Posts Tagged ‘silent’

Hero Citizen Stops Mass Shooting In A Church, Cops Show Up and Shoot HIM—Media Silent

As news of the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida dominated the airwaves this week, a massive hostage situation—which was quickly turning into a mass shooting situation—was foiled by a hero in a church. That hero, however, is now in the hospital after police showed up to the scene and shot him. The situation was well on its […]

Jewish groups silent as death over news that prison sentence handed out to German for running website questioning the Hollerco$t

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Kerry’s Alleged Talks With Palestinians: Amid Pro-Israeli Stampede by US, A Silent Tug-of-War?

LONDON — The Trump administration’s announcement that it would relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has resulted in an absolute breakdown in ties between Washington and the Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah. According to a recent report, however, the government of President Mahmoud Abbas may be enjoying support from an unlikely quarter: […]

FBI “Loses” Text Messages In Two Cases; MSM Silent About Massive Corruption

January 25, 2018 By Aaron Kesel It’s no coincidence that the FBI has conveniently lost text messages in two cases; one dealing with anti-Trumpers within the agency, and the other dealing with the Clinton investigation. The FBI is claiming 5 months of texts from their employee Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa […]

Nearly 3 Months Since the Vegas Massacre, Police Silent, Still No Images of Paddock, and No Motive

By Jay Syrmopoulos Strangely, almost three months after the the deadliest mass shooting in recent U.S. history, authorities have still not announced a motive for the massacre, nor have they officially released a single image of the alleged shooter, Stephen Paddock, in Las Vegas prior to the incident. What makes this seem odd […]

Silent Night, Solstice Night

This is a Pagan version of the Yule tide carol ‘Silent Night’ by Ellen Reed. h/t Nance. Silent night, Solstice night All is calm, all is bright Nature slumbers in forest and glen Till in Springtime She wakens again Sleeping spirits grow strong! Sleeping spirits grow strong! Silent night, Solstice night Silver moon shining bright […]

NRA Silent as States, Feds Ban Gun Sales to Medical Marijuana Patients

The National Rifle Association (NRA), which fancies itself a champion of the Second Amendment and gun rights, is nowhere to be found as state governments are moving to confiscate firearms from medical marijuana patients. Police in Honolulu, Hawaii, recently sent out a letter to 30 medical cannabis patients warning them they had 30 days to […]

Media Silent as Israel Attacks Iranian Military Base, Provoking War Just Like They Said They Would

By Rachel Blevins As the mainstream media focuses on President Trump’s latest Tweet, his administration continues to support a close ally that appears to be pushing for yet another war. Israel has reportedly attacked an Iranian military base in Syria. According to a report from Ynet News, the attack was reported by Arab media outlets on Saturday. They […]

White House "contender" Kamala Harris stays silent on Israel’s crimes

Michael F. Brown Power Suits 28 November 2017 Kamala Harris’ visit to Israel was announced when Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted this photo. Kamala Harris, a US senator from California and reportedly a potential Democratic candidate for the presidency, made a quiet trip last week to the Middle East. Information about her trip was not posted on […]

Lebanese PM Hariri Silent on Saudi Detainment, Threatens to Re-Resign

Lebanon’s once and future Prime Minister Saad Hariri has been highly vocal since his return to Beirut, after apparently being held in Saudi Arabia against his will following on from a forced resignation that has now been rescinded. However, while Hariri continues to speak to journalists, he has refused to offer any details about what […]

The Silent Anti-Semite

The Silent Anti-Semite Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids The Silent Anti-Semite November 29, 2017 © Watch +BN’s OWN CHANNEL HERE! ___________________________________ MORE: Who’s Your Favorite Anti-Semite? Here Jewish Facial Recognition Here The ADL’s Hate Symbols In Reverse Here Why Israel Should Not Exist Here Who Is The True Israel? Here BANNED by YouTube: Seeds Of America’s […]

As Hollywood Gets the Spotlight, Media Entirely Silent on Rampant Sex Abuse By Police

By Matt Agorist As Hollywood sex abuse continues to be exposed, victims and their families are finally starting to see the potential for justice and closure they have long-deserved. However, as the Weinsteins and the Spaceys watch their careers burn over the allegations of sexual misconduct, the media and essentially everyone else remains conveniently silent on […]

White House "contender" Kamala Harris stays silent on Israel’s crimes

Michael F. Brown Power Suits 28 November 2017 Kamala Harris’ visit to Israel was announced when Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted this photo. Kamala Harris, a US senator from California and reportedly a potential Democratic candidate for the presidency, made a quiet trip last week to the Middle East. Information about her trip was not posted on […]

Bill Clinton Still Silent About Flights On Pedophile’s Sex Plane

Source: Daily Caller Former President Bill Clinton continues to remain silent about the 26 flights he took aboard convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which reportedly offered underage girls to passengers to rape. Fox News wrote in 2016 that the Lolita Express, a Boeing 727 jet, was “reportedly outfitted […]

