A late 2012 article in the journal Antiquity featured the well preserved and extensive bone and ivory artifacts recovered from the Yana Rhinoceros Horn Sites, six 28,000 year old sites located above the Arctic Circle in far eastern Siberia. Yana RHS is important for a number of reasons, not the least is its age and location, east of the Verkhoyansk Range in Siberia, and thus close enough in time and space to be a candidate site for the initial colonists of the Americas. Putting the article in Antiquity allowed the researchers to show off color images of the artifacts, some of which lead archaeologist Vladimir V. Pitulko was kind enough to let me use in this new photo essay.

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Photo Essay: Bone and Ivory Art at Yana RHS

Pitulko VV, Pavlova EY, Nikolskiy PA, and Ivanova VV. 2012. The oldest art of the Eurasian Arctic: personal ornaments and symbolic objects from Yana RHS, Arctic Siberia. Antiquity 86(333):642-659.