12 Triggers Driving Mankind Towards a One World Government

By Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn Magazine

“….a dangerous crossing,
a dangerous wayfaring,
a dangerous looking-back,
a dangerous trembling and halting…”
(words spoken by the tightrope walker) – Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

“Know thyself and your Enemy, and you will win all battles;
Know thyself and not thy Enemy, for every victory there will be a defeat;
Know neither yourself nor your Enemy and you’ll be defeated all the time.” – Sun-Tzu, The Art of War

What I am about to describe in this article are not “predictions” of any kind. Rather, they are forecasts based on available data and common sense projections of where the Global Power Elite are trying to take the world, why they are doing so, and what they hope to achieve.

The more they keep the general public in the dark, the higher their chances of success.

Doing this kind of forecast is rather like understanding the weather. If on a hot summer day you look out your window and see dark clouds and lightning on the horizon, and suddenly a strong, damp ozone-filled gust blows your way, it’s basic common sense to say that you shouldn’t be forecasting “sunny and calm today,” but rather “drenching rain, thunder, lightning and hail.”

In our efforts to better identify and understand which way the winds are blowing, back in December of 2009 – when very dark clouds were indeed increasingly hanging on the world’s horizon – we placed a video on YouTube that described “Twelve Triggers the Global Power Elite are using to transition from Globalisation to World Government.”

You can watch it here:

Mega-Power Shifts

At the end of 2009 three major on-going power-shifting crises were already fully underway on the financial, political and environmental stages.

The London Financial Times had just gone so far as to openly describe these as opportunities for dramatic change in an article published 8 December 2009 by their chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman. Its title said it all: “And now for a World Government.”

A short time later, these very same ideas were echoed by European Union president and Bilderberg participant Herman van Rompuy.

In general terms, this financial-political-environmental crisis triad is being generated and macro-managed by the Global Power Elite with the overt goal of bringing “Globalisation” to a controlled end, at the same time transitioning towards the next stage in their so-called New World Order agenda: outright World Government.

The last time we saw such a macro-transition towards a “New World Order” was 21 years ago when the Bi-Polar post-World War II political order was brought to a “peaceful” conclusion, and “Globalisation” was ushered in.

At that time, the Global Power Elite centred on the Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign relations (CFR)/Bilderberg think tank geopolitical planning network, understood it also required wrapping up the former Soviet Union as a superpower.

Its demise was symbolised by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, carefully engineered through long-term planning emanating from David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, especially in the ideas set forth by one of its chief ideologues, sovietologist Zbigniew Brzezinski.1

A Walled-in World

Twenty one years later, today’s macro-transition has triggered vast, complex and more violent mechanisms in its effort to bring Globalisation to an end, as it overlaps with and is replaced by what can only be described as World Government.

And just as the former Soviet Union had to go into the waste-bin of history twenty-one years ago, so today it is the United States being dissolved and changed into a much more controllable entity (or entities?), simply because a World Government cannot tolerate that any one sovereign super-power should remain intact.

At least not in this part of the world, because they already face a major challenge with the on-going, complex and vast geopolitical negotiations with two other powerful sovereign Nation-States that cannot be easily run over: China and Russia (and their respective key allies).

Just as the last major geopolitical shift was symbolised by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, so today’s even vaster geopolitical shift is to some extent symbolised by the fall of another wall: Wall Street in 2008.

What was “Globalisation” really all about?

Basically, globalisation achieved four major goals on the Global Power Elite’s agenda:

1. Control of People – It represented a two-decade period during which an all-pervading technological infrastructure was set up and put in place, that enables the rich and powerful to wield truly global societal electronic control: the Internet, cell phones, PC’s, cable TV, RFID transponder chips, data processing, surveillance, mass-data storage, satellite communications, bar-codes, complex mass psychological warfare tactics, human genome mapping, perhaps even secret and/or clandestine technologies like HAARP, Bluebeam and others.

2. Control of Nations – Through a system of caretaker governments around the world – i.e., national “CEO-like” presidents, prime ministers and legislators conveniently screened, chosen and catapulted to top executive and legislative posts thanks to so-called “democracy” – it has promoted and achieved generalised deregulation, destructive State reforms, privatisations, and eroded sovereignty in country after country.

3. Control of Resources – This, in turn, allowed the Global Power Elite’s Corporate Overworld to take over most of the remaining State-owned companies and entities in countries like Argentina, for example, rechannelling their revenue flows towards them.

