Posts Tagged ‘training’

Photos: Basij forces receive military training

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on September 26 Iran Front Page- IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Tuesday, September 26, and picked headlines… Source Article from

Israel Security Forces Are Training American Cops Despite History of Rights Abuses

It’s not uncommon for residents of America’s most heavily policed neighborhoods to describe their local cops as “an occupying force.” Judging by where many U.S. police forces get their training, the description seems apt. Thousands of American law enforcement officers frequently travel for training to one of the few countries where policing and militarism are […]

ADL under fire for training U.S. police in Israel– and when a Reddit AMA goes off script

It’s a bad public relations week for the Anti-Defamation League, traditionally a group that has not gotten opposition from inside the Jewish community. The group is facing two challenges spearheaded by Jewish activists against overseas police seminars, in Israel, and against a federal bill the American Civil Liberties Union says “threatens First Amendment rights.” The ADL is […]

British Troops Withdraw From South Syria, End Training to Militants

NYPD Officials Booted for Being Too Drunk to Fly to Afghanistan for Training Trip

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Urban Warfare: NATO Issues RFP For Training To Fight In Big Cities With "Dense, Interconnected Populations"

Throughout the 2016 campaigning cycle, then candidate Trump frequently criticized NATO as “obsolete” and repeatedly knocked allies for not paying their “fair share.” Then, in a shocking reversal, Trump hosted a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, just a few months after moving into the White House, in which he […]

Foreign Military Training (FMT): Can the Pentagon Win When Putsch Comes to Shove?

Russia to resume training of female military pilots after numerous applications

“There are so many young women who want to become military pilots. We receive hundreds of letters [from them],” Shoigu told journalists. Futuristic jets & battle-hardened planes: Highlights of Russia’s MAKS 2017 airshow (VIDEOS) “Therefore, we decided that this year we’ll recruit the first group of women to the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School,” he […]

Marine Corps to Mix Men and Women in Combat Training

For the first time, the US Marines are taking a serious look at training women for combat alongside their male counterparts. After accusations of gender inequality in the service, some say this is a step in the right direction. On Tuesday, the Marines announced that they are specifically eyeing Southern California’s Camp Pendleton for their […]

Weight training found to slow the progression of MS, contradicting earlier medical advice to avoid exercise

(Natural News) A study published online in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal revealed that resistance training may prove beneficial for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). People with the condition were discouraged from engaging in any sort of physical exercise in fear that doing so would worsen the disease. However, the recent findings demonstrated that exercise does the exact opposite […]

Cultural Sensitivity Training for Goyim Children

Children need to realize the importance of welcoming the stranger in our midst, even when his customs are much different than our own. Source Article from

Iran, Austria to hold joint tourism training course

IFP- Iran and Austria are taking preparatory steps to hold a joint travel and tourism training course in an Austrian university. “Right now, we are negotiating with the officials in MODUL University in Vienna to hold a joint travel and tourism training course there,” says Houshang Talebi, the president of Isfahan University. In a Farsi […]

Officer Suspended After Showing Up to Firearms Training with Alcohol in System

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Israeli Soldier Killed In Training Exercise While Posing As Palestinian

Israeli forces, including soldiers disguised as Palestinians, arrest a Palestinian child in occupied Jerusalem on October 24, 2014. An Israeli Army officer was accidentally shot and killed by one of his own troops during a training operation in which he was pretending to be a Palestinian at an Israeli military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday. […]

Google now says it will block terrorist training content, but isn’t it interesting that Google censored natural medicine websites FIRST?

(Natural News) Google is not exactly going out on limb with an announcement that it will block terrorist content on YouTube, but its new initiative certainly appears commendable from a national and international security perspective. In a Google in Europe blog post authored by its general counsel, the search engine behemoth explained that it is adopting four […]

India, Iran set to sign MoU on vocational training

Hindu Business Line– India and Iran are finalising a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the fields of vocational training, cooperatives, insurance and micro-employment. This was firmed up at the meeting between Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya and Ali Rabiei, Iran’s Minister of Cooperatives and Social Welfare, on the sidelines of an ILO meet in Geneva […]

Veterans Are Training To “Re-Deploy” To Own Communities To Defend Against Trump’s Attacks