Media Silent as Fed Committee Quietly Passes Act Allowing Warrantless Searches

By Rachel Blevins It has been over one month since the latest dangerous piece of legislation meant to infringe on Americans’ constitutional rights was introduced, and Congress is now moving forward with the bill that will have serious ramifications for all Americans by blatantly violating the freedoms guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment if […]

Media Silent as Syrian Forces Finally Defeat ISIS, Finding Cache of Made In USA Weapons

By Rachel Blevins When the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria began to dominate headlines in 2014, it was made out to be the most horrifying, ruthless terrorist group in existence—now any coverage the group receives tells a story of defeat, and the discovery of American weapons and equipment has gone virtually unnoticed. ISIS was forced […]

Media Silent As Trump Successfully Destroys Obama’s ISIS

The mainstream media has completely ignored Trump’s victory against ISIS – a terrorist group funded and set-up by the Obama administration.   With the help of Russian and Syrian forces, Trump’s successful battle against ISIS has resulted in the fall of Raqqa and the obliteration of the ISIS caliphate. The Guardian reports: As many as 60,000 […]

Media Silent As Gov’t Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches

This article written by Rachel Blevins was originally published at The Free Thought Project.  As the mainstream media provides relentless coverage of the Harvey Weinstein Hollywood sex scandal, there is one major piece of legislation it is ignoring, and if passed, it will have massive repercussions for all Americans. More than 40 organizations, including the American Civil […]

Media Silent As Government Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches

By Rachel Blevins As the mainstream media provides relentless coverage of the Harvey Weinstein Hollywood sex scandal, there is one major piece of legislation it is ignoring, and if passed, it will have massive repercussions for all Americans. More than 40 organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Freedom of the […]

Syrian Democratic Forces won’t stay silent on Russian attacks in Deir Ez-Zor

nsnbc : Russian warplanes bombarded positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the area of the Koniko (Conico) gas company northeast of Deir […]

Media Silent as Study Finds Female Vets 250% More Likely to Commit Suicide than Female Non-Vets

Renegade Editor’s Note: Having our women serve on the frontlines (fighing for Greater Israel) is a concept that is completely alien to us (and to our very nature), which is why we are seeing these results. It is all part of the Israelification of America, as Israeli women have long been forced to join the […]

HEADS UP: 5 Days Until Impact/New York – Corporate Media Silent!!!

The Navy Model (Navgem) for what they predict for Hurricane Jose is highlighted in red showing Impact/New York. Image: Youtube Screenshot of the National Hurricane Center Map. The Corporate Media isn’t telling Americas the truth about Hurricane Jose and are downplaying this storm. Take note of the above image from the National Hurricane Center where […]

The Globalist Nuclear Threat of September 2017 and the Fate of Donald Trump (+ a P.S. – Are we on a silent countdown to Nuclear 9/11? + a P.P.S.)

I was planning to write this article tomorrow, but now it can’t wait. Get a load of this sh*t… …from So Martin Armstrong has a “war model” to explain why September 11/12 are dangerous days, eh? Bullsh*t! This is exactly the kind of crap I’ve been talking about in the previous entry: globalist mouthpieces […]

Hackers Send Silent Commands to Speech Recognition Systems with Ultrasound

Hackers Send Silent Commands to Speech Recognition Systems with Ultrasound September 8th, 2017 Via: Tech Crunch: Security researchers in China have invented a clever way of activating voice recognition systems without speaking a word. By using high frequencies inaudible to humans but which register […]

Nabi Saleh: ‘It’s a silent ethnic cleansing’

by Jaclynn Ashly Al Jazeera – The writer speaks to one of the heroines of the Palestinian popular resistance in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Ahed Tamimi was just 14 when she rose to international prominence through the release of a video and a series of photos capturing her desperate attempts to save her 11-year-old […]

Media Silent As Saudi Regime Kills Its Own People

Western media outlets have remained silent on the recent slaughter of thousands of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia at the hands of the oppressive Saudi regime. As the media continues to report on the ongoing Syrian conflict which occurred as a result of Syrian troops allegedly opening fire on anti-regime protestors in 2011 – the […]

Western media silent as Russia successfully wiping out ISIS in Syria

Former Russian minister of defence Sergey Shoygu said the fall of ISIS in Deir ez-Zor could be the end of the self-proclaimed caliphate. He added: “There have been military actions for more than one year. People bravely fight there. Regularly, two or three, or it happens, four times a week, food, medicine, ammunition are being […]

[WATCH] N.J. State Troopers Arrested Her for Staying Silent, Now The State Will Pay 30K

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Netanyahu is silent for 3 days over neo-Nazi violence, while his son says Black Lives Matter and Antifa are the real threat

After a man participating in a white nationalist protest over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia rammed his car into a crowd of demonstrators, killing a 32-year old woman, and hundreds more paraded through the streets chanting epithets against Jews and people of color, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stunned many by remaining silent for three […]

Unidentified Plane Circled US City For 2 Weeks – Government Silent

Step aside, UFOs. A different type of unidentified flying object has puzzled aviation experts over the last several days… and it’s been circling over one of the largest cities in the United States. A mysterious aircraft has been drilling holes in the sky over Seattle for close to two weeks. While the […]

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