Posts Tagged ‘criminals’

UK: 84 Percent of Grooming Gang Criminals Are of an ‘Asian’ Background

A report by counter-extremism think tank Quilliam has found that more than eight out of ten men convicted of grooming gang offences have an ‘Asian’ background. When the study’s authors — both of whom are of Pakistani heritage — set out on their research into grooming gangs, they expected to “debunk” the perception that Muslims of […]

DEA Claims Synthetic THC Made by a Group of Criminals is Safer Than Actual Marijuana

December 3, 2017 By Matt Agorist As the Free Thought Project previously reported, one of the manufacturers of a fentanyl drug was exposed for lobbying against marijuana, while simultaneously bribing doctors to push their dangerous opioids. Now, after the federal government granted Insys permission to make a synthetic version of cannabis, they are […]

Almost Half of Criminals in Austrian Region Are Foreigners

Almost Half of Criminals in Austrian Region Are Foreigners Breitbart November 24, 2017 A report from the Austrian region of Tyrol has shown that 47 per cent of all criminal suspects in the first half of the year have been from foreign backgrounds. Police say that out of the total of 13,360 suspects involved in […]

War Criminals Join Lady Gaga For Hurricane Relief Benefit

Five former US presidents ‘put their differences’ aside when they came together for a hurricane relief benefit in Texas. The public loved their photo-op with Lady Gaga who joined them after her performence saying “Nothing more beautiful than everyone putting their differences aside to help humanity in the face of catastrophe. #OneAmericaAppeal” Nothing more beautiful […]

Episode #201 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘District of Criminals’ with guests Matthew Lee & Janice Kortkamp

Episode #201 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Sept 10th, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week’s LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) – covering all the top news stories both at home and internationally… LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES: 5pm-8pm UK Time | […]



Half of Detroit’s 8 Mayoral Candidates are Convicted Criminals

August 03, 2017 1 Source Article from

No ‘dark place’ for criminals: Australia plans to force tech giants to help with online decryption

“We need to ensure that the internet is not used as a dark place for bad people to hide their criminal activities from the law,” Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said at a press conference Friday.  Under the new law, companies like Google and Facebook will have to cooperate with Australian police and intelligence by […]

5,000 Criminals in Sweden’s Vulnerable Areas

Sweden’s national police chief has presented a new report about the country’s problem areas, increasing the number of districts classified as vulnerable or especially vulnerable. The report, which is likely to grab headlines in Sweden and abroad, follows another high-profile report from 2015 which listed 53 so-called vulnerable areas, including 15 considered especially vulnerable. In […]

Are Israeli terms on criminals applicable on Israeli criminals?

By Motasem A Dalloul Israeli Housing and Construction Minister Yoav Galant said that Bashar al-Assad has no place in this world over his crimes, what about Israeli criminals? Speaking at an Israeli defence conference held in Jerusalem, the Israeli Housing and Construction Minister Yoav Galant called on Tuesday for the assassination of the Syrian regime […]

45,493 Foreign-Born Criminals Held in Federal Prisons

May 02, 2017 0 Source Article from

Poverty and Despair: Basics in Nepal Were Absent Before the 2015 Earthquake

US Mission to Train Syrian “Opposition Forces” Goes Awry

Fed’s focus on ‘too big to fail’ won’t save taxpayers from next bank bailout

Oz Shy (TC) : Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that 31 out of 33 U.S. banks had passed its latest “stress test,” designed to ensure that the largest financial institutions have enough capital to withstand a severe economic shock. Photo courtesy of Jorge Royan Passing the test amounts to being given a clean bill […]

‘They abused, cut up corpses’: Escaped ISIS fighter shares his horrors from Syria (RT EXCLUSIVE)

RT had to change the man’s voice and keep him anonymous: A year on from fleeing Syria, he still fears revenge from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). Calling himself Zurab, he says he was initially seduced by the slick propaganda videos that IS spread all over the internet. “We watched promo videos of women, children […]

Obama’s Medicare ‘reform’ blocking seniors from accessing important services including knee replacements; hospitals rewarded for spending less per patient

(NaturalNews) Remember when the liberal left accused us all of being paranoid racists for reading senior citizen death panels between the lines of Obamacare? It turns out that these hysterical Democrats were wrong once again, as new Medicare reforms issued by the Obama administration are reportedly stripping aging Americans of their coverage and […]