In country after country, this was achieved thanks to the acts of government of those very caretaker “democratic” governments they put in power that turned national legal frameworks upside down, so they would favour private corporate interests over the Common Good and the National Interest.

4. Control of Industry – Through the breakdown of national borders on the economic, financial, industrial, political and social stages, so-called “interdependence” was brought about and given very positive mainstream media coverage describing it as the best thing that could possibly happen to Mankind.

What they did not tell us is that “interdependence” makes the entire global system far more vulnerable and far, far more controllable from centralised power structures. For example, cars built in Europe may carry engines built in Japan, electronic systems assembled in India, and gearboxes from the US…

On top of that, in their greed to “outsource” inventory-space, maximise cash flows, and reduce staff, the “just-in-time” concept became generalised in industry after industry, bringing the parts and components time threshold dangerously close to plant stoppage: usually supplies last only 48 to 72 hours…

So, when an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis hit Japan, supply crunches built into the system generated global ripples affecting industries all over the planet.

What we are experiencing today is the progressive weakening and demise of many key processes associated with Globalisation – mostly of a haphazard, horizontal, cross-border, even chaotic nature – and their rebirth in new formats, suitably retooled to support World Government goals, processes and institutions that strengthen, grow and consolidate.

No doubt, Big Brother is definitely here, and he means to stay…

The most dramatic effect of this transition we are undergoing is the planned end-run eroding of all sovereign Nation-States as described in a previous article published in New Dawn magazine (‘Global Elites Behind Chaos in Arab World, Revolt in North Africa & the Middle East: The Real Agenda’, New Dawn 126 – May/June 2011).

In its place, we will have World Governmental institutions. This is taking place through a complex, creeping, gradual, crisis-filled and violent process that is erecting legally binding, mandatory, multi- and supra-national bureaucratic entities.

Macro-Managing Planet Earth

Management of this highly complex process depends, to a great extent, on the tactical and strategic planning emanating from a vast think-tank network, allied to major Elite universities, with their interrelated armies of researchers, investigators, operators, lobbyists, journalists and media players, all profusely financed by the global corporate and banking over-structure.

They do this holistically, knowing full well they are operating at different levels and stages that evolve at vastly varying speeds:

Financial triggers, for example, move at lightning speed (minutes and hours) thanks to the electronic information technology infrastructure that can make markets, banks, currencies and countries peak or fall in a matter of hours/days.

Economic triggers, however, move slower: erecting car plants, aircraft plants, power generation and distribution systems, highways and railroads takes months, even years of time.

Political change, in turn, is tied to the “democratic system” that puts politicians in power for several years at a time and when something goes really wrong, drastic action must be taken (financed military or civilian coups, assassinations, invasions, etc.).

Of course, Cultural change – where some of the Power Elite’s key victories lie – takes entire generations to implement. Here is where PsyOps has reached new heights (for them).

They risk manage the entire process, knowing that many pitfalls and surprises are in store for them every day. So for each plan, each stage, and in each geography, carefully structured “Plan B’s” are always in place (in some cases, even, plans C, D and E, just in case…) which can be triggered if and when needed.

What might World Government look like?

Today’s telecommunications technologies even make geographical centres mostly redundant and unnecessary. One can thus envision that the Coming World Government will be multi-centred along the lines of the lessons learned under that grand experiment in supranational management called the European Union.

In many ways, the EU is a leading case in proto-World Government applied to one specific and highly developed region of the world.

No wonder then that it was matured and readied “just-in-time” for the demise of the Soviet Bloc, thus giving it more than a dozen “unexpected” new members coming from the former Soviet Bloc…

The European Union is, amongst many other things, an exercise in merging whole countries with vastly different cultures, economies, financial systems, legal systems, administrative norms, languages and religions into one formless, faceless, inhuman entity.

The EU has its Administrative centre in Brussels, its Monetary centre in Frankfurt, its Legislative centre in Strassbourg, its Courts in Luxembourg.

Similarly, the coming World Government could conceivably have its own key centres, say, Washington as its Military centre for an expanded global imperial armed forces command; New York City as global Financial Capital from where world currency (a “Global Dollar” backed by gold?) will be managed; London as global Political Capital (that’s where vast power has resided for centuries: financial, diplomatic, nobilities, Freemasonry, the Anglican Church…); Rome as a sort of “Ecumenical Clearing House” from where a “light and liberal global religion” will be run;2 and – last but not least – Jerusalem as the “spiritual” capital of the world, where the highest echelons of the Global Power Elite (the “Committee of 300” Walther Rathenau spoke about a century ago) expect to fulfil their centuries-old dream of crowning one from their bloodline as the King of the World, once Israel rebuilds the Third Temple on the Mount… (Hmmm… more trouble there!).

