Thanks, Todd, Mike Adams and Shift Frequency.
Sometimes it’s good NOT to keep up with the Jones.
We really need to THINK before we rush out and buy what the powers-that-were tell us are must-have consumer items, stop buying their crap, and maintain what little remaining privacy we have. ~ BP
Mike Adams ~ Millions Of Americans Install The ‘Perfect Spying Device’ In Their Own Living Rooms: Amazon Fire TV
“If you have a Fire TV device, unplug it when you’re not using it. You’ll save a small amount of electricity, but more importantly you might also save your privacy from the prying eyes at Amazon, the NSA and the CIA, . . .” M. Adams
NaturalNews ~ is building the CIA’s new $600 million data center, reports the Financial Times. (1) At the same time is building this massive cloud computing infrastructure for the CIA, the company is also shipping millions of Fire TV set-top devices to customers who are placing them in their private homes. I have one myself, and it’s a terrific piece of hardware for delivering Prime video content. In fact, in terms of its usability and specs, it’s far superior to Roku or Netflix-capable devices. Fire TV is, hands down, the best set-top video delivery device on the market today.
But there’s something about it that always struck me as odd: it has no power button. There’s no power button on the remote, and there’s no power button on the box. It turns out there’s no way to power the device off except for unplugging it.
This is highly unusual and apparently done by design. “It is not necessary to turn off Amazon Fire TV when you are finished using it,” says the website. (2) “Your Amazon Fire TV is designed to go into sleep mode after 30 minutes, while continuing to automatically receive important software updates.”
Note carefully that this does not say your Fire TV device WILL go into sleep mode after 30 minutes; only that it is “designed” to go into sleep mode after 30 minutes. As lawyers well know, this is a huge difference.
Fire TV devices linked to your identity
So far, you might not be convinced this is anything to write home about, but there’s much more to this story. What we know so far is that is building the CIA’s new cloud computing data center, and we also know the company’s Fire TV devices have no way to be turned off and are being placed in the living rooms of private homes.
What starts to make this really interesting is when you realize these devices are linked to your identity before they’re shipped to you.
Ever notice that when you power on your Fire TV device, it already knows who you are? Your entire library of video purchases on is already available, and those purchases are of course linked to your credit card, which is linked to your social security number, which is linked to your identity.
In other words, knows the identity of the owner of every Fire TV box currently sitting in living rooms across America. This mean it can connect everything that happens around that box (including audio monitoring, as you’ll see below) to your personal identity.
Fire TV devices listen to your voice and upload audio to Amazon servers
Here’s the next piece of this puzzle that may give you pause: There is a built-in microphone on the Fire TV remote.
When you click the search button, your voice is recorded and uploaded to servers where it is analyzed by Amazon cloud computing applications — the same kind of thing Amazon is building for the CIA — in order to return search matches to your local TV screen.
Now, I fully realize that most Americans are too gullible and naive to believe their audio recordings get uploaded to servers, so I’m going to quote here which published an article earlier this year entitled: “How to delete your Fire TV voice recordings – Amazon stores your recordings on its servers to improve accuracy of voice searches. Here’s how you can delete that data.” (3)
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