Posts Tagged ‘2016’

LOL: Anarchists Attack Cops at Austria-Italy Border, Demand Moslems Let In

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 7, 2016 It could be that I am perhaps missing something here. But it seems very strange that activists are attacking cops and demanding unlimited numbers of Moslems be allowed in the country. Because, like, why do they want these Moslems in the country? It’s a really weird thing to be […]

Orthodox Church in London holds mass to mourn slain Egyptian expat

Orthodox Church in London holds mass to mourn slain Egyptian expat TCP : The Orthodox Church in London held mass on Friday to mourn Sherif Adel Habib; the Egyptian citizen who was found dead in his burnt-out car at a garage in the UK capital late April, Youm7 reported. The mass, which was led by […]

The Da Vinci DNA code: Scientists to restore Leonardo’s face with genetic material from his drawings

The ambitious “Leonardo Project,” involving all kinds of scientists from geneticists to art historians and prominent personalities such as Bill Gates and the Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, who possess some of his sketches, aims at getting a closer, more scientific-based look at the Italian genius’s lifestyle, diet and, most importantly, his face – by using […]

Professor James Petras calls Zionism “single biggest problem”, has received death threats

In this exclusive interview with Dr. Patrick Slattery for his Saturday night show “The Alternative Media” on the Republic Broadcasting Network, State University of New York Professor Emeritus James Petras talked about the Zionist Power Configuration, including Jewish domination of the heart of the U.S. government, such as the State Department, the Treasury Department, and […]

Prominent scholars blast theory tracing Ashkenazi Jews to Turkey: Zio-Watch, May 3, 2016

Syria’s Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned Norway’s plan to dispatch dozens of troops to Jordan to train militants for fighting the Damascus government, saying the move amounts to a flagrant violation of national sovereignty. The ministry in a statement on Tuesday called the reported deployment of 60 Norwegian troops as “a blatant and unacceptable interference […]

Large coalition of environmental activists rally outside White House, demand EPA revoke glyphosate license

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently conducting a “registration review” of glyphosate to determine if the chemical is safe to use for another 15 years. For it to be approved, the chemical must be in compliance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, which requires that under proper use the […]

New York Times chief Science Reporter Gary Taubes Admits NS Germany first to scientifically embrace a true healthy diet

New York Times chief Science Reporter Gary Taubes Admits NS Germany first to scientifically embrace a true healthy diet. Gary Taubes is the chief science reporter for the New York Times. In his survey of the most up-to-date scientific evidence related to a healthy diet and lifestyle, he says the Germans and Austrians up to […]

ADL to Trump: Come up with something other than ‘America First’ (Israel First, maybe?): Zio-Watch, May 1, 2016

An Israeli lawmaker has accused Tel Aviv of committing “ethnic cleansing” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank amid a rise in the demolition of Palestinian houses and buildings in the area. Dov Khenin told Sky News on Sunday that Israel’s demolition of Arab structures in the so-called Area C of the West Bank is an […]

Hearts of Iron 3 | World War 1 mod | Russian Empire | Part 20 | This Is The End

Lets Play Hearts of Iron 3 with the World War 1 (WW1) mod as the Russian Empire. Dont forget to hit that like button and leave a comment, its helps out a lot! source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Tags: benjamin magnus, Commentary, Gameplay, HD, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 3, Hearts […]

No entry for US cars

Iran’s Industries Minister Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh said an unnamed American car brand was granted permission two years ago to sell in the local market. Speaking in a television interview on Thursday, Nematzadeh said, “Unbeknown to me, two years ago, a company had been granted permission to import an American car brand from a third country.” […]

Remembering the Golan Heights

     During the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Syrian forces had surprised Israel and were fast approaching the edge of the steep Golan Heights, captured by Israel during the 1967 war. It seemed as if Syrian armor and infantry would retake Golan, then pour down into Israeli Galilee. Soviet recon satellites observed Israel moving its nuclear-armed, 500km-range […]

Singapore Is Taking the ‘Smart City’ to a Whole New Level

This wealthy financial center is known world-wide for its tidy streets and tight controls on personal behavior, including famous restrictions on the sale of chewing gum to keep the city clean. Now Singapore may soon be known for something else: the most extensive effort to collect data on daily living ever attempted […]

Hearts of Iron 3 | World War 1 mod | Russian Empire | Part 17 | 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battle of Warsaw

Lets Play Hearts of Iron 3 with the World War 1 (WW1) mod as the Russian Empire. Dont forget to hit that like button and leave a comment, its helps out a lot! source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Tags: benjamin magnus, Commentary, Gameplay, HD, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 3, Hearts […]

Robot Longshoremen

Robot Longshoremen April 26th, 2016 Via: Bloomberg: On one end of a dock at America’s busiest port, tractor-trailers haul containers through dense, stop-and-go traffic. Sometimes they collide. Sometimes the drivers must wait, diesel engines idling, as piles are unstacked to find the specific container […]

US News Editors Find It Increasingly Difficult To Defend First Amendment

Print Friendly Above Photo: From ‘When representatives of the First Amendment’s “most important historic defenders say they are worried, all Americans should be worried.’ A survey of editors from print and online publications found most news organizations are weaker in their ability to defend the right to freedom of the press than they were […]