The Twelve Transitional Triggers

All of this being said, we finally come to the Twelve Transitional Triggers being used by the Global Power Elite to wrap up “Globalisation” and usher in World Government.

These triggers are linked, interfaced and interlocked in a highly complex, holistic matrix that is very flexible in its Tactics but rigidly unbending in its Strategic Objectives.

They should be read as a whole, interpreted in their holistic hierarchy and considered in various sequences. The picture that unfolds is a clear case of the whole being far more than the mere sum of its parts.

Financial Meltdown – The Global Financial System continues on life-support since the crisis exploded on 15 September 2008.

Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve System, treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, and the US government’s economic hit team (i.e., Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Paul Volcker and other entrenched bankers), together with Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, JPMorganChase, the Bank of England, the European Union, and the G20, have not and will not take one single step to help the people in each country and their ailing national economies.

All they do is throw huge monetary lifelines to the banking elite and to themselves. They will do anything to impose their flagrant lies on public opinion, including the myth that certain banks are just “too big to fail” (i.e., Orwellian Newspeak for “too damn powerful to fail”).

Trillions upon trillions of dollars in toxic debt write-offs with taxpayer money; irresponsible central bank money printing; the IMF milking dozens of national economies in Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Argentina and, soon to come, Spain, Italy and many others; Quantitative Easing I & II (and soon to come III), again Newspeak for hyperinflation; all adding up to trillions more for bankster bailouts…

Why? Easy: because it’s not governments overseeing, supervising and controlling Goldman Sachs, CitiCorp, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, JPMorganChase, UBS, but exactly the other way around…

The Global Power Elite are ready and willing to collapse the US Dollar and the Euro at a moment’s notice, replacing them with a global gold-backed currency: a “World Dollar” in all likelihood that will be controlled by a world central bank. In line with their Masonic symbols and style, they even subtly laugh at us all.

Take a close look at the new US$100 bill they’re putting into circulation: its design splits the note right down the middle, with the left side carrying symbols that may be interpreted as saying goodbye to FED Fiat money, whilst the right side seems to be saying hello to the coming gold-backed world currency.

At the right time (for them: i.e., when their banks and interests have positioned themselves to weather the coming financial and monetary storms), they will then pull plug on the whole circus unleashing mass pandemonium.

The US Dollar will collapse when the mainstream media engineer a run on it by confirming what is obvious to many of us: that the US$ has been irrecoverably and purposely hyper-inflated. The Euro, in turn, will collapse for very different reasons: it will disintegrate as the different European countries are forced to revert to their traditional currencies, notably Germany.

If Germany were to go back to the Deutsch Mark, then that would spell the demise of the short-lived Euro. The Global Power Elite will drop the US Dollar and the Euro when they are ready to introduce a new Global Dollar replacing both.3

Economic Crises – Through the on-going massive transfer of wealth, “extreme destructive capitalism” will collapse national and regional economies, rebuilding and reformatting them into international slave labour Gulag-like entities that Joseph Stalin would envy.

Remember: today’s woes lie NOT with the Real World of National Economies (which are for the most part intact), but with the Fake Virtual World of finance, banks, derivatives, junk bonds, hedge funds… All propped up through Mass PsyWar via CNN, FoxNews, New York Times, Der Spiegel, Daily Telegraph, Rupert Murdoch, El País, La Nación, Clarín, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, Time, Newsweek, Washington Post… Readers are strongly recommended to watch Charles Ferguson’s magnificent documentary “Inside Job” describing the names of the architects of today’s financial and economic crises, and the banks that triggered it.

Social Upheavals – The Greek meltdown, Ireland, UK riots, Iceland’s bank run, Spain’s unemployed, and now the massive social upheavals of the last months in the Middle East and North Africa which are very much fuelled by worsening poverty levels, unemployment, grossly unjust wealth distribution, lack of food, water and education in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Palestine and other countries.

North Africa’s social uprisings are a taste of things to come in the rest of Africa, Asia, Latin America, France and the US. Argentina is clearly up for a land grab as the fires spread.

Pandemics – Get ready for more “Flu Surprises” leading to mandatory vaccinations that will not only represent a discrete opportunity to slip RFID chips into us, but also intelligent viruses targeting specific DNA strains, i.e., racially and ethnically selective viruses as part of the mass depopulation campaign. As some observers say, entire countries and racial/ethnic groups might very soon “catch colds.”