Government Had Muhammad Ali Under Surveillance Before Death

Leaked documents from a 2013 lawsuit show that the U.S. government had the late Muhammad Ali under surveillance due to his anti-establishment views.  Ali was placed on an NSA watchlist due to his outspoken resistance to U.S. imperialism and institutional racism. reports: As the world mourns a man that many consider one of the […]

Worse than the Nazis: israeli forces open fire on fishermen, farmers, and level lands in Gaza

Israeli forces open fire on fishermen, farmers, and level lands in Gaza   GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was injured after Israeli naval forces on Tuesday opened fire on fishermen, detaining four and confiscating their boats, as Israeli forces also opened fire on farmers and leveled lands elsewhere in the Gaza Strip. The detained […]


Shocking video footage shows Mexican immigrant parents encouraging their 3-year-old daughter to repeatedly say, “We have to kill Donald Trump.”   “We’re going to kill Donald Trump,” states the toddler, to which the mother responds, “Why are we going to kill Donald Trump?” “Cause he’s bad,” responds the child. “That’s right,” replies the mother. “We […]

The CIA Confirms There’s Extraterrestrial Activity on Our Planet

A wave of recently declassified UFO files and statements of high rank officials are slowly turning the UFO phenomenon into reality. by EWAO Believing that we are the only civilization in the physical Universe – which scientifically speaking is infinite – shows not only an immense ego, but also an unfathomable ignorance. But what happens […]

NATO Ready To Intervene In Libya If Requested By Unity Government

NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg  on Tuesday that the alliance is ready to intervene in the situation in Libya if the country’s Government of National Accord (GNA) files a corresponding request. However some countries are holding back on NATO, EU ambitions in Libya According to reuters: Europe’s bold intentions to support Libya’s new U.N.-backed government […]

Mississippi: Whites Ordered to “Integrate”

Two Cleveland, Mississippi, schools which are only 40 percent white have been ordered to forcibly mix with neighboring 99 percent black schools—because the US Department of Justice still thinks they are too white. US District Judge Debra Brown ruled last week that Cleveland must merge its two high schools and two middle schools to […]

‘Trapping atoms between laser beams’: AI research tool runs Nobel Prize physics experiment

“I didn’t expect the machine could learn to do the experiment itself, from scratch, in under an hour,” said co-lead researcher Paul Wigley from the Australian National University (ANU) Research School of Physics and Engineering in a statement. “A simple computer program would have taken longer than the age of the universe to run through […]

Invasion and the Wrecking of Libya

The African invasion of Europe across the Mediterranean Sea has been caused by the British and French governments’ wrecking of the Gadhafi regime in Libya—and is now also being aided by Libyan warlords and the Italian mafia. According to an article in Germany’s Bild newspaper, the “disintegrated” state of Libya following Gadhafi’s fall made […]

Prince: I’m Glad The Little Freak is Dead!

By Phillip Marlowe This “Prince” worship crap just keeps going on and on AND ON, doesn’t it? The media has been on a non-stop roll about this loser freak for days now. I’m like totally sick of the crap. I can absolutely, positively guarantee you they would not go to such lengths if Prince had been a White […]

Arrested for Asking an Officer to Show Identification

The video above, which highlights an incident of police misconduct, was submitted by Rich McIsaac after he viewed the cell phone video of his brothers arrest. The abuse of power was so unsettling that he researched the correct conduct for officers during a traffic stop and discovered that not only are officers required to provide ID, if […]

Homeland Security Now Preparing Cops for Mass Riots

Paul Joseph Watson | InfoWars The Department of Homeland Security oversaw a first of its kind three day training exercise in Texas this week during which police officers from fifteen different departments took part in drills on how to deal with riots and conduct mass arrests. Dozens of McLennan […]

Do not surrender! defend Brazil!

     Enough weeping! Latin America has wept incessantly, continuously, for years, decades and centuries. Its people robbed of everything since the days of Columbus, since Potosi. Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions have been slaughtered here, in the last five centuries; first by the conquerors, then by their descendants and serfs, and finally by […]

Arab Schools In Sweden Still Hot

From: An Arab school in the largely migrant city of Malmo, in Sweden, has been set ablaze, by several unsung heroes. People across the country have come out of their homes in celebration, many scratching their heads and wondering why there were ever any Muslim schools in Sweden in the first […]

Mob of 30 Afghan men rape-chase teenage girls through German shopping mall, sparking huge confrontation with police

From: A mob of 30 migrants chased three teenage girls through a German mall before threatening police officers, local media has reported. The men, thought to be from Afghanistan, are said to have used their smartphones to film the girls at the Sophienhof mall in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein state. Police […]

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