Posts Tagged ‘counter’

FM congratulates ‘prideful advance’ of Iran volleyball to Rio 2016 Olympics

Tehran, July 4, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari on Saturday felicitated the ‘prideful advance’ of the Iranian national volleyball team to the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after 52 years. Iran defeated heavyweight Poland 3-1 in Olympics Qualification Tournament in Tokyo today to mightily advance to the Olympics. In […]

Is it the FLUORIDE? Today’s humans are so dumbed down, they can’t solve sixth grade word problems based on simple addition

(NaturalNews) Judging from what one runs across on the internet, it’s easy to believe that something must be dumbing down the populace, as a recent Daily Mail piece humorously illustrated. The Mail published a Tweet from a mother which involved a math question given to year 2 students – one the mom felt […]

ISIS Execution Pit with Thousands of Bodies Found in Syria

Daily Stormer May 16, 2016 Wow, “thousands” is a lot of bodies. If the Jews really believe in “never again,” why do they support ISIS? Source Article from

18 PKK militants killed in Ankara air raids in Turkey, Iraq

Turkish fighter jets have carried out fresh aerial assaults on positions of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), killing at least 18 militants in southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq. In a statement published on Wednesday, the Turkish army said the airstrikes left 11 PKK militants dead in Turkey’s Hakkari Province and northern Iraq on Tuesday. Tuesday air raids also […]

It’s about time to unmask the Axis of Evil: 23 million Syrians are besieged

The West and its allies are perpetrating unspeakable yet well-documented crimes against humanity as Washington forges ahead with its pre-planned agenda to destroy non-compliant areas in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in favour of its Wahhabi-inspired proxy armies, which include ISIS and al-Qaeda/Jabhat al-Nursra. US led NATO and its allies, including Wahhabi Saudi […]

Iran announces major jump in oil exports

TEHRAN, May 10, (Shana) – Asian imports of Iranian oil in March jumped 50 percent from a year earlier as shipments into India and South Korea have climbed since international sanctions were lifted on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, reports said. Imports by Iran’s top four buyers – China, India, Japan and South Korea – came […]

Spokesman denies Moqtada Sadr’s official visit to Iran

“Moqtada Sadr has not had any official visit to Iran recently to consult with Iranian officials,” Jaberi Ansari told reporters on Monday. The rejection by Jaberi Ansari came in reaction to a recent report by the Arabic-language Al-Sharq al-Awsat which claimed Sadr has paid a visit to Iran after a recent demonstration by his followers […]

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on May 4

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Wednesday May 4 and has picked headlines from 19 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s statements at the opening ceremony of the Tehran International Book Fair, about the necessity […]

Lawsuit: Chicago Cops Lie After Killing 16 Year Old African-American Boy

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   Tambrasha Hudson has filed a lawsuit citing that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Police Accountability Task Force (PATF) found systemic racism within the police department, along with evidence that proves a long-standing history of racism that has resulted “in the […]

Court decision on video taping police erodes First Amendment rights and transparency, invites violence and police retaliation

     A federal district court in Pennsylvania recently issued a terrible joint decision in Fields v. City of Philadelphia and Geraci v. City of Philadelphia, holding for the first time that “observing and recording” police activities is not protected by the First Amendment unless an observer visibly challenges police conduct in that moment. The right […]

Iran in photos: Apr. 11 -17

Tehran, April 17,The Iran Project –  Several heads of states visit to Iran including UN envoy De Mistura, Italy’s PM Renzi, EU’s ّFP chief Mogherini, India’s External Affairs minister Swaraj, Serbia President Nikolić; Iran’s president Rouhani and FM zarif participation in the 13th OIC Summit in Istanbul, Rouhani’s trip to Ankara and marking national army daydominated the […]

Who got to De Niro? Tribeca’s origins and eugenic influences explain why they banned a film questioning the vaccine narrative

(NaturalNews) In recent days following his rejection of the screening of an indie film that spilled the beans on the vaccine–autism link at his co-founded Tribeca Film Festival, Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro is facing a firestorm of criticism and suspicion about why he suddenly decided not to show the film after initially […]

Three-Year-Old Randomly Beheaded In Front Of Mother In Taiwan

A three-year-old girl riding a bicycle was randomly attacked by a man from behind who proceeded to behead her in front of her helpless mother outside a subway station in Taiwan’s capital Taipei. Police have arrested a man following the attack according to local media The Mirror reports: According to reports, the man grabbed the […]

Moscow may unilaterally use force on Syrian ceasefire violators from March 22 – General Staff

“If there is no reaction from the US to our proposals [on the control of ceasefire], starting from March 22 Russia will unilaterally apply rules provisioned in the [cessation of hostilities] deal,” the chief of the Russian General Staff’s main operations department, Sergey Rudskoy, said on Monday. Russia stops all Syria airstrikes on areas & […]