Global Warming – As the global economy enters Zero Growth Mode, the main economic driver is shifting from Growth Expansion to Consumption Contraction. The coming “carbon credits” might very well be the scheme that opens the way to full societal control.4

The Environmental factor which received so much publicity with Al Gore has the virtue of being beyond the control of any one Nation-State and thus justifies full global control by world governing entities.

Terrorist “False Flag” Mega Attacks – This is a wildcard to be used if the Elite needs to jump start further crises leading to World Government. New events of this sort will no doubt be something huge that dwarfs 11 September 2001 and serves to justify further global upheaval, wars, invasions and genocide.

A Nuclear Weapon over a major city that could be blamed on the Global Power Elite’s favourite enemy or a combination of “enemies”: “Muslim Fundamentalists,” Patriot Movements, specific States… This time it will have to be a WMD so that it has the necessary psychological impact.

The time has come for a full investigation to be made into the covert, secretive dark world of clandestine entities that seem to carry out such attacks throughout the world.

This can only be done by researchers who are in no way tied, aligned or associated with Global Power Elite interests and are thus willing and able to dig as deep as necessary in order for the Truth to come out.

The key would seem to lie in the existence of virtual mirror structures within “official” intelligence community agencies, notably the CIA, MI6, Mossad, KGB and their counterparts in most every other country that appear to have almost unlimited resources emanating from – amongst other sources – organised crime (notably, arms dealers and drug trafficking).

War in Middle East? This has already been unleashed, and Iran is probably the ultimate target. But before that, other dominoes need to fall, notably Libya and Syria… Constant Israeli and US threats of unilateral military attack against Iran have become commonplace since the Israeli defeat in Southern Lebanon in mid-2006 at the hands of Hezbollah.

An Ecological/Environmental “Accident” – In my initial 2009 YouTube video I described this as a new nuclear “Chernobyl”5 that would “justify” the need for a world entity controlling all nuclear energy facilities, both civilian and, eventually, even military.

Then, in April 2010 came the British Petroleum “Deepwater Horizon” oil rig catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico which, although now mostly out of the news, is still generating severe environmental damage in the Gulf and beyond.

Yet, the almost complete inability and unpreparedness of the US government was clearly highlighted. This failure by the Obama administration is totally unjustified especially after the 2005 Katrina catastrophe that hit the same region.

Now, in March 2011, Japan and the world is faced with a much larger accident in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex triggered by the 11 March earthquake and tsunami which, at the time of writing, continues getting worse by the day.

There are certain notable aspects referring to this catastrophic event that need to be fully researched, including whether or not the United States’s HAARP 6 installation in Alaska has the potential to trigger seismic events in regions where tectonic plates have built-up potential high tension instabilities.

Were this to be proven possible, then we may even be facing some kind of secret/clandestine “earthquake machine” capability, that represents the ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Assassination of a Major Public Figure that will be blamed on some future enemy-to-come: a Muslim country, North Korea, Venezuela or a Patriot “conspiracy.”

The social disruption and shock wave would need to be over-powering, so we need to think in terms of somebody very high up in Washington, London, or even Rome.

As the John and Robert Kennedy events showed, high profile assassinations are relatively easy to pull, especially when the perpetrators can count on “a little help from their (Mossad, CIA, MI6) friends…”

Attacks on “Rogue States” – At the time of writing North Africa and the Middle East in general – Libya in particular – are clear examples of this. The key question today is: who is next on the hit list? Venezuela? Bolivia? North Korea? Somalia? Some “failed State” in Africa or Asia?

Staged “Religious” Event – This may lie further into the future because other events need to take place before, however today we have the technology to project three dimensional virtual reality holograms just about anywhere.

A staged Hollywood-style “Second Coming passion play” may very well be on the drawing board. Imagine the impact of a credible “mystery play” of a Messianic figure (electronically engineered, of course) sending cryptic messages to the world, conveniently interpreted by “experts” playing in sync with the Global Power Elite’s objectives and interests.

Who would dare go against “god” himself? Some of the foreplay to this may already be playing out in certain popular films and “projects” on the Internet that attack the present state of things but then go on to suggest we need to move forward into a borderless, faceless Utopian scheme…

Staged “Alien Contact” – This too is very likely in the works, especially considering that very large sectors of public opinion believe in extraterrestrial beings.

Here too, hologram technology may stage some sort of “space vehicle landing” – on the White House lawn, naturally – which will highlight the absolute “need” for Man to have “unified representation” with a universe populated with extraterrestrial beings.

