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The deadly tree disease, that first appeared in the UK last autumn, was until now confined mostly to the east coast and newly planted sites.

Of the 500 cases spotted so far, 295 are newly planted and the most far east infection was in established woodland in Kent.

But in a worrying development the infection was found for the first time in mature trees in the seaside town of Ferryside in Carmthenshire, Wales.

As trees start to burst into bud it is expected a lot more infected trees will be discovered by people spotting the tell-tale signs of curled, blacked leaves rather than spring green.

It was hoped the disease might be contained to newly planted sites or the eastern seaboard, where the fungus could have blown in from the Continent.

But the first case in mature trees in Wales suggests it is taking hold across the country via imports and the Government has admitted it is too late to stop the spread.

Members of the public are now being asked to keep an eye out for further cases by looking for trees with blackened leaves.

The first infected trees in Wales were discovered in Carmarthenshire by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) staff last week.

Martin Ward, of the Food and Environment Research Agency, said the trees were infected by nearby nursery sites two or three years ago.

“The most likely is it has spread from newly planted sites,” he said.

The mature trees will not be destroyed, although action will be taken to stop the spread of the disease and the infection will be closely monitored.

The spread of the disease into mature trees via imports will raise questions once again over whether the Government has done enough to stop the disease coming into the UK.

It will also raise fears the disease will spread fast into new areas of Britain as once trees are infected it is difficult to stop the fungus growing on leaf litter and blowing on the wind to infect other trees.

Mr Ward said that the Government policy is to try and develop resistance rather than try and stop the disease, since spread is inevitable.

“The management plan is intended to slow the spread and stop the damage it is not intended to stop ash dieback because with this particular disease we cannot stop the spread across the country. What is in the question is the timescale.”

Ash dieback has infected 90 per cent of trees in Denmark and could kill all of the UK’s 92 million ash trees just as Dutch Elm Disease wiped out elm.

Austin Brady, Head of Conservation at the Woodland Trust, said the discovery of chalara in mature trees in the west is extremely worrying as it suggests the disease is spreading into established woodland across the country.

“This news is extremely concerning given that not only is it the first outbreak in mature trees in Wales, but the first anywhere in the west of the UK. Once again, it brings into sharp focus the ongoing threat our trees and woods are facing.”

Dr John Morgan, head of the Forestry Commission’s Plant Health Service, said more infections are expected to be spotted now the buds have burst.

He said the public are key to monitoring the spread of the disease. Videos have been made available to teach people how to spot the signs and phone apps or online forms make it easier to register sightings.

“Ash trees are flushing with new leaves now. The public can then help us monitor the progress of the disease by accurately reporting suspected cases, using our Tree Alert app or online form. We are particularly interested in suspected cases in counties where it hasn’t been found so far.”