

Swan-believable: Belligerent bird brings traffic chaos to Prague (VIDEO)

Local police arrived on the scene where the graceful bird had decided to park itself – right in the middle of the road, stopping oncoming cars in their tracks and causing significant delays. However, law enforcement officers appeared to be making an even bigger production of things than the swan itself, as a video shows […]

Pharma Giant Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $72M for Knowingly Causing Cancer With Product

Alabama resident Jacqueline Salter Fox filed a lawsuit prior to her death in October 2015. Her complaint was part of a broader claim in Missouri, which involved nearly 60 people. Following Fox’s death at the age of 62, her son took over as a plaintiff in the case. Fox’s family will now receive $10 million […]

“Refugees” Molested and Photographed Swedish Children on Buses

Steve GoodeWhite Genocide Project February 17, 2016 Kalmar County Transport are no longer allowing so-called “refugees” to use the same buses Swedish children use, because they have been suspected of molesting and harassing the children. School children use the buses to get to their schools in the city of Oskarshamn, and back to their homes […]

‘I decapitate you’ Women workers threatened and forced to DRESS DOWN at refugee centre

But after a few days, she said, her enthusiasm was drained away. The woman, whose identity has been protected, said: “Of course you may not assess all refugees the same: there are many who are very friendly, happy to be here, very grateful, very willing to be integrated. “But if I am honest, working with […]

‘Israel’ destroys Arab homes, build Jewish settlements

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli occupation government approved on Tuesday new settlement units in illegal Israeli Jewish settlements in occupied West Bank. Israeli Supreme Planning Council of Civil Administration approved plans to build 153 new settlement units in the illegal settlements of Etz Efraim, Carmel, Rehelim and Alon Shvut. Like our page on Facebook Follow us […]

‘Israel’ destroys Arab homes, build Jewish settlements

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli occupation government approved on Tuesday new settlement units in illegal Israeli Jewish settlements in occupied West Bank. Israeli Supreme Planning Council of Civil Administration approved plans to build 153 new settlement units in the illegal settlements of Etz Efraim, Carmel, Rehelim and Alon Shvut. Like our page on Facebook Follow us […]

Aussie police call out ‘Bill’ for being most annoying internet meme

The Queensland Police Service have managed to do in one post what officers the world over have failed to do for decades ‒ gain the respect of the public. Of course this is a major generalization, but you get the idea. Like all good things on the internet, what was once amusing has been shoved […]

Global Unemployment and the World Economic Crisis: A Bleak ILO Unemployment Report and even Bleaker Projections

This is a transcript of an interview of Dr. Peter Koenig with PressTV, focussing on the recently released ILO Unemployment Report. The interview is preceded by a brief news summary of the ILO report.  According to AFP, January 19, 2016:  “Global unemployment rose in 2015 and is expected to worsen further over the next two years, the […]

“Eau-de-Budapest” in Vienna

In a striking show of European solidarity last week, pepper spray—dubbed “Eau-de-Budapest”—was distributed to grateful female passersby in central Vienna, Austria, by the deputy leader of Hungary’s Jobbik party, Előd Novák, and other patriots from that country. Novák appeared alongside Gregory Kálló, a representative from Jobbik’s youth section, and the leader of the pro-family […]

Miss me? Images of Moriarty appear on Kiev metro screens

The sudden appearance of Andrew Scott, the Irish actor who plays professor Moriarty in the series, is said to be a hacker’s work. The image was also accompanied by a signature familiar to all Sherlock fans: “Miss me?” The hacker’s joke made it hard for some passengers to understand when they should get off the […]

The Hero of Cologne: How a 7ft tall hotel doorman and ex-kickboxing champ saved two women from the New Year’s sex mob

From: Hotel doorman and champion kickboxer Ivan Jurcevic (pictured), 44, has told of how he protected two young German women from four Arab men on New Year’s Eve in Cologne A kickboxing champion dubbed the ‘hero of Cologne’ has told of how he fought off a gang of ‘drunken, lecherous Arabs’ […]

Russian intel spots 12,000 oil tankers & trucks on Turkey-Iraq border – General Staff

“The [aerial] imagery was made in the vicinity of Zakho (a city in Iraqi Kurdistan), there were 11,775 tankers and trucks on both sides of the Turkish-Iraqi border,” Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy told journalists on Friday. “It must be noted that oil from both Iraq and Syria come through this [Zakho] checkpoint,” General Rudskoy said.  Heavy-duty […]

6.4-magnitude quake hits off southern Pacific coast of Mexico – USGS

The quake was centered 32 km (20 miles) off Pijijiapan in Chiapas state near the Mexican cities of Tres Picos, Tonala, and Arriaga, the USGS said. Guatemala’s capital, Guatemala City, is 342 km (213 miles) away. FUERTE SISMO EN ESTE MOMENTO — Rony VÉLIZ (@ronyveliz692) December 17, 2015 The epicenter was recorded at a depth […]

Terrorist Complain People are Being Mean to Them

Crimes against Muslims and vandalism at mosques appear to have hit an all-time high in the wake of terrorist attacks in France and California. Mosques are struggling with security, as some have hired armed guards or asked the federal government for help. On Sunday, two mosques in Hawthorne, California became the latest in a string […]

35,234 Nonwhites Invaded US in Oct./Nov.

A total of 35,234 nonwhites—including more than 10,000 “unaccompanied minors”— from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico have successfully invaded the United States from Mexico during the months of October and November 2015. According to official figures released by the US Customs and Border Patrol (CPB), there have been 10,588 “apprehensions” of “unaccompanied minors” […]

Fort Hood shooting victim denied benefits, despite Purple Heart decision

From: Editor’s comment: Keep in mind that the Charleston shooting victim’s families received $29 Million. … The Obama administration has finally acknowledged that those hurt and killed in the 2009 Fort Hood shootings were victims of terrorism — and not “workplace violence,” as it was previously described. But while […]

ISIS Terrorists Begin Flooding Texas on Obama’s Orders

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 8, 2015 America-funded terrorists blew up all your crap? Hey, no problem – come to America and live on welfare! It is completely insane they are forcing these people through after ISIS just attacked us and virtually the entire nation is against it. The government is literally forcing terrorists into America. […]

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