Peace activists, human rights campaigners and Labour groups and organizations held a peaceful demonstration outside the US embassy in London in solidarity with mass action in the US against NATO.
The demonstration was organised by Stop the War Coalition (StWC), and it was to show solid support for the massive demos taking place in Chicago over the weekend tied in with the 25th NATO summit and the G8 get-together.
The theme of the demo was that there had been too many illegal wars, too many people – troops and civilians – had been killed and countries in the Middle East should be left alone to decide their own futures.
The demonstrators chanted slogans and waved placards reading “No justice, no peace. NATO out of the Middle East. Troops out now.”
“Enough is enough. We want the troops out of Afghanistan and we do not want attacks on Syria and Iran. Only the people in their own countries can decide their futures”, said StWC convener Lindsey German.
Former StWC chairman Andrew Murray said France’s new President Francois Hollande had pledged to withdraw troops from the Middle East. He said David Cameron should do the same.
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