Yet another justification for world government?

It is no wonder that at the end of September 2010 the UN named what may become a terrestrial ambassadorship for such coming “space contacts.” For the time being, that post is held by Malaysian astrophysicist Dr. Mazlan Othman.

Naturally, this would all be part of a giant PsyOps in which Hollywood has so obediently obliged, preparing the public through their hundreds of “space alien” movies for over half a century. We have become used to seeing good ET’s, bad ET’s, cute ET’s, aggressive, wise, monstrous, beautiful, Nazi-like, green, red and blue ET’s.

There seems to be a flavour for every taste, the point being this process has definitely helped shape the collective psyche and convince people that flying saucers and ET’s do exist. In fact, saucer technologies probably do exist and one might do well to look way, way down South for that.

It may be that such vessels are not manned by little green men (which is something Hollywood would help to explain so public opinion accepts it), but rather by something far more unnerving and dangerous for the Global Power Elite, that seems to put their hair on end…

What do all these interlocking “crises” have in common? Global warming, pandemics, international terrorism, financial collapse, economic and trade depression, even alien contacts?

They all serve to show that such crises are beyond the capacity of any one Nation-State to cope with, and thus “justify” the need for World Government from different angles and for different reasons.

It would seem that in today’s world, all geopolitical roads & PsyWar highways irrevocably lead to a World Government centred on Rome, London, New York, Washington and Jerusalem.

We would all do well to stay alert and look at things the way they really are and not the way the TV Masters want us to think they are.


1. Notably, in his seminal 1971 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Age.

2. Sadly, the fact that the high clergy in the Vatican have accepted this subservient role seems to show they too have negotiated their place under the sun in the coming World Government…

This they did in a gradual way starting at the end of World War II, when Freemasons entrenched in the Vatican hierarchy (may I stress that I’m referring to the Vatican as a political organisation run by men, and not to the Eternal Church as a religion), realised that together with Italy and Germany, the Vatican was also on the side of the conquered.

The Global Power Elites gave them time to “reinvent” themselves, something they have done marvellously well after the Second Vatican Council which just about turned the Catholic Church’s two millennia of history, dogma, and even its values, upside down. Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI were all instrumental CEO-like figures doing their allotted job in the right sequence.

Only Pope John Paul I seems to have backfired on them (he wanted a full investigation into Vatican money scandals, dogmatic deviations, and social misconduct) but – alas! – he only lasted 33 days (a nice, neat Freemasonic number…). Be it said that the Global Power Elite need the enormously stable, powerful and far-reaching global social structure of the Catholic Church.

Besides, one of the lessons they learned from the Soviet experiment is that peoples’ psyche need some sort of vehicle allowing them to relate themselves to the Invisible (i.e., “religion”).

If not, why then did the Soviet leadership embalm Vladimir Lenin after he died in 1924, putting him in a mausoleum on Red Square that became a shrine of pilgrimage, much like Rome, Santiago de Compostella and Mecca? What kind of “atheism” was that?

3. A detailed description of the mechanisms behind this is explained in Chapter 5 (Death & Resurrection of the US Dollar) of the author’s book The Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope? available on www.secondrepublicproject.com or by email to [email protected]

4. As Irish analyst Richard K Moore explains in his excellent article “Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order” published in February 2011 on the “Global Research” website www.globalresearch.ca.

5. I would point out that the April 1986 Chernobyl event marks the beginning of the end of the Soviet state’s credibility both at home and abroad, ultimately leading to its demise in 1991.

6. HAARP – High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project – consists of a series of very high power (billion watt) radio transmitters located in the Alaskan hinterland feeding high-gain, directional antenna arrays that shoot out radio beams into the ionosphere with ELF (extremely low frequency) modulation. These beams then reflect off the ionosphere and can be made to “hit land” anywhere on Earth.

It can be construed that although HAARP cannot actually create earthquakes anywhere at will, it might trigger earthquakes that are “just ready to happen” by delivering those powerful radio beams containing ELF modulation that synchronise with the natural resonance frequencies of tectonic plates, something that can be calculated or even found by trial and error.

This may be what occurred in China, Haiti and Chile in 2010 and also in Japan in 2011. Many of these events have the telltale signs of luminosities that appear in the sky just before such events, which may be due to ionizing of the air by such high power radio beams.

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Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HumansAreFree/~3/aSpV5fDlwiY/12-triggers-driving-mankind-towards-one.html

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