Posts Tagged ‘playing’

Playing Kissy Face with the Russians

Christopher Jon Bjerknes I received a letter from Brandon Martinez which called my attention to his articles addressing Alt-Right celebrity Richard Spencer and his Russian wife: Martinez accuses George Galloway of gross hypocrisy in this article: This video exposes many of Trump’s Jewish connections: This article addresses Spencer and his Russian wife: Casey […]


No sign of Israel in ancient Canaan by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Mar 17, 2012 Click for Source Article by Ashraf Ezzat Click for For summary and Reviews of the book titled “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites” Egypt is mentioned in the Holy Bible approximately 700 times = So obviously, Egypt must have played a […]

US playing with terrorism, rather than fighting: Iran’s Larijani

Larijani made the remarks in an address to the second meeting of parliament speakers of Eurasian countries in the South Korean capital, Seoul, on Tuesday. “In fact, the US strategy is playing with terrorism, not fighting it,” he said, calling on Eurasian states to “increase the costs for those promoting the ideology of terrorism and their sponsors in propaganda, political […]

UK/Theresa May playing a double game in pretending to fight terrorism

#Dumas, ex Foreign Minister : UK Government prepared #war in #Syria 2 years before 2011 protests #BBC Report Explains How #USA & #UK Weapons Flow To Al-Qaida & Other Terrorists In #Syria … Terror trial collapses in UK after Brit security forces shown to have supported same anti-Assad militias I think we already […]

Russian Blogger Convicted For Playing Pokemon Go In Church

A Russian blogger has been given a three-and-a-half year suspended sentence for ‘inciting religious hatred’ by filming himself playing ‘Pokemon Go’ in a local Orthodox church. 22-year-old blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky was convicted Thursday, based on new Russian blasphemy laws, on criminal charges of inciting hatred and insulting feelings of religious believers. “The authorities should take […]

Russian Blogger Convicted Playing Pokemon Go In Church

A Russian blogger has been given a three-and-a-half year suspended sentence for ‘inciting religious hatred’ by filming himself playing ‘Pokemon Go’ in a local Orthodox church. 22-year-old blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky was convicted Thursday, based on new Russian blasphemy laws, on criminal charges of inciting hatred and insulting feelings of religious believers. “The authorities should take […]

Tel Aviv blind to outcomes of playing with fire in Syria

MNA– Palestine Intifada Conference Secretary General Hossein Amir-Abdollahian condemned Zionist regime’s military attack to Syria. Amir-Abdollahian, who is also the Iranian Parliament’s General Director for International Affairs, underlined that Tel Aviv does not understand the consequences of playing with fire in Syria. He added that Israel’s false claim over its combat with Hezbollah in Syria […]

Abbas should stop playing us for political gain, say young Gazan writers

Mahmoud Abbas, the once-legitimate president of Palestine (the last election was in 2005), meets with U.S. President Donald Trump May 3. And as if to prove his “mettle,” he has declared a war on Gaza. Abbas has literally thrown down the gauntlet to Hamas, demanding that it cede its control of the government in Gaza […]

Hacker Releases ‘Secret’ Clinton Docs from State Dept., DNC’s Trump Opposition File, Donor List

Thousands of alleged DNC documents leaked online A hacker has reportedly released thousands of documents belonging to the Democratic National Committee that were recently taken during a breach of the organization’s computer network. The documents, posted online by a hacker identifying as “Guccifer 2.0” – an homage to the now-imprisoned Romanian hacker who revealed […]

Allentown Copblock Founder Bullied By Cop With A Long History Of Abuse

At 9:53pm on June 2, 2016, Rick Gonzalez (Allentown Copblock) and Severin Freeman (Lehigh Valley Copblock) were filming a traffic stop in Bethlehem Township. Rick was filming while standing off the the side of a police vehicle when Corporal Leonard Shepulski Jr. (Badge Number 616) exited the vehicle & approached Rick claiming he didn’t want […]

Large coalition of environmental activists rally outside White House, demand EPA revoke glyphosate license

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently conducting a “registration review” of glyphosate to determine if the chemical is safe to use for another 15 years. For it to be approved, the chemical must be in compliance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, which requires that under proper use the […]

Police State: Parents outraged over arrests of 10 elementary students for watching fight, police chief apologizes

     In a public outcry, the community sought two specific actions in response to the April 15 arrests of 10 Murfreesboro elementary school students: an investigation and an apology. They now have both. “I am so saddened, and I’m so sorry this incident happened,” Murfreesboro Police Chief Karl Durr said, “because I truly think it […]

Police State: Parents outraged over arrests of 10 elementary students for watching fight, police chief apologizes

     In a public outcry, the community sought two specific actions in response to the April 15 arrests of 10 Murfreesboro elementary school students: an investigation and an apology. They now have both. “I am so saddened, and I’m so sorry this incident happened,” Murfreesboro Police Chief Karl Durr said, “because I truly think it […]