Above Photo: By Ellen Davidson Veterans from all over the country are converging in Tennessee for the “About-Face Action Camp,” preparing to use their military skills to support communities under attack: by Big Oil, by ICE, by emboldened white supremacist groups, and by Trump himself. It’s a whole new kind of “deployment.” Veterans from all […]

America’s universities have become training camps for violent left-wing extremism

(Natural News) Over the last decade or so, we’ve all watch in horror as America’s universities have been turned into what can now clearly be called extremism training camps for left-wing fascists. Instead of teaching students to be responsible adults with critical thinking skills, colleges and universities now focus on obedience training coupled with deeply-ingrained […]

Turkey steps up training of Free Syrian Army in bid to crack down on Kurds and Balkanize Syria

Fahwad Al-Khadoumi (nsnbc) : Turkey has further stepped up its training and support of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in a bid to crack […]

Empathy Heartbeat Training — It Helps You Read Other People’s Minds

You really should listen to your heart. People who are more aware of their heartbeat are better at perceiving the emotions of people around them. What’s more, improving this ability might help some people with autism and schizophrenia. Can you feel your heart beating softly against your breastbone? Or perhaps you feel hungry, thirsty or […]

“Anti-Fascist” Militia Training Video Shows Leftists Are Preparing For Armed Confrontation

Renegade Editor’s Note: This situation is not “hilarious” at all, despite what this article says. The possibility of families getting slaughtered due to kosher politics does not make me laugh one damn bit. Americans are being led into a civil war, with jews riling up both sides. We have lots of guns in this country and […]

NATO may boost its presence & prolong ‘training’ mission in Afghanistan – Stoltenberg

The additional troops are expected to join the NATO Resolute Support mission which it says is aimed at training, assisting and advising Afghan security forces in their fight against violent insurgents and various extremist groups. The ‘training’ mission, after the majority of ‘combat’ troops were withdrawn, currently involves 13,000 servicemen, with around 8,400 of them […]

How Alex Jones Uses Fear of the Government to Sell Diet Supplements

Screencap from The Alex Jones Channel/YouTube Alternative media mogul Alex Jones—one of the most prominent opponents of the New World Order, “scientific dictatorship,” and the secret society that controls the police—has come a long way since he started his first radio show at KJFK in Austin, Texas. The Alex Jones […]

NATO, Germany and “The Dirty War on Syria”

Losing Your Parents To Mass Incarceration

Print Friendly Above photo: Clients of Children of Promise in 2012. Shaun Mader Over five million children in the United States have had a parent in jail—and they’re often traumatized and overlooked by the system. aymond Rodriguez doesn’t remember why his dad was arrested. He doesn’t even remember exactly how old he was when police officers entered […]

The Turkish Military Coup Explained

As I write this, the world is watching in shock and confusion as a military coup unfolds in Turkey. Many are left grasping for answers, unsure of the military’s motivations. Interestingly, an article published in March on the American Enterprise Institute’s website considered the possibility of a military coup transpiring in Turkey. Its author, David […]

France: Catholic Church Backs Down Over Statues to Honor Monks Killed by Moslems

Diversity Macht Frei July 10, 2016 “Can you imagine if an unbalanced person was sick enough to decapitate these statues?” The arguments of his entourage prevailed. And Cardinal Barbarin ended up giving up due to the fear of damage. The seven statues of the French monks of Tibherine, assassinated 20 years ago in obscure circumstances […]

World’s top glyphosate experts unanimously agree: Monsanto herbicide is cancerous to humans

(NaturalNews) The ruling by the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifying glyphosate (Roundup) as a probable carcinogen, has garnered widespread media attention, yet many people are still ignorant about what exactly this means. According to senior IARC scientist, Kurt Straif, it means that the world’s top experts on the subject reviewed all […]

World’s top glyphosate experts unanimously agree: Monsanto herbicide is cancerous to humans

(NaturalNews) The ruling by the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifying glyphosate (Roundup) as a probable carcinogen, has garnered widespread media attention, yet many people are still ignorant about what exactly this means. According to senior IARC scientist, Kurt Straif, it means that the world’s top experts on the subject reviewed all […]

36 Iranians among top 1% cited medical researchers: Thomson Reuters

TEHRAN – Among top one percent most quoted medical researchers worldwide are 36 Iranian scientists, according to a January report by the official website of Essential Science Indicators (ESI) of Thomson Reuters, IRNA reported on Saturday. Thomson Reuters regularly provides an updated list of the most leading researchers in the world based on the last […]

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