Syria crisis death toll stands at 400,000: UN Envoy: Zio-Watch, April 23, 2016

The number of Palestinian minors held in Israeli prisons has reportedly seen a dramatic rise since the beginning of what observers call the third Palestinian Intifada (uprising) last October. The number of minors in Israeli custody grew from 170 in September 2015 to 438 in January 2016, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday, citing figures […]

Seymour Hersh on his new book: Saudi oil money bribes, the killing of Bin Laden

     Seymour Hersh is an American investigative journalist who is the recipient of many awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for his article exposing the My Lai massacre by the U.S. military in Vietnam. More recently, he exposed the U.S. government’s abuse of detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison facility. Hersh’s new book, The Killing of […]

Russian Drone Breaks World Flight Time Record

An advanced Russian drone (UAV) has set a new world record for flight duration in open areas. Sputnik reports: A world record for flying in natural weather conditions has been broken by a state-of-the-art octocopter made by the Russian company NELK, the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported. Российский беспилотник бьёт мировой рекорд по длительности полета (+ФОТО, ВИДЕО) Октокоптер — […]

USA Senate candidate ’Mark Dankof : ‘israel orchestrated 9/11’

Days of Palestine -In a recent TV interview, former US Senate candidate Mark Dankof has said that he has proof that Israel orchestrated 9/11 attacks on the US. Commenting on the Saudi’s role in supporting the 9/11 attacks, Dankof told the broadcaster that Israel were the chief player in organising the attacks. “When we get to […]

Prince: Speaker of Dangerous Truths, Silenced By The New World Order

It’s a sad day. We have lost Prince, one of those rare, fearless people, an advocate for truth, prepared to stand up to the powers that be and expose them for what they are. Prince knew the score.  He famously walked around at the Grammys with SLAVE written on his cheek to protest against the […]

The Arab Spring reported and misreported: foreign intervention in Libya and the last days of Gaddafi: Zio-Watch, April 21, 2016

(JTA) — The U.S. Department of Education upheld its decision to withhold federal student financial aid from a Jewish college in suburban Detroit. The Education Department last month cut off the federal funding to the Michigan Jewish Institute, after the four-year college in West Bloomfield illegally obtained the Pell Grants and loans for students in […]

Rouhani Slams Iran’s Sharia Thought Police But…

Fahwad Al-Khadoumi (nsnbc) : Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani slammed undercover “morality police” in the capital Tehran for reporting on citizens whose demeanor is inconsistent with religious doctrine; like women not wearing an appropriate hijab or youth playing loud music in their cars. Rouhani stressed that the agents have no authority to detain anyone and “only […]

State Duma speaker: Russia, Iran have similar stances on most international issues

“We appreciate the intensive political dialogue, cooperation in various areas, including in the military-technical sphere,” Sergey Naryshkin said during a meeting with speaker of Iran’s Majlis. MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Russia and Iran hold similar positions on most international issues, Chairman of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Sergey Naryshkin said during a meeting […]

The Smoking Gun: "Document 17" Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11

It won’t have to wait that long. As The Times writes today, new evidence has come to light of a definitive link between Saudi Arabian officials and the 9/11 terrorist attacks “further raising tensions as President Obama travels to the kingdom.” According to the report, Ghassan Al-Sharbi, a Saudi who became […]

Burger King Employees Smash Restaurant’s Windows to Prevent Explosion

Prank call causes Burger King employees to vandalize restaurant by smashing windows. Employees of a Burger King fast food restaurant in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, smashed windows of the restaurant in an effort to keep the building from blowing up. About 20 windows were smashed out. On Friday, April 8, 2016, the […]

In Brooklyn, Sanders stand on Israel attracts support despite controversy

“Is your bed made? Is your sweater on? Do you want to fuck? Like you know I do[oooo].Like you know I do[ooooo],” sang Ezra Koenig, frontman for Vampire Weekend, at a Washington Square rally for Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders in New York City last week. The song is Cape Code Kwassa Kwassa, a delightful, […]

BEST OF THE WEB: Syrian ‘rebel’ sponsors order a new round of defeat: Ceasefire broken, talks failing, fighting resuming

     The Obama administration has obviously decided to restart the war in Syria. Thousands of tons of new weapons have been purchased and delivered to the Jihadists including anti-air MANPADs of U.S. (full text) and Chinese origin. Half of the weapons the “rebel” mercenaries are given by their sponsors regularly end up in the hands […]

Putin’s 2016 Q&A Session: Polished, warm and intelligent

     An excellent roundup of the call-in Q&A with relevant context Anyone watching Russian state television in the past weeks would have been keenly aware that today was D-day, the day of the annual marathon Q&A session of President Vladimir Putin with the nation. Russians were advised not only how to dial in on the […]

Creeping Sharia: The Islamization of the West

Source Article from

Increasing recognition that Trump is right about NATO: Zio-Watch, April 16-17, 2016

Syria’s ruling Ba’ath Party and its allies have won the majority of the votes in the recent parliamentary elections in the country, official results show. The Syrian electoral commission announced late Saturday that the National Unity coalition, comprising the ruling party and its allies, had won 200 of the 250 seats at the People’s Assembly (Majlis […]

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