Huffington Post goes all-in for pro-vaccine propaganda, BANISHES veteran writer from website for posting honest review of VAXXED documentary

(NaturalNews) It should be abundantly clear to anyone who is being honest with themselves that the mainstream media, which is mostly Left-wing, will stop at nothing to ridicule or silence those with whom it disagrees. The legacy media has its own narratives and storylines, it’s own political agenda, and anyone who colors outside […]

CDC likely fabricating link between Zika virus and microcephaly cases; admits people self-immunize against Zika and that ‘no single piece of evidence provides conclusive proof’

(NaturalNews) The CDC is now warning that gay sex partners can transmit Zika virus and infect each other. According to CBS News in Dallas, “…it’s the first report of infection between a gay couple, and worry that Zika will spread even faster through sex — as well as through mosquito bites.” That same […]

Germany grants Turkish request to allow for possible prosecution of comedian who joked about Erdogan

Ankara has demanded to have comedian Jan Boehmermann prosecuted for insulting a foreign head of state.  Under a section of Germany’s criminal code, the government has to authorize prosecutors to pursue a case against the comedian. The code, known as Paragraph 103, concerns insults against organs or representatives of foreign states. However, it is so […]

Iran receives first delivery of Russian S-300 air defense system

     The first delivery of the Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile system has arrived in Iran, the country’s Foreign Ministry has announced. “We had already announced that despite several changes in the time of delivery, the deal is on its path of implementation and today I should announce that the first part of this equipment has […]

Masculinity in the current year: "male" student says he suffers periods when his female flatmate does

From: George Fellowes is a 22-year-old university student and believes he gets what he describes as “a male period”. He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month. And it’s become so bad that at […]

Masculinity in the current year: "male" student says he suffers periods when his female flatmate does

From: George Fellowes is a 22-year-old university student and believes he gets what he describes as “a male period”. He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month. And it’s become so bad that at […]

Masculinity in the current year: "male" student says he suffers periods when his female flatmate does

From: George Fellowes is a 22-year-old university student and believes he gets what he describes as “a male period”. He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month. And it’s become so bad that at […]

Masculinity in the current year: "male" student says he suffers periods when his female flatmate does

From: George Fellowes is a 22-year-old university student and believes he gets what he describes as “a male period”. He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month. And it’s become so bad that at […]

Thousands of dead fish found on beach in Samoa

     It was a horrific scene according to villagers, where thousands of dead juvenile fish washed ashore and were laid out on one side of Amouli Beach. Employees of the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR) were dispatched to the area after concerned villagers called.      Samoa News spoke to two DMWR employees who […]

Disclosure? Clinton Sticking To Promise: US CAN Handle UFO Truth

Last year, Hillary Clinton said that she would declassify government UFO documents in the United States. Now, numerous mainstream media outlets are reporting that Hillary Clinton and her chief of staff are adamant that not only will the US be able to “handle” the truth about UFO’s, but that Hillary Clinton intends to make the declassification […]

Shafei: Improving business environment key to economy of resistance

Mashhad, April 6, IRNA – Internal economic problems should be removed and business environment improved in order to materialize Iran’s economy of resistance, said Deputy Head of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce here Wednesday. Gholam-Hossein Shafei told IRNA that President Hassan Rouhani government has provided an atmosphere that transcends the issue of removing the international sanctions […]

Open Records Win: Wauwatosa Police Re-Release Annual Reports Following FOIA Requests

The Wauwatosa Police Department recently re-released their yearly annual online reports following a series of open records requests. Their return to public access, after nearly two years of unexplained obscurity, marks a decisive victory for police transparency. This victory, however, displays the unusually thick veil Tosa PD has erected between itself, those it polices, and […]

Two explosions rock industrial zone in southwestern France

     Two explosions occurred on Sunday near the city of Bordeaux, southwest France, on the territory of the facility specializing in transportation of hazardous materials, a local mayor said. The explosions occurred at 6:40 a.m. (4:40 GMT) in the building of the CD Trans company, according to France Info. “First, a truck caught fire, and […]

Turkish Academics Jailed For Signing Anti-Erdogan Petition

Three academics in Turkey has been thrown in jail after they signed a peace petition in January 2016 criticising Erdogan’s regime.  The academics were charged with “making terrorist propaganda” and jailed on March 15, 2016 amid an ongoing criminal investigation. reports: At least 30 other academics have been dismissed and 27 suspended by their universities […]

Good Cop? Forensics Officer Discovers New Dinosaur Fossil

Hey there, did that get your attention? Good. Now listen up because there is something we need to talk about. Some of you out there in internet land have developed some very bad habits. Today we are gonna talk about them. Let’s start with the comment threads on our Facebook page. Comment threads have a […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

Over 300 psychotherapists oppose holding annual research conference in Jerusalem

The usually quiescent world of psychotherapy has been struck by a blast of anti-occupation activism, in the form of a petition signed by over 300 psychotherapists opposing the choice of The Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) to hold its annual meeting in Jerusalem this June. The idea for the petition got started on the joint […]

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