7 Photo Editing Apps to Use With Instagram

Calling all Instagram addicts: Cease living your life in X-Pro II. These versatile apps will let you customize, color-correct, crop and add beautiful effects to your photos before you upload them to Instagram.

You can’t always distract the viewer by adding filters to your blurry, underexposed shots. With the apps on this list, you’ll be able to do so much more. These tools will help make some necessary adjustments to your photos before you start adding effects to enhance them. (You might even be ready to ditch the Instagram filters once you check out these apps.)

SEE ALSO: 5 iPhone Apps for Better Photos and Videos

Then, once you’ve laid a proper foundation, add dozens of effects to your heart’s content — remove blemishes, make it look like it’s snowing on a scorching day, add glitter, moons and even funny cat masks to your friends faces.

Smartphone technology has improved mobile photo editing tremendously. Not only are these apps fast and easy, but they’re simply a lot of fun to manipulate and play with. All the real “pro-grammers” know Instagram is actually the last step to perfect your image before you upload it to the masses. (Don’t worry — you can still douse your photo with the X-Pro II filter at the last minute, if you really want to.)

Do you have any other apps you use before uploading your photos to Instagram? Share them with us in the comments.

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