‘Shocking how many people died in Fukushima’ – documentary director to RT

“The government prints the number of people who died as a result of the 2011 disaster in the newspapers every day. [In some other prefectures], the [death toll] amounts to 300-400 people in each prefecture, but in Fukushima it is over 8,000 people,” Jousan, a US director and producer who has been living and working […]

Martland Act targets Afghan sexual abuse claims

     Sexual abuse on U.S. military bases — domestic and foreign — would be expressly banned under a bill slated to be introduced Thursday in the House. “The bill makes it the official policy of the United States that sex abuse of any kind by an American or foreign national is not permitted,” said Joe […]

Swan-believable: Belligerent bird brings traffic chaos to Prague (VIDEO)

Local police arrived on the scene where the graceful bird had decided to park itself – right in the middle of the road, stopping oncoming cars in their tracks and causing significant delays. However, law enforcement officers appeared to be making an even bigger production of things than the swan itself, as a video shows […]

Disney offers to deduct contributions to its PAC from employees’ paychecks, to lobby for TPP

In a mass mailing to employees, CEO Bob Iger asked Disney people to make a regular contribution to Disney PAC to help the company lobby for expanded copyright laws, and the Trans Pacific Partnership. The company explicitly advised employees that they wouldn’t be penalized for failing to contribute. The Disney PAC […]

Disney offers to deduct contributions to its PAC from employees’ paychecks, to lobby for TPP

In a mass mailing to employees, CEO Bob Iger asked Disney people to make a regular contribution to Disney PAC to help the company lobby for expanded copyright laws, and the Trans Pacific Partnership. The company explicitly advised employees that they wouldn’t be penalized for failing to contribute. The Disney PAC […]

Legal case of human tragedy in Mecca, deaths of Iranians underway

Tehran, Feb 9, IRNA – Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said on Tuesday that Foreign Ministry is pursuing legal case with Saudi government over human tragedy of September 24 when hundreds of Iranians were perished. Speaking to reporters, Zarif said the investigations are underway bilaterally and multilaterally as well as at the level of international organizations. […]

The Grave of Viking Egill Skallagrimsson Found? The Mosfell Archaeology Project in Iceland

The Grave of Viking Egill Skallagrimsson Found? The Mosfell Archaeology Project in Iceland

The Grave of Viking Egill Skallagrimsson Found? The Mosfell Archaeology Project in Iceland


US JEWISH neocons sabotage initiatives not in Israel’s favor: Journalist The new US sanctions imposed against Iran over its ballistic missile program is a scheme by Zionist neoconservatives in the Obama administration to protect Israel’s interests, an investigative journalist in Washington says. Jewish neocons in the US cabinet “use their position to try to sabotage […]

RamZPaul Wages War Against 14/88 “Nazis”

RamZPaul (aka Paul Ramsey) has always rubbed me the wrong way. When I was out speaking at a conference during the Renegade Roadshow in 2013, an audience member asked me what I think of this guy, and I didn’t hold back. He’s not funny and he shills for jews. Sure, he pretends to be […]

Posthumous punishment: Israel holds ‘dozens’ of bodies of alleged Palestinian attackers

Killings—West Bank, Jerusalem (see also Gaza) Israel disperses Jerusalem protest for return of withheld bodies [with photo] JERUSALEM (Ma‘an) 26 Dec — Israeli forces on Saturday dispersed a protest staged in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem calling for the return of the bodies of Palestinian attackers held by Israel. Locals told Ma‘an that […]

Ibn Al-Haytham Film Contest to ‘foster inquisitive minds’

TEHRAN, Dec. 19 (MNA) – Head of Culture and Art Department of Ministry of Education has said the Ibn Al-Haytham film festival provides the best opportunity to fulfill the government plans. According to the Public Relations Department of Al-Mustafa (AS) Award, Mehdi Aliakbarzadeh highlighted holding of Light 0f Ibn Al-Haytham Student Film Festival; “in the present […]

Over 3,000 Mosques In The US… 75 Percent Used As Jihadi Networks!… Obama Declared Them ‘Off-Limits’ For Surveillance!

On December 6, 2014, France 24 reported that the French authorities had raided a number of Mosques after the Paris terrorist attack that killed 130 people in November. What they found in those Mosques, as well as the Mosque leaders’ homes and an undeclared madrassa, or religious school, should make every American sit up and […]

Join The Buycott For Trade Justice

Print Friendly From Flush the TPP – If they become law, international treaties like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP), TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trade-in-Services Agreement (TISA) will fundamentally alter the global economy and global governance in a way that further empowers transnational corporations while decreasing the power of nation-states and people. These […]

The Muslim Brotherhood Has Taken Over the White House

It is one thing for people of Islamic faith to serve the American government out of a sense of duty, honor and patriotism. It is quite another for people of any faith with ties to known terrorist organizations to be allowed to serve in highly secure and sensitive positions involving […]

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