Australia has again slipped down a global ranking of investment and use of information technology.
It has been a long, slow decline for Australia which now occupies 18th spot in the world, down nine from almost a decade ago.
While the Federal Government’s investment in the National Broadband Network has not gone unnoticed, the real drag on the country’s ranking is the high cost of internet and mobile phones.
The Global Information Technology Report is an annual score card on how countries are performing in the area of internet and communications.
“We cover 144 economies. We use a range of data and indicators to come up with a ranking and produce these assessments,” explained the report’s author Thierry Geiger, who is an economist at the World Economic Forum which publishes the study.
The extensive study looks not only at investment and IT infrastructure, but at the society it operates in, in order to come up with a ranking.
Everything from tax rates, individual internet use, levels of piracy and how hard it is to start a business is taken into account, and Australia has been slipping for several years.
“What we’ve seen is that Australia is rather stagnating. Instead of going down, they’re going from 17th to 18th,” Mr Geiger said.
“Australia is not going up the ranking. Number 18 is still relatively good. You know, it’s up there with the Nordics and the Asian tigers and the US.”
Slow decline
Despite recent investment in the National Broadband Network and countless political arguments over broadband and telecommunications, Australia keeps falling. Since 2004, the country has fallen nine spots.
According to the World Economic Forum the reason for the decline is because telecommunications and internet in Australia costs a lot.
“Even when taking into account the costs of living we see that Australia remains relatively expensive,” Mr Geiger observed.
“We rely on data from the International Telecommunication Union and we compute a basket of prices around mobile telephony and fixed broadband tariffs, and we see that typically Australia is around the 100 mark in this category.”
The Australian Industry Group says the report’s findings reinforce the need for high speed broadband.
As the major political parties debate which is the best – fibre to the home versus fibre to the node – the World Economic Forum is agnostic about specific technology. Thierry Geiger says what matters is that something happens.
“Fibre optic is increasingly seen as the solution of the future. Given the enormous traffic that business and economic activity generates, you need fast and reliable access to the internet, and not only businesses but the population at large,” he concluded.
First posted
Source Article from http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-11/australia-slipping-in-it-rankings/4